
Empire Ascension: The Rise of the Fated One

This is the story of a modern man who transmigrates to 16th-century India in a parallel world, finding himself as a lowly ranked soldier. With his modern knowledge and past experiences, he not only rescues a crumbling empire but also forges his own path to eventually claim the title of emperor. His journey is filled with challenges, including internal turmoil, political strife, and threats of invasion from outsiders. Despite his desire and attempts for a peaceful and just life, fate entangles him in series of situations that people started calling him the demon emperor who... Discord : https://discord.com/invite/sAEuZjUsHp Discord id: jeet_author_1993 (for direct contact) Note*: Time for release : 10.30am(IST) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (3days in week) currently on break due to first season end, will resume updating from 4th July 2024.

Jeet_1993 · History
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105 Chs

Stay with me tonight? Part-1

Few hours ago in the emperor's council for possible rebel attack, Aditya suggested keeping Raamya in the capital since she was the top general and might be needed for defence in case of an attack.

There, he volunteered himself to reinforce Rewari in the cover of delegation while the main force is being sent to amber under another seasoned general.

With sufficient plan and possible preparations, he managed to convince the council to approve his judgment. 

However, this suggestion deeply infuriated Raamya, as she protested that her value as a general was being diminished when her expertise was most crucial. But it fell short against Aditya's solid justification and got ignored.

In all honesty, he deliberately prevented Raamya from leaving the capital out of love and a desire for her safety. However, despite his intentions, he realized that might be he had actually undermined her value. He felt terribly bad for his actions.

Right now, the gaze he received from Raamya was not that of his lover, but rather of the general whose pride had been wounded for his own selfish reasons. He knew that he had messed up very badly.

He knew that this was the moment he must handle tactfully, as it could ruin his relationship with her. Even though they had become very close, he had indeed crossed a boundary, and now he might have to exhaust himself in a battle of wits and lengthy debate to convince her of his point.

He sighed, realizing that he also needed a good sleep, to prepare for the scheduled journey early in the morning. He geared his mind to full capacity as he approached his lover.

On the contrary, Raamya was more worried about Aditya's safety than her wounded pride. She loved Aditya more than her own life, to the extent that she didn't care about what others would think or feel if it meant bringing good to her sweetheart.

That's why she was in agony; she wanted to join Aditya on his trip. As an experienced general, she wanted her skills to be put to use for his safety, rather than being confined to the safety of the fort.

In fact, she was waiting in the garden for him intentionally to convince him to let her go. However, seeing him give a casual smile, something irked her inside, and she threw the small pebble in a direction less likely to cause a meaningful impact.

She moved her gaze in frustration and thought, 'Silly me, why does he have to give that stupid smile at this moment? Will he ever listen to me?'

Her heart beat fast as she heard his footsteps approaching, eventually taking a seat in front of her and stretching his legs out in the same position as hers, but in the opposite direction. She tried hard not to look at him and kept her face straight.

Aditya confessed with a soft tone, "I know you might be angry with me, that I didn't let you complete your stance, but that was the only option I had."

Raamya remained silent, her expression was unreadable.

"I needed someone to oversee the logistic lines and ensure the supply from the rear," Aditya explained, his tone almost pleading. "In these times, I need someone capable and trusteed to protect the capital, where I can be at ease while defending the borders."

Raamya's gaze remained fixed at the other side, but Aditya pressed on. "Just think about the emperor," he urged gently. "He has already lost one eye, and our next best man is in the dungeons because of suspicion.

You are the only one fit, in case of any major attack on the fort."

Raamya's expression softened slightly at the mention of the emperor, but she still didn't reply.

But the next moment, she was surprised when Aditya held her hands and confessed, "If you don't talk to me, I would rather die and never return."

In a moment of panic, she turned to find Aditya with a pleading puppy face, instantly softening her resolve. She gently covered his mouth and replied, "Don't spout such nonsense, Aditya. If there's to die then it shall be your enemies."

Aditya was internally surprised; he needed something to break the ice, and the suicidal stereotypes from past life movies just hit the bullseye. He was glad that at least she was ready to listen now.

He removed her hand to speak, holding it near his heart to let her feel his heartbeat. "What is the use of living when the person I want to see upon my return is not even willing to talk with me anymore? It's as if my heart has already begun to stop."

Raamya blushed at these unexpected words, understanding that it was all façade to approach her. Internally, she was happy for his sweet effort to cheer her, but the matter at hand concerned her more.

So, she controlled her demeanor and rebuked him with serious voice, as she freed her hands from his grasp, "Aditya, it's not funny. What has happened to you? I know you have a better plan and logic, but at least you should allow others to voice their opinions and trust their judgment.

You didn't even allow me to express my stance and unilaterally demanded to the emperor to station me in the capital. Do you think I became a general just like that? what if something happens to you?"

Aditya let her rant, knowing that if he didn't let her complete, she would not listen to him anymore.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he knew would be a difficult conversation. "Oh dear, I understand your frustrations, and I value your expertise more than you know. But please, trust me on this. The safety of our people, of our empire, depends on our decisions here today. I have stated my reasons, already."

Raamya's gaze softened slightly, but her expression remained guarded. "I understand that, Aditya." she said softly, lowering her head," But I can't help as it feel like my skills are being wasted here, while you go off to face the dangers alone."

Aditya held her shoulder and looked at his eyes with conviction. "Look at me, Raamya. May be I sound selfish but this decision wasn't made lightly.

I need you here, not just for me, but for our people. Your leadership is invaluable, and I can't bear the thought of you risking your life unnecessarily, outside there."

 Raamya's heart melted for his care and she embraced him "But what if something happens to you out there? I won't be able to bear it if..."

Her voice trailed off with a flicker of uncertainty.

Aditya drew her closer into his arms, leaving no gap for air to pass, and whispered softly, "I'll do everything in my power to come back to you, my dear. I promise."

Raamya hesitated for a moment, torn between her duty and her love for Aditya. But as she looked into his eyes, she saw the depth of his sincerity, and her resolve wavered.

Finally, with a sigh, she rested her head against his shoulder, allowing herself to be enveloped in his warmth and strength as she tightened her grip around his body. "Aa... Aditya...will you stay with me tonight?" she hesitated and stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aditya felt a rush of conflicting emotions as her whisper stirred him. Throughout the whole month, he had suffered from pent-up desire, only able to make out or be teased by her, but finally, he would be able to satiate his hunger.

However, the timing seemed odd, given his need for sleep. Who was he kidding? He could love her all night nonstop and even fight for the next day if needed. Additionally, the regret of missing this chance would harm his focus.

Thinking this, he steeled his resolve as he looked at her, her cheeks already flushed at the thought of intimacy. Without hesitation, he leaned in for a kiss as a direct acknowledgment of her desire.

As their lips met in a passionate kiss, Aditya and Raamya lost themselves in the moment, their passion igniting like a flame. Their hands trailed along each other's back, exploring with gentle yet urgent caresses, each touch sending shivers down their spines.

With a soft gasp, Raamya wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing him to trace the curves of her body with his hands as he peppered kisses on her cheeks and neck, while she trembled at each touch.

She looked at Aditya, feeling a mixture of surprise and embarrassment as he effortlessly lifted her in his arms after a few playful presses. With a slight blush gracing her cheeks, she rested her head against his chest as he took Raamya to his room.

Bheem, half asleep on guard duty near the door, closed his eyes as if he were truly sleeping upon seeing Aditya, allowing him to have his secret encounter undisturbed.

Aditya felt a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment for his friend's favor, but he brushed it aside, fully focused on his impending session with Raamya, who had already buried her head in his chest in shame.

Unbeknownst to them, however, Raamya's mother, Sayantika, was already spying on them from the other end of the corridor, casting curious glances under the cover of darkness.


Author's note:

Thank you, WolfHunter5292, for one more new GT ticket. I didn't expect it this time, but I am glad for your support with votes and fandom. I must highlight that due to your huge contribution to this book, it got the chance to be in the golden ticket rankings for two days. It's a pity the competition is too high, but the opportunity to get in ranking for a new book needs to be celebrated. This chapter is dedicated to you. And I promise you that I will strive harder for better content ahead.

Also, I would like to address the complaint I received from my fellow favorite readers through other channels that I am not mentioning their names for power stones and am biased towards GT ticket holders, which is not the case at all.

I remember each and every person who has donated stones to me according to their capacity, whether it was morning, evening, or the dead of night, and I actually grateful. For those who think I have wronged, I ask for your patience as I have a way to make up for it.

Taking this opportune moment, I would like to clarify that GT tickets are exclusive tickets, as the user would need to spend 250 coins to get them, and being voted by GT ticket is a major contribution which feel should be appreciated.

It's a harsh fact that people supporting today may not be able to contribute more due to unforeseen circumstances, and this platform simply refreshes their name after a certain period as if they don't exist at all.

As an author, I feel indebted, and as a token of appreciation, I have decided to acknowledge every major contributor to my work, whether it's through gifts or votes, even if it's just a one-time contribution or multiple.

This acknowledgment will be visible to thousands, and if fate permits, perhaps millions, serving as a testament to their support but its a pity I am misunderstood.

I apologize if I have offended anyone in any way, and to make up for it, I would like to mention the names of the top three contributors of power stones to the book at the start of every month who actually voted that month, especially for those who don't have GT tickets.

I believe in giving back for what I receive. I have done it before, and I will do it again because I believe this book is not just my glory, but the glory of all those who support it.

With this, I hope my readers can understand my intentions, and if you feel it's worth it, please continue supporting my book to help it reach its peak, as I am nothing without your support.

Thank you for reading! :)

lol, I almost wrote a subplot. Dont worry next chapter is big and will be updated soon. For new comers please make sure to add it to library and votes are always appreciated. :)

Jeet_1993creators' thoughts