

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Urban
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35 Chs



Just when Alina and Jessica entered the elevator, I saw Emily coming furiously. "You are not coming?" Alina asked me as I was busy looking at the furious one in the lobby.

"Well, I have some work. You guys go now, I'll come later." I said and they nodded.

"Okay, Bye then," Alina said.

"Okay, bye. See you guys later." I said waving them goodbye and just when the doors closed I walked fast towards the fierce woman who is almost on the verge of fighting with anyone who disturbs her now.

I wonder who that person is, who triggers her anger like this. Finally, I reached her before she was about to talk to the receptionist. "Hello there," I said tapping her shoulder. She glared at me, "Who triggers your anger? You look so furious." I asked her my doubt.

"Don't you already know or are you playing dumb now?" She asked me while crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't know what you are talking about. But if that person comes in front of you now, you look like you are going to kill that guy." I chuckled thinking about the poor guy. Whoever it is, he/she is dead.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. That person is already here." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Here? Where?" I asked her while looking at the surroundings.

"Just right in front of me. Playing dumb." She said pointing her hand at me.

"Me?" My eyebrows knitted in confusion.

She nodded, "So, are you ready to get killed by me?" She asked while smirking.

"But, what did I do?" I asked her.

"Don't act innocent now, Rudy. You know what I'm talking about." She shouted.

"Is this the way girls treat guys nowadays when they get them safely to their rooms?" I asked her still not understanding her accusations.

"Yeah, only if they don't put their hands to themselves and do something they shouldn't." She grunted.

"Excuse me?" What is she talking about? I'm still confused.

"You changed my dress last night without my permission or God knows what you did last night when I'm unconscious. And now, you are acting like you have done nothing."

Okay, now I understand what she is talking about. "You think that I did something to you," I asked her.

"If not then how the hell my dress was changed?" She shouted.

I chuckled and she looked at me furiously as to why I was laughing at a serious situation. "Wait a second." I walked towards the reception and called Julie to come over here. Within a few minutes, she came.

"Sir, you called me," Julie asked.

"Julie, can you please tell me who changed Ms Wright's dress last night?" I asked Julie and Emily looks confused about why I'm asking her.

"Me. But why are you asking now sir? Because you were the one who told me to change." Julie asked.

"Nothing. You can go now." She nodded and left.

"Don't worry, nothing happened last night. I might be a lady's man but I would never do anything without their consent. I would never take advantage of your drunken state." I told her and she looked relaxed now but then it turned into guilt.

"I'm sorry for accusing you. It's just that I don't remember anything from last night and when I saw that my dress was changed I couldn't think of any other reason." She said apologizing.

"It's okay. I can understand. So, are you still coming to lunch with me?" I asked her.

She laughed, "When did I ever say that I'm coming in the first place?"

I pouted expressing my disappointment. "At least come to thank me for taking you to your room safely," I asked her, hoping that she would say yes.

"But, I never asked you to do that." She shrugged, as a playful smirk twitched on her lips.

"Seriously, can't you just say yes for once."

She chuckled, "On the other hand, okay, I'll come with you. Not to express my gratitude but for you to accept my apology."

I sighed, "Finally."

"But, it's going to be my treat." She said.

I laughed, "You don't have to. It's our restaurant, no need to pay." I told her.

She sighed, "Then we are going out. It's not still lunchtime anyways."

"Okay, then. I know a perfect place, Let's go."

I took her to one of my favourite places which is a one-hour drive from our place. I already called them to book my usual table for us.

"Even though we have the best chefs in our restaurants, sometimes I will come here to relax and enjoy the food peacefully," I said walking along with her side by side while she was busy enjoying the view of the place.

"Wow, this is…"

"So beautiful. I know right."

She nodded, smiling wider, impressed by the ambience here. Everything is arranged perfectly well, this place is not just for food but also to feel good and relaxed. No one will disturb you, isn't that great?

Everyone has their own huts decorated with flowers and plants, it's all about Nature to reduce your stress and in the middle, there is a fountain which will look exactly like a waterfall where you can only find it in the mountains. It is a very quiet place for you to enjoy nature and nothing else will pollute our minds.

"I will come here whenever my mood is off. It's my relaxing spot and I can also enjoy the good food here." I said walking with her into our hut which is reserved for us.

"Awe! I really can't say how much I love this place. Thank you so much for bringing me here." She said still looking at everything and enjoying the place.

"Pleasure is all mine," I said dragging the chair for her to sit and then I went to sit on the opposite chair.

"How many girls did you take here?" She asked me all of a sudden.

I chuckled, "None. Actually, you were the first one." I said handing her the menu. "I don't want to spoil my peace by telling everyone about this place. It's not like no one knows about this place but no one knows that it's one of my favourite places, so."

"Then, why did you take me here?" she asked me, narrowing her brows.

"Don't know, I just felt like it." A smile formed on her face, "And it's worth it seeing your beautiful smile."

She laughed after hearing that, "I am pretty sure that you said that to hundreds of girls."

"I won't say that I didn't. But I have never seen such a beautiful smile as yours." I said and she laughed again. She made this place more beautiful with her smile.

"Okay, stop it, I am not like other girls who will fall easily for your charm." She said controlling her laughter.

"My bad." I touched my heart feigning hurt.

"You are funny." She commented.

"Oh, thank you. I prefer handsome, though."

She looked at me in disbelief and chuckled. We ordered our food and it was served after some time. The aroma of the food is very nice and looks delicious. I guess she likes it too.

"You like it?" I asked her after she tasted it.

"I love it." She said and started digging into her food. "This is delicious."

I chuckled seeing her so excited. She looks so cute tasting every item and giving that satisfying yum sounds made me smile looking at her like this.

I never felt this happy when I came here alone. But now, with her, it's becoming more beautiful than ever.

"I forgot to ask you one thing. What happened last night? I don't remember much after…"


"After, I pulled your shirt towards me…" she said in a low voice but I still heard her.

"Well, you kissed me after that," I said.


"After, I pulled your shirt towards me…" I finally said the words because I wanted to know what happened even though it was embarrassing.

"Well, you kissed me after that." My face went colourless after hearing that. Did I really do that? Damn you, Emily. What have you done?

"W-what? I kissed you?" I asked him.

He burst out laughing, "You should have seen your face."

"What the…" I threw the spoon which was on my hand onto his face to smash that smirk off his face.

But he caught it in the middle before it even reached his face. "Oh, come on. You will never forget if you really kissed me."

I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed. "Stop it."

"You really wanted to know what happened?" he asked me and I nodded, "Well, you made me carry you in my arms because you don't want to leave the bar and wanted to drink all night. And then you vomited in my car after trying so hard to open the seat belt. My poor baby car." He said and I chuckled hearing that I made a mess. "And then I asked Julie to change your dress even though I know that you will be disappointed because I haven't changed it by myself…" I glared at him but he just winked, "I know that you wanted me to change your dress in your mind. But I am a gentleman, you know. I won't do such things when you are drunk."

I rolled my eyes again, "In your dreams."

He chuckled, "Darling, you don't wanna know what my dreams are like," He winked saying that.

"Jeez, stop it. I don't wanna hear your fantasies." He chuckled.

We finished eating our food. I really like this place and the food so much, especially the time I spent with him. I don't know why but it felt good to spend time with him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him when he gave his card to pay. "I said, it's my treat."

"What kind of a man would I be, if I made you pay when I'm around." He said.

"But I already told you it's my treat then why did you pay?"

"Well, you can pay next time then." He said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"You think there will be next time?" I asked him, narrowing my brows.

"Why? Don't you want me to accept your apology or perhaps, a thank you?" he asked me with a playful smirk on his face as we were walking side by side going towards his car.

"You know what, just forget about it," I said irritatedly.

He chuckled opening the car door for me and then went to sit in the driving seat and started the car. "By the way, you said that you lost your job last night."

"Yeah, it's all because of your stupid hotel."

"Well, you might have mentioned that also." I laughed after hearing that. "I'm sorry that you have lost your job, but I have an offer for you."

I looked at him to know what offer he was talking about. "Offer?"

"Yes. You said that because of us, you lost your job. So, I am offering you a better job for your qualification." He said.

"Better job? And how do you know my qualification and also how can you say that it's better? You don't even know what my previous job is." I asked him.

"No need. I know everything about you." He said which enraged me.

"Did you do a background check-up on me?" I asked him, raising my voice.

"Hey, I haven't checked anything personal, you can trust me. I just checked about your profession. That's it." He defended himself.

"Still, who gave you permission to look into it?" He is unbelievable, how can he check someone's profile just like that?

"Okay, I'm sorry. But I have to check everything to give you a suitable job offer." He said defending himself.

"But who asked you in the first place? I didn't, right?" I said, sounding disappointed about what he did.

"I know, you didn't ask me. But it is my responsibility because the mistake was on our side. So, will you hear it now?" He asked me, waiting for my response.

"No. You can keep your offer to yourself. I don't want to work under a person who interferes in my personal life without asking me." I said as he stopped the car in front of the hotel. "And you don't have to worry about me. I can find another job and I'm also leaving this city tomorrow."


"No. You can keep your offer to yourself. I don't want to work under a person who interferes in my personal life without asking me." She said as I stopped my car in front of the hotel. "And you don't have to worry about me. I can find another job and I'm also leaving this city tomorrow."

She dropped a bomb just like that and left the car entering the building and walking furiously.

I know that I shouldn't have checked her profile but how can I give her a job without knowing anything about her?

I know that I should have asked her first but will she give me permission to check her profile? Of course not. It's not just her qualification, I have to check her background too in order to give her a job in our company.

If I don't check it and give her a job trusting her blindly then Shane will kill me for trusting a stranger.

Stranger, why do I feel that word is strange? It feels like she is not a stranger at all. Her face, her eyes and her smile everything about her is perfect and her attitude, that's what attracts me the most. The time that I spent with her is just perfect. I didn't do anything like this before, I am a one-night stands person, and I won't do things like this with anyone.

This is the first time after a long time, I spent some time with a girl not doing anything physical. Still, it left such a huge impact on me because I have never taken anyone to my favourite place. She is the only one that came to my mind to show her that place.

Now, she is leaving the city, how can I stop her? I have no right to do that. But why do I feel like I want to stop her no matter what?

No, Rudy, stop messing with someone's life and remove all those thoughts from your brain. Don't mess with your life again, you can't trust someone easily, remember that. Forget about her, forget about the offer, if she doesn't want it then it's her choice.

"I need to get all these thoughts out of my system." Without wasting any time I started my car to go to my fighting club. I need to get this out of my mind.

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