
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

Family gathering

I know for a fact that I'm the strongest out of the three of us. My mom has the best defense, but her offence is trash. My sister is the most versatile. She studied fencing and sword fighting with king Arthur himself. Found out that Merlin was a half dryad half human, one of the very few male humans who can study witchcraft. The man was a little crazy. Except for being a rare male wizard he was also one of the few who did not have prejudice against us. His mother on the other hand was very passive aggressive for an old coot, mostly cause she couldn't hurt us even if she was in her prime. Too bad we couldn't kill the woman and relieve us of our miseries.I'm amazed she was even still alive like Jesus how old was that woman. I know witches can prolong their lives but wasn't Merlin himself like a hundred years old.

Getting sidetracked with my thought's. It's been about about a week since the call with Alice. Our relationship has progressed smoothly. Jasper and my sister even went on a date a few days ago. You can never really tell what that man is thinking, but I could tell that he was nervous. Not because of the date itself, but the person the date was with. Heard from Alice he pulled out every ounce of southern gentleman he had in him, so he wouldn't end up like me. As I thought of that I felt my shoulder ache a little. A the phantom pain will never get use to that. I mean how does that even happen. I don't feel phantom pain from stab wounds or getting my arm blown off by a canon. A the reckless days, but the moment my sister brakes my arm my mind just tells me to remember women are crazy and causes me phantom pain.

Bella invited my sister and I out to the beach with her friends. We thought about it and decided not to go. We don't want to meet the lost puppy. But that was a big hint to where we are at in the time line. It won't be too long before shit hits the fan. Goddamn I might have been bored for the last 30 years with no action, but this is just a hassle. That reminds me creeper peeper Aro wants my girl to join his little band of creepy crawly's. On second thought maybe it wont be such a hassle, I finally get to give them a nice knuckle sandwich to the face, hopefully I put in enough force to decapitate him in one shot. Just imagining it puts a smile on my face.

"Percy are you listening to me." Alice asked. As we sat down on a log behind the school.

"Huh, no I was just having some wonderful thoughts about our next date." Lied straight through my teeth, put a smile on her face to.

"Well at least your thoughtful, you blockhead. I was saying that my parents, Carlisle and Esme, invited your family over for 'dinner'. As I said last time we are vegetarians, Esme was asking if you guys are fine with that." she asked

"Yeah it's fine. We went on a vegetarian diet a while ago, because we had caused some problems and our mom forced us on the diet. She said that if we have no self control then we will have to be vegetarians until we do." I said with a smile, but in reality it was kinda gross. Animal blood is like the fast food and greasy version of human blood. Its like having grade A beef your whole life and then all of the sudden having frozen patty's from the meat isle in the supermarket. They will never compare.

"Alright remember 'diner' is at seven so don't be late." She said in a serious tone.

"Alright, alright. We have only been dating for like a two weeks and your already nagging me like we have been married for ever." I said with a teasing smile.

"Well Percy we are not young anymore. I still look good aren't you scared that if we aren't married I might be stolen away." She teased back with a sweet smile.

"Let's see him try." I said with a very scary and sadistic smile.

"Oh, my brother is calling me. I gotta go home. See you tomorrow 'honey'." She said emphasizing the word honey. I chuckled took her hand pulled her in close gave her a deep passionate kiss. When we separated. I said.

"See you tomorrow 'honey'." Also emphasizing honey. When she left my line of sight i let the shadows devour me and disappeared from where I stood.

-Cullen residence next day-

We had arrived at seven o'clock on the dot. Before I could knock on the door, it swung open. What I saw on the other side was Alice. She came up to me, thinking she was going to give me a hug she directly ignores me directly and walks up to my mother and gives her a hug. My mother seems as lost as the rest of us. After a solid minute of hugging, she finally let go.

"It's so nice to finally meet you mother." That one sentence through us all of immediately. My mother turned and stared at me with a dark stare and finally spoke.

"You got married to her without telling me?" She asked with a smile that promised a world of hurt or a few decades in that dreaded coffin if she didn't like my answer. The coffin was our for us, was like when your teacher send you to the corner to face the wall in preschool or detention in high school. So that that we could think about what I did wrong. I started to sweat and I could see my sister finally caught up to what happened and smirked evilly and mouthed. 'Your dead.'

"No mother, I swear that I did no such thing. If I got married you would be the very first to know." I said as fast as I possibly could. Trying my absolute hardest to defuse the situation. Apparently god was not on my side.

"Didn't you say yesterday that I nag you too much, as if we've been married for ages and that it's only been like two weeks." Alice said. That was the moment that I resigned myself to my fate. I had two options in front of me. Run away or leave myself to my mothers mercy. Right at that moments the heavens answered my prayers.

"I'm just playing a little joke Miss Winchester." Alice said.

"Alright you can just call me Alex, dear." She said with the sweetest smile. Alice then invited us inside. Once inside we went to the living room. Carlisle walked up to us and started of the introductions.

"Hello to formally introduce myself I am, Carlisle Cullen." He said while sticking out his hand for a handshake. My mother took his hand and said.

"Hello to formally introduce ourselves we are the Winchesters. This is my son Percy, my daughter Olivia and I myself am Alexandria. You may call me Alex." She said with a smile.

Wanted to finally bring the two families together. Will be starting the baseball game in two chapters.

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