
Everlasting Darkness: Fate

In the depths of a world forever shrouded in darkness, where the sun's disappearance has unleashed a reign of terror, Aaron, a devoted husband and father, must navigate the treacherous landscape of a desolate reality. When the sun vanished, the Nightmares emerged - hellish creatures that feed on fear and terrorize the remnants of humanity. As the last vestiges of hope begin to fade, a glimmer of light appears in the form of Resonance, an ancient power that lies dormant within select individuals. As Aaron's family fall apart, he faced unimaginable horrors, discovering his own Resonance in the process, a latent ability that could be the key to reclaiming their world. Aaron embarks on a perilous quest to unravel the mysteries of Resonance, confront the darkness within himself, and face the Nightmares head-on. But as the stakes grow higher, Aaron realizes that the line between good and evil is not always clear-cut, and the very power that could save humanity may also be its downfall. Will Aaron's love for his family and his determination to restore light to the world be enough to overcome the forces of darkness, or will the shadows consume them all? ***************************************** WSA 2024 Entry.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Normal Day Gone Wrong.

Aaron almost stopped the car, his face flushed a great crimson color.

Clapping? Definitely not the normal clapping and Aaron knew that better than anyone since he is the one responsible for the ahem, 'clapping'.

"Dear, clapping? Haha, when did you hear you it?" Aaron asked.

"You've been doing it for sometime, even yesterday" Lily said, her cute face without a hint of playfulness, she's all serious about this.

Hearing her response, Aaron's face turned even redder, seeing how intent she is on getting an answer, he knew there is no dodging this question and thus, his scholarly instincts kicked in.

"Mom and dad were playing a game actually" Aaron said in a matter-of-fact tone which is of course a blatant lie but how would she know? After all she's just a kid hehe.

"Then why won't you clap with me?" Lily pouted.

'Gosh... This girl...'

Aaron wondered how hard it must've been on Angelina dealing with such a curios child all the time, silently commending her efforts in his mind.

"We were watching a movie and cheering the main-character, as for why you were not invited..." Aaron paused and adopt a comical expression as if he was depicting some monster, "it was a horror movie" He whispered.

After his 'flawless' explanation, he felt like giving himself a pat on the back.

"Hmph!" She crossed her arms seemingly unconvinced but she at least stayed silent which Aaron is thankful for.

The ride was a silent one except for Lily's humming and ruffling of paper.

Arriving at the school, Aaron stopped the car and opened the door for little Lily.

He effortlessly gathered the scattered crayons she left inside the car and put them in their rightful place.

As he handed her the lunchbox, she also gave him a paper filled with colorful childish sketch and stick figures.

"That's me, Papa and momma" Lily explained, pointing out the identities of the stick-figures one by one.

The sketch is of two tall stick-figures holding the hands of a shorter stick figure with a smile plastered across their faces.

As Aaron's eyes roamed over the paper, commending her great efforts, she stayed silent as if waiting for him to find something hidden and there... He found it.

A crudely but cute sketched broken heart.

"Eh... Lily?" Aaron asked, puzzled.

"You don't want to play with me, you always said you are busy with work but you still play with momma, why not me?" She pouted once again.

Aaron felt a little bad about it.

But how could she understand that he is not playing but performing his manly duties, eh?

Patting her head gently, he squat down to match her height saying, "Daddy is sorry okay? We will play together till you are tired and I will grant one wish of yours"

Aaron watched her change of expression and added, "How does that sound? Good right?"

"Anything I wish?" Lily asked a little skeptical but still unable to hide her own excitement.

Aaron nodded with a smile, "Now smile for daddy"

Lily smiled and extended her pinky finger, "Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise" Aaron accepted. "Go dear, don't be late"

Lily nodded and excitedly waved goodbye at Aaron to which he returned with a wave of his own, he stood there watching her run inside the ground only taking his eyes away when he could no longer spot her tiny figure amidst the crowd of young students.

He felt like calling her back due to an uneasy feeling coming from within but decide against it when he could no longer spot her figure.

'Just a feeling'

With a sigh he threw the matter to the back of his mind and decide to forget about it.


Aaron walked out of a nicely built clinic which is of course his working place, on his way out, he bumped into a woman who happened to be going inside.

"Excuse me?" She spoke with a questioning gaze.

Aaron paused and laid his eyes on her for a moment.

The woman had short black hair with a gentle looking face, wearing circle lens glasses just like him.

A small figure yet enchanting in its own right, she seemed to be troubled about something and seemingly in a hurry and Aaron didn't intend on letting his eyes any longer on her for fear of you know... Women these days, he might find himself on social media labelled as a creep.


Aaron gave a short reply and left without waiting for a reply, he still had that feeling of unease from earlier and he wished he could just teleport to Lily's location so as to have her by his side, therefore he can't waste time on exchanging pleasantries or chit-chatting.

"Hey- wait!"

The woman stared at him in disbelief, this man is just going to walk away just like that? But well, what could she do? He already apologised anyway.

'He seemed like a professional... I was thinking of asking him if Aaron Reeves is still in there but... Hmph, whatever I will ask another worker' She thought before continuing inside.

The work place was uneventful except for his short encounter with the woman whom he had no idea she was looking for him nor did she know he is the one she was supposed to find.

The sun was still up in the sky, shining brightly and standing proud above everyone and everything just like how it did for the past eons, it was still releasing it's radiant glow unparalleled throughout the galaxy when a strange phenomena occured which is bound to change the history of mankind as we know it...

The clouds swept over the sun just like any other normal cloudy day dimming it's light intensity greatly, amidst the newly-formed cloud is a great rumbling of thunder which gave the onlookers a fright.

"What the hell is going on?" Someone asked, bewildered.

"But the forecast...?" A Co-worker asked staring disbelieving at the rapidly forming cloud and the great diminishing of sunlight.

The clouds are so thick and in great amount that it gave the illusion that it might cover the sun, forever plunging the world into an uncanny life of darkness!

"Forget the forecast! What is that in the distance?" Another co-worker pointed out towards the southern part of the city.

"Holy shit..." Aaron's body subconsciously trembled as he witnessed a terrifying scene which gave him an ominous feeling further intensifying his earlier feelings of unease.

"Mommy, Is the sky collapsing?" A young child asked, holding the hand of his mother tightly.

"No... I-..." The mother is at a lost of what to say instead settled to grip her child's hand even tighter.

Far away is a thick cloud, a dark ominous cloud giving a foreboding feeling covered the southern part of the city from bottom level to the sky-level!

It was as if the clouds from the sky had fallen down and now moved freely on the earth as if it was the sky, it is such a strange and horrifying scene that sent shivers down the spine of everyone who witnessed it.

"Then why is there clouds on the ground? And... Mommy! Look, there is no sun!" The child shouted pointing towards the sky pulling everyone's attention.

Seeing the child Aaron immediately thought of his own daughter and his anxiety peaked at this moment!

Aaron along with the others raised there heads and set their eyes on the sky and up there... To their dismay, the great star is nowhere to be found!

It seems as if...

The sun is no more!

What'd you think?

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts