

Author: Inspired by Nascent Kaleidoscope by Astoryforone using same elements. A mission gone wrong. A revenge unfulfilled. Deaths Embrace. An omniscient being. The red tower. The red world. Evi x Eltoude A reincarnated Rick Sanchez story from Rick and Morty. Season 6 knowledge of Rick prime recommended. May judgement be done through heavens fall.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


The neighborhood was being irritated in the morning with the song that was being played on the speaker.

AC/DC shoot to thrill.

It was coming from the particular house they are all familiar of or rather the notoriety that person has.

They though of calling the police but that person has it rough enough.

Not calling the police has nothing to do with caring about him no, it is because the prank that person will spring up for quote on quote "Snitches".

They can just hope the sound calms down.

As if the Amaterasu and Shinto was listening their prayers a delivery truck arrived with a package ringing the doorbell.

The delivery driver knocks the door holding his ears.

Just what kind of madman listens to music early morning!

Delivery man: Delivery!!

The song stopped just in time as the person called up, it seems the person was already aware of the delivery truck.

A black hulking silhouette was looking at the video cams on his laptop and made his way downstairs.

A huge thunk! Was being followed with every step Rick was taking.

He was afterall wearing something above exo-suit armor he ever made.

Rick reaches the door disabling the first trap he made to get his food supply he ordered for his trip.

Especially his goddamn American coffee. Since he is only twelve, he cannot have a flask of beer with him.

He needs to chug something for the migraine.

He opens the door checking on his surrounding with lightsaber hidden in his nano suit.

The Delivery man was stunned.

Not by the hulking black armor but the intricate beauty it had.

It was a black plated body armor with silver lines of plates on the chest. A red mask with eyes glowing blue.

A power armor straight out of science fiction.

A deep voice came from the armor getting the delivery man out of his trance.

Enryu(Rick) : You got the goods?

Delivery man: Ugh! Yes, sir I do just sign this, also that's a nice cosplay.

Enryu: Yeah, yeah.

Enryu swiped the signing board of the delivery man's hand and gave his signature. He already paid for his stuff online. So, he needs to store them in his Hammer space backpack. It can store all of the canned food with ease.

How he misses Beth's cooking.

Suddenly his senses told him he was being watched.

He stared at the roof of the house Infront of him.

A black cat was sitting on the roof of the house along with a person and few others few feet away on tree as far his enhanced senses can search.

The cat feels strange.

Like the one with Jerry and his misadventures.

Enryu shivers at that particular memory.

That was one cursed and fucked up cat.

Aight he need to bounce, looks like people are already surrounding his house.

With a nod at the delivery man, he used his small wheel bots picking up the boxes taking it in his house, further shocking the high tech he is seeing.

But he was not the only one shocked, it shocked the people who were keeping eye on the house.

Rick was not good at hiding the power of his aura, it was all new to him having superpowers.

Even though he had used tech that can replicate such acts, he had not used it like it was a part of him. Sure, he had cybernetic libs but that doesn't count.

He needs 10 minutes before he completes the portal fluid.

He needs to make a distraction ASAP.

No one jets a jump on him, not even him.

!!!!!Okita Souji Sirzechs knight!!!!!

Okita was having a bad day.

He had one job.

Watch over his Lord's sister and his Bastard's son.

He messed up big time.

Not only was that energy burst caught attention of the Shinto but the nearby factions as well.

Angels, Youkai, Devils and Angels.

Shinto though it was a declaration of war so they sent some people to check it out.

The boy did a bad job covering his aura as it stuck out like a lightbulb in the darkness.

The old Satan faction sure took an interest on that he can tell.

Even though some tried to tail him, they did a sloppy job.

The youkai was on edge something about lifeforce being warped.

Also, what the heck is that hulking mass of black armor?

Quiet fine details to make one as great as that.

Muramasa sure would like to check on it.

That is if his Lord's son comes peacefully.

With these people gathered.

He knows for a fact a fight will break out.

He is pretty sure his lord told him his Bastard did not have a sacred gear.

But what is that armor? An awakening.

Okita became stunned for a second.

That hulking mass was watching straight at him!

How the heck was he found out?

He was pretty sure to use high level spells to cover himself!

Suddenly the boxes starting moving startling Okita.

Okita: The heck!

More close observation showed that magic was not being used but small round objects carrying it.

Okita: Haa! I sure hope Lady Serafall finishes her meeting with the Shinto and cleans up the moth surrounding the light bulb.

A spark will ignite sure enough.

!!!!!!Back to Serafall in future Occult research club!!!!!

Serafall was glad she and her family along with Mommy Gremory had renovated this hideout for Rias and her Sona-Tans meeting place.

Sirzechs sure held no expense for his little sister's happiness. With a huge bath area along with good furnished furniture.

Such huge allowance and the paperwork she had to do for it.

Now she feels good that she snitched on him to Mommy Gremory.

She is a good friend that won't go behind his back, but sometimes one must know when to not exploit one's good nature.

As the cat is out of the bag, she needs mommy gremory to scoop her grandson out of here. The old Satan faction especially Zekram might have gotten wind of his rebellious grandson.

From the presence she is feeling outside. Some roaches have entered her Sona-Tans territory.

As her big sister she must protect her at all cost!

Serafall was sitting on the sofa with Sona-Tan on her lap!

With the exhausting night she had it was obvious she was exhausted.

Serafall is mad at Takashi-Kun but now she is really happy and has forgiven him. Maybe now she can take him to the underworld to party and show him his magical girl outfits!

He will come with her and mama gremory right?

A headache makes her way as McGregor Mathers Sirzechs Bishop came with her guest.

The Youkai faction and their entourage.


This one will be a doozy.

She knows for a fact that he already snooped around the place checking for any clues. Especially as he is a great master of senjutsu.

Not to mention a pervert who sneeks to places.

She just hopes she can keep everything under wraps with her peerage keeping things under wraps.

Nurarihyon: Hello there. Tough Morning is it not especially with problem children.

Or maybe not.

Serafall releases a sigh.

Youkai has good detection of one's aura, how it slipped her mind.

Serafall: {Damnit Sirzechs I'll skin you alive, I just hope mommy gremory picks up Takahashi}

With that final though Serafall had started to do negotiations.

A stray though was on her mind that she still cannot get her head around.

How did Takahashi teleport to the house?

!!!!!!Rick (Enryu in his house)!!!!

Rick was relaxing on the bed trying to calm his nerves.

Filtering several memories in his mind.

The life lived by his post reincarnated self.

It seems that Yari Takahashi had a dream to join NASA.

Those pompous bunch.

Rick scoffed in his mind but he himself cannot refute that dream.

Space has a certain allure to it.

New places he visited with Morty to steal materials for his experiments.

He did crazy stuff and even weirdest thing like banging a planet.

But for now, this is the craziest situation he is in.

In a new body with new memories that are not his.

He would not mind the new body but the memories irk him to no end.

Several people's memories of a single person and two being completed unrelated to that very being.

Kiritsugu Emiya, Shirou Emiya, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, Famous Black Smith Muramasa..

The strange part was he had several different memories of the same person known as Shirou Emiya.

Maybe different reality with different scenario?

He wonders if those memories will affect him.

Though he cannot refute the battle experience those memories contain, he is repulsed of the idea of the Hero of Justice of Shirou Emiya.


What a nonsense notion.

An idea of a white knight of peoples foolish and childish fantasies.

Real world does not work like that.

Saving everyone?

Bruh who wants to save jackasses who cannot save themselves from their ignorance and misery?

Chaos prevails when people do not understand the notion of right and wrong and do nothing to spread the knowledge about it.

Ignorance truly is bliss.

Persecuting the same person who only wanted to spread good in the world.

The path to hell paved by good intentions.

The End of Heroic spirit of Shirou Emiya.

Hired church members by politicians to burn a witch on stake.

Preaching the words of so-called God.

What is a Herectic? One who goes against gods teaching or Humanities self-interest?

Persecuted for stopping a selfish war, started by people who profit from it.

Rick did not feel sorry for Emiya Shirou.

He felt sorry for Humanity and their ignorance.

How even though they have knowledge of which ideal path to follow with numerous calculations and scenarios.

They will always lead their path to ruin.

Such is the way of the blind.

No wonder he did not feel bad when he destroyed Earth in several realities while hunting Rick Prime.

He always knew with his intelligence how the game works.

Blind puppets with strings controlled by their own desires.

He though there was no God, but it seems he was wrong.

He is the wonderful puppeteer who makes his life a show.

Near Death experience does change a man.

Suddenly a strange sensation went by, a sensation Rick was familiar with.

Spatial fluctuation.

From the looks of it he was being isolated from the world.

Not in a separate dimension much to his relief.

Things would have been troublesome for his portal gun.

Only a barrier of space pocket seems to surround his house from scrying eyes.

From the plot of D X D if he could guess. He might know his identity.

A longinus user.

He really needs to research those after he comes back after doing Hypermans instructions.

What dimension he would be sent to?

Rick opens his eyes and looks at the floating red orb he was controlling.


A strange energy he is yet to be familiar with.

But with his omniscience he can research this divine water.

The best part is that only he can generate it with his body.

The sound of his house bell goes off.

Rick quickly gets up and donns his nanosuit beskar armour.

Lighsaber at both his sides.

But he is not confidant to win.

That's why he needs to escape so he can make plans and prep time to deal with supernatural entities including so called Gods.

Not that he is afraid of gods, he already fought a Zeus knock off. He lost but he still went toe to toe with a God.

Whatever Dimension Hyperman decided for him, Rick just hopes it has the necessary materials to make his arsenal and for him to train up better than ever.

Rick goes to one of the screens and looks at the sudden visitor at this hour.

A guy with glasses red coat with a staff was standing there looking at the camera.

Rick: That George Faust allright. Imma need to bounce.

Another Alarm went of bringing a smile to Ricks face.

Rick (Enryu): Oh, how I missed you.

Several green capsules with fluid fill up.

With quick haste Enryu packs the portal fluid and attaches one to his portal gun. Inputting the coordinates, he was given.

Another bell ring goes off.

Enryu(Rick) : Impatient motherfucker aren't you! Let me leave you a present I have been building for the jackasses that was looking at me as a piece of meat!

Enryu quickly types in the code for self-destruct initiation.

Havok Nuke will sure do the trick for his grand finale.

An explosion goes out making Enryu stumble losing the grip of his portal gun.

Enryu(Rick): What the-

Another larger one goes of shaking the foundation of the house making it creak.

Enryu(Rick): That's how you wanna do it Mother-Fucker! Fine. Avtivate Protocol HK-47.

The AI on the computer accepts the command and releases the droids rick was making for his getaway.

Enryu: Thank Jeebus I made the shield generator around the house.

Enryu stands up quickly to look at the screen.

He sees a Brown-haired woman fighting the Hero wannabe jackass.

Her dress was torn up exposing her lace and bra.

Rick had no Idea why she was doing here. Maybe because of this Identity he was using.

Enryu looks over to the screen seeing two minutes to self-destruction.

The good news was that the space barrier was down. Even if it would give a minor problem for the portal start up, he was sure he could make out safe.

Rick (Enryu) was not sure if his portal gun would work in this world as he needs to do some tests, but Hyperman's letter assured him.

Rick grabs the hammer space backpack and attaches his to his magneto harness on his back.

He grabs his portal gun close to him and fires it up giving a green hue with a green disk in his room.

The shield generator exploded blowing a chunk of his house, but he did not care.

It was time for an adventure to the unknown.

Rick: Mo-

Only Morty was not beside him causing a deep pain in his heart.

Rick Looking around he jumped to the portal with a brown haired women unaware of her fear and plight trying to get hold of him from behind, but far away to make any action as she was preoccupied by a Longinus user throwing a barrage of spells.

George looks over and notices a strange spatial fluctuation from the likes he had never seen.

A green portal.

This gave chance for Velena to strike out with her power of destruction with all her fear and hate thinking it was this young man who took her grandson.

For this small mistake will cause dearly to George.

The portal slowly closes with green light going out replaced by several red dots in the dark.

Huge built-up energy was noted by both George and Velena.

A turning point no one ever predicted.

A turning point in time.

A turning point in Karma, Destiny and Fate.

Lot of gods are about to get a headache with their precognition cut off.

But one image appeared before they lost their all-knowing sight.

An Image of a Red World.

Just as the portal closes a huge explosion rocked Kuoh town.

With both Velena and George Teleporting in a Nick of time.

Velena having a pained expression on her face letting of a scream as she vanished.

A light went off in the distance following with a shockwave startling both Serafall and Nurarihyon.

Sona woke up startled. Along with Rias and Akeno falling of their beds.

A black cat was blown away to the sky with a scream of Nyaaa.

A mushroom cloud was seen by the citizens of another town in a distance.

A third nuclear detonation in Japan.

Americans had done it again.

But no one knows that.

The person responsible was laying on the ground in a separate pocket dimension.

A dimension of darkness and death filled with shadows in the corner.

Rick did not expect he would experience a space turbulence as it was rare.

The turbulence knocked him out now laying knocked out about to be surrounded by undead.

A red steak came crashing down blowing the undead away.

As the dust clears a woman with a mixture of purple and red hair in a black skin tight body suit holding a red barbed spear was watching intently at her new guest.

Her next student had arrived.