

Ever wondered... “What if time and space were codes in a program, people were NPCs, and reality was nothing more than a simulation.” Well, it all comes to life in this story where it all begins with a simple call from an unknown caller. Multiple lifetimes, different timelines and a mystery folded in the origin of reality. Mysterious watchers, hackers, anonymous beings and time travellers, these are simply just a taste of the mysteries that are exposed as you follow through the story. Many leads may die but one will struggle to survive longer than the rest. For how long? That's up to you to find out. This is going to be a long series so sit back and enjoy the read. I know you'll like what you read. ********** Also, for my readers out there, I'll be posting two chapters every single week without fail. So you can expect my frequent posts and enjoy my work as much as you can.

Firelorn_P_King · Sci-fi
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14 Chs



Delete had just been answered by Being X about the reasons for all these actions against Eric Brander, and all Being X could say was...

"....I don't know."


"I'm sorry, huh!? What do you mean you don't know!?" Delete stopped in his tracks and stared at the unsure Being X in surprise. He had never heard the words "I don't know" come out of its mouth before.

"Aren't you like a god!? Or something like th-"

"-I'm a messenger, not a god. More of a... demigod." Being X interrupted Delete. It still caught Delete off guard to see a literal omniscient god-like entity saying "I don't know".

"It's the same thing. Like how are you not in the know of all things?"

"The same way you've not been doing the assignments yourself!" Being X exclaimed. There were a few pants and exhales after that outburst but it seemed to have relieved him somewhat.

"What do you mean?" Delete asked.


"You said that it was the same way I've not been doing the assignments myself. I want to know what you meant by that?" Delete asked again.

"Oh, you think I don't know that you've been using an assassin for hire to do YOUR job? Come on! It's pretty obvious." Being X began to move ahead.

And Delete followed behind...

"But that's...." Delete didn't have the words to finish that sentence.

"Exactly! I'm just a figurehead as well and forgive my language but I don't know what the F#CK the big guy up there really wants!" Being X complained. To Delete, every time Being X got even a little bit upset, his orb-like body pulsated in huge frequencies.

"Wait a minute, I get that I'm not necessarily doing my job 'directly', but even so, how did you know?"

"What do you mean? I always knew."

"You see, that I don't get, you seemed to know that I was getting help for my tasks with the aid of an assassin but something as simple as the effects that Eric Brander has over the time and space, and how he does it, you don't know!?" Delete was a bit perturbed to see Being X unable to defend himself from his questions.

"I-I just knew about your little hirings, that's all." Being X answered but it was an inadequate answer.

So Delete pried on the matter even more...

"There must be something that you do know about Eric Brander, I mean how have you been able to tell so much in the last years I've known you?"

"I'm not omniscient, you know?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I guess you're not." Delete begrudgingly accepted.

"But I am omniaudient." Delete was surprised by the sudden words, he had never heard of the word "omniaudient" before, and he knew nothing of the meaning.

"What's that mean?" He asked.

"Well, we've got 'omniscient' that means all-knowing, right?"


"Then 'omniaudient' means all-hearing."

"All-hearing, huh? But wait! What do you mean all-hearing? Does that mean that you-" Delete had finally got an idea of what Being X was actually capable of.

"-Yes, it means exactly what you're thinking, I HEAR EVERYTHING!" Being X excitedly confirmed Delete's words.

"I guess that's cool and all but that doesn't just clear the fact that you're able to be everywhere and anywhere. So how?" Delete had begun another debate of questions.

The divine Being X let out a sigh and said...

"You can't be serious, right? It seems that I may need to give you an example right now."

"Ok...?" Delete reluctantly replied.

There was a crackling sound in the air, Being X's body began to pulsate and vibrate at different frequencies. Once the pulsating stopped, Being X elevated into the sky began to...listen.

It took a few minutes but Being X levitated down and spoke to the unaware Delete...

"Your so-called assassin seems to be taking requests right now."

"Huh? What do mean?"

"I mean he says 'Sure I'll take out the enemy competition, for a price that is. Don't joke around, you know I always get the job done, always.'" Being X had just voiced out the words of Delete's assassin in the assassin's exact words and voice. It was a shocking discovery for Delete.

"That's incredible, you can actually hear him on other timelines?" Delete asked.

"Yes, I can. I told you, I HEAR EVERYTHING." Being X confirmed his words once again.

Delete had asked due to the fact that they were still present in Eric's timeline, so hearing the assassin from there should be scientifically impossible, that'd be like being able to hear in different dimensions all at once.

"I wonder how that works though?" Delete wondered out loud.

"Well, I'll try to make it simple to understand even for a mortal such as yourself." Being X humoured Delete's curiosity, excitedly so.

"You know how you've got to summon me by just calling out to my command name, 'Being X'?" Being X mentioned.

"Yes...! And surprisingly, you're always there once called." Delete contributed.

"And you know how you can do the same with your smartphone if you want to access your voice assistant? You know, like Doogle, Xiri, or maybe Vlexa?" Being X mentions again.

"So...?" Delete was trying to know what Being X was getting at.

"Well, it's the same way. I'm always listening, just in the same way, your smartphone is always listening. I mean that's the way the so-called government of your world listens to everyone in the world and tracks your location. They hear everything." Being X concluded.

"I see." Delete was in awe but he composed himself to not look uneducated or easy.

"But alas, the only difference is that mine's natural, and there isn't a switch I could use to turn it on or off, I can only decide to focus, tune or ignore the voices I hear." Being X said in a disappointed tone.

"So what you're saying is that for all this time, you've..." Delete was stuck on his words.

"Yes, for the final time. I am omniaudient, I am all-hearing, and thus, I hear everything." Being X concluded once more.

𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝...

Thought long and hard about what 'all hearing' would be called. And surprisingly, I created a new word “Omniaudient”. Tell me I'm wrong if you can.

Firelorn_P_Kingcreators' thoughts