
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 57

The final recruitment pitch for the day was with the Titans. It was the first team of heroes completely made up on teenagers and, in the current time period it was one of the strongest groups of heroes in the world.

The team had started with just three members, Nightwing, Kid Flash and Superboy. But, now it was a massive roster; Raven, Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Superboy, Wondergirl, Silver Flash (Kid Flash), Blue Beetle, Arsenal, Terra, Red Devil, Little Barda, Power Boy, Molecule, Osiris and Kid Eternity.

Just like the other groups, Titans consisted of extremely powerful individuals. Raven was the strongest person in the group and the most volatile being on the planet. She was an extremely dangerous threat to the existence of the universe as her father wished to utilize her powers to gain access to the mortal realm, as he had been trapped by the forces of order in another dimension. Trigon's powers were unknown to Naruto and to everyone on the planet, but it was apparent that he was almost invincible.

Regardless, Naruto wasn't about to kill Raven to avoid the problem. He would never sacrifice people and compromise his principles for anything. Watching over Raven for a month had also increased Naruto's magical abilities.

Other than Raven, Naruto got the technology aspects from Blue Beetle and Cyborg. While, he got the power to easily change his size from Molecule.

However, Kid Eternity was the only one after Raven that was actually dangerous. The young man was a representative of one of the Lord's of Order, Sister Sentry, and he had the power to summon the spirit of anyone he pleases for exactly one minute. The spirit could be fictional or non-fictional. Unlike Dial-H, Naruto could use this power easily and get help from powerful entities. Though, he had yet to summon any real powerful being as he didn't wish to antagonize anyone yet.


The Lords of Order were higher beings of great mystical power that represent order. Prior to the reality-altering events of Flashpoint, the Lords of Order acted as avatars of the concept of stagnation during the Ninth Age of Magic. Dedicating their nearly unlimited power to empowering mortal agents, they acted as a deterrent to the Lords of Chaos in a constant struggle for universal supremacy.

Due to the reality-altering events of Flashpoint, the Lords of Order's nature changed; once a group of sorcerer-kings, they discovered a source of raw magic powerful enough to decay their physical bodies but became mystical beings composed of energy. Taking it upon themselves to govern this raw magic, they defended reality against the Lords of Chaos, warring over how to govern said raw magic.


Naruto had sent them a letter, informing them of his visit and purpose of the visit. So, his arrival was expected and he was greeted by Raven and Kid Eternity on the roof of the tower. Naruto wasn't alone either as he brought along Jason because Nightwing was extremely persistent like his father.

Seeing Jason standing respectfully beside Emperor, Raven and Kid Eternity were able to confirm that it was the real thing and there was no mind game going on. Jason was alive and he wasn't being controlled.

It was their first meeting with him and Raven was able to see why Emperor was liked. His presence was soothing to the soul and he seemed to suck away the negativity from the atmosphere. Raven and Eternity were both silent types that had trouble trusting others, but both felt the desire to befriend him.

"Good afternoon, my little friends. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Raven, Eternity. Both of you are such wonderful people that it lightens my heart and strengthens my belief in the goodness of the heart. I am especially charmed by your presence, my beautiful lady. I hope we can have a productive meeting today." Naruto greeted them in a friendly manner, and even gave a hug to both of them before passing them some gifts.

He wasn't exaggerating about Raven, it was a fact that her empath powers connected with his own and further enhanced the emotions inside of him. Her presence made him feel a lot better and it was the same for Raven, as she was influenced by his overwhelming spirit.

Raven was taken aback by the sped up rate of her heart as she heard his words. She felt the darkness within her soul being pushed back by his presence. Her soul that was a conduit for her father that represented the darkness of the universe and all of evil within the people from Azarath was being soothed by the symphony created by their empathic ability.

It was the first time in her life meeting someone with such a pure heart filled with affection for all beings. The respect, the care, everything was so relaxing that Raven wished to sit down with him and forget about it all.

Nonetheless, Raven snapped out of it and didn't let it affect her mind. She could confirm he was a good person, and now she needed to lead him to the meeting room.

"Thank you for the compliment, Emperor. I also think that your heart is a beautiful thing." Raven replied in a calm tone as she gave Jason a nod and created a portal for them. Eternity was surprised by her words, since he hadn't heard such a thing for anyone else.

It made him wish that he could ask Sister Serenity for confirmation. He felt lost without the Lords of Orders not responding to him at such an important time. He didn't know what was wrong but he had lost contact with them for more than a month and even Dr. Fate had disappeared.

"I am very happy to hear that, Raven. I am here to help everyone, so you can also put down your worries. Your father will be a memory of the past soon, but before that I will clear your connection with him." Naruto smiled at her words and the armor disappeared, showing them his real form. It was a surprise, but it made sense why Emperor had been using another persona.

However, the most shocking were his words and they almost made Raven stumble. She turned around and looked at him.

"This is a serious subject, are you sure you can handle it?"

"Of course, I wouldn't mention it if I wasn't capable of doing it. I just require your trust for it to work, as I would need to touch your soul." Naruto walked closer and held her hand while giving her a taste of his power.

His words gave her hope that had been dearly missing. Escaping from her father's grasp, she had been tormented by his call everyday and nothing could be done to drive it out since it came from the soul. Every day she would meditate and calm her soul, push back all emotions so that her father couldn't utilize them.

Every time she ended up angry, her father took the chance to possess her body and it was fortunate that her friends could help her snap out of it. But, how long would that continue. She was getting tired of it all. She loved her friends like family and was afraid of harming them with her selfishness.

She felt like ending it all. With her death, at least the universe would have more time to combat her father. But, she also didn't want to die. She wanted to live with her friends. She wanted to live a normal life.

"We will see once you are done with your work. I will need some assurance before we start with something so volatile."

"Oh, does that mean I have your support? I am honored." Naruto smiled as he looked at the bracelets she was wearing. Those were a gift from him and he increased the energy inside of them. It gave Raven a sigh of relief as her spiritual burden was lessened.

Helping Raven wasn't an easy job and it was extremely dangerous to even heal her soul. Defeating Trigon was impossibility at the moment since he was even above the Olympians.

"You have my support, as I don't think an evil heart can contain such pure affection for the world. And, there is no evil desire in your heart. You are a pure selfless being, and though you do have a measure of pride but that doesn't seem to affect your actions. Your heart is filled with desire to help others, and your actions have shown that you think deeply for the people. Our actions have always been on the surface, but you went even further. I don't mind your executions since those people deserved it and they would have gotten the death sentence by the system in the first place. You just saved the country's tax revenue from being used on a doomed life." Raven replied honestly as Emperor was being honest and friendly towards her. She had been expecting to see a man filled with pride and arrogance, but the reality was extremely opposite.

She wondered why he gave them a month. She wondered how he had been shaped, what made him like this?

How could a person care so much about strangers, even when he hated by them and being targeted by them? Why didn't he feel any negativity towards them?

Raven was impressed by their first meeting and the fact that she could enjoy such soul to soul communication with him. She would usually try to avoid making contact with others, but Naruto pulled her in and gave her what she needed.

"You also have my support, Emperor. Your work has been impressive, and hearing Raven's words has made it easy for me to choose." Eternity also followed along and gave his support because of Raven. He trusted Raven as she had been helping him since his revival as a servant of order. He held some attraction towards her, though it didn't seem to work out.

"I am glad to hear that, and I hope your friends agree." Naruto gave them a hug while Jason rolled his eyes at the performance. Finishing up with the hug, they all walked through the portal and arrived in the meeting room where everyone was gathered.


"Welcome to the Titan Tower, Emperor." Nightwing greeted him and almost berated himself for not connecting Gilgamesh with the Emperor. He had been humbled by the creature having such good acting skills. He now knew not to assume that a powerful creature like Emperor might not resort to small type plans.

Other than that, his words were caught in his throat when he saw Jason.

"Jason, is that you?" Nightwing couldn't control his emotions seeing his younger brother figure alive and well.

"Seriously, don't cry like a woman. I am alive and I am kinda happy to see you, Richard." Jason shook his head at the crying face and walked closer to him, giving him a hug.

"You really need to loosen up. You know, it has been really been hard on us." Nightwing smiled at those words, as he remembered Jason's harsh tongue. He always acted tough, even when he was scared.

"I think I did, or I would have been filling you up with lead. You can thank Master Naruto for that as he really knows how to change a guy." Jason hit him on the side and pointed at Naruto.

It was the first time they heard Naruto's name.

"You are Japanese?" Beast Boy muttered as he heard the name. He was a fan of manga and anime, plus he watched movies from around the world to help in his acting career, so it was obvious to him.

Even the others were curious since the name didn't match the appearance.

"No, I am an outsider. I came from another Universe to escape a predicament. I would have laid low and focused on my training, but I don't compromise with my principles. So, I acted to curb the evil that I saw. I hope you understand why I didn't just tell the truth from the start." Naruto replied with a truth bomb that none could have expected. It was something that Naruto realized he needed to share since it would be terrible if an enemy shared it instead.

It also made him similar to some of the heroes, by not having a perfect life. Just like he expected, his words and background did affect them a lot.

"You are like Raven. What about your world now? Is it fine without you?" Starfire was friendly like always and shared what she thought. She was an alien girl from a different galaxy that had gone through terrible times. She had been enslaved, she had been betrayed, she had been experimented on and she had even been sexually attacked. Even with all the suffering, Starfire forgave the person responsible and never showed any sign of falling into the black.

Her spirit and positive personality was also a first for Naruto. Both of them were also affected by their connection through the soul technique Naruto was using to talk to them.

Raven also agreed with Starfire somewhat. It was similar in a way, but not exact.

"It is also similar to you situation, Kori. Did you forget about your warmongering sister?" Silver Flash commented, reminding her of the situation on her home planet.

"Oh yeah, I almost forget about that." Starfire chuckled at those words. She didn't take things too seriously and thought more about others than for herself.

"I don't know the state of my world, but I believe that it is fine. My enemy isn't someone that wishes to ravage my world, but someone that wants to conquer it. We have similar goals, but our methods differ greatly. He is someone that is ruled by his pride and if not for his aggressive attitude, he would have been the savior of my world." Naruto replied while showing them visions of Madara known throughout the ninja world.

It gave the team a good idea of Naruto's enemy but, they felt that he wasn't strong enough to be a threat.

"Why now? From my analysis, you are a calculative person. So, was this reveal to gain emotional points or was there another purpose?" Nightwing asked calmly and didn't hold back his questions even though Jason gave him the look.

"Adding to that point, you had countless opportunities to reveal the truth over the last week. Why didn't you do it? Also, your enemy looks too weak to be a problem." Cyborg gave his addition by showing the countless clips of Naruto's interviews over the last week and gave an analysis of Madara's battle power from what he saw.

"Cyborg, why don't you just let Nightwing take the lead? The last point was extremely dumb. He also said he was training and his enemy was old. It shouldn't take a genius to understand that the enemy can also grow in power like him." Wondergirl slapped his back and talked to him like he was an idiot.

Cyborg had a great list of words for the girl, but he held himself back, "Girl, you need to stop looking at things with your muscle brain. I deal with facts and data. I need clear answers. I can't get my head around how the enemy is a threat to the Emperor. The Emperor is a threat to all of us, and I could take down his nemesis. Does that make any sense?

I want to know, how it is possible. How old is he? How old is this data? What is the age difference between you and him? How long have you been in our world? Can he find our world?"

"Now that makes sense, you should have started with that." Superboy backed his girlfriend and gave him a smirk.


Naruto didn't take offence to their inquisitive nature and enjoyed the friendly atmosphere. He had them take a seat since all of them were standing and had forgotten about it because of the topic.

"I didn't plan to reveal anything before I was done. I wanted everyone to see my work after I had taken control before revealing the truth of my origin. Just like you said, I am a calculative person. So, I didn't want to take a risk. However, I recently came to the conclusion that I needed to share this knowledge with the people before some enemy used it against me.

Nonetheless, I believe it is better to lie then to spread fear. Or, I would have told everyone about the end of the Multiverse and the end of this solar system. Even my existence seems to be on the line, so I intend to focus on the current task and win you over to avoid such a future.

As for my enemy, his feats are more than 100 years old and my increase in power happened within a month of collecting modern knowledge from your world. So, it shouldn't be impossible for my nemesis to gain that specific understanding." Naruto revealed to them the knowledge he had gained from Gaea and the information he got from Donna.

The words were unexpected and paralyzed everyone for a moment, as they took some time to adjust to what he just said.

Looking at his casual appearance talking about his assured death, the team was impressed and Raven confirmed that he wasn't lying.

"Sheesh dude, you got a way to crush the chill atmosphere. Why couldn't you have kept it to yourself for the first meeting? We could have all lived in pony land for a while instead of worrying about our lives again." Beast Boy couldn't help but interject as he placed his hands on his head, acting forlorn.

"Ignoring BB, please cover one that thing at a time. How does our planet get destroyed?" Nightwing asked and everyone had their ears open.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know. Maybe it happens because of a fight between us, this emperor against the people of earth. I came to that conclusion since someone seems to be actively trying to make me look like an enemy of the world. This information is already in the possession of the Justice League through time travel. However, it is false. What they got from the future is that I am responsible for killing everyone on the planet and devouring the solar system, and I am even alive in that future.

That is such poor writing and they would have to be a foolish to believe it. If I really wanted to devour the planet and kill everyone, then I wouldn't need to discuss and recruit people. I could have killed all super beings on the planet and then make normal people super strong before devouring them.

Also, I don't possess the ability to devour life force from a planet. I am the Gaea's chosen one, there is no way she would allow a parasite to have that title."

"One minute, why would they assume that you devoured life?"

"They think I am an Otsutsuki. That is not really the truth. The truth is that my world is one of the places that Otsutsuki visited and almost devoured. My ancestor is the son of one of the Otsutsuki that seemed to have turned good for a time. My blood was extremely diluted over thousands of years, so there is barely any connection. Though, I ended up collecting DNA across the planet to regain the Otsutsuki lineage. Nonetheless, I am not exactly an Otsutsuki and I have DNA from various beings mixed to make a new type."

Everyone was quiet for a moment as they took in the information while Naruto took a glance at Osiris and his pet crocodile. Pointing at the crocodile, the creature started writhing in pain.

"That creature was an enemy. You really need to double check no matter how harmless something looks." Naruto gave an answer before they could make a mess and showed them the memories of the creature.

Osiris felt a cold chill pass through his spine at that reveal, as the creature has been living with the Black Adam family for a time and seemed to be looking for an opening to kill. He had been sleeping with this monster in the same room. He could have been killed if there had been a single weak point.

"Please inform us before giving us a heart attack. Sudden attacks are bad for my health." Wally muttered as he took a deep breath. He had almost gone into overdrive and attacked Naruto while expecting a beating.


"I don't like that smile. I can see right through you, you like such evil acts." Beast Boy spoke as he saw the smirk. It reminded him of the times when Raven said something and she did the opposite. They were such evil creatures.

"Impressive, you have seen the truth." Naruto didn't deny it and the team understood learned something new about him.

"Regardless of your bad habits, thank you for your help. The information you have revealed to us is very heavy and requires time to analyze. It could be the truth and you might be trying to manipulate us, or it could be false. None of us know, since we can't just assume your inner working. However, I can assure you that we lean towards your side. You have done wonderfully for our world, more than any local has done." Nightwing was cautious just like his father, but he was also softer than his father. So, he wanted to believe in Naruto. Regardless, he didn't want to make a decision so quickly and act irresponsibly.

"I understand, and I don't mind. This is how it should be, so take your time. I will excuse myself for now and wait for your call, or you can visit Jupiter and fine me there. Goodbye, my little friends." Naruto left with those words as the team needed to think over what they had learnt.

All of them seemed to like Naruto, so it was just a matter of time that they would join him. However, reality was no as it seemed. Naruto was doing everything almost perfectly, but all his steps were against beings like him.

He didn't think about what beings above him thought like. It didn't register in his mind, how they would act. And, it was this point that caused his issues. He forgot that there were whimsical beings in the universe that could rewrite reality.

Vyndktvx was watching over the universe like it was an anime and it was starring Naruto. He wanted to use Naruto for his plans and for that he needed to know what Naruto was doing.

Rewriting the ending of the scene, Vyn made it that the Titans were vary of Naruto and didn't fall for his charms. He even made it so that Naruto's gift to Raven corrupted her slowly, instead of healing her mind.

"This is just too easy, Mxy. I think it would have been fun to see you compete against me, so that I could have shown my superiority. Alas, you are dead and I have to be satisfied with a one player game."