
Empire Ascension: The Rise of the Fated One

This is the story of a modern man who transmigrates to 16th-century India in a parallel world, finding himself as a lowly ranked soldier. With his modern knowledge and past experiences, he not only rescues a crumbling empire but also forges his own path to eventually claim the title of emperor. His journey is filled with challenges, including internal turmoil, political strife, and threats of invasion from outsiders. Despite his desire and attempts for a peaceful and just life, fate entangles him in series of situations that people started calling him the demon emperor who... Discord : https://discord.com/invite/sAEuZjUsHp Discord id: jeet_author_1993 (for direct contact) Note*: Time for release : 10.30am(IST) Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (3days in week) currently on break due to first season end, will resume updating from 4th July 2024.

Jeet_1993 · History
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105 Chs

A Day Break ~ Re-edited

Palace Garden, Purana Qila, 27 Feb 1557.

As the golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow over Purana Qila (Old Fort), Aditya clad in matching red kurta and dhoti, sat upon a throne-like chair by folding one leg on top of another, his regal demeanor softened by a playful smirk.

Seated nearby, Amira, clad in a vibrant mix of yellow and orange ghaghra choli, wielded a bundle of natural charcoal sticks and parchment with a focused intensity. Her gaze, tinged with skepticism, flickered between Aditya and her canvas, as if wrestling with the challenge of capturing his essence.

Amused by her inspection, Aditya couldn't resist teasing, "Am I living up to your expectations as a subject, Amira?"

Amira looked up from her sketchbook, her expression a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Let's just say, you're more challenging than I anticipated, Aditya."

Aditya's grin widened. "I'll take that as a compliment. Not every day I get to sit for a portrait with such a talented artist."

Amira chuckled, shaking her head. "Flattery won't help your portrait, Aditya. I need you to hold still if you want it to turn out halfway decent."

Amused by her request, Aditya couldn't resist teasing further, "Do you see a divine aura around me, Amira? Shouldn't I be portrayed as a god?"

Amira looked up, as if she heard a joke and decided to play along, "So, you want to be a god, Aditya? I'll do my best to capture that."

Their banter continued, each exchange infused with humor and playful teasing. Aditya occasionally struck exaggerated poses, eliciting laughter from Amira as she sketched with skill using the natural charcoal sticks.

As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows, Aditya admired Amira's talent. "You're quite the artist, Amira."

Amira smiled. "It takes skill to capture a god, Aditya. Consider yourself lucky I'm up for the challenge."

Before Aditya could respond, their moment was interrupted by Bheem, announcing the readiness of arrangements for their secret trip through Delhi.

Aditya and Amira exchanged a knowing glance. With a quick nod to Bheem, who stood watchful in the background, Aditya took Amira's hand and led her away from the comfort of the palace walls under the disguise of common civilians.

Bheem acting as their security in charge, discreetly kept his presence minimal.

As they strolled through the vibrant marketplace, Amira couldn't help but be swept away by a flood of memories from their past trip of Panipat. The sights, sounds, and smells of the city stirred something deep within her, evoking nostalgia for their shared adventures and the bond they had formed along the way.

Aditya, sensing Amira's introspective mood, gently took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Remembering our journey in Panipat?" he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

Amira nodded, her gaze lingering on the colorful array of goods displayed in the market stalls. "Yes," she replied softly, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "It feels like only yesterday."

Amira's voice carried a hint of uncertainty as she voiced her concern to Aditya. "Aditya, do you think Afzal will miss us? He hasn't sent a letter since his last departure."

Aditya's brows furrowed at the mention of Afzal, who is still a prime suspect of empire's current disturbance. Hiding his inner feelings, he offered a reassuring smile.

"Of course, he is an emperor, must be busy to write a letter but there's no way he would not miss us"

Amira returned his smile, though her eyes betrayed a hidden turmoil. She squeezed his hand in silent acknowledgment, hoping Aditya's words held true.

Aditya noticed Amira feeling down, so he quickly whisked her away to a more crowded area of the market to lift her spirits.

As they ventured, they encountered snake charmers mesmerizing crowds with hypnotic melodies, coaxing cobras to dance to their tunes from woven baskets. Rope walkers defied gravity as they danced across tightropes suspended high above the ground, drawing gasps of awe from onlookers.

Then, they stumbled upon a group of performers showcasing daring stunts, leaping through flaming circular strips and somersaulting through the air with fearless passion. The young couple watched in silent admiration, Amira gently holding Aditya's hand, sharing the warmth of the moment.

Their journey continued as they explored the crowded streets, eventually coming upon a makeshift puppet theater. They paused to watch as colorful puppets danced and twirled across the stage, enacting tales of love, adventure, and intrigue.

As evening fell, hunger gnawed at their bellies. Just like common people, they sought out the delicacies of nearby food stalls. They enjoyed aromatic biryani and spicy samosas and mouth watering jalebi.

With their hunger satisfied and their spirits lifted, they resumed their journey through the bustling markets holding their hands until they reached a stall selling accessories. Amira's eyes lit up with excitement as she darted towards the stall, eagerly examining the bangles and other decorative jewelleries.

She paused at a pair of bangles that caught her eye, their allure and charm perfectly suited for her slender, white jade hands. However, a shadow crossed her face as she remembered Aditya's past teasing about her attire in a saree.

Sensing Amira's inner turmoil, Aditya decided to playfully tease her. Adopting a serious expression, he gestured towards a well nearby and said, "Look at that well over there. It's no ordinary well. Legend has it that whoever throws a coin into the well and chants their desire 200 times will have it granted."

Amira gave him a skeptical glance before turning to the shopkeeper for confirmation, who nodded in agreement with Aditya's fabricated tale, receiving a silent wink in return.

Amira couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully at Aditya's antics. "No need to pretend smart, I've heard about that too," she retorted, sticking her tongue out teasingly. With a mischievous grin, she closed her eyes, tossed a coin into the well, and made her silent wish.

Meanwhile, Aditya swiftly packed the pair of bangles and discreetly handed a gold coin to the shopkeeper as he accepted the packed bangles wrapped in cloth and carefully stowed them away in his custom-made inner pocket.

The shopkeeper, elated by the interaction, couldn't contain his joy, though he remained silent but his face broke into a pleased smile when he received the gold mudra worth 100 rupees. He then gestured with his hands, forming a silent signal that conveyed his admiration for the couple and their bond.

Aditya caught the gesture and returned the smile, appreciating the shopkeeper's sentiment as they bid farewell and made their way back to the palace.

As dawn broke, Amira's mood dampened knowing she had to return to her confined quarters. Before parting ways, Aditya surprised her by presenting the bangles that had brought her so much joy. In disbelief, she softly punched his chest, took the bangles, and hugged him tightly.

Initially elated by her reaction, Aditya felt a twinge of concern when he realized she was sobbing. Cupping her cheeks, he gently asked, "Hey! What's wrong, silly? Why are you crying?"

Amira replied tearfully, "Why are you so good to me? What will I do if you forget me?"

Aditya reassured her, gently swiping away her tears, "What Nonsense! You're the sole reason my heart beats. There's no way I could forget someone as beautiful as you."

Looking into his eyes, Amira continued, "Liar! I know you're leaving tomorrow for a secret mission, and you're not taking me as promised for the adventure. Raamya told me everything... and she's leaving too. I understand your worries... though... I won't be a burden... Just promise me you both will return safely." she sobbed.

Feeling relieved that she is not making a fuss, Aditya hugged her tighter and reassured , "Don't worry, my princess. I will return soon. This time, I'll make sure to bring back evidence to clear your father's name." Amira held him tighter at the mention of her father.

Bheem, who had been standing nearby, cleared his throat, signaling that it was time to go. Reluctantly, Amira parted from Aditya and followed Bheem, leaving Aditya to make his way to the king's chamber to discuss next course of actions.

** After few hour of council meeting, King's chamber **

Emperor Hemu sat upon his throne, his brow furrowed with concern as he wished to discuss with Aditya alone, after he proposed his crazy plan in council. The grand chamber was adorned with intricate luxuries, yet no one cared for the surroundings as the next round of discussion is not bound to be peaceful.

"Aditya, I must say, your plan seems rather foolish. Venturing out to Rewari when we lack intelligence is like extending an invitation to Yama." the Emperor remarked as his voice echoed in the lone chamber.

"Your Majesty Emperor," Aditya began, choosing his words with care, "the Muslim traders suddenly vanished from Punjab after the ambush. Their last presence was reported from the border jungles of Rewari. If their plan is to spread terror, then that has to be the most possible spot."

He further added, "the delegations from other kingdoms have already reached Rewari and many might be in route. If my judgment is correct, we'll need more reinforcements soon. It must be done."

Emperor Hemu leaned back in his throne, weighing Aditya's words carefully. "Then why did you propose sending main reinforcements to Amber?"

Aditya reasoned, "With half of Amber's army stationed in Rewari, it's the most vulnerable territory. Punjab has its reinforcements, and Agra cannot be trusted, while Jaunpur is far and safe."

A heavy silence settled over the chamber as Emperor Hemu considered Aditya's assessment. "So you think Rewari, Amber, or Delhi could be targets? You believe you can handle Rewari alone with your meager support mercenaries and 1000 royal guards?"

"Yes, Your Majesty Emperor," Aditya replied confidently with respectful and firm tone.

With a sigh, Emperor Hemu relented. "Very well. I'll add 2000 more guards for your journey, and 2000 cavalry will be dispatched later as soon as they are ready, after you start your journey in case for additional reinforcement."

Aditya attempted to reason further, but the Emperor's patience wore thin. "Don't question my judgment, boy! This is an ORDER!," he commanded sternly.

Aditya nodded, understanding the weight of the Emperor's decision

Emperor Hemu's stern gaze softened slightly as he delivered his parting words to Aditya. "Remember, Aditya, you're an important asset to the empire. Make sure you don't get a single scratch, or I won't play along with your peaceful unification anymore."

As Emperor Hemu made his exit, Aditya couldn't help but smile. In those final words, he felt not just a directive from a ruler, but a hidden care and paternal love from an adoptive father, who had initially hired him as a contractor.

** Palace gardens **

As Aditya made his way to his room, passing through the palace garden, he found himself drawn to the sight of Raamya seated near the small decorative pool.

The soft gurgle of the water created a soothing ambiance, but it was in stark contrast to Raamya's demeanor. Clad in her messy loose outfit of saree, she seemed lost in thought, her brow furrowed in frustration.

The full moon's gentle beams danced upon the water's surface, casting shimmering reflections that played across Raamya's face. Her delicate fingers absently plucked small stones from the ground, sending them skipping across the pool's tranquil surface.

Each toss seemed to carry with it a weight of unspoken tension, adding to the palpable atmosphere of unrest.

He recalled their heated discussion in the recent council meeting, during which she was clad in armor and possessed strict demeanour. Seeing her now in this vulnerable state, he thought of using his oratory eloquence to mend their differences and ease out.

Despite his initial intention to engage her in conversation, he hesitated, sensing the storm brewing beneath her calm exterior.

Suddenly, without warning, Raamya let loose a stone aimed squarely at Aditya's leg. Reacting swiftly, he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the projectile. Raamya's frustration was palpable as she continued to pout, her actions speaking volumes even as words remained unspoken.

It was clear that only her attire has changed but not her demeanour.

Aditya sighed, guessing that he would might have to indulge in another battle of exhaustion today, to appease this flame-kissed enchantress.


Authors note:

Thank you WolfHunter5292 for 13 new GT tickets, Free_Spirit_Knight for 2 new GT tickets and Tingu_Arnold for 1 more new GT ticket along with the timely power stones which is a testament of your repeated supports.

Thanks to your kind patronage, this book has finally made it into the golden ticket rankings and has even beaten some other top books trending in the power rankings. This exposure is greatly appreciated, and I offer my deepest gratitude. 

The same goes for my favourite readers for daily support in power stones and I mean it.

And a small request to all, to not focus only on Raamya in fandom but also share some love to Aditya, as she has taken the first place in popularity and as a author of ML story I am getting mixed feelings for this.

May the lord be with you as always. :)


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Slight updates are done in dailogues between Amira and Aditya based on feedbacks.

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