
Everlasting Darkness: Fate

In the depths of a world forever shrouded in darkness, where the sun's disappearance has unleashed a reign of terror, Aaron, a devoted husband and father, must navigate the treacherous landscape of a desolate reality. When the sun vanished, the Nightmares emerged - hellish creatures that feed on fear and terrorize the remnants of humanity. As the last vestiges of hope begin to fade, a glimmer of light appears in the form of Resonance, an ancient power that lies dormant within select individuals. As Aaron's family fall apart, he faced unimaginable horrors, discovering his own Resonance in the process, a latent ability that could be the key to reclaiming their world. Aaron embarks on a perilous quest to unravel the mysteries of Resonance, confront the darkness within himself, and face the Nightmares head-on. But as the stakes grow higher, Aaron realizes that the line between good and evil is not always clear-cut, and the very power that could save humanity may also be its downfall. Will Aaron's love for his family and his determination to restore light to the world be enough to overcome the forces of darkness, or will the shadows consume them all? ***************************************** WSA 2024 Entry.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasy
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4 Chs


In a simple-looking white car sat a young man, he had circle lens glasses like that of the olden days, couple with his blue eyes and curly brown hair, he fit the definition of a handsome calm scholar, yet at this moment, the heart of this young scholarly-looking man is in turmoil.

"Oh nice, what a great Government" He said sarcastically, his voice deep.

On his phone- whelp, let's just say the futuristic equivalent of the old gen phones, why? Because the phone is completely transparent and displaying its contents in a holographic style on the air!

The headline of the news responsible for his sarcastic remark is: The Government finally completed the great sanctuary!

"Tch... Sanctuary my arse" He cursed and at the same time, thought in his mind, 'A series of useless bunker systems'

Yes, that's right!

Actually, the world is facing worldwide economic crisis yet the Government are there, building their 'oh so great sanctuary!' instead of putting the funds to good use.

Most of the adults are frustrated by this not to mention that the human population had massively plummeted to the barest minimum and naturally, Aaron as a man in his late twenties is one of the frustrated adults.



School fees!

Electricity bi- ah not electricity bills, he was so frustrated by the electricity service as of late that he ended up buying solar panels and battery with the help of the woman he loved.

Majority of humanity's remaining population are now heavily depending on solar energy.

"Aaron dear" A sweet voice, pleasing to the ears and soothing to the heart, called.

A smile crept up Aaron's face, yes, that is the love of his life.

"Lily is ready for school" She announced while holding the hand of a cute little girl of about six-seven years old.

Lily had some of Aaron's facial features sharing his brown hair yet her eyes are not blue but a rare red colour which seemed to be full of childish innocence yet a tinge of sharp intellect, she had dimples on her cheeks whenever she smiled, her curly-brown hair styled into a ponytail by her beautiful mother who is now standing beside Aaron's window.

Her body is well proportioned, her arse not too big but perfectly shaped, a curvy slender body which could charm even the most hard-willed of men, with perky and sizable breast she'd easily passed as a top class beauty unmatched throughout the lands.

Yet the most peculiar and unique feature of hers is in her face.

Her perfect lips are red, I daresay extremely red to the point of being a sexy and glowing crimson even though she is without makeup, her teeth are perfectly white and her pale white skin without blemish.

Her eyes are a mysterious crimson color which seemed to absorb the soul of anyone who dared to look into them for too long.

All of her facial features are sharp, from her mouth, her eyes and every other thing.

There seemed to be an air of ancient elegance and feminine grace surrounding her despite not being much older than Aaron.

She is the type of woman that is guaranteed to leave a long lasting impression on anyone who laid his eyes on her.

The woman in question is now placing her snow white arms on the window, she leaned closer to Aaron, her unique intoxicating scent which he grown addicted to, wafted into his nose.

"Dear, I've got to travel today. Make sure to take good care of yourself and Lily for me, okay?" She said lovingly.

"Rest assured, Angelina. Give it your all for I, shall not let you down and..." Aaron declared proudly of course, and then paused for moment, then mischievously smiled, "and have fun while you are at it"

Angelina rolled her eyes at his joke, "It's a work trip, how is it support to be fun?" She questioned with a playful smile.

Aaron shrugged.

"Alright, don't be late for Lily's school. Goodbye dear" She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye bye mommy" Lily waved vigorously to which Angelina returned with a loving smile.

"Safe journey, my love" Aaron said a little sad that she'd be away from him for a few days.

Angelina nodded and watched as they drove away.

Inside the car, Lily was drawing something but suddenly stopped, Aaron didn't take it serious and focused on driving not knowing that a hot pie will soon be dropped.

"Daddy, I have a question" She said, putting her crayons aside with a serious look which looked cute on her childish face.

"Mhm, ask away dear" Aaron said briefly glancing at her and seeing her serious look, smiled for he found it cute.

"Dad, when you send me away to sleep..."

"Yes" Aaron casually nodded and gestured for her to continue.

"Why are you and mommy clapping in your room at night?"


What will you tell her if you are swapped with Aaron? xD

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts