
Empire Ascension: The Rise of the Fated One

This is the story of a modern man who transmigrates to 16th-century India in a parallel world, finding himself as a lowly ranked soldier. With his modern knowledge and past experiences, he not only rescues a crumbling empire but also forges his own path to eventually claim the title of emperor. His journey is filled with challenges, including internal turmoil, political strife, and threats of invasion from outsiders. Despite his desire and attempts for a peaceful and just life, fate entangles him in series of situations that people started calling him the demon emperor who... Discord : https://discord.com/invite/sAEuZjUsHp Discord id: jeet_author_1993 (for direct contact) Note*: Time for release : 10.30am(IST) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (3days in week) currently on break due to first season end, will resume updating from 4th July 2024.

Jeet_1993 · History
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106 Chs

Stay with me tonight? Part-2 (R-18+)

As Aditya gently guided Raamya to sit on the bed, he noticed the slight tremble in her hands and the hesitant look in her eyes. With tender care, he brushed his fingers against her jade-like face, feeling the warmth of her skin under his touch.

A single tear escaped her eye, glistening like a diamond in the soft light of the room. Aditya felt concerned, asked with a gentle voice, "What's wrong, Raamya? Why are you crying?"

Raamya's hand instinctively reached out, gripping Aditya's back tightly as if afraid he might slip away. Her voice quivered as she whispered, "I... I don't want to lose you, Aditya. I'm scared... scared that something might happen to you out there."

Her words pierced Aditya's heart, filling him with a mixture of sorrow and determination. Without hesitation, he pulled her into a comforting embrace, holding her head tightly against his chest. "Shh, Raamya, don't worry. I promise you, I'll come back to you. Nothing will happen to me, I swear," he reassured her, his voice soft but resolute.

Raamya buried her face in his chest, her tears flowing freely now as she clung to him desperately. "I can't bear the thought of losing you, Aditya. I... I don't know what I'd do if you didn't return," she confessed, her voice muffled against his kurta.

Feeling her pain and fear, Aditya held her even closer, his arms wrapping around her gently. "You won't have to find out, Raamya. I'll always come back to you, no matter what," he promised with love and devotion in his eyes.

Slowly, Aditya guided Raamya to face him, his thumb gently brushing away the tears that streaked her cheeks. With a tender smile, he leaned in closer, his warm breath brushing over her skin.

And then, with a soft, soothing gesture, he used the tip of his tongue to wipe away the remaining tears. 

As his tongue caressed her skin, Raamya felt a sense of calm wash over her, the warmth of Aditya's touch eased her fears and soothing her troubled heart.

She closed her eyes, relishing the tender intimacy of the moment, her breath hitching slightly as Aditya's lips brushed against hers in a soft and gentle kiss. As their mouths met, their tongues intertwined, exploring each other's depths as they surrendered to the passion of the moment, lost in the sensation of their shared desire.

As they moved apart, gasping for air, Raamya's heart fluttered with anticipation, her gaze fixed on Aditya's. Her hands found their way to his kurta, fingers deftly unbuttoning it. With each button undone, a silent challenge hung in the air, inviting Aditya to either dominate her or get succumbed to her desires.

Accepting her challenge, Aditya pulled her hair, eliciting a moan of anticipation from her. She bit her lip in response to the sudden dominance, Aditya swiftly broke the last two buttons of his kurta and discarded it , revealing his developing toned physique.

He leaned in, trailing kisses from her red lips to her rosy cheeks, then down to her neck, each touch causing Raamya to tremble with pleasure.

Meanwhile, he used his teeth to delicately remove her saree from the top with gentle movements. With skilful hands, he pulled down her blouse, exposing her twin proud peaks, to lay his hungry gaze for the upcoming feast.

Raamya embraced him passionately, her arms wrapping around him, as she shared the warmth of her exposed soft curves against his rigid, broad chest.

Her fingers trailed along Aditya's back, delicately tracing the lines of his muscles, sending shivers down his dragon, causing it to rise from its slumber and knock the doors against his dhoti.

Her hands moved gently as she untied the knots of Aditya's lower garments, unleashing the dragon from its dungeon. Throughout, she kept showering kisses upon Aditya's face – his eyes, forehead, cheeks, nose – before returning to his lips, as if they were the most precious things in her life.

Meanwhile Aditya with trembling hands, gently guided her back onto the bed, their lips never breaking contact as they sank into the softness of the bed.

Raamya's gaze, filled with a shy yet eager anticipation, drifted down to well bare body of Aditya, who was uncovering every inch of her lower body with a tender kiss as a start. His lips ignited a path of fire along her skin, as he explored her ethereal beauty with unwavering devotion.

As the last of their clothing fell away, Aditya began his trail of kisses, from the tip of her toe, slowly working his way up to her thighs. Each kiss sent jolts of pleasure coursing through Raamya's veins, her hands clutching the bedsheet in excitement.

Her legs twitched with anticipation as Aditya's lips journeyed from her thighs to her waist, then all the way up to her valley of two mountain peaks, lingering on her neck before finally reaching her lips.

At this point, feeling the sensation of her moist lips, Aditya couldn't resist the temptation to explore her body further. His hands moved to her breasts, caressing them gently as he deepened the kiss, his passion igniting like a flame in the darkness.

Raamya responded eagerly, her hands trailing down his abs until they reached his long erect shaft, caressing it with a tenderness that sent shivers down his spine.

Feeling her touch, Aditya couldn't help but let out a slight moan in pleasure, the sensation of her fingers driving him into mad beast with desire.

He shifted his position slightly, allowing Raamya better access to his shaft as he continued to play with her breasts, sucking and nibbling on her nipples in a rhythm that matched the beat of their passion.

Raamya's moans grew louder with each touch, her fingers tightening around Aditya's shaft as she pressed herself closer to his mouth. Sensing her need, Aditya deepened his movements, his tongue dancing across her soft skin of her jugs as he licked every inch of her twin mountain peaks with eager anticipation.

As their desire reached its peak, Raamya couldn't hold back any longer. "I want to be on top," she whispered, her voice filled with longing. Aditya nodded in agreement, his own desire burning bright as he helped her into position.

With Raamya on top , they began to move as one slowly, their bodies fitting together perfectly as they found their rhythm. Aditya held onto her waist, guiding her movements as she rode him, adjusting the pace to match her pleasure.

She arched her back on his each thrust , her hands roaming freely over his chest as she surrendered herself to the pleasure of their union .

As they moved together, Raamya's breasts bounced with each thrust, the sensation driving her wild with desire. She reached down, cupping one breast in her hand as she pressed herself closer to Aditya, seeking even more pleasure from their intimate connection.

Sensing her need, Aditya took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling on it as he continued to drive into her from below while fondling another. The sensation was overwhelming, driving them both to new heights of pleasure as they lost themselves in the moment.

Enchanted by the pride of her twin peaks, Aditya leaned forward and buried his face in their tenderness as he intensified his thrusts into her. Holding her hips firmly and setting it in between his crossed thighs, their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, like a bell of pendulum.

Raamya held Aditya's head, pulling him closer for support, her excitement mounting up with each thrusts of desire. Their movements like tidal wave of the ocean. With each tide, they explored new depths of pleasure, their connection growing stronger in the compassion of one another. 

With each rhythmic thrust, her hips met with a resounding clap, the sound echoing the intensity of their passion. Stretching his legs out over the bed, Aditya pulled her even closer, their bodies fitting together like two perfectly matched pieces of a puzzle, creating an irresistible connection

Raamya's excitement peaked, and she kept kissing Aditya on cheek in heat of passion as she started to move her own hip with more desire. She bit his lips urging him to go even more deeper, stretching her canals and eliciting moans more louder.

He whispered with rugged breathes. "You feel so good," he murmured. "I want to be inside you forever."

Raamya's heart soared at his words, her body responding eagerly, tightened her hold as she crossed her legs and arms around his back to engulf within her more deeper.

Suddenly, Aditya felt her tightening around him, her internal muscles gripping his shaft with increasing intensity. Sensing the impending climax, Aditya knew he needed to halt their momentum before it was too late. 

"Raamya," he whispered with slow murmur. "I want to try something new.

Can we change positions?"

Raamya smiled, her heart filled with love for the man carrying her in his arms. "Of course, my love," she replied with softness. "I will do anything to make you happy."

With that, they shifted positions, Aditya gently rotated Raamya 180 degrees, positioning her so she could turn away. With a tender touch, he guided her movements, ensuring she felt safe and secure in his embrace. As Raamya leaned against him, their bodies intertwined.

As Aditya leaned forward to lick her neck and ears, Raamya trembled with each touch. He pressed his hands against her breasts, massaging them gently as he whispered sweet words of love in her ear. "You are so beautiful, my love," he murmured, his voice filled with longing. "I wish to spend eternity with you."

Raamya moaned softly, her body responding eagerly to his touch. She leaned back into him, her hands gripping his thighs tightly as she felt the contrast of her soft hips against his hard body. With a subtle sway of her hips, she invited him closer, seeking to deepen their connection in the waves of their heightened passion.

Responding to her desires, Aditya embraced her in a passionate kiss, his hands guiding her to stand on her knees as he held her arms firmly. With gentle yet firm movements, he grind her hips, syncing their rhythm as they kissed passionately.

Meanwhile, his other hand tenderly massaged one of her ample curves, heightening their shared pleasure.

Raamya moaned in pleasure as Aditya thrust deeper, causing her to fall onto all fours. As he entered her from behind, continuing to clap with rhythmic motion, her hips flushed red with the heat of their shared desire.

Feeling his pleasure intensify, Aditya held her two hands this time, as he drilled out with renewed pace. the rooms echoed with their clapping sound and the moans of their shared passion.

As they drew closer to the peak, Raamya's legs grew weak, and she collapsed onto the bed, leaking her love juices.

"Are you okay?" Aditya asked, with concern betraying his own hidden desires. 

Raamya responded with a soft moan, her body still throbbing with pain and pleasure. Sensing her confirmation, Aditya spread her legs from behind, adjusting his gun in position for last round of rapid fire.

Feeling his requirement, Raamya intertwined her legs with Aditya's unhappy dragon, feeding in tightened sensation tenfold. charged it for one last impending breath of fury.

Aditya, consumed by the heat of this new motivation, increased his pace, ramming into Raamya mercilessly as their bodies moved as one, their cries and pleasure filling the room.

With one final thrust, Aditya rammed hard into Raamya, his body trembling with the force of his release as he emptied all his pent-up seeds into her warm body. He felt dizzy as it took a lot of tall on his already exhausted body.

Collapsing onto the bed together, they were soon overwhelmed by sweat and exhaustion. Raamya felt a deep sense of satisfaction washing over her.

With a contented sigh, she leaned in and pressed her lips against Aditya's, kissing him tenderly with a mixture of love and gratitude.

Exhausted from their passionate encounter, Aditya embraced her one last time before drifting off into a peaceful sleep. Raamya smiled softly, watching him rest, her heart filled with love for the man lying beside her.

With a passionate tone, her hands glided over his sleeping form as she whispered, "You are truly something."

Curling up beside Aditya, Raamya closed her eyes, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over her. In that moment, as they lay entwined in each other's arms, Raamya knew that she had found her home, her safe haven in the arms of the man she loved more than anything in the world.

Just as she closed her eyes, ready to drift into sleep, a commotion erupted outside.

"Listen, royal guard, don't you dare test my patience. It's urgent!" A familiar feminine voice pierced the night air, laden with urgency and determination.

"I understand, your grace, but the prince is resting. Please come back in the morning," Bheem's voice, filled with respectful insistence, countered.

Recognizing her mother's voice in the heated exchange with Bheem, Raamya felt shocked and trembled in fear, panicked by the situation. She was the only entity she couldn't dare to raise her voice against. Her mother's urgency clashed with Bheem's unwavering loyalty to his friend.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Raamya swiftly donned her dress, her movements fueled by a sense of panic and fear. For one last time, she stared at her love, who dwelled in peaceful sleep, before she gathered the courage to face the very person that had forced her destiny to abandon her identity.

She opened the door after taking a long breath to face whatever punishment she may have to face ahead.

Outside, the night embraced her in its cool embrace as she stepped into the moonlit corridor. Silence enveloped her, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves. Her footsteps echoing softly in the stillness of the night, followed by her strict mother from behind.


Author's Note:

I would like to show my heartfelt gratitude to wolfhunter5292 for donating 1 more new GT ticket and Outback_Gamer for taking interest in this book to be rewarded with your GT ticket, Your support is invaluable to bring this book to glory.

Also I would like to thanks my all dear favorite readers who has shown continous interest in voting with power stones. 

I feel a bit awkward as its seems to be a trend but please apologise as I promised that I will update soon but actually couldn't. There were some circumstances, so I will follow giving my max buffer time of release in author thoughts for the time being. make sure to tap on it.

For those who want to become beta readers for upcoming chapter, please join these

discord (EA: TROTFO): https://discord.com/invite/pSeBQUVRrf 

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(If you are interested to explore other webnovel authors of similar genre) 

It will be released in spoilers for review and feedback, you can also raise your request. In my absence moderator members will be there to assist you. 

Thank you for reading :)

Next update max buffer time: Friday morning schedule time

This R18 is the hardest story I wrote ever. I had to edit it 7 or 8 times , based on user feedbacks. I was confused with the choice of putting explicit words or not, some felt offended so I changed it to moderate level and focused more or emotions, my objective was to provide a chapter which is erotic , emotional and acceptable but somehow I feel that I am missing something, please feel free to comment or vote to let me know if u like my current chapter or cht-43 was better or need more room for improvement, I will adjust the setting for next r-18 based on that as I honestly wish to go all out. :)

Jeet_1993creators' thoughts