
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 56

Getting back to Naruto, he was meeting up with the Young Justice. Young Justice was a team of young super-heroes and side-kicks who fought crime separately from their adult counterparts. It was formed by the Justice League for their young students so that they could interact with others and work on small tasks.

The team had been many members and it had expanded from its beginning, though some members had left. It was a team led by Aqualad, Aquaman's protégé, and it was located on a secret Island.

The team had various members from different backgrounds, and it was extremely effective. The members were powerful, and some of them had overpowered abilities. The team was made up of; Impulse, Aqualad, Artemis, Miss Martian, Red Robin, Static, Spoiler, Moon Maiden, Empress, Lagoon boy, Amethyst, Jinny Hex, Aquagirl, Sideways, Slobo, The Ray, Secret and Miguel Montez.

Among these members, Naruto was mostly intrigued by Dial-H, Secret, Sideways and Impulse. Impulse was from the Flash Family, and he was from the future. He was from a future where someone from the Flash family married someone from the Zoom family. Zoom found about it, and decided to kill the child. Impulse was born with the powers from the start and was aging at a fast rate, meaning he would have died within few years. His grandmother decided to save him from the Zoom Family, since his parent's died to Zoom and brought him back to the past where Flash could help him control the powers.

Naruto was interested in knowing about the future, even if it was not much since Bart was just a child.

Other than the future, Dial-H had Naruto's full attention because he could contend with everyone on the planet and the Universe. The teenager had the ability to call upon all heroes, fiction or non-fiction, for help. Once the request had been made, Miguel would be transported to the Heroverse while some hero would take his place and finish the task.

It could even someone that was still alive, meaning it could even summon Emperor from the future. The Heroverse existed above the normal realm, so it was not bound by time or space.

To Naruto, such power was shocking. After growing in power since the beginning, Dial-H had been one of the most shocking aspects of the new life.

With such power at hand, Dial-H was almost invincible. However, there was a big weakness. Miguel could be taken out with a bullet very easily before he used the Dial. Nonetheless, Naruto had also copied the ability but it was something that he wasn't willing to use.

He didn't want or like someone replacing him.

Then there was Sideways and he had the power to travel through dimensions. He could create rifts and teleport anywhere. The young man could even use the rifts to fight people and these could through cut anything. Naruto benefitted greatly from copying these powers as they further enhanced his spatial manipulation and allowed him total freedom.

Finally there was Secret, she was a ghost like girl and she had the ability to store people into a pocket dimension that was within her body. Inside the pocket dimension, she could terrorize and break people mentally. The pocket dimension was like the abyss, without any light or hope. This skill was also copied and it allowed Naruto to further enhance his fear tactics.


Getting back to business, Naruto appeared on the beach and was greeted by Moon Maiden. He had informed her that he would be coming and this time they would talk to her new team, friends.

Over the last month, they had gotten closer and Serenity had acknowledged Naruto as the Emperor that would rule humanity. She was the guide towards a better future, and she had accepted her role as advisor. During the month, Serenity had been learning a lot about the world and how a country worked. Her teachers had taught well, but she needed to update that knowledge and further enhance her understanding.

Whenever they met, Naruto would talk to her about complex subjects and they would spend hours on it before relaxing. In a single month, he had taken her heart. Serenity felt shy about falling for someone older than her, since Naruto felt like he was atleast in his thirties and could even be in his thousands.

It felt like a crush without any possibility but she still tried to get his attention, as she didn't want to feel any regrets and she couldn't show such weakness. As the guide of humanity, she couldn't just do what she knew she could do. She also had to do, what she knew she might fail at. Without trying something new, she would always remain at the current level and never move forward. That was against her role as the guide.

Fortunately, Naruto seemed to be interested in her as well. Though, she found out that he wasn't exactly looking for normal romance. Serenity took some days to think about it and decided to accept it. Her teachers came from the past times, so she wasn't exactly foreign to such an idea and understood why Naruto was doing it.

It was tactical and necessary for the leader of the Universe. It was a harsh choice for him and the women that accept it, but Naruto was making it acceptable or it could have been depressing for everyone involved. Becoming Naruto's lovers turned out to be her best decision, as she experienced true joy and felt his unfiltered love. Her days became bright and she was swimming in the ocean of hope and overwhelming affection. Just like he had said, she could never return from that choice. Once you choose the Emperor, you never go back. Serenity finally understood that point and knew she could never live without him.


Naruto gave her a hug and kiss before taking out a gift. He always showered good people with rewards, and people closer to him got more benefits. Serenity didn't care about the gifts, and just loved being in his arms.

Walking hand in hand, Naruto shared what had happened during the day before arriving at the barbecue party arranged by the team. Serenity had managed to convince them to talk to Naruto without informing the adults and half the team seemed to agree without much convincing. It seems that Naruto had already won their support without meeting them even once.

