
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs

The reveal

I watched her face contort a little at the mention of the name Vlad the impaler. I could see and feel the shock I had given her. I mean who would believe that the stories of Dracula are real. More importantly he was the progenitor of their race just like the legends say in folklore. The cold ones have been a race who have existed for far longer than we could imagine. They have always thought themselves invincible. Finding out that your not the strongest after your long rain of supremacy, it can do a lot to someones mental stability.

I could tell that I had shocked her to the very core. I have been alive for the last two thousand years and to be honest this right here is one of my proudest moments. I mean how many can say they have shocked a clairvoyant to the absolute core. Someone with the ability to see the future was shocked to the absolute core, because of me. Life is feeling good right about now. I noticed it was getting dark and I honestly wanted something to drink.

"It's getting quite late I should head home and get myself something to drink and eat." I say as I lift my finger and close her mouth, which was hanging open due to shock, closed. I give her a peck on the cheek and start walking away as I was about to leave her range of visibility, I stop walking and turn my head back and say with a smile on my face.

"My dear Alice I almost forgot to answer your question. I am one of the oldest this world has, well except for the little club of old fogies who sit around wasting their eternity away playing pretend. I am after all two thousand years old." I let out a little laugh and take a step behind a tree right out of her sight and disappear. I now understand why villains love giving riddles to the protagonists, its so much fun messing with people. Watching them squirm for answer that you hold, while you kick back and enjoy the show.

-Alice pov-

When he disappeared, I with one hundred percent certainty can say that if I could I would be drenched in cold sweat right now. Even though vampires have their mind unlocked, due to the fact that their are no suppressors or limiters on their mind or body, I still had to stay standing there for a few minutes processing what I had just been told. The moment my mind was able to somewhat grow stable. I once again broke into a sprint with a speed faster than even yesterday home.

I once again shouted for a family meeting not giving a sh*t about super hearing. We all went into the living room and I recounted what he had told me. I recounted every single detail I could remember in that moment, once again leaving out the peck on the cheek at the end and once again I am grateful Edward decided not to be a d*ck and rat me out.

"I knew that they were powerful but isn't that much I mean we only get enhancements but they get enhancements as well as a free superpower gift pack. Compulsion, umbrakinesis, oneirokinesis and some of them even have hemokinesis. This is just stupid." Emmett commented and all of couldn't help but agree. This was absurd, we are quite surprised at how we won this little war of ours. Then it dawned on me we never got a clear description of this little war.

"Carlisle I have a question." I said he looked at me and nodded.

"Can you tell us what happened exactly in this war and how did we possibly beat a race of vampires that is so clearly superior to us. Also they can obviously mass produce vampires." Once I asked my question everyone looked at Carlisle for answers, agreeing with the points I had raised.

"We won mostly because even though they can produce vampires at a faster rate than us any vampire one hundred years and under is weaker than us so in reality it was only the older ones that we had to worry about. Only when they reached two hundred years old would they be a real headache, any older than that and we had to come up with strategies to take them down. We needed to make a plan A, B, C and sometimes even a plan D. Many wars in human history between the period of the 18th and 19th century where actually secretly a cover up for our wars. Due to the fact that our side had been alive much longer than them we had more forces. It used to be that we outnumber them one hundred to one, but after the war they had become an almost extinct species. Any of them who are found are immediately executed. If we would to put it simply if they would have not been almost extinct even would casualty on both sides we would still outnumber them but at the rate of ten to one. More than half the race of cold ones were exterminated in this period."

"And if my calculations are correct if this guy is two thousand years old it's safe to bet that so are his family members. They each have an extra ability on top of their superpower gift pack." Jasper analyzed. We all had our fair share of shock these last few days. On top of this problem I also have to find the right moment to befriend Bella to. Even with all of the things happening around us Bella and Edwards future never changed. It's like it is destined to happen no matter what. I mean imagine that on top of being his singer she's also his soulmate.

After the family meeting I grabbed my phone and made a phone call. Everyone was surprised at my action so they decided to stick around for a little bit.

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Hello this is Percy speaking, how ma I help you my dear Alice." He sounded like a telephone proctor until he said the second half and we all knew he was messing with us. We could hear giggles in the background from women. Most likely his mother and sister.

"Percy I am going to get straight to the point the most important thing in a relationship is trust and if you want us to be together you are going to have to tell me who you really are." I tried to say that in the sternest voice I could muster and I could tell from my families faces that they are surprised and happy they stuck around. The line went silent for a minute, but we have super hearing we could hear them muttering to each other.

"Very well." He said with a sigh. "I had an entire plan on how to keep giving you puzzle pieces and let you and your family figure it out but my mother and sister feel like I have had enough fun. Do you know how hard it is to entertain yourself when your two thousand years old. I have been dying from boredom recently." We heard a chuckle and a smack in the background and we were sure we heard bones braking.

"Sis did you have to hit me that hard. Now I have blood all over my clothes. You are doing laundry this week and I have mom as a witness so you can't get out of it." Now if you heard them argue you would think they are an ordinary loving family till you hear the context.

"Anyway where were we, oh yes. We are the first family the progenitors of our species and I personally also have the honor of holding the title of Dracula. Now if you want me tell you more we my good Alice will have to go on a date. How about this Friday after school. Oh Edward my sister says stop being a little b*tch and running away from Bella, she's tired of hearing her complain. One more thing Jasper my sister has a crush on you and would like to go out on a da- " Before he finished that last word we heard the phone drop to the ground and the sound of bones breaking and a cry of pain.

All the girls understood that he just overstepped his boundaries as a brother by telling her crush that she is crushing. Now I'm wondering who the strongest is in the their family. And then the phone got caught off. All the boys were looking at Jasper with pity.

-Boys thoughts-

Edward: 'Such a girl has a crush on you. Also what do you mean stop being a little b*tch.'

Emmett: 'I feel sad for you bro I mean if she could make a two thousand year old monster cry out in pain I am scared to imagine what she would do to you if you pissed her off.'

Carlisle: 'My son finally has a girl he can date, although a bit violent. I am sure she will be great.'

Jasper: '.....'