

Alina, a simply beautiful & very independent woman who loves her profession and her family. She is an Event planner and loves to plan everything. She just wants to increase her branches with her best friend and live a simple life. Only one thing that bothers her is, her insecurities with men. Everything is normal until she crosses paths with Shane Vincent King who is a most powerful gang leader in New York. He’s hot, mysterious, sexy yet dangerous who loves his family more than himself.. If you ever dare to come in their way then you’ll no longer be in this world.. Every woman wants to be with him but he has his eyes only for one woman. What if Alina is that woman who he wants for all his life? Can she be able to put her insecurities aside for him? What if she got dragged into a dangerous life after entering his life? Or is her life already dangerous because of her unknown past? Will Shane help her to know her past leading her to a new life and fall in love with each other or fate has some other plans for them?

HoneySa_na27 · Urban
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35 Chs



A group of people who had armour entered the shipyard.

"You, go and open the doors." A man, who is in his mid-forties and who seems like their boss ordered one of the men.

"Okay, Boss." That man nodded and went to open the doors of the container. He entered the password and the doors started to open on their own in three seconds count.

He took a few steps back so that the doors won't hit him. But he has dropped dead anyways. Because he wasn't hit by the doors but got hit by a bullet, straight in his head. They were all shocked seeing his lifeless body on the floor.

"Well… well… well… What a pleasant surprise to see you here again…" A loud and commanding voice came from the container, "…William." The person in the container came outside revealing himself.

"Shane?" William was shocked to see him there, "H-how di…"

"How did I manage to get inside? Well, I have my ways." Shane said walking outside the container. "To surprise you, my friend, I have to take certain measures."

"Boys…" upon hearing William's command, his men started surrounding Shane with their guns aimed at him. "You shouldn't have come here, Shane." He laughed evilly aiming his gun at him. "Now tell me where they are? Where did you hide them? I want them back in a minute or else…"

"Or else what?" Another voice came from their backside revealing Nate holding a gun in his hand.

"Tell us William, or else what?" Vlad said coming out from his spot.

"Cat got your tongue, William?" Greyson and Tyler said and laughed seeing his shocked state coming out from their places.

"You shouldn't have messed with us, old man. I already warned you once but you didn't listen." Shane said walking closer to him.

"How? How do you know about me?" William asked him still in shock.

"Do you forget that I have eyes and ears all over the country? As long as I'm here no one, literally, no one can do anything without my knowledge." Shane said walking around him and intimidating him with his demeanour.

"Where are they?" He asked Shane.

Shane chuckled along with his team, "Well, they are safe and sound under my protection."

FLASHBACK STARTS (Half an hour ago)...


We just arrived at the shipyard and started checking every f*cking container. Some of them are empty and some are regular imported containers. We have checked all the containers except one. Now, we all are standing in front of it trying to open it. But it was locked with a high-security lock and is not easy to open without the correct password.

That bastard is well prepared this time. But we are not just anyone, my team has the best hacker who can easily open any lock in just a few seconds.

"Call Tess and ask her to open the lock," I told Greyson and he looked troubled to call her. "What are you waiting for? Just call her…" he was about to call her, "…and put it on speaker." I want to know why he looks troubled just to call her.

He wants to say NO but he has no choice but to obey my orders. He dialled her number and in an instant, she answered it, "What the f*ck, Greyson? I already told you, don't ever talk to me again." She said which shocked all of us to hear her angry voice. What happened between them?

"Tess, please listen. I just…"

"Don't. Don't you dare say my name again." She didn't even listen to what he was going to say and interrupted him.

She was about to end the call but, "Tessa…" I called her name and she stopped. "…Whatever is going on between you two, there is no time for that. Just hack this f*cking lock in the shipyard. We'll send the details and pictures of the container to analyse the lock."

"O-okay Shane, I'm on it." She was embarrassed because I heard their conversation.

"Good," I said and ended the call.

"Nate." I called his name.

"I already sent her the pictures." He said but then looked at Greyson doubtfully, "What did you do now? Why is my sister so angry at you?" he asked him.