Arriving at the party, Naruto saw the team sitting on some logs talking to each other. Once they saw him, they all stopped. It was their first time meeting him, and it was a very important meeting. Going behind the adults, also gave it another spice.

The first one to greet him was Impulse, and he did it in a very friendly and enthusiastic manner. Bart lived a fast tracked life and he was extremely friendly, and made a lot of jokes. He even started off by joking about Naruto might getting killed one day by the different women that loved him.

The other enthusiastic friend was Dial-H, as the young man looked up to heroes and Superman was his favorite. Emperor was on good terms to Superman and he was also a hero, so he was in Miguel's good books.

The only one not happy with Naruto was Red Robin, because his appearance had caused Batman trouble and further divided the family.

However, Naruto didn't let any hostile intentions stop him and he greeted everyone in a positive manner. He even gave them wonderful gifts before sitting down with them. He didn't treat them differently from the adults and gave them the respect they deserved.

Naruto appealed to them with his achievements and explained to them everything that he was doing. To go even further, Naruto directly targeted the team's members.

He talked about helping the bat family and how he was going to do it. This helped him get closer to Red Robin and Spoiler.

Naruto fixed Slobo's problem and made his body grow up to its potential, winning his support. Slobo was a failed clone of Lobo. Lobo was someone that couldn't die and clones could be made from a single drop of his blood. When Lobo had been turned to a blood stain on the ground, thousands of clones had been made and they fought each other to become the real Lobo. However, Slobo had been a failure and he hid away. He escape from the situation and was helped by Secret.

Having a chibi body and lower stats wasn't enough, Slobo was also slowly dying and the league hadn't been able help him.

The Atlantean's were next and they didn't have a problem with Naruto since he had cleared away all their problems. He had made the world a clean place, and the oceans were once again free from pollution. Naruto talked about the new planet that he was giving their species and all of them were on board with that idea. They all knew how much the Atlantean's disliked the surface dwellers and their uncaring attitude towards other species.

Secret was next and she was a girl that was confused about her place in the world. She was ghost that couldn't live a normal life. She had been in love with Red Robin but the young man was with Spoiler. It made her extremely jealous and she had even fought Spoiler about it. Nonetheless, she came to the reality that she was a ghost and nothing could ever happen. She helped out the team, but underneath Secret was depressed by life and just wanted live a normal life. She didn't even mind losing all her powers.

Naruto enhanced her powers and gave her a body of flesh. It solved all her problems and she was finally able to freely touch, and experience the real world. It won her heart and the heart of others.

Finally, he went for Miss Martian. Meghan was a white Martian that had been adopted by Martian Manhunter as his niece. She had been living on earth, but her violent nature showed up during the fights. She had almost killed and mentally destroyed many enemies during her initial fights. Even now, she had difficulty holding back and it made her teammates vary of her nature.

Naruto gave her a hug and told her that he acknowledged everything about her. He knew and accepted her hard work. He knew the difficulties she endured. He gave her the acceptance she needed and gave her a great boon. Naruto gave her mental blocks that made her less aggressive and just on the normal side of things.

Naruto even brought her realm form out for others to see and helped Meghan get accepted by her friends. Seeing her real form made them understand the torture she would have endured to act normal since White Martians were a war like race that would kill and enslave other species.

It was going against her genetic code to act as a hero.

With all his acts of kindness, it would be strange if the heroes didn't give him a chance. Though, Naruto even allowed Dial-H to call his future self or check if he was actually in the Heroverse or not.

It was something he had to say because Impulse came from a future where Naruto wasn't present at all. Bart knew nothing about Emperor and it was kind of expected or he would have already informed the Justice League.

From that answer, Naruto knew that Bart came from a future where he chose a different path. He might not have chosen to interfere with the alien universe and decided to lay low before going back home. Or, it could also be the future where he might have been taken down by a powerful entity before he could grow in power.

There were countless possibilities and the possibility of Naruto's success in the conquest was actually on the low side.

Nonetheless, Dial-H was convinced into trying to bring about the future Emperor but the operator told him that he was not allowed to make such a request. He needed a valid request and not just for showing his friends. The operator also told him that it required an extreme situation to bring out such a powerful entity to the mortal realm.

The request was a failure but it allowed them to know that Emperor did exist in the Heroverse. It confirmed his good nature even further and allowed them to trust him. The Young Justice Team decided to give their support to the Emperor and they enjoyed talking to him over barbecue.

Serenity thought the clone couldn't eat, and found about the new functions. Naruto could now make clones that were made of flesh by manipulating reality.

After the meal, Naruto had a spar with the whole team and Young Justice knew pain.


A.N Hope you enjoyed