

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Urban
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35 Chs

Old man?


"You?" I was surprised looking at the tall and muscular man before me.

"You again?" He said with the same surprised look on his face.

We both stared at each other seriously for a brief minute. Jess saw our reactions and cleared her throat to get our attention and she succeeded. "Lina, do you know him?" She asked me.

"A jerk," I said instantly without thinking that I'm saying it out loud which makes him angry. But I ignored his angry glares and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm the one who should ask that question." He said crossing his arms over his broad chest and smirking, "What are you doing in my house?"

"Your house?" The shock was evident in my voice.

That stupid smirk played on his face, "Yes, do you have any problem with that?", he asked me.

"NO," I replied gritting my teeth.

"You still haven't answered my question, what are you doing IN MY HOUSE?" he exaggerated the words 'my house', to irritate me and it worked.

"I came here for Camilla," I replied with a frown.

"What's going on here?" Camilla's voice was heard behind him. Luckily, she came on time, I don't want to be embarrassed anymore than I was before him. "What happened, Shane?" she asked him while walking towards us. And when she saw us a smile formed on her face, "Hey Alina and Jessica, you guys came on time." She hugged us and asked looking at us and in his direction, "But why are you standing here? Is there any problem with my brother?"

This made me even more surprised than I was already. "Your brother?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, he is my Brother, Shane. Do you know him?" she asked me and looked towards her brother and asked, "Do you two know each other?"

"No. I don't know this intruder, I'm just asking why this girl came here without any permission?" That arrogant bastard said which made me pissed. How dare he call us intruders?

"She is the wedding planner I told you about," Camilla replied.

"Wedding planner? How many times do I have to tell you and Rudy, not to bring anyone inside our penthouse? But you still gave our passcode to someone you just met yesterday. How can you trust her?" He asked furrowing his brows. I was fuming in anger and wanted to punch him. Now, he is getting on my nerves and when I thought of a comeback, Jessica held my hand and said calm down. I tried to compose myself by taking a deep breath.

"Oh come on bro, you can trust them. They are good people. And Yes, she is my wedding planner, this is Alina and that's Jessica." Camilla introduced us to them. "And girls this is Shane, my brother and that's Nate, my brother's best friend. And please don't mind his words, he was just concerned about our safety."

Jessica said hello which Nate replied but we just stared at each other and nodded.

"So, you are a wedding planner?" Shane asked.

"Yes, You have a problem with that?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Of course not, unless you do something wrong at my Sister's wedding." He warned.

"You don't have to worry about that, I know what I'm doing (Unlike YOU)," I replied saying the last part in my mind.

"Let's see that." He smirked.

"Come on Alina and Jess, let's go to my room. Marie is also coming." Camilla said and moved forward.

When I was about to leave, he bent down to match my height, "I'm watching you, so be careful with your Attitude." He said behind my ear which made my blood boil. I glared at him and was about to say something back to him when Camilla came back.

She dragged us towards her room when we didn't move from there but my eyes were glued to him staring at him angrily till I left for Camilla's room.


"Seems like you have to see her more often," I said smirking at him.

"I'll teach her who I am and will show her that she messed with the wrong person." He said looking at her retrieving back.

I chuckled at his statement. "What's so funny Nate?" He glared at me.

"Looks like, she is more like you when you observe closely. I think You are perfect for each other." I teased him.

"Shut up Nate." He said with a warning glare. But I know that he is intrigued by her. I can see the look in his eyes when he sees her. Even though he pretends that he is angry, he was lost in her beauty.

"Whatever, but I like that ginger head girl. She looks beautiful." I said, reminiscing about her from last night.

I saw her last night but I didn't have the chance to look at her beautiful face in that dim light on the street. But now, I finally got the chance to look at her clearly. To be Frank, I checked her out from head to toe shamelessly when these two were arguing. And the fact that she did the same when she saw me made me chuckle. When our eyes finally met each other's, I was lost in her beautiful brown orbs. She is really beautiful with her perfectly silky and shiny ginger-coloured hair.

Shane rolled his eyes at me and slapped my shoulder when he saw that I was lost in my own thoughts, "Stop dreaming and let's get to work." I chuckled and entered the elevator.

Third person's POV :

Sometime later...

Alina and Jessica came back to their office after discussing some details with Camilla.

