
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 54

Finishing up with things on Jupiter, Naruto made clones to make contact with the other targets as he had expended more than 50% of his powers. Defeating Hercules had used up a lot of energy, so he didn't want to risk getting into another big fight.

The clone locked onto his target and found Catwoman with the Birds of Prey, who were located in Silicon Valley. It was their new location after giving up on Gotham's Clock tower.

The Birds of Prey was a group made by Batgirl when she had been paralyzed by the Joker and took the name Oracle. It was a group made up of female fighters, with Black Canary and Batgirl as the core.

The group members consisted of Batgirl, Black Canary, Vixen, Gypsy, Black Alice, Catwoman, Katana, Huntress, Powergirl and Lady Shiva. It was a weak team compared to the JL, but they did their job well even with the opposing personalities of the members.


Vixen was also known as Mari McCabe, a Zambesi-born American businesswoman and model. She fought crime as Vixen with the aid of the Tantu Totem that allowed her to wield the powers of the animal kingdom. Tantu Totem was a fox-shaped talisman, which enabled her to tap into the "morphogenetic field" of the Earth, sometimes known as the Red. This allowed her to mimic the abilities of any animal she could think of, by simply focusing on a specific animal abilities and then drawing it directly from the field. She had demonstrated the ability to hold onto the Morphogenetic traits of an entire forest of animals. The Totem is not the source of her powers but rather helped her channel the power. In normal times, Vixen was only able to operate above weak superhuman levels but she had the capability to harness the power of the universe.

Naruto found her powers interesting and had already copied them, allowing him to harness the abilities of all animals in the universe. Fortunately, unlike Vixen he had the knowledge of the various species and he wasn't influenced by the animalistic instincts.


Vixen grew up in a small African village; Mari Jiwe McCabe heard the legend of the Tantu Totem from her parents. She was the daughter of Reverend Richard Jiwe, the village priest, who was her sole caretaker, as poachers, lead by a man named Aku Kwesi, killed her mother years ago. Reverend Jiwe himself was killed by his half-brother (Mari's uncle) General Makasai. Makasai wanted the Tantu Totem, which had been in Reverend Jiwe's possession.

Now orphaned, she fled to America. She set up an identity for herself as Mari McCabe and used her beauty to become a well-known fashion model in New York City. She used her newfound wealth to travel the world. On a trip back to Africa, she came across her uncle, and stole back the Tantu Totem, using its power to become the Vixen.


Gypsy was also known as Cindy Reynolds, an illusion caster. She was the spy for the team as she could infiltrate places using her illusion abilities. She could become invisible and even cast fear on to others. She also had the ability to talk telepathically. Her invisibility could also be extended to her team, making her vital to the group.

Naruto saw her importance to the group, but her powers were already in his skill list. So, he didn't learn anything from Gypsy and had a lot to impart on the woman.


Cindy Reynolds was the daughter of Edward and June Reynolds. Their marriage soured after her younger brother was born. Though her father mainly targeted her mother, Cindy got some of the abuse as well. When she was fourteen, her powers of illusion began to manifest. At that point, she decided to run away from home, from her suburban life to Chicago.


Lady Shiva also known as Sandra Wu-San, was known as possibly the world's greatest martial artist. She had been both a ruthless villain and a heroic vigilante. Her motivations were based purely on what interested her. This had led her to mentor several other fighters. She had even trained Tim Drake, Red Robin. She was a crazy woman that didn't really care about anything except martial arts. She had learned all the known Martial arts and even forgotten ones. She had created her own arts as well. She travelled the world to fight skilled fighters, and had defeated majority of them. She had defeated Batman and Ras Al Ghul, and many others. She even went far enough to create a strong fighter to fight. She worked with the Birds of Prey because it allowed her to fight with strong fighters without much interference.

Naruto didn't like her careless personality, but he liked her passion. She was a lot similar to him and some of his teachers, like Might Guy. She worked to improve daily, and he could appreciate such a trait. Even though she was a normal human, Lady Shiva was still within his range because of her talent. Normally, Naruto wouldn't consider normal people for child bearing as it would only weaken the bloodline.


Sandra grew up in Detroit with her big sister. They practiced martial arts constantly, and people would travel to watch them spar together. The assassin David Cain observed them, and noticed that Sandra was holding back out of love for her older sister. Cain brutally murdered Carolyn and left her body for Sandra to discover. This allowed Sandra to explore her true potential. Sandra sought out David Cain looking for revenge and tried to kill him. The League of Assassins defeated her, but she forgave Cain when she realized that he had set her free. Cain allowed Sandra to live if he would bear her a child. Sandra had a daughter, Cassandra Cain, and gave her up to David.


Katana also known as Tatsu Yamashiro was a Japanese superhero. Wielding the Soultaker Sword, she had become Katana. The sword took the souls of those killed by it, which included her husband Maseo Yamashiro. The Soultaker, along with its non-powered twin, was forged in the 14th century by Muramasa, whose swords were said to be cursed and made