
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 63

Naruto gathered his team in the Throne room and unlike before his seriousness was clearly visible. He wasn't in the mood to play around and his decision was extremely risky. Its failure would doom him to sin and disqualify him as the Emperor.

He was betting his entire existence on the success. It was something that Naruto would never do, but the situation was forcing him. There was no normal way to defeat the enemy. He needed to trick them in to defeat. For that, he had set up two paths to victory.

"I hope that none of you have given up hope and embraced cowardice." Sitting on his throne, Naruto addressed his people. He had gathered all of them, so that there was no confusion.

"We have embraced the belief in you, and the rage that pours from our heart. Please, deliver us our vengeance." Mr. Freeze spoke and his voice was shaking with fury. He had been living the dream and in just a single moment it was taken away from him. The unending fury he felt had completely suppressed the despair within.

"My lord rip the bastards to shreds. Please, don't give them a second chance. They even killed your servants, they deserve nothing less than death." Earth King was filled with guilt and desperation. He felt that if he hadn't brought the girl into his life, she would have been living much better. Feeling these emotions, sometimes made him think that it was better to just die.

"Calm your souls, everything will return to normal once the battle has ended. This is just temporary, remember that I command reality. It is what I desire and What I desire is perfection. Now, we will start our counterattack.

Earth will become our battlefield, so I will send everyone to another dimension and most of you will go with them for protection.

This is will be our real first battle. We have gone through everything too easily and the world has thrown us a challenge. As the Emperor, I have to prove that I am worthy and these challenges will come our way along the path we have chosen.

This path is filled with thorns and death, but victory and rewards stand at the end of the challenges. You all have proven your worth and followed my commands, as such I shall allow you the choice. Who will follow me into battle?" Naruto stood up and walked down the stairs as he spoke before stopping in front of the group.

"If you give us the choice then no one will back away. There are no cowards here." Red Hood spoke for the group.

"I am grateful for your loyalty and you shall never regret it. Now, I will make my decision." Naruto looked at them with a charming smile and that was the last thing most of the members saw from their lord.

In a single moment, Naruto evacuated almost all of the world to another dimension. On his side, he only left few combatants.

Donna, Powergirl, Supergirl, Green Queen, Livewire, Phoenix, Killer Frost, Earth King, Aquaman, King Croc, Witchblade and Silver Banshee while leaving out the others to take care of the people. He especially kept out Moon Maiden, Dr. Mist and Konan to lead the people in his absence.

"What are we going to do?" Powergirl asked as she was the only one along with Aquaman that hadn't fully embraced Naruto's golden thighs.

"We are going to fight until we win. Other than that you will just have to just believe me, because we can't go into details." Naruto replied as he looked at them. It was the path he would always walk, a path where he couldn't always share his knowledge and manipulate people according to his need. It was necessary, and he hoped that his people will always understand the need for secrecy.

Powergirl had been given the details of what had been going on, so she understood the situation.

"I understand. I will put my trust in you."

"Are we going to fight against everyone literally? Or, do you mean we will talk and see who we will fight like usual?" Kara decided to ask for confirmation and it was the question that was also on Aquaman's mind but Kara spoke before him.

"The time for talks has ended. We will defeat everyone that is in our way." Naruto replied as he got closer to Kara and looked her in the eyes. Looking at her, he felt different. He felt the desire to share his thoughts. It felt like it would be the last time they would see each other. It was his gut instinct talking to him. All of them might die in the battle, it was the risk that he had taken knowingly.

The feeling was beautiful and it was growing. However, Naruto didn't say it. It would only bring pointless pain to her if he affirmed those emotions. He would take it as one of his goals and survive the battle.

"What is it?" Kara felt her heart beat increase as she gazed into his eyes. It felt like he was about to confess his feelings for her or something.

'What do I do? Do I like him like that?' Kara felt pressure from the gaze and could only ask with a weak voice.

"Nothing, I was thinking that I should cover your weaknesses or they would take you down easily." Naruto replied with a chuckle and gave a boost to everyone. He couldn't hold back anymore. It was time to put his cards on the table.

Feeling the changes inside, Naruto closed his eyes and felt the increase in power. Naruto had already taken the operation before started the meeting and his body was changing on the genetic level.


Now he wasn't human anymore, but an Ultimate being that he wished for all his people. His eyes went through the change and he achieved the final evolution, Rinne-Sharingan.

However, it wasn't exactly the same thing. It was a completely new thing with different design and powers.

Naruto just named it the Emperor's Eyes. The eyes were like the graph of existence and gave him multiple authorities.

Power of Death

Power of Life

Power of Time

Power of Space

Power of Destruction

Power of Souls

Power of Knowledge

Power of Clairvoyance

Power of Compulsion

Plus the final and main power, Power over reality.

All these powers were part of his genetics because of what he taken inside of his structure. He held blood of Superman, Darkseid, Gaea, Starfire, Raven, Titan blood from Donna and finally Otsutsuki blood from within.

The transformation was complete very quickly because he had utilized enormous power from the world itself and taken it within his body. Without the enhancement Technique, Naruto and Kurama only amounted to Planet level. The further he went in to the enhancement technique and his power grew, Naruto was seeing the limitations of his energy level.

So he also took in huge amounts of energy during the awakening to really transform his very being, and it led him to a new level of existence. Now he was planet level in base form without the enhancement and Kurama had devoured huge amounts of the celestial energy that he was now bigger than the planet itself. With the way Kurama was growing, it wouldn't be long that he would become big as the sun itself and that prospect excited the big bad fox.

With size and chakra reserves came the huge change in power, Naruto surpassed star level and arrived at the solar system level. Even his physique and blood had surpassed his world, and become extremely potent. His blood had changed from red to golden with a mix of silver. It was this change from the core that caused the massive increase in power.


"Your eyes changed, does it mean something?" Kara noticed the different eyes when he opened them and was extremely curious about it. She didn't know that there were beings that could evolve their eyes and increase their powers, so it was something new.

"Yes, it means I have reached a new level. Now, it is time for us to act." Naruto felt the desire to delay it and just continue his usual actions. He could then spend time with his people and explore these new emotions. However, he was not one to run from risks. There was no other choice and he couldn't let the negative whispers stop him.

With the change in his expression, Naruto's eyes glowed with a royal purple light and all his companions fell to his control.

"I am sorry for this my loyal followers. This Emperor has been forced to such lengths and you are incapable of following through with my desires anymore." Naruto expressed his regret.

"Partner, they will understand. And, if they don't then you will always have me. Don't let this pain pull you down, you are the Emperor of Mankind. No, you are the Emperor of the World." Kurama appeared on his shoulder as a golden fox and gave him support. No matter how strong one became, they would always require someone to keep them stable. The lonely path would always eat away at the mental strength and hollow out the soul. It was the reason that Naruto was extremely grateful for Kurama's presence and desired his partnership.

"Thanks for the support, now let us burn this world to the ground." Naruto smiled like he was talking about going on a date and just like that he appeared above New York.

Looking at the sky, Naruto donned his armor and spread his aura across the world.

"Filthy creature hiding in the shadows, you have forced this Emperor to act but you shall never achieve victory. You can never defeat this Emperor. I shall kill every pawn you hold. I shall burn this world down if it goes against me. Come out and show yourself, you filthy coward or I shall kill every being." Naruto declared in a commanding tone filled with disdain. It spread across the planet while the world seemed to shake and disintegrate from the overwhelming aura.

There was no response.

"Hahahaha, such a coward. I have seen mice with more courage. Alas, this accursed world shall know my wrath." Naruto spoke and with a wave of his hand all weak creatures turned to nothing. With a wave, Naruto killed all of humanity along with the animals, insects and monsters.

The cities around the world vanished, like there had been no life from the start. Earth turned into a barren planet.

"Naruto, what have you done?" Superman couldn't believe what was happening as he looked at Naruto with rage clear in his gaze. He was barely holding back.

The world was gone along with his family. He just lost his parent's, wife and son. It felt like a nightmare. It was extremely difficult for him to hold back from ripping the man he had thought as a friend. He had denied the accusations and taken his side, and the nightmare was his reward.

"Weak little creature, who gave you permission to talk in my presence? Begone!" Naruto turned to Superman and didn't reply to his question, and just attacked him. With a glance, Naruto activated the power of destruction that was capable of erasing everything within his gaze.

Everything near him turned to nothing leaving a vacuum while Superman survived and roared from the uncontrollable rage. With the confirmation, Superman unleashed a wave of solar energy from his body that covered a small radius that was enough to devour Naruto within.