

As we were speeding along in the train I got a much better look at the cavern. The glowing plants I saw in the distance were actually all different types of crops like corn and tomatoes there were even tree growing all kind of fruit. The glowing mushrooms above must have been bright enough for plants to grow.

Up ahead the small city I saw on the horizon was slowly coming into view. It looked just like an ordinary city with towering glass walled skyscrapers and bright lights. What really caught my eye though was the towering building at the center of the city.

It was massive as wide as ten other buildings put together and was so tall it looked like actually continued up into the cavern roof hundreds of feet above.

As the city got closer we started passing through some small suburbs. There houses, roads, and even streets filled with cars. If I didn't know better I would have assumed that it was just a normal town. I could even see some people walking their dogs here and there.

Even though there were no tracks it still looked like train had some kind of preset path as there were gaps between all of the buildings and roads that the train would fly through. The train soon arrived at the massive building and pulled into a station. Other that the train I was in I could see dozens of others, they were all either loading or unloading people or cargo.

As Captain Tanner and his squad led us outside, the sea of people parted around us as while we entered the building.

Above the entrance was a large version of the Vault Tec logo with a large 122 above once again in bright silver. The inside was just as crowded as the station outside with people rushing all over.

The lobby was a giant room at least 30 feet (10 meters) tall with a black marble floor. In the center of the room was a large eight sided gear design in the floor. It was surrounded by all kinds of clear tubes which were elevators that ferried people up and down.

We were led to the center of the room and told to stop. Strangely no one came within a massive circle around which confused me.

I saw Captain Tanner talking into his wrist again this time I managed to hear what he was saying.

"Captain Tanner reporting in VDF squadron 01 requesting lift authorization to Overseer's office."

There was a moment of silence before the reply echoed out from a nearby speaker.

"Authorization Received, please brace yourselfs."

Before I could figure out what they mean the ground started to shake. It was the gear design we were standing on it was starting to lift into the air. The whole thing was actually a giant elevator! That was why no one was going near it.

As the giant gear lifted into the sky I noticed it was completely silent. I couldn't imagine how something so big could be that quiet. As we got closer to the ceiling a hidden door slid open revealing a tunnel that seemed to go on forever.

As we traveled up the building I could a large door on every floor we passed through and thought that this elevator must have been use to move supplies here from the surface.

The elevator was moving slowly about one floor every one and a half seconds. When the elevator finally stopped I could see the number 450 painted on the wall. Above here there didn't seem to be anymore doors only a dimly lit tunnel leading into oblivion.

When the metal door in front of us slid open what was waiting for us was a massive office taking up the entire floor. It looked like the penthouse floor of a hotel. At the far end of the office next to a giant round window that overlooked the city below was the classic C shaped Overseer's desk.

Sitting in it was a balding middle aged Hispanic looking man wearing the classic blue vault suit. He looked up at us for moment before speaking.

"Captain Tanner thank you for escorting them here you are relieved now."

"Yes Overseer" Tanner replied as he and his squad stepped back into the elevator.

The Overseer smiled at us a said "Come sit down" as he motioned to some chair in front of his desk.

As Aaron wheeled over Maria and me and he and Dante had sit down the Overseer let out another toothy smile.

"It's my pleasure to be able to invite the illustrious Professor Dante and his companions to join my Vault. After all how many scientist can claim to have made a breakthrough as grand as inventing teleportation."

Shocked by what I just heard I looked over at the old doctor next to me in his tweedy jack and round glasses. I had a hard time imagining that he could create something like that.

Dante looking embarrassed sheepishly replied "Everyone always gives me too much credit for that. I was only the head of the project the truth of the matter is the Teleportation Matrix wasn't just my creation it was the fruit of hundreds of scientists and decades of research by the Institute. All did was find the last piece of the puzzle."

When I heard that my eyes opened wide for the umpteenth time today and I couldn't help but, wonder who these people actually are?

Thanks for reading and if you have any interesting ideas for characters or whatever please leave them in the comments. I have pretty good idea of where I want this story to go I'm just missing all the middle bit. So I want to get you readers involved and let you help create this story too.

9Lightningcreators' thoughts