"Lina?" Jessica called Alina, fidgeting her fingers about whether to ask her or not but decided to ask anyway.

"Hmm?" Alina hummed looking at her laptop.

"Do you know him?" Jessica asked her without mentioning his name.

"Who?" Alina asked still looking at the laptop not understanding Jessica's question.

"Camilla's brother?" Jessica finally asked.

This got Alina's attention and immediately looked at Jessica who was looking at her curiously.

"He is a jerk," Alina replied with a frown.

"But, How do you know him?" Jessica asked. She can't stop herself, Curiosity is killing her.

"I told you about what had happened yesterday at the club, right?" Alina asked her and Jessica nodded saying 'yes.' "He is that arrogant jerk who thinks that he helped us which he is not."

"What? You mean he is the one who saved us?" Jessica was surprised.

A frown formed on Alina's face, "Save us? Do you hear yourself now? You already know that I can save us both even if he doesn't come in the middle and interferes."

"I know I know, you can save us both. But still, he saved us." Jessica said raising Alina's anger even more.

Alina composed herself and took deep breaths to control her anger, "Jess, don't say it again." Well, Jessica hurts her ego.

Jessica rolled her eyes, "Why are you behaving strangely? I don't think interfering and meddling in your fight is the reason you are acting like this. So, spill the beans." She said crossing her arms over her chest knowing perfectly about her best friend.

Alina let out an angry sigh and explained, "Before that incident when I went to the washroom that idiot was in my way. And when I asked him to move, he said that he is not interested without even looking at me. That arrogant idiot thought that I was interested in him."

"Well, I don't mind if he thinks like that. Can't you see how handsome he is? He looks like a Greek God." Jessica exclaimed.

"Handsome?" Alina rolled her eyes.

"Don't tell me that you haven't noticed his perfect features. He is such a snack." Jessica said dreamily.

"Even if he is that Good, he doesn't have the right to think that I'm interested in him and rejected me without even seeing me," Alina said clenching her fist.

"So you are mad at him that he rejected you without looking at you but not the fact that he thinks that you were interested in him." She said it more like a statement than like a question.

Alina was taken aback for a second and regained herself, "No. I'm mad at him because he is a jerk." Even though that's one of the reasons, she won't reveal it. She doesn't know why she is thinking like that for the first time, but she likes the confusion.

"Yeah yeah, I can see that," Jessica said teasing her.

"Would you please stop talking about him?" Alina said and started checking some files in front of her.

"Okay chill, but I can't stop thinking about the man next to Shane. Nate, a sexy name for the sexy man. He has been in my mind ever since I saw him." Jessica said dreamily.

Alina rolled her eyes, "Jessica Amber Westwood, if you are done admiring HIM, then we can start planning about Camilla's wedding."

Jess rolled her eyes, "Okay okay don't be jealous."

Alina frowned, 'Jealous? Did she hear herself now?' Alina thought to herself.




Shane entered one of his secret buildings with Nate for a meeting with one of the gang leaders.

"Is everything ready?" Shane asked Nate while walking towards his office.

"All set," Nate replied following him to the office.

"Good. Now, let's wait for the show." Shane said, sitting on his chair.

Nate chuckled and stood next to him waiting for them to enter into the bone.

A man who is in his mid-forties, entered the office followed by four people who looked like his guards. "Mr King, I'm so happy to finally meet you." That man said, sitting on the chair opposite Shane.

"How I wish I could say the same thing, Mr Brown," Shane said leaning on his chair.

That man chuckled. Placing his two hands on the table, "Oh come on Mr King, I'm not here to attack you or to create a problem. I'm here for negotiations."

Shane scoffed at his statement, "As if you can really attack me." He placed his hands on the table and said in a serious tone, "I'm not up for any negotiations."

"Boss, his men have armour and two of his snipers are in the opposite buildings and are pointing guns towards your direction." A man said in the earphones which were in Shane's and Nate's ears. "We are ready to hit the strike whenever you say boss."

"Hmm" Shane replied to the person on the speaker but Mr Brown doesn't know it. "So, what brings you here Mr Brown? Because as far as I know you never liked my leadership."

Mr Brown chuckled and said, "No, that's not true. You are a good leader. That's why I personally came here to make an agreement with you Mr King."

Shane chuckled, "I don't want any kind of agreement with you."

"Oh come on Shane, first here my side." That man said.

"It's Mr King to you," Nate said in a warning tone.

"Shane, keep your men shut for a minute." That man said glaring at Nate which made him pissed at the man.

"You are now in my place William, choose your words wisely. Don't dare to disrespect my men.. and it's Mr King to you." Shane said glaring at William.

William let out an angry sigh but decided to keep his cool act and said, "Okay, okay cool Mr King. No need to get mad.."

"Cut the short talk, and tell me already. What's your plan?" Shane asked.

"I want twenty percent of your area, in downtown to supply my goods. In exchange, I'll give you twenty percent of the shares." William said.

Shane chuckled, "You really think that I'll give you my area to supply drugs? I would never give you my permission to supply drugs or human trafficking." Shane warned him.

WILLIAM BROWN, a filthy old bastard who supplies drugs to children and a human trafficker. Shane would never tolerate this and that's why Shane made some rules, without his permission no one can do anything. That's why he never liked Shane's leadership but now he came here to offer a proposal. He thinks that Shane is a fool to trust him and allow him in his territory. Now, Shane will show him what a fool he is for underestimating him.

"It's not drugs." William lied.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Whatever you are doing here, I will never accept your proposal. And Money is not a problem for me." Shane said sternly.

"Think about it, Mr King." William tried again.

"I don't have time to waste. There is no need to think about anything. I'm not giving you any area. Is that clear?" Shane said angrily making a loud bang on the table with his right hand which man that man flinch his eyes.

"You are testing my patience, Shane," William said angrily.

"What kind of NO you don't understand William." Nate came forward, "and how many times do I have to tell you that it's Mr King to you."

William stood up from his chair and kicked the chair which hit the wall, "Do you think that I came here without any backup plan?" he said gritting his teeth.

Shane and Nate laughed for a minute, "Now." Shane said and the man on the earphone instantly shot the snipers who were aiming at Shane and killed some of William's men who were waiting outside. And aimed at the guards who are inside the office.

Shane stood up from his chair and walked towards William, "So, you think I'm an idiot to allow you with guns? I don't know whether you overestimated yourself or underestimated me. But either way, you made a huge mistake by coming here. Go ahead and do whatever you want." Shane said sitting on his office table near William.

William is fuming in anger and ordered his men, "Boys, now."

Nothing happened. He looked outside the window but nothing happened, so he turned towards his guards and signalled them to shoot. But within seconds they're all shot by the sniper who has been speaking to Shane on his earphone. William was shocked by the sudden deaths of his guards.

"What the hell is Going on? Why are our snipers not shooting? And how the hell are my guards shot dead?" He asked in confusion clutching his head and fear consumed his heart.

"Now, it's your time William," Shane said standing from the table and taking his gun from his jacket.

"Please, don't kill me. I'm asking for your mercy." William kneeled in front of Shane and pleaded for his life.

"I'm giving you one last and final warning, next time if you show your face or do anything wrong in my country, then you are fucking dead," Shane warned him with his commanding tone which made William flinch in fear.

"No, I won't do anything. Thank you, Mr King." William said and rushed out of the office for his life.

Nate laughed at William when he was running for his life, "Did you see his face? It's hilarious."

Shane chuckled and said, "Tony, clear this mess."

"Yes, boss." Tony came and cleared all the bodies with the help of his men. Shane and Nate left the office.


At the back of Shane's building, there is a woman, standing and observing the building with binoculars from the top floor. She saw Shane and Nate leaving the building and at the same time, she got a call. While answering the phone she placed the binoculars in her bag.

"I know what I'm doing." She said to the person on the call. "I have a plan for the Kings."

"Don't disappoint me." The person on the call said impatiently.

"I won't. I'm just waiting for the chance. I will call you back when I get the chance." She said to that person and ended the call.

"I'm coming for you Kings, you won't even know what's going to happen to you. Be ready to face the consequences." She said while Shane's car is leaving.

"You'll get what you deserve for killing people. I'll let you feel everything that I felt all these years. You'll never know what I will do and why I'm doing this. But once I'm done with you, I will tell you the reason why I'm doing this while giving your punishment", She said looking at his car and then left the building when the car was out of sight.

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