

Author: Inspired by Nascent Kaleidoscope by Astoryforone using same elements. A mission gone wrong. A revenge unfulfilled. Deaths Embrace. An omniscient being. The red tower. The red world. Evi x Eltoude A reincarnated Rick Sanchez story from Rick and Morty. Season 6 knowledge of Rick prime recommended. May judgement be done through heavens fall.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Burp! for Doubts

It was a headache to deal with paperwork, even more so to deal with problem children.

Serafall had enough of the shit Sirzechs created due to another idiotic decision. What an imbecile!

It was wrong for her to agree to keep his secret as his close friend.

She mainly agreed because of the danger that will bring to Takahashi's existence.

The old satan faction is a nasty bunch, she clearly knows this because of the civil war she fought.

Only reason she does not have enough time to play with her Sona-tan and Takasahi-chan because she not only has to clean messes made by the hot-headed younger devils, but also do Sirzechs portion of paperwork because he is lazy.

Though he does have the mouth of a snake when it comes to domestic affairs winning many political consensuses. He does not to man up and take some responsibility measured to his position as lucifier.

Speaking of which as a good "FRIEND" she is going to drop all of the political backlash and paperwork on him, as it was his paperwork to begin with.

This will surely set him straight.

Damn Azazel and his antics.

Why did that fucker take Sirzechs to that place.

She is going to do a number on him.

Serafall just sighs and holds a picture in her hand massaging her temples.

Serafall: Now how do you cover up a hole in the middle of Kuoh. Gas leaks? Yeah, that will work. Gas leaks it is.

Suddenly serafall becomes statue looking at the date of the picture.

Serafall: Ah! I forgot!

She stands up holding her head in her office.

Serafall: Yesterday was Takahashi Kuns birthday.

Though she was a teensy weensy mad as Yari-chan made her Sona-Tan cry. Why doesn't he get a clue that her Sona-Tan is heads over heels for him. She didn't think her Sona-Tan would have a think for bad boys.

Now it's decided.

Serafall preened as she thought of an idea.

She will wear the magical girl outfit with the shortest skirt with no bra under the dress, or maybe a domnitrix with her holding a cake at the entrance! She'll invite her Sona-Tan too!

Serafall blushes, she didn't do this for anyone. Only to show Takahashi - kun the beauty of magical girls.

He will surely get out of his annoyance and disgust to appreciate the beauty of magical girls

She'll borrow the domnitrix from Akeno.

To do all that she will dump all her work to Ajuka and Sirzechs maybe the less bum Falbium.

Speaking of Ajuka.

A dark look made to her face.

Speaking of the devil no pun intended. He was right infront of her office knowing his magical signature.

Before Ajuka even knocked serfall picked up a file and kicked open the door throwing a file and photo on Ajukas face with him taking no offence.


Ajuka: ....

Ajuka: Look it's complicated than I-


Ajuka: Whatever that was Serafall. That was not demonic energy.

Serafall: Them please indulge me what it is with your genius intellect.

Ajuka: I checked the area by myself and matched every information in the library. That was not demonic in origin. Heck that energy released cannot be found in any pantheons. But one thing I am certain from my research.

Serafall: Do indulge me.

Ajuka: It's divine in nature.

Serafall was stunned was an understatement. Divine? Did a god from a different pantheon attack?

Ajuka: I know what you are thinking, but it is not. More investigation suggests that there was blood sample of Serzechs bastard-


Ajuka: Fine I checked the spells I put on him and they were unresponsive. I checked the wards on the house and it seems he is there but something is blocking me.

Serafall drums her fingers on her chin. A question came both of their minds.

How did Takahashi get from the church to his house?

Serafall: He-s fine right?

Ajuka: Yes, he is. He is moving around the house rapidly doing something with his tools he has inventing stuff. I am not sure what.

Serafall: Yay! I'll check up on him like always, meanwhile you and everyone can fuck off with my paperwork!

Ajuka: Wha-

A glare from serafall shut him off.

Ajuka messages his temples.

Ajuka: You would need to go there anyway. We need to talk with Shinto to make sure any misunderstanding does not happen. Heavens are making a move to just see what was that. It seems something caused his system to go into overdrive. Michael is baffled. Yasaka is in a bad mood. It seems her followers were high for some reason, making a mess here and there.

Serafall: Ugh! Why can't I just take a break!

Ajuka: That's not all.

Serafall: Theres more?

Ajuka: You know about the demon pillars Bibliotheca, right?

Serafall was baffled and speechless.

A gulp was heard in the cold room.

Serafall: Heaven's system was not the only thing that haywire?

Ajuka made a solemn face.

Ajuka: Be careful who you meet Serafall. If that energy was radiated from Takahashi, it may not be him who you will meet but a different person.

Serafall: He cannot be that drunk on power, right?

Both have flashbacks of broken-down factory.

Ajuka/Serfall: Right.

!!!!!!Back at Kuoh!!!!!

Sona was fixing a house with dark bags under her eyes along with Tsubaki and rest of Rias peerage.

Rias already fainted from the exhaustion of magical power.

If only she trained a little.

She is angry and frustrated.

She should have noticed earlier about that stray hiding here at Kuoh.

But dealing with Takahasi's mess every time has caused her to skirt around her responsibilities.

Thanks Lucifer the houses that were demolished were empty because the family went on vacation.

They might have had to deal with severe repercussions.

Even if the houses were empty some still had people but survived by pure luck and some severely injured.

The only think they have to worry about is erasing people's memories, but even then, they cannot ignore the red pillar at the sky.

It was already in the news.

Thanks to Satan Ajuka it was declared as a gas leak.

But she doubts if that will work.

A meteorite falling from the sky would have been better.

Now that she thinks about it.

Where the hell is Takahashi.

She heard he was alive much to her relief, but he has some explaining to do lots of explaining.

Also, she forgot it was his birthday yesterday.

She should not have started the fight and asked for him to celebrate with her.

She's not asking for a date or anything like that. Just fulfilling her responsibility and he better appreciate it with his annoyingly beautiful face.

Sona looks around and sees Okita talking with the messengers sent by the Shinto also other important Devil Bearcats negotiating whatever deals there are making themselves look as the victim.

She cannot blame them, this was something on a whole another level.

Just what was the pillar of light.

It was almost morning with sun peeking out. The rising sun sure looks great. No wonder it is the rising sun.

Hope everything goes well today.

She is going to take a nap-

A flash of light appears with a teleportation magic circle of the sitri.

Serafall: You favorite Magical girl Sera-Tan has arrived!

A groan escaped Sona's throat.

This day even if it did not start has officially became worse.

!!!!!!Back at Gremory residence!!!!!

There were five people seated in a spacious room in the underworld.

Velena Gremory, Zeoticus Gremory, Milicas Gremory and Grayfia Lucifuge and Sirzechs Lucifer.

Sirzechs was sweating bullets right now.

He remembers the first time he was able to stealthily clear the mess of the factory without any suspicion. With Okita looking out for his back telling all it was a troublesome stray devil.

But now he is gone and fucked up.

He wants to strangle his rebellious bastard son right now.

Why does he not know the meaning of laying low.

Doesn't he know how much danger he can bring to himself?

What was this about new power? He was pretty sure that when he found out he had a son with a human women, Ajuka made it clear there was not sign of his bloodline awakening when he was trailing the women and her son.

A striking similarity to him in all aspects. Handsome to ignore which something his mother said now holding the picture after Serafall snitched on him to both Grayfia and his mom as the news cannot be hidden anymore. Oh boy were they releasing a menacing aura.

Just anyone.

Anyone would do to take him away from this place.

It seems lucifer heard his plea.

Falbium came in rushing about the bibliotheca he was looking out for with someone behind him.


Falbium: We got new-

Falbium was quickly pressured by the stare of the Gremory Household Matron.

Zekram getting the clue the came at a wrong time.

Falbium: Understandable have a good day.

Then Falbium dipped dodging a bullet with sweat pouring down his head.

Zekram with an amused expression was lead to the guest room with them also getting a clue.

Sirzechs was left stunned.

His only saviour bolted.

Velena Slowly turned her head to her son.

Zeoticus: I need to gree-

One look from his wife shut him off.

Velena: Don't tell me you have something to do with this dear?

Zeoticus shook his head. Willing to throw sirzechs under the bus.

Velena: So mind telling me who this is?

Velena slowly slides the photo to sirzechs on the table.

Sirzechs knew he was getting the business today.

Millicas: He looks a lot like you father.

Millicas was also looking at the photo in curiosity. With a beat-up face of Takhashi with one of the hands in a hand guard around his neck holding it in place and a serial number of his criminal number with the other hand.

Velena: Thank you Millicas. Quiet roughed up don't you think? Why would that be?

Sirczechs: Let me explain.


Sirzechs: He has done that himself!

Velena: Why is he like to this to begin with?




Velena: Ever heard of a late bloomer?

Sirzechs: ...…

Sirczechs: I don't think that was-

Velena: Do you think your mother as a fool? The bone teeth of the stray had a sample of his blood "YOUR BLOOD" a trigger to make him actually make a crater where the church stool. Can you imagine how much demonic energy was being repressed with him not knowing?

Sirzechs had quiet down with nothing to say, just standing up and trying to walk away, but was stopped by the strongest queen.

Grayfia: This conversation isn't over.

With finality sirzechs sighs.

Sirzechs: We will finish this later. Right now, I have hounds to discipline and did you forget the guest that visited us?

Velena: I'll attend my father you finish this talk. Zeoticus can you take little Millicas here to the pent house. Play with your grandson while I bring my other self-destructive delinquent grandson before he decides to throw another tantrum wiping out a block or two.

Sirzechs: That-

Velena: Now I have someone to attend to. I'll leave him to you Grayfia whip him to shape.

With the family went their own way.

!!!!!!Back to Enryu Dahram!!!!

Enryu: Burp! Who's talking about me?

Rick had already made a makeshift lab around his house.

A fusion reactor powering his creations.

A holo tank calculating the coordinates he will travel to.

A miniature particle accelerator funneling particles to his quantum gate for his portal gun.

A hammer space backpack made with suspendium to carry his stuff.

Quantum processing AI to supply canned food for his travels delivered to his house.

House rigged with explosives and lasers.

Doors fitted with Interdimensional gates to a separate space with traps and droids.

Red mercury bombs if shit hits the fan.

The house is rigged to blow after he finishes his portal gun, he will dip.

Rick (Enryu) or rather Takahashi looks at the picture of a white-haired women with red eyes holding him lovingly.

Rick does not know how to feel.

He has been staring at it every time he takes small breaks to piss, shit or eat.

Something in his nudging him.

Rick had many people he would value.

Top of the list is Beth, Diana and Morty with his parents and Bird person.

Ha how he fucked up the last one.

He needs to make amends.

Death does not wait for you to tie up your loose ends.

Rick needs to be responsible this time.

Working in a ordered fashion is the key.

He has all the knowledge stored in his head, he just needs to utilize his gifts in a broader spectrum from now on.

Having a mother again in this life.

A strange emotion makes to Ricks heart, an emotion he cannot squash.

There was love given to him in this life too.

He needs to respect it.

When did he ever have respect for something.

Rick grabs the photo and keeps it in the Hammer space backpack of a secure place.

He needs to come in term with himself and his new identity.

Is he Rick or Takahashi?

No, he is both.

A new name he has taken to represent both.

Enry Dahram.

Yes he will slowly make up the new personality in this name. He needs to change his thinking process and personality if he wants to beat prime.

A beeping sound went out signifying to creation of his nano suit has ended.

He looks at the red faceplate on the table.

Time is running out.

He needs to make an escape route.

Before hounds come and bust his door.

Especially that glasses girl.