"Because he is an idiot." Seth and Etoile both said at the same time. They are in their respective positions where they can watch us and the surroundings clearly with their sniper guns making sure everything is safe and are waiting for my command to attack.

"Just shut up," Greyson said shutting them up. But it didn't stop Nate.

"What's going on, Grey?" Nate asked him again.


"Just tell me already." Nate lost his patience.

"We kissed, okay," Greyson shouted revealing the matter. "We kissed and I told her it was a mistake." He finally told us. But Nate is so angry now.

"You f*cking bastard. How dare you?" He punched him and was about to punch again but I stopped him holding him tight.

"Relax, Nate," I said and he took a deep breath calming himself.

"I guess, I deserved it," Greyson said smudging the blood which is coming from his mouth.

"Of course you do. You know damn well that she has a huge crush on you. And I already warned you once to stay away from her if you don't have any feelings for her. But in the end, you are hurting her anyways…" Nate shouted in anger.

It's not like he hates Greyson or something. It's just that he is a big manwh*re. And Nate doesn't want his little sister to get hurt because of him. Can't blame him for that.

"I know that I messed up big time. I'm really sorry for letting you down. I promise you now, I'll try to stay away from her." Greyson said and was about to leave the place. His voice sounded like he was hurt.

"Wait for a minute," I said stopping him. "What do you mean by trying?"

Nate also got the same doubt as me and looked at him, puzzled. Greyson didn't look at us but just stayed there like a statue. Nate went towards him and turned him to face us. "I'm asking you this once again, Grey. Do you like her?" Nate asked him.

"Like…" Greyson chuckled. "I f*cking love her, damn it." He finally shouted the words he has been holding in. "Which is why I'm staying away from her."

"What do you mean? If you love her then why don't you tell her already?" Nate asked him narrowing his eyebrows, not understanding his answer.

"Because I don't want to hurt her," Greyson replied.

"What the hell are you even trying to say?" Nate asked him, losing his patience again. He is a calm person but when it comes to his sister, he will lose his temper.

"I'm not good for her, Nate and you of all know that very well which is why you told me to stay away from her. I just don't want to hurt her." His voice tells me clearly that he is hurt.

"You idiot. When did I ever say to stay away if you like her? I just don't want you to mess with her feelings, that is why I told you to stay away from her. But if you love her then why would I stop you, stupid? And who says that you are not good for her? If you can make her happy and keep her safe then that's what I want. You just have to stop doing that manwh*re things and tell her that you love her. Stop messing with both of your feelings." Nate said looking straight into his eyes.

"What if I hurt her? What if I'm bad for her?" Greyson asked him.

"Then be ready to welcome my bullet," Nate said and Greyson let out a small chuckle after hearing that. Nate placed his hands on both of his shoulders, "You are a good person, Grey and I support you, man."

"Thank you so much," Greyson said hugging Nate which Nate reciprocated.

I chuckled seeing them, f*cking finally. "If you are done doing your bromance then we have a container to break into and a man to kill," I said interrupting their hug while laughing mentally.

They laughed and just then, I received a call from Tess, "Shane…"

"F*cking finally."

"Stay at a little distance from the container, it will open in 3 seconds." She said, and the lock display showed the countdown and we moved a bit from the container.

Finally, it started opening on its own. "Good job, Tess," I said and ended the call. "Whatever mess you created, just solve it and get her already. I don't want any dramas in my team." I said to Greyson.

They chuckled, "Well, thanks for the support, Shane." I mentally chuckled and turned towards the container.

When the container doors finally opened, we were shocked to see what was inside. I already guessed it but I couldn't believe the number.

There are nearly forty to fifty girls laying down there unconsciously. "That f*cking bastard, just wait until I get my hands on you."

"He has to die slowly and painfully." Vlad glowers in anger and everyone agrees with him.

"Shift them and make sure they get a medical check-up and are healthy before dropping them off to their houses," I said and started helping the girls to get out of the container.


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