
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 65

Naruto sent Supergirl and Powergirl to fight Superman, Witchblade and Donna to fight against Diana, Silver Banshee to fight Enchantress, Livewire, Killer Frost and Pamela to fight against the Green Lanterns, Aquaman against Batman, and King Croc and Earth King to fight against Lex Luthor.

All his subordinates had been boosted to Star level at minimum, so they could handle their foes while Naruto could focus on the dangerous enemies.

Aura of the Emperor spread once again and Naruto adding new settings to it, the power of compulsion. Forcing them to block, Naruto's eyes shone over them and stole their speed. With the foes slowed down, Naruto rushed forward while he took hold of his giant war axe that had been fused to his powers. Naruto's awakening of the rinnegan had been the last step into helping Kurama become the real Ten tailed beast, meaning that he had become a Juubi Jinchuriki and gained the core powers.

Just like the Sword of Nunoboku that was owned by the Sage of Six Paths, Naruto's main weapon become part of his very being. It was his soul weapon and part of his Sage powers.

With the axe in his hand, Naruto's powers were further increased and he finally wore his armor once more. It was time for the battle of attrition to start, so he couldn't risk any damage and loss of energy.

With the armor and axe, Naruto's powers were amplified further and with a single slash he broke reality itself. Everything seized to exist within his range.

Flash, Parasite, Merlin, MM, Olorun, Shiva and Pangu were unable to even react as they were erased while Ultima, Amazo, Belial and Artoria survived with difficulty.

Ultima focused all his energy to cancel Naruto's attack and even then he barely survived with half his body.

Amazo only survived as a finger and took a short form as he couldn't regenerate what had been lost.

Artoria manage to block the attack with her Holy Lance that stopped the powerful move. However, the pressure from the attack caused damage to her body.

Belial survived because of his high power level that was above Naruto. He was the son of Trigon and one of the Rulers of the Underworld, so his power was above Solar system level.

Belial was powerful enough to destroy a galaxy and it made him the strongest foe on the battlefield. However, Belial was restrained in the mortal world and couldn't fight at full capacity without permission.

With Merlin's death, he was set free and so he vanished from the battlefield since he didn't want to risk getting hurt pointlessly while his powers were sealed.

"Let this end with a bang, partner." Naruto called on Kurama and the darkness gave way to the golden fox opening its maw from above.

The foes tried to escape the range but Naruto's golden chains had captured them and restrained their powers. Without a stop, Kurama unleashed the most powerful bijuu beam ever released. It was extremely potent and contained the power of destruction and death.

The beam didn't travel a distance as it appeared in front of the targets instantly and kept on going for few seconds. The beam traveled beyond the solar system and erased everything that came in its way, causing stars to explode and erasing planets.

With that attack, everyone was dead. Naruto was left alone with his team.

"Whoever you are, I will find you one day and show you pain beyond reason. I will not kill you. I will imprison you for eternity and experiment on you. You will regret the day that you crossed this Emperor." Naruto spoke to the empty space with an intense and cold tone filled with bloodlust.

With those words, Naruto snapped his finger and caused the destruction of the solar system by releasing the power of destruction. The power of the truth seeking balls was easier for Naruto to use and he could release it as energy unlike the usual ball form. Plus, he wasn't limited by balls and could use it infinitely.

Finished with the destruction, Naruto started flying with the intention to continue his destruction and with the torture of his enemy on his mind. All his desires were true. He wouldn't stop killing until his plan became reality. He had come too far to stop now.

He was still unable to reverse time and revive others. He couldn't use any of his powers for it. It meant that the enemy was still suppressing him. It was also the reason that his power of compulsion didn't control the targets.

"I will never allow you to win. You will not survive this battle." Vyn was angered beyond reason at being challenged by a lower being and even feeling fear from the disgustingly dark thoughts inside Naruto. He had never seen such vile images in his life. People from his world never had such thoughts, they were mostly child.

He had taken Naruto as the other player and his survival meant a loss, so it was impossible for it to end. Without any hesitation, Vyn brought back all the powerful beings on the planet and restarted the battle once again.

Naruto smiled at the appearance of the enemies and attacked. His plan was working and he just needed to survive at least hundred battles before the enemy lost patience.

Unlike before, Naruto didn't hold back at all and killed everyone in record time. The death was undone and he killed them again.


While Naruto was fighting something was happening in his sanctuary, a gift from the unknown. Naruto's pocket dimension was almost impossible to find as he had used his full capabilities to form it. It held the power of multiple stars and was hard to point down. It was known as the Infinite maze, however it had thousands of layers filled with traps and false planets that only the adventurous beings would find it. However, these layers seemed to have been bypassed by an unknown being and some people directly appeared on his home base.

These people belonged to the Legion of Super heroes from the future who had been blown back into the past because of a disastrous battle with the Emerald Empress. The members were known as Cosmic Boy, Leviathan, Brainiac 5, Element Lad and Kid Quantum. They had been the unlucky ones to be sent into the past along with their enemy Sarya.

The six beings were dazed because of the explosion that sent them back, but Sarya managed to get back into control faster than them. With the Emerald Eye of Ekron she was about to finish off her adversaries when the defences activated.

Just because someone managed to bypass the infinite maze, didn't mean the home base was left untouched. The planet itself was extremely big in size and had powerful defences. On the planet Naruto applied his rules into the defense system, so that no one would forget to live a moral and active life. He didn't want the people to stagnate without him.

It was his ultimate system that he had been thinking of applying once the planet had been conquered, so it was still a work in progress since it lacked finer details to fully encourage people and the reward list was missing for high level deeds.

With the system in place there was no possible way some weaker being could mess around in the territory, so Sarya was easily immobilized for her attempt to murder without any license and especially for targeting innocent lives. The only people allowed to kill within the territory were people with the authority and even that was a rare case, since Naruto didn't expect such occurrences to take place later on. Naruto would take care of those things personally with the system and let his people focus on the outside.

"What is going on?" Element Lad questioned as he witnessed the impossible foe get frozen with utter ease. There was no resistance at all and even the Eye of Ekron was sealed by a black box.

To answer his question, the system took the form of its Lord and appeared to them.

"Intruders of the sanctuary, why have you come here?"

Looking at the form, the members immediately recognized him as the Emperor of Mankind. Even though they came from 100 years in the future, the Emperor was one of the most legendaries figures in history of the Universe. He was one of the Ultimate beings with the potential to grow to a realm beyond the mortal realm.

However, he had fallen in battle and vanished along with the rest of humanity. His final struggle against the being from above had cause his untimely demise, but even then his place had been cemented in history. Most people knew him and people looked up to him for his deeds, powers and his final stand.

Looking at the armored figure, the Legion heroes thought that it was another copy cat. Many people loved the Emperor or wished to follow his path so they tried to act like him and copy his appearance.

"We don't where this is and we didn't come here on purpose. There was an explosion and space fractured, and we were sucked into it." Cosmic Boy was the leader of the group and he stood in front of the Emperor fanboy. They could see that the unknown being wasn't an enemy and wasn't trying to kill them.

"I see. I can see that you are good natured, so you can live in this sanctuary until my lord comes back or you can pass through the wall of infinity. Please refrain from acts of violence and become productive members of the Empire. I apologize for my inability to help you." The system confirmed their presence and left along with Sarya.

Sarya was put through the torture and rehabilitation process since she was an outsider and not part of the Empire. People that dared to kill anyone in the sanctuary would die instantly.

"What did he just say?" Leviathan was completely confused. He was the giant of the team with normal intelligence, so he relied on the other members to think through the complex things.

"Wall of infinity?" Brainiac 5 was one of the smartest beings in existence just like his predecessor, Brainiac. However, he had no knowledge of the term. He knew that there was a book of infinity and other such things, but not a wall.

"Let me test it." Element Lad said as he took flight and flew towards the atmosphere before unleashing a beam of fire.

Normally it should extend into space, but it stopped before it could pass the border. Seeing that there was indeed something stopping them, Element Lad transmuted his body to the strongest element and unleashed a powerful punch.

Element Lad's power allowed him to transmute the elements of his body, so he could take on all kinds of properties. It meant that he had the potential to become one of the strongest beings in existence if he continued experimenting like usual or if he came across powerful elements that could accelerate his ascension.

Even with all the power held in his body, there wasn't a reaction from the barrier. It was like hitting a steel wall with human hands.

"Let us explore this new world before we start dismantling the unknown barrier. Hasty decisions might lead us to our death, since that being is extremely powerful." Brainiac 5 believed that he could analyze the barrier and locate its weaknesses.

"It would be better if we can convince the owner to let us go. Breaking it would be extremely risky." Cosmic Boy didn't want his team dying, so he was looking for the path with less danger.

"He seemed nice. Maybe the master wouldn't be so bad." Leviathan shared his thought and the others couldn't disagree.

"Let's move or we will be standing here all day. We are all too tired already, so it's better to find a city first." Kid Quantum caught her breath and told them to hurry up.

With that decided, the team flew without a direction in mind and found a city after some time. The city was like a normal human city since Naruto had yet to add the Hi-Tech elements to it. To the team it was a backward place since it lacked the sci-fi setting.

However, it wasn't out of place since not all planets in the future had advanced that much. On the other hand, the presence of human beings was definitely shocking.

Brainiac 5 was the one to notice since he was analyzing everything they came across.

"These people are human beings. How did they survive? Sanctuary….Is this the place where they have been hidden for all this time?" Brainiac connected the small amounts of information available and came to the conclusion that they had arrived in the hidden region where Emperor had hidden all of humanity. He hadn't killed them all.

"Who are you people?" Before they could start another round of discussion, they were interrupted by Konan. Knowing that they were moving around, she knew they weren't enemies but they were still an unknown team. It was her duty to know who was present on the planet and to look after them.

The team didn't recognize Konan since her presence was not recorded. Her fights had been secret and she hadn't appeared openly like Naruto. Nonetheless, the team decided to talk to her.

"Pardon our intrusion miss, we are from the Legion of Super Heroes and my name is Cosmic Boy. I am the leader of this team and we have arrived in this sanctuary through an accident. If you don't mind, can you explain to us about this place? Is this sanctuary made by the Emperor of Mankind?"

"Legion of Super Heroes? Are you people aliens?"

"We are not human and we are not from Earth."

"Then how did you know about the Emperor? We haven't left Earth's territory for that to happen." Konan was confused by their presence and was trying to piece together a proper picture through these questions.

"Are you one of the companions of the Emperor?"


"How long have you been here?"

"This is the first day."

Just like Cosmic Boy thought, they were in the past. Konan would know that there information would spread over time, so she would have said about them not leaving earth's region.

"The Emperor's battle covered multiple solar systems and caused the galaxy to scatter by the end. It was impossible for people to not notice such a destructive battle."

"You mean to tell me that you are from the future."

"I believe that we are according to what you are saying, since it has been 100 years after the end of the battle."

"Savior System verify their answer." Konan summoned the system with her authority and even contacted her team.

"They are telling the truth."

"Who is the enemy? What is the end of the battle?"

"We can't say the name of the enemy. And, Emperor wins the battle at the end. However, it is a terrible end. Emperor dies at the end of the long battle but the destruction caused by him summons the Spectre and the Balance, which leads to the enemy getting defeated." Cosmic Boy spoke proudly of the battle but stopped when he saw the expression of the woman. He could see that she was close to the Emperor and his death was like a thorn to her heart.

"Your presence here means that the higher powers have intervened and decided that the Emperor shall live. Do you know how to defeat this enemy?" Dr. Mist appeared as he got the signal and understood that the Emperor had been chosen. His fate was to lead and the future without him had proved his worthiness.

"We know the enemy and there is a way to defeat him. However, we will need to send our voices to the area where they are fighting."

"That shouldn't be difficult. We will arrange for it and put our trust in you." Dr. Mist took the decision to trust them since the team was approved by the system and his own personal opinion. From his final interaction, he had already noticed that the Emperor was preparing for a last stand. Finally, he had met up with Xanadu and she had already informed him that the path to victory would show itself.

From their answer, the enemy was obvious. It was a fifth dimension imp just like the Emperor had expected. The only reason they hadn't won was because they didn't know the name of the abomination.

With victory in their grasp, Dr. Mist asked for Alessa since she had the key to the maze. Nobody would have expected the child to have the key, plus she was the strongest being in the sanctuary beside the system because of her power of fear.