
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Movies
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30 Chs


As we were all mixing and mingling drinking this animal blood. Edward announced that he would be leaving. Once he was out the door I couldn't help but ask why he left. She explained that he went to go pick up Bella.

When I heard that I couldn't help but smile. The story begins. My sister and I had already agreed that the whole James and Victoria thing was highly unnecessary. We can spare Laurent, that way Irina won't go all psycho bitch on us. That way I can personally invite the Volturi on my own terms. I am going to enjoy tearing peeper creeper Aro t pieces. When I thought of that I could see my sister stare at me with a knowing look.

A few minutes later we could all hear a car arriving, we all realized that Bella is here. As if on cue Edward opens the door and walks in with Bella. Now imagine the shock on her face when she sees my family here drinking along with the rest of us. Her mind seems to have come to a screeching halt at the sight of us. She turns to Edward looking for an answer and he just flashes her a smile and guides her inside. She introduced herself to everybody and when she finally reaches us, she greets my mom and me stares and Olivia and asks one question.


"How?" My sister asks confused.

"How are you one of them. Edward told me that you guys can't eat, but you a guys have been having dinner with me and my dad for a couple of weeks now. Your mom has even been on dinner dates with my dad. So I ask again. How?" She explains with pretty solid logic there.

"Oh that's what you mean. We (she points at my mom and me) are vampires in a more traditional sense. We have fangs and drink blood have a weakness for sunlight. Their bodies (she points at the Cullen's) when they are turned is more of an alchemy process really. They turn from blood, skin and bones to more of a crystal diamond like anatomy. While we are still blood, skin and bone so we don't lose the ability to eat. Our bodies stomach acid is just really good at its job so nothing is left after we eat it, that is why we never have to go to the bathroom. All of our organs still work, except we don't need any of them except the hart and the brain." She goes on to explain our anatomy structure and I don't know when but Carlisle got a notepad out from somewhere and is scribbling down all kinds of info.

"In all actuality I have a theory, that we can donate our organs to suitable donors. The only problem I can find with this that if the patient isn't careful and dies he would turn in to one of us. Another major problem would be the fact that the patient would be healed within an hour or two, with no scars to speak of and in peak physical condition some might even say a bit higher than peak." The reason my sister has been rambling on is to show everybody her ability in the medical field. All so she can bring up one plot hole in the Twilight.

"You know that actually reminds me. In our long life spans we had come across many different things. One such thing would be the immortal children. Another one are hybrids." At the mention of the word everyone outside of our family seems confused. "Hybrids are half human and half vampire. It happens when a male vampire mates with a female human. This fact has proven that the male reproductive organ of the male vampire is working just as good or better than when you were still human. That leads to the question does the female reproductive organ still work." When she raised that question all the girls in the room perked up, putting in their full attention.

"My answer to that question is most likely yes. The most likely thing is that the eggs are fine you most likely just don't release them anymore. So if we were to find a way to extract the eggs from a female vampire and and the sperm cells from a male vampire, then plant this egg in a surrogate mother. Then most likely a few months or weeks, maybe even days later we will have a pure blooded vampire baby. The baby will grow and mature within a few years. After growing to the physical appearance of a person in between the ages of eighteen and twenty." When she finished speaking all the women had hope in their eyes to have their own babies. They then went to discus amongst themselves.

I decided now is as good a time as any to disappear. I grab Alice's hand and drag her away from the rest of the family. I pick her up in a princess carry and let the shadows take us away. As we exit hearing distance, I turn to look at her and say.

"Alright my boo tell me what you want to know. Cause I know for a fact that you are very curious about my past."

"How did you know?" She asks skeptically.

"Cause you wouldn't be you, if you weren't always so curious." I answer her back. Just as she was about to start asking some questions she goes in to a daze. After a solid minute she comes back with the biggest smile I have ever seen. She quickly grabs my hand and drags me back to the house. The moment we enter we find Jasper and Olivia in a love seat. Rosalie is sitting on the couch with a scowl on her face while Emmett is taking to her and last but not least the grownups are in the kitchen talking about grownup things.

"Baseball tomorrow in the afternoon." Alice says. That immediately catches the attention of the rest of her family. Even Rosalie stops scowling. She rushes upstairs and invites Bella to come along.

I know that this is a crappy chapter, but I had to get this chapter done. I ran out of inspiration for this chapter. Need more inspiration for the next one.

Wish me luck and hope you guys enjoy the next chapter.

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