
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 64

Superman seemed to have absorbed large amounts of solar energy and prepared to fight Naruto. Golden energy was leaking from Clark's body as he unleashed the attack that would have destroyed a star.

It wasn't possible for Superman to absorb such amounts of energy in such a short time. Naruto had met him just the night before. It meant that the JL finally worked together and made Superman the core of their power ups.

There was magic and technology beside Superman's original strength. It seemed that he had devoured few stars before coming to him. Without a doubt, the Man of steel was physical stronger than him and even possessed bigger energy reserves.

However, there was no possible way for him to defeat Naruto with his limited skill set. Naruto easily took control of the solar energy and changed it to darkness before blasting Clark with it.

Clark dodged the incoming attack and decided to go physical since energy attacks were useless. Just like before, Clark was faster than Naruto but that was only without the speed force. Without much difficulty the powerful punch was dodged Naruto attacked with a palm attack.


With the touch of his palm, it felt like everything inside the body was trying to rotate in multiple directions. Before it could kill him, Clark managed to move away.

"Resistance is futile, Chaos Degrade." Naruto muttered and focused his power of time and space around Clark. It was a vortex of time and space, able to dissolve and disintegrate the enemy's body to nothingness.

Being staggered by the attack, Clark was about to take another powerful move head on. Fortunately, he wasn't alone and his team gathered together to take down the ultimate threat.

They weren't alone either. Everyone strong enough had gathered to take Naruto down.

Zatanna, Merlin and Raven managed to stop the attack while others attacked Naruto.

The three green lanterns attacked as one by combining their powers since Naruto had shown his exceptional powers. They couldn't handle him alone.

Ultrawoman and Firestorm attacked together using a super-powered heat beam.

Naomi and Shazam attacked together using magic to depower Naruto and suppress his powers.

Wonderwoman had been awakened to her Immortal side and reached the power level above Hercules. Borrowing Hawkgirl's mace that was made of stronger material than her sword, she unleashed a powerful attack to scramble the atomic stricter of her enemy along with Captain Atom.

On the other hand, Swamp Thing worked on limiting Naruto's movement by making a dome around the planet. Using the power of the green, the dome was exceptionally powerful and even disturbed the energy of the enemy while helping his comrades.

Emperor's Wrath

Giving name to abilities made it easier to remember different moves and easier to update them, It was the reason for the various names he had given to his abilities. Emperor's Wrath was the combination of his power of destruction, death, time, space, illusions, molecular manipulation, empathy, light and darkness.

Like a golden wave, it spread from Naruto and destroyed everything in its path. Forcing the heroes to retreat and block his attack.

All the heroes had to focus to make it stop or the world would vanish.

Other heroes that had been observing started to intervene as well.

There was Nuwa, Pangu and Sun Wukong from China that had powers related to the immortals, but they didn't represent the immortals.

There was Orunmilla, Osanyin, Olorun, Oya and Zora from Africa, belonging to different countries but they were the heroes that represented the continent.

There was Shiva, Ganesha, Ganga, Hanuman, Shaktiman, Kali, Arjuna and Karna from India that were not the real Immortals themselves, but heroes with similar powers on a lower scale.

There was Izanagi belonging to the leader of the Persona team, Atem, Ashiya Douman and Godzilla from Japan.

Finally there was Lady Flash, Red Star, Negative Woman, Anastasia and Ivan from Russia.

Naruto's move was blocked by the combined effort and the mages combined their powers to block his powers. With the effort from Merlin, Raven, Zatanna, Shazam, Naomi, Nuwa, Zora, Douman and Atem.

With chains of power, the team blocked the space, time and suppressed energy around Naruto.

Taking this chance, the other heroes attacked him.

"So you even dared to clone me, what a pathetic attempt. None of them can stop me, everyone against me has no right to exist." Naruto locked on to Alaya and felt the blood connection, and thought that she was a clone.

Summoning his team, Naruto unleashed them on the heroes from behind and disturbed their attempt. Allowing him to weaken the resistance, Naruto got to killing them.

Starting with the troublesome elements, Naruto attacked the mages. Using his max speed, Naruto phased through Zatanna and Zora.

The two woman seized to exist as the force of his speed hit every single atom along with the power of death that he had gained from Death.

Quickly reacting to his offense Lady Flash, Flash, Silver Flash, Impulse and Zoom attacked Naruto using the Speed force.

They tried to lower his speed so that others could intervene and even stole his speed, slowing him down that Merlin's demonic father Belial and his brother Etrigan were able to crash into him. These two demons were gifted to Merlin by Lucifer and they acted as his loyal servants. Of course they came at a price as Merlin couldn't interfere with Lucifer's corruption of the mortal world.

Anastasia and Ivan also finally attacked, making Naruto realize his mistake. He had thought that Anastasia found the weakness of her foes, but the real thing was that she created a weakness. It was a conceptual ability.

