

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Urban
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35 Chs

Knight in Shining Armor?


"Bye, dad." Grace said hugging her dad before going out.

"Be careful dear", he said weakly hugging her back.

Grace is a young, lively and innocent girl who lives with her dad.

"I will. Don't forget to take your medicine on time. You are already weak, dad. I already made dinner, eat it before taking medicine." Grace said and waved at her dad and went out.

She doesn't have enough money to take a cab, so she took public transport to reach her workplace. She is working at a bar as a waitress, she knows that it's not easy for her to work there but she has no other choice. It's a well-paid job for her based on others.

She has to take care of her dad and also she has to complete her graduation at any cost. She is a brilliant student and got the scholarship all her school life. And she entered college with a scholarship too. Everything went well until she reached her final year. Her dad's health suddenly got weak and hospitalised for a month. She had to take care of her dad because they had no one to take care of them.

So she stayed with him and took care of him for about two months until he was doing okay and as a result, she lost her scholarship. Now she has to pay the tuition fee to continue her studies but she doesn't have money to graduate and provide medicines for her dad at the same time.

So she decided to work and save some money while providing medicine to her dad and also for their living expenses. But she needs a well-paid job for that to happen, so she has no choice but to work at a bar because there will be tips which provide for her daily expenses.

She entered from the back door of the resto-bar and went straight to the dressing room and got dressed immediately and applied a little makeup and lipstick to finish her look.

She doesn't like much makeup but has to apply it for the job. So she decided to apply a little.

She tied her apron and pinned her name card to the apron. Well, they don't use their original names so that's a plus for her.

"You ready?" Macy, who also works there, asked while adjusting her apron.

"Yep.." Grace smiled innocently.

"Okay let's go now before that woman come and scream at us for being late." She said laughing.

"Yes, let's go," Grace said giving her a cute smile.

"Come fast you lazy bitches." Rene, the head shouted when she saw them coming. "Two bottles of whiskey to room two, come and get it to them fast." She said handing the bottles to Grace.

Grace took the bottles and went straight to room two and knocked on the door. A man opened the door and took the bottles from her hand. But when he took a glance at her, he got stunned by her beauty and checked her out from head to toe with so much lust in his eyes. He asked her to serve the bottles to them and she has no choice but to serve the whiskey to them.

When she entered the room, he immediately closed the door behind her, which scared her. She saw that there were two other men and three women there. She went there and poured their whisky into their glasses and gave them one. When that man who opened the door took the glass from her hand, he touched her thigh which made her shake in fear and lost her balance by making the bottle in her hand fall on the girl who sits next to that man.

"What the f*ck" she shouted in anger. "Who the hell gave you the job? You don't even know how to serve properly."

"S-sorry mam. I'll clean it." Grace said and took the tissues to clean with her shaky hands.

But that girl slapped her hands away and shouted, "Don't touch me."

"Re-really sorry mam," Grace said. She was on the verge of crying but restrained her composure.

"Your sorry ass doesn't bring my dress back." She shouted almost raising her hand to slap her but was stopped by the same man who was the sole reason for this.

"Leave it, I'll buy you another dress." He said, smiling.

"But she needs to learn a lesson." That girl said fuming in anger.

"She will. Don't worry." He said smirking and went near Grace, "You have two options, one is.. to come with me and satisfy my needs and the second one is.. you can pack your thing and say goodbye to your job. So, Which one is yours?" he said behind her ear which made her eyes widened in shock and her body was shaking in fear.

"N-no.." she said stuttering. A gulp formed in her throat which made her stutter. She can't accept that and asked him shivering, "please sir, don't do this."

"Choose wisely." He said with a wink.

Her tears betrayed her and flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall but he doesn't show any concern. His stupid smirk is still there and that made her sob even more because of fear. "Sir, please I need this job. Please don't do this sir." She asked him while sobbing.

"Then choose the first option, I'll even give you a bonus which is enough for your yearly expenses." He said.

"NO... I'm not like that." She said instantly in an angry tone. He doesn't like her tone and clutched her hair yanking her head towards him which makes her cry in pain.

"Don't ever speak to me in that tone." He warned her and released her hair. He is behaving like a psychopath and our innocent grace became his prey today. He called the head to the room and told her to fire her. That's when Grace got to know that he is the son of the owner of that bar.

Rene, the head smiled and took the opportunity to fire her. She never liked Grace because she is more beautiful than her. She doesn't want to lose the opportunity, "Pack your things, you bitch. How dare you disrespect our owner's son?" she said while smiling inwardly.

"Please Rene, you know how much I need this job. Please tell them not to do this. I'm really sorry for everything. Please, Rene." She pleaded for her job while sobbing.

"Your tears don't affect anyone. Just pack your things and get out of my face now." She shouted the last part which makes Grace take a step back. She thought that there is no use in asking her and ran towards the changing room, changed her dress and ran exiting the club to nowhere.

She is running and crying her heart out and lost her direction. It was almost midnight when she realised that she was lost and her fear increased by the second. She walked and walked until she reached a dark alley which scares her even more. She took her phone out of her pocket to call someone but to her luck, the phone battery also betrayed her at the same time.

She placed her phone back in her pocket and walked towards the street light and sat on the bench near the light.

"What should I do now? I lost my only job.

How can I show my face to my dad and tell him that I can't provide medicines to him? How can I complete my graduation now?

I don't know how much time will it take to get a new job. And where the hell am I? And how the hell did I reach this place and how can I go to my house?

Why God, why is this happening to me?" she talked to herself sobbing hard in her arms.

"Awe, why is this beautiful face crying?" A man came out of a car and walked towards her which got her attention and immediately she stood up in fear. It's the same man from the bar who is the sole reason for everything she is experiencing now. The audacity of this man, how dare he ask her the reason when he is the one who made her cry.

Grace took a step back but her back hit something. Not something but someone, she saw a man blocking her and recognised him from the bar. He is one of the people with him in the bar. Her fear increases and her heart beats very fast and she can hear her heart beat loudly.

"Do-don't come near me." She said taking another direction but got blocked by the same man. Grace panicked and cried.

"Hey don't panic, we are not that bad. Are we?" He smirked and laughed along with his friend. "What is this beautiful girl doing here alone?" That man asked her while caressing her cheek.

"Maybe she came for us." His friend replied with an evil grin.

Grace slapped his hand away and took a step back, "Don't touch me." Now she was struck between them.

He clutched her cheeks hard making her wince in pain, "Didn't I tell you about that tone of yours."

Grace thought that it was the end of her life and cried hard as tears streamed down her face.

Meanwhile In the same alley. Omar came there for a piece of information to know about someone who targeted his family. When his job was done, he went straight to his car and was about to start it when he heard someone crying for help and looked in that direction. He saw two men harassing a girl. He clenched his fist and went towards them to teach a lesson.

"He-help me, please help me," Grace shouted with all the strength that she has now.

"Shut your mouth bitch, there is no one to help you," He shouted at her and threw her on the bench which hurt her back. "Now, remove your shirt." He ordered her.

"Maybe I can help you with that," Omar spoke standing behind him crossing his arms over his chest.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked Omar while walking towards him to see who was disturbing him.

Omar punched that man hard which made him fall to the ground with a loud thud. They couldn't see him because of the shadow. "Wh-who are you?" The other man asked and Omar came into light which showed his perfect features, especially his unique eyes which made the man shiver in fear.

"What the f*ck? How dare you?" the man on the ground stood up and was about to charge at Omar but his friend stopped him saying, "He is Omar king." His eyes widened in shock.

"Why, don't you know who I am?" Omar asked him smirking.

They panicked and said, "Sorry sir, but we are just helping her."

"Oh really?" Omar went to Grace and helped her stand up and saw her beautiful face has finger marks on both sides of her cheeks. He got mad and punched those two again and this time hard enough to break some bones.

Omar came close to them and clutched one of the men's collars and warned, "Next time, if you dare to hurt any girl, I'll show you how hell looks like. Keep this as a warning. I'll watch your every move from now on, watch your backs. No one can do anything in our empire.." he threw that man releasing his collar.

They winced in pain but stood up to leave asap and said, "S-sorry.." they left without looking back.

Omar turned to face Grace and saw that she was panicking and shivering. He took off his jacket and made her wear it. "Are you okay?" he asked her while checking if there were any other bruises.

She didn't answer him, she was still in shock. When he didn't get any answer, he asked again. "What are you doing here? This is not your kind of place." When she still didn't answer his questions he shook her to know whether she is alright or not.

Grace got back to her senses and saw Omar looking at her in concern. She hugged him crying hard and sobbing. He was surprised by her sudden reaction but patted her back in a soothing way. "It's okay, it's okay. You are okay now. Don't panic." He said assuring her.

"Th-Thank you so much. I-if you are not here b-by time, I-I don't know what would have happened to me." She said between sobs.

"Don't worry, nothing happened. They'll never hurt you again. They won't even dare to come near you." He assured her by patting her back.

She cried her heart out and stayed there for about five minutes until she calmed down. Omar didn't complain because he understands her situation. Moreover, there is a warm feeling in his heart when she hugged her and he doesn't know why it hurts his heart when he saw her crying.

There is a stinging feeling in his heart when he sees her hurt. That's totally strange for him to feel like that. He never experienced that before even with his girlfriend. A stranger who he met a few minutes ago brought all these feelings to him. But he ignored all his feelings and focused on assuring her until she is Okay.

When Grace realised her position, she immediately took a step back and started fidgeting her fingers. Her face turned red in embarrassment. "S-sorry for that. I'm terrified that's why?"

Omar chuckled lightly at her innocence, "It's okay, I can understand. But what are you doing here?"

"I don't know." She said.

"What? What do you mean by you don't know?" he was surprised.

"I lost my job because of them and ran out crying without even knowing where I was going and lost my way. But they followed me a-and tried to.." she didn't finish her sentence and cried again. "If it's not for you, then I don't know what would have happened to me."

"It's okay. I'm here now don't worry. But why didn't you say that you lost your job because of them? You should have told me earlier, I would have punished them." Omar said clenching his fist.

"I was shocked with all the things that happened so fast. But thank you so much for everything you have done." She said and finally raised her head to face him. Damn it, did I forget to say that he is undeniably handsome? Well, the KINGS have got the looks which no one can deny their hotness. And especially their dark black hair and their unique purple eyes make them look even sexier than they are.

She was lost in his eyes and stared at him forgetting to take breaths and didn't even flinch her eyes once. When he saw that she wasn't breathing he shook her again which made her back to her senses. She took deep breaths and looked at him again.

"So, where do you live? Come, I'll drop you home." Omar asked her.

"I really don't want to bother you, but I don't know this place, so thanks for the offer." She said shyly. Her face turned red like a tomato.

Omar chuckled at her reply and thought she was cold because her face is becoming redder than before but the reason is different which he doesn't know.

"It's okay, I will drop you, come with me. You are getting cold." He said taking her hand and guiding her towards his car.

She blushed hard at that gesture. She was staring at his side face when he is leading her to his car. He is like her knight in shining armour at that time. Omar opened the car door of the passenger seat. She sat down and still looked at him in amazement when he was walking towards the other side. He entered the car and started the engine but she was still lost in him.

"So, how did you lose your job?" He asked her which makes her come out of her trance and started fidgeting her fingers uncomfortably. Omar noticed that, "Sorry for asking, it's okay if you don't feel like telling me. I just thought to start a conversation so that you'll feel at ease. But I think I asked the wrong question."

"It's okay, it's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just that I remembered what happened again which makes it hard for me." She said and Omar nodded in understanding.

"If you don't feel comfortable then it's okay, you don't have to tell me, I can understand," Omar said while driving.

"No, it's okay. I don't have any friends to share with, so why not with you who saved my life." She said taking a deep breath and started telling how she lost her job and how she ended up there in the middle of the night until he saved her.

Omar's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he heard her saying all the things that happened to her. "M*ther f**kers, I shouldn't have left them, I'll teach them a lesson." He mumbled to himself but Grace heard him.

She chuckled lightly and said, "Thank you."

Omar got confused but liked the sound of her cute laugh. She looked cute when she smiled. "For what?"

"You know, no one ever stands up for me not even me." She said in a low voice but smiled in the end saying, "so, thank you so much." Her smile made him automatically smile in the end.

"So, what's your name?" He asked her.

"Grace, Gracelyn Carter. And you?" She asked him.

"Omar." He said.


"Yes, Omar.." he said smiling. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you join as a waitress at the bar? I mean you can apply for more jobs based on your qualification."

Grace let out a deep sigh, "I couldn't complete my graduation because of my financial issues. And I have to take care of my dad. So I have to work there to provide medicines for my dad and also for our daily expenses. I thought I could save some money and can complete my graduation when I lost the scholarship in my final year. But I guess fate doesn't want me to be happy." She said the last part in a low voice like mumbling to herself but Omar heard everything.

"What's your Major?" he asked her all of a sudden.

"Financial and strategic management." She said.

"Good. Don't worry, you'll find a new job." He assured her.

Omar dropped her at her place. "Thank you." She said with her cute smile and was about to leave when she remembered that she was still wearing his jacket.

She was about to give it back to him back when he stopped her and said, "Keep it. You can give it to me tomorrow at this place." He said handing her a card which shows the address but his name was not there.

"But, why?" she was confused.

"It's still cold outside and you are already shivering. So keep it." He said with a smile.

She kept it to herself and nodded. "Thank you for everything and good night." She said with her sweet smile.

"You know, you said like a hundred times by now." He chuckled and said, "Good night."

She smiled and waved him goodbye and left for her house.

He made sure that she entered her house safely and left thinking about her smile. "Beautiful smile." He thought to himself.

Grace entered the house, locked and walked to her room slowly without making any sound. She went to take a shower to relax. After fifteen minutes she came back and dressed up and went to her bed. She took the jacket which was on the bed and took a deep breath and smiled taking the intoxicating scent into her mind. She pulled the jacket to her chest and fell asleep thinking about all the things that happened today, especially about her knight in shining armour.

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