

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Urban
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35 Chs

You again?


"No.. sh-she is not.. s-she is not dead. M-mom please tell me that she's not dead.. n-no sh-she" I woke up in cold sweat after having the same nightmare again after a very long time.

Letting out a deep sigh, I got up from the bed and walked towards my balcony. The fresh breeze hits my face the moment I opened my balcony door. Taking deep breaths, the fresh air hit my nostrils which made my mind and body at ease. After staying there for about fifteen minutes I went to my bathroom to freshen up. I stripped my clothes off and entered the hot shower to relax my muscles.

I don't know why I had this nightmare again after so many years. I used to have this nightmare when I lost someone so special to me when I was just a kid. Even though I never admitted it and always likes to annoy that person, still that person is very close to my heart and it took me so many years to let go of this nightmare.

I'm the strongest and most fearless leader of the most powerful gang in New York to the dark world. And to the light, I'm a very well-known and respected businessman who has everything under his control. In any case, people fear me and respect me for who I am.

My family is well known for its business, respected and feared by all the gangs and is one of the most powerful families in the world. Everyone knows who we are because of our unique eye colour, PURPLE.

Only my family has this unique eye colour and that's why people who don't even know us in person will also recognise us in an instant which makes them fear and respect us once they see our eyes. Because everyone knows what we do but still no one has the guts to face us.

Even the NIA knows what we do but they can't do anything unless they have proof. No one dares to do anything against us. They know that we are not someone to mess with.

Even though we are feared and invisible, still we have so many enemies who want us to be dead. Power gives you everything but it'll also bring you so many enemies. But we are trained to be on the upper hand and never fail to succeed in every fight. Even my name itself brings fear to our enemies' hearts.

SHANE VINCENT KING, leader of the most powerful gang in NY. My last name says it all, we are the KINGS. I have no weakness but My world is my family. My whole family including my brothers and sister are also well known for their skills. If anyone dares to hurt my family, then rest assured you can find them six feet under the ground. I'll never let anything happen to my family and my teammates are also like my family.

I'm commonly known by the name 'Lion' in the under world. Even though we are bad and criminals, we would never hurt innocent people, in fact, we protect them. We don't kill for fun but will never hesitate to kill the people who hurt us or any innocent for that matter. We are bad but only to the bad guys.

After taking a long and relaxing bath, I got out and dressed up in my black suit and went outside of my room towards the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen to have my morning coffee, I saw my brother, Omar, already there having his coffee peacefully.

He saw me coming and smiled, "Good morning Shane."

I smiled back and said, "Good morning Omar."

"Coffee?" I nodded and he prepared another cup of coffee and offered it to me. I happily took it saying 'thank you.'

OMAR LOUIS KING, my brother. He is the calmest among us all. He takes care of all our legal businesses like hotels and casinos all over the country while I take care of all our illegal business side and lead as the boss of our gang. He also conducts auctions in our hotels' undergrounds some are legal while some are not.

He is commonly known as the 'Falcon' in the under world. He always makes sure that everything goes well and smoothly without any problems. He is very calm but you don't want to get on his bad side, he is more dangerous than me when he loses his patience.

"Last night mom called me to make sure that we are coming to the ball next week without causing any problems which means we have to go with a plus one." He said while laughing at our mom's words.

I rolled my eyes at his statement, "Seriously, we are not little kids and no I'm not taking anyone with me. I'll just go solo as usual."

"Well yeah, be my guest and say that to mom by yourself." He said with a smirk on his face, he knows my answer perfectly.

"No thanks, I'm good," I shrugged while sipping my coffee. Even if you are a gangster, no one can dare to answer my mom.

He chuckled hearing my answer, "Oh, is the almighty dangerous Shane King, afraid of mom?"

"I'm not afraid of mom, but I don't want to be a dead meat," I said frankly knowing perfectly what our mom will do if we disobey her orders.

"Don't tell me, that you are not afraid of mom." He said coming close to my side and hitting my shoulder playfully, "Oh Come on man, even dad is afraid of mom when she is angry."

I chuckled at his statement. But it's true, our dad is very dangerous and a respected man but when it comes to our mom she is even more dangerous than him. Trust me, you don't want to end up on her bad side. Even my dad is scared of her when she is angry.

Omar is an exact copy of my mom, she is also calm when you see her outside but you won't recognise her calm personality when she is angry. She won't hesitate to kill you when it comes to our family. She is a dangerous assassin before she loved our dad and got married to him. My dad was the Leader of our gang at that time.

"Even now, she can kill a man with her bare hands in a split of seconds," Omar said.

"That's our mom we're talking about. She can do anything even at this age." I said truthfully. Omar laughed and agreed.

"Where is Rudy?" I asked him about our younger brother who is nowhere to be seen.

"Probably annoying the girls." He said with a shrug.

"Isn't it too early for that?" I asked him with disbelief.

"It's Rudy we are talking about." He said raising his hands in the air. We both laughed at that comment.

And at the same time, Rudy entered. By the looks of it, he has a huge hangover.

"Good morning guys." He said clutching his head. "I badly need a coffee right now."

"Why, rough night?" Omar asked while I was preparing his coffee.

"Don't even ask me, this hangover is killing me", Rudy said with a frown.

"Here, take it." I gave him his coffee cup.

"Thanks, bro." Rudy said while taking the cup from my hand.

"Why did you drink that much when you can't handle it?" Omar asked him raising one of his eyebrows.

"I can manage anything bro." Rudy said with a smirk.

We laughed at his statement and said in unison, "Yeah yeah, we can see that."

"Bye Rudy." A girl came and kissed Rudy's cheek while passing through the kitchen and left.

"Bye beautiful." Rudy replied and pecked her lips which made us eye roll at him.

When she left the house I immediately asked him, "Who is she?"

"Don't even ask him, Shane, you already know the answer," Omar Said knowing perfectly about the answer.

"Why bro, are you jealous?", Rudy asked him with a smirk on his face.

Omar furrowed his brows and said, "Why would I?"

"Because you have only one girl with you while I can have any girl." He said proudly.

Omar rolled his eyes at his answer, "Unlike you, I'm happy with one girl, Rudy."

Rudy eyerolled at him and was about to say something "But sh.." but got cut by Omar.

"Don't u dare say anything about my girlfriend." Omar said seriously.

Rudy rolled his eyes and was about to open his lips to say something again when I interrupted them.

"Alright guys, calm down," I said stopping them. 'These two will never grow up.'

RUDY EDWARD KING, our younger brother. Always behaves like a child but is more mature than he shows himself as. He takes care of our clubs and underground fighting clubs all over the country. He also fights in our fighting clubs when it's needed.

He is the best fighter and is commonly known as 'HAWK' in the underworld. He shows himself like a Playboy but he was not always like that. His heartbreak made him like this. A girl cheated on him when he was young and deeply in love with her. Love makes people do things which they'll never know. But he is always the best at everything he does. Even though he ended up as a manw*ore, he never disrespected any girl.

"How is your girl Omar?", I asked breaking the silence.

"She's good. But she's been acting strange recently." Omar replied with concern.

"Yeah, because she's always strange." Rudy said which makes Omar angry. "Don't be mad bro. I just don't like that woman. She is not your type and she is not an innocent girl which she shows herself as and I don't think she has good intentions either." Rudy said with concern.

When it comes to judging people by their attitude Rudy is always right. After his heartbreak, he got even more cautious than before. But Omar is no fool to trust anyone easily. His girlfriend is okay when she was introduced to us and at that time Rudy also agreed but after some time she behaved differently which is easily noticeable. That's why Rudy doesn't like her. I don't know what got her to change.

"You are the one who has to tell me that." Omar said sarcastically and immediately regretted the words, taking a deep breath, "I know that she has changed, Rudy. But You also know that I'm always up ahead of things so don't worry." He said calmly assuring him.

"Don't tell me, I didn't warn you. I'm just worried about you, that's it." Rudy replied with concern.

"I know" Omar replied patting Rudy's shoulder.

"Come on guys, let's leave the topic about girls. Why don't we talk about something else." I said changing the topic.

"Girls are more interesting than any other topic bro." Rudy said which made our eyes roll at him.

"Oh really, then can you please tell me why there is a girl in our house as you already know that no one outside has the permission to enter," I asked him furrowing my brows.

This made him shut up for a second before he prepared himself to speak again, "Oh come on bro, I never said our passcode to her." He said supporting himself.

When we were about to scold him again, our little sister came into our sight looking as cheerful as she is always. "Hey guys, morning." She said with her beautiful smile as always.

"Hey sis, morning," we all said in unison.

"What are you discussing?" she asked creaking her brows while taking her cup of coffee which was given by Omar to her and saying thanks to him.

"About girls." Rudy replied with a shrug which made Camilla roll her eyes at him.

"You will never change." She said while sipping her coffee. We chuckled at her statement.

"What are your plans today, Cami?" I asked her.

"I'm waiting for Marie and also my wedding planner to come here," Camilla replied with a huge smile.

"Did you guys already decide the wedding date?" Omar asked, surprised. We were all surprised by her sudden statement.

"Yes bro, yesterday we decided on the wedding date and then I went straight to the wedding planner." She said excitedly.

"Don't remind me to punch him in the face for proposing to my little sister.." I frowned.

"I would love to join you bro." Rudy said giving me a fist bump.

Camilla rolled her eyes, "Can't you guys forget about punching him? If you dare to touch him, I will tell mom that you guys are going crazy.." She threatened us.

We rolled our eyes at her threats, "Dad still doesn't know about this right?" I smirked.

"How about we give him a hint, Shane?" Rudy said with a grin.

"Don't you dare do that... I asked mom to tell him so that she can calm him down when he knows." She said her plans.

"Good idea, Cami.." Omar supported her which made me and Rudy slap him on his shoulder.

"Which side are you on Omar?" I questioned him.

He smiled side-hugging our sister and said, "I'm always on my sweet little duckling's side." He gave a small peck on her head and said with a huge smile, "Even if it is to accept that she is not little anymore. She will be always our little duckling.." That made us smile.

"That's why you are always my favourite," Camilla replied hugging him.

"Even if mom calmed dad. He will still punch him whenever he sees him.." I proudly teased her.

"Come on Shane, stop teasing her," Omar said earning a glare from me and Rudy. But he just ignored our glares.

CAMILLA HAZEL KING, our little sister. Even though Rudy and her are twins, their personalities are completely different. With her dark black hair and with our unique purple eyes, she is quite a stunning beauty. You know we have a hard time controlling the boys not to get too close to her even with our background.

But don't get deceived by her looks, she is as dangerous as us. She is an assassin just like our mom and did so many jobs for our gang. She might be sweet and kind but when it comes to business she is the best... We have all been trained and became strong to fight any enemy since we are kids.

Now our little sister is getting married already. Don't get us wrong, we are happy that she's going to get married. But you know she is still our little angel and we can't accept the fact that she is not little anymore. You know that feeling right? Even if we are the strongest people, we still have feelings. We are not heartless monsters.

"So, When is the wedding date Cami?" Omar asked her, making me get out of my thoughts.

"We decided to have it in two months bro." She said excitedly.

"And you decided to tell us now?" Omar was surprised.

"See even the favourite brother doesn't know it." Rudy said sarcastically.

"Sorry, bro. I got excited and went straight to Marie. She took me to her friend who is a famous event planner." She apologized.

"I'm a little offended that you didn't ask me to arrange the wedding. You know that we organise the best events right... Why did you ask someone outside?" Omar asked her.

"Don't expect me to ask you guys to plan the wedding... I know that you guys will end up adding guns as decorating items like they are some sort of flowers. I just want a normal yet perfect wedding and this planner is the best in that." Camilla said knowing perfectly about our plans.

"Now, I'm quite offended... Did you forget that I'm the one who organizes all the events in our hotels?" Omar said feigning hurt.

"And yet they always end up with deals with other gangs," Camilla replied. We chuckled at her answer.

"That's actually true though.." Omar replied with a chuckle.

"It's all facts." She said raising her hands in the air.

We laughed out loud. "See that our little devil is talking about normal yet she is the one who kills like a devil," I said truthfully.

"Business is business bro. Every girl wants a normal wedding.." she said like it's a fact.

"Except for our mom.." Omar said chuckling.

"Seriously, She planned to marry in a war room... If it's not for our aunt, who convinced her she'll probably marry dad in a room full of dead bodies. God, She is crazy.." Rudy said thinking about what dad said to us.

"Who did you call crazy when our dad gave a surprise proposal to mom when she went on her mission which is a bloodbath.." I said thinking that they both are crazy.

"That's why Mom and dad are perfect for each other... They are one hell of a crazy couple.." Omar said which made us all laugh.

"Agreed.." Camilla said chuckling.

"So, Who is this wedding planner?" I asked her still laughing.

"She is Marie's friend. I met her yesterday, she is so sweet. And now she is my friend also." She said happily.

"Anyways, Is she good at planning?" Omar asked her.

"Yes bro, she is awesome at her work." She replied.

"She better be. Otherwise, I will personally deal with her." I stated.

"Why? I thought that you'll be happy if my wedding is cancelled?" She smirked.

"Even though I'm not a big fan of this whole thing... I don't want my little devil to be sad.." I said truthfully.

Camilla hugged me, "Thank you, bro. But don't worry, she is good at her work. Moreover, she is so beautiful."

"Is she?" Rudy asked with so much interest.

Camilla slapped Rudy's shoulder, "Don't you dare try anything Rudy. She is sweet when others are nice. But she is also a badass woman. Don't mess with her unless you want a punch in your face."

"Ouch, that hurts sis." Rudy said touching his shoulder and wincing in pain. Well yeah, she's an assassin for a reason.

"If you do anything in my marriage I will kill you." She threatened him.

"Don't worry sis, I will take care of him," Omar said laughing.

"Don't be stressed, my little devil. We will take care of everything okay." I assured her with a smile.

"Thank you, you are the best brothers." She said smiling.

"Awe, our little sister is already going to marry", Rudy said wiping his invincible tears.

"We are twins, idiot." She slapped on his head.

"Ouch," he touched his head and said, "but still I came first so you are my little sister." He said smirking.

"Just by a minute," she frowned.

"Still I'm older than you," he said proudly.

"Whatever," she said. At the same time, our landline rang and she went to answer the phone.

"Don't try anything Rudy," I said seriously.

He shrugged and replied, "I'm only messing with her bro."

"You better be," Omar said in a warning tone. Rudy rolled his eyes at our warnings and laughed. "Okay, guys, have to go now. I need to pick up Catherine." Omar said while picking up his mobile from the table.

"So, you are her driver now?" Rudy said with a scowl on his face.

When Omar was about to scold him again, I interfered, "Rudy."

"Okay, sorry." He apologized for his behaviour. Omar patted his shoulder and left bidding his goodbyes.

"Rudy, I need you tonight at the base. There is something I need you to handle." I said to him.

"I will be there bro. Is there any problem?" Rudy asked.

"Nothing, just wanted to make sure that everything goes well at the base. You know there is a meeting today right?" He nodded in agreement and I said, "Which is why I need you at the base when I'll be attending the meeting."

"Okay bro, I'll make sure that everything goes well." He said and stood up from the chair where he had been sitting, "bye bro, my bed is calling me." I nodded smiling and he left.

Nate entered saying hi to Rudy when he passed by and came to me and said, "Morning."

"Where were you all this time? Don't you know that we have to leave in about fifteen minutes?" I asked my right-hand man.

NATHANIEL ACE DENVER, my right-hand man. He deals with everything and will always be with me. He is like a second in command after me because Omar and Rudy don't want to interfere on this side.

He is like my eyes and ears, nothing goes unnoticed by him. He has also been my best friend since childhood. Nate's father is a right-hand man to my father, so he has lived with us and trained with us since we were kids.

He is more like a brother to us. We are of the same age which makes it easy to lead along with him. He is the best at whatever he does and also fights well. He always plans everything perfectly and never fails. He has a sister too, who works for me and you will meet her in the future.

"Sorry Shane, just had to make sure about our plan before we proceed. So I informed everyone already to be ready this evening for the meeting." He said and I nodded.

"Good, Let's go." I picked up my phone and we both went towards the elevator. Just when he pressed the elevator button, I received a call and was about to see who called me when the elevator doors opened and someone bumped into my chest. I don't know why but that person's presence felt good. When I saw the person in front of me when she raised her head to see me, my eyes automatically widened in shock, "You again?"

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