With the creation of a weakness that was supported by Ivan's great magical might and energy suppression, Naruto was hit by a lariat from Superman and Pangu.

They were trying to use their greater physical force to win against him and with the force of their movements, Naruto's body was ripped in half and his blood splattered in the air.

"I said everything was futile and that will stand no matter how you struggle." Naruto muttered as the blood drops exploded with the power of destruction while great light shone above them. None of them had seen Naruto's usual moves so they hadn't expected it and it took by surprise.

Light of Judgment

Unlike before, it carried the powers of multiples stars and the light beams were extremely potent and thick. Plus all of them were filled with power to erase existence.

The heroes tried to block it, but the planet vanished along with most of their companions.

The battlefield was only left with Superman, Wonderwoman, Flash, Raven, Merlin, Artoria, Belial, Pangu, Olorun, Shiva and the green Lanterns.

The huge team had been reduced to few people with just one powerful move while Naruto was still full of energy and he had people on his side.

Just when it looked terrible for the heroes, other people started to join the battle.

There was the Enchantress from the Suicide Squad and the Ultimate Weapon of the Shadow Group called Ultima. With the power to cancel all powers and unstoppable physical strength, the red armored figure was the bane of all super beings.

Other than them, there was Lex Luthor in his super armor, Parasite and the ultimate weapon of the Light, Amazo. The living liquid metal life form was capable of adapting to everything using the powers on the conceptual level.

Finally there was Batman and Martian Manhunter that had been making last minute preparations while the battle was going on.

Batman had created an armor with the help of Superman that could help him fight on a higher level and even suppress Naruto's powers.

On the other hand, Martian Manhunter had become one of the ultimate beings of the Universe. He had returned to his origin by getting white Martian blood from Miss Martian and combining to his being. With the genetic mutation, he returned to what his origin looked like. He became a burning Martian.

Looking at Naruto's powers, there was a high chance that all of them would die at the end. With that in mind, they decided to risk it and told Superman to go absorb more power.

On the other hand, with the death of many friends and the destruction of the planet, Raven started becoming unstable as Trigon took over because of her rage and despair. It had already been happening since Naruto 's gift had been reversed and the battle accelerated the downfall.

Wonderwoman had been losing the battle against her sister and with the attack from Naruto that should have killed her, she awakened more power that was hidden within. On her forehead a mark appeared and her hair turned silver as magical energy started pouring out without stopping.

With the power up from Raven and Wonderwoman they were once again given a chance to win. None of them had any good will left for Naruto. He had killed everyone and destroyed the planet.

Regardless, Naruto was also under a lot of pressure just like the heroes. It was a gamble for him even though he had prepared multiple paths to victory.

By killing everyone that could fight him without leaving a trace, Naruto could force Vyn to bring them back and if he did it multiple times then Vyn might change the rules of reality to undo death on the battlefield except for Naruto's death. That would make Death intervene and take care of Vyn so Naruto could undo everything.

If that wasn't possible, Naruto had sent Queen Bee, Klarion and Hercules far from their solar system. He had given them the goal of destroying all life they came across to make Spectre and Balance intervene.

If that wasn't possible, he had put all of humanity in a pocket dimension with his servants. Moon Maiden and the others could lead humanity to perfection without him or find a solution while Vyn was distracted by Naruto. Maybe even something else could intervene like Mxy and he could use the people Naruto sent to the pocket Universe. It was the reason that Naruto didn't talk to him. Naruto wanted Clark to suffer and die under his power so that Mxy would come to save his favorite hero.

Naruto left nothing to chance and knew he could win with these methods. Though, depending on what happened Naruto would die. The only life that was mostly in danger was Naruto's as his dangerous plans would bring the wrong attention from higher beings and there was no coming back from it. The only problems to his plan had been Dial H, since the boy could summon the right hero to defeat him, so Naruto killed him before the start of the battle along with the rest of Young Justice.

Killing so many innocent people had a damaging affect on his mind, it was literally going against his morals and principals. It pained him greatly and made him question his worthiness. However, he knew for the greater good he had to make sacrifices. The Emperor would always be forced to make the difficult decisions, even if it meant sending his children to their deaths.

It was the first time for Naruto. He had sent people on missions knowing the risks, but it was the first time that he had actually killed innocent people.

That darkness within was what Trigon took hold off to corrupt him.

"Thank you for the gift." Naruto smiled as his hand took hold of Raven.

Tenbu Horin (The Treasures of Heaven)

It was the ultimate power of light and anti-demon strike against an opponent. It trapped the opponent into a matrix of illusions, and destroyed them through six stages. Each stage obliterated one of the opponent's five human senses cumulatively and after that it destroyed their powers.

Focusing great amount of his power, Naruto took out one of the biggest threats on the battlefield.

"Now, let us end this farce." Naruto gathered huge amounts energy from multiple dimensions to end the battle and cut out the risk of his defeat.