

Ever wondered... โ€œWhat if time and space were codes in a program, people were NPCs, and reality was nothing more than a simulation.โ€ Well, it all comes to life in this story where it all begins with a simple call from an unknown caller. Multiple lifetimes, different timelines and a mystery folded in the origin of reality. Mysterious watchers, hackers, anonymous beings and time travellers, these are simply just a taste of the mysteries that are exposed as you follow through the story. Many leads may die but one will struggle to survive longer than the rest. For how long? That's up to you to find out. This is going to be a long series so sit back and enjoy the read. I know you'll like what you read. ********** Also, for my readers out there, I'll be posting two chapters every single week without fail. So you can expect my frequent posts and enjoy my work as much as you can.

Firelorn_P_King ยท Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ—: ๐€๐๐Ž๐“๐‡๐„๐‘ ๐’๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„


Being X had just revealed to Delete his ability to hear all things and the extent by which he could use that ability. It was a bit much for Delete to take in at the moment...

"Dude... That's kinda creepy... So there's basically no such thing as privacy?" Delete saw the intruding factor of such an ability and it made him uncomfortable.

"W-well, it's not like I can control it, alright!?" Being X defended himself.

"I understand that but..." Delete tried to sympathize with Being X.

"No, you really don't understand. You think I want to hear Stacy complain on and on about her cramps all day! Or Jonathan tell Jack about his latest smash and pass! Or Miya crying over every single f#cking thing that scares her even though she's the moron that rented a scary movie! Or Melissa, with her constant moaning!!๐Ÿ’ข" Being X exclaimed and roared his many inconveniences.

A slight drizzle of rain began to fall for some reason.

"Ok! Ok, ok, ok, calm down. I get it!" Delete said trying to calm him down.

"Oh no...! You don't get it, you will NEVER get it!๐Ÿ’ข You don't know how it feels, for decades, centuries and millennia, having to suffer in silence while listening to the noise of the world, no, the universe itself." Being X got even more agitated.

Being X was panting with rage, and as he did the environment was being affected, the ground was shaking, almost like a huge earthquake was coming and the sky was darkening for a major storm.

Dark clouds began taking shape and lightning spreading through the skies. That is, untill...

"I hear you, I do! I'm sorry for asking about it!" Delete calmly said to the agitated Being X.

Delete had gotten Being X's attention...

"I may not have gone through what you have for centuries or millennium, but I do understand that no matter the time that passes, it never gets easier to ignore the pain of 'the noises'. Even now, I can still hear them, over, and over, and over again. However, just like I did then, I'll do now, endure! Endure till there's nothing left!"

Being X's anger dissipated and the storm subsided just a bit. The ground stopped shaking and the impending doom of a storm reduced to a minor one to the point of rain, but it was normal rain.

Panting, inhaling and exhaling, Being X finally calmed down...

"Hahh..Hahh...Hahhh... You're right. All we can do is endure. And I may have gone a bit out of control there, I apologize."

"No, no, no, you don't have to apologize you had every right to be mad. I'm sorry for asking too much from you." Delete apologized in tow.

"Why, thank you." Being X said in appreciation.

Delete had one more question for Being X though....

"It's no problem. But I have to ask though, how do you tune out the unnecessary noises? If you don't mind me asking?"

That question caught Being X off guard...

"...I focus."

"Huh... Focus. On what exactly?" Delete asked again.

"The static." A static sound could be heard to Being X if he focused on it. It was a sound attuned to a Television static, but more tuned, clear and clean.

"Static? I don't hear any static. What static, where is it?" Delete pondered in his thoughts but Being X noticed his bewilderment.

"I'm not sure where it comes from or what it actually is But from it's sound, it's a kind of static I hear in every alternate reality I have accessed in the universe. It never changes in frequency or tone or even reverberates, it is constant. It feels close but far at the same time like..." Being X explained before he lost the words.

"Like...?" Delete asked insisting on an answer.

"Like everything that exists is just...static, not from here." Being X's word were vague but sound.


"I'm sorry. I'm just rambling on. I don't even know what I'm saying." Being X said apologetically.

"That's another mystery." Delete blurted out.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean, another mystery." Being X was curious.

"I MEANT...how don't you know what's going on? I'm sorry to mention this again but you're like the highest being around." Delete had to say.

"I see, it does seem that way." Being X somewhat agreed with his words.

"Not to sound offensive, but just being around you put the chills into anybody, including me. And I mean that literally." Delete added.

There was a brief silence between them, Delete had stopped in his tracks and almost forgot his mission. But he took a step forward and continued on. Being X followed behind.

Delete stopped moving just before getting to the Office building where Eric resided, struggling to accept the truth about the world and reality he was born into. Delete turned towards Being X and said in a serious monotonous but calm tone...

"Tell me something. How do you not know what or why you do things for?"

"...." Being X didn't answer.

"It's almost like you're not a part of this world, time or even reality. No, maybe somewhere so far that we can't reach." Delete added once more but Being X still didn't answer or react, he simply floated and listened.

"And it's almost like, for some reason, coming here, to this mortal world made you forget your reason for being here in the first place. Afterall, you must be here for a reason." Delete concluded.

Being X, being the floating orb that he was, floated towards Delete and faced him. Delete was able to see the physical workings of Being X from such a close distance, looking into Being X was like seeing a portion of space with it's stars and galaxies in a sphere.

And that spherical ball of space said....

"....You're right."


"I'm not from HERE, not your world, universe or even your reality as a whole. I'm from somewhere else, I know that, I can feel it but I can't remember anything about it but I do know what I was sent here to do." Being X said.

"And what's that?" Delete asked, the anticipation was heavy for him.

"...." Being X kept quiet.

"Hello...? Earth to Being X!? What were you sent here for?" Delete pestered and pestered.

"...." Being X just stayed there on the air, unresponsive and silent. The silence dragged on for an awkward amount of time that only the raindrops could be heard.

After a short while, the quiet that turned into silence began to feel like...dread.

"Umm, Being X? What were you sent here to do exactly?" Delete asked once more, he had a hint of fear in his words.

"I was sent here to..." Being X finally spoke.


"To destroy reality completely and #nd t##s ####m." Being X said, but some of the last words he spoke were filtered out like static.

Delete began to fill chills in his spine, his skin turned cold, his legs shook a bit, and a grip tugged on his throat, he was afraid...

"What the f#ck do you mean!? Wait, just wait a minute you're not going to destroy the prime reality, are you?" Delete fearfully said.

"Well, it depends..." Being X said vaguely almost as if he was unsure, himself.

"Depends!? Depends on what!?" Delete questioned further.

"๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Ž๐“๐‡๐„๐‘ ๐’๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„." Being X said.

๐“๐จ ๐๐ž ๐‚๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐ฎ๐ž๐...

Author's note: There's actually three other sides. You'll find out about one of the sides in this series, the other two in other series. That's what makes it canon in the other series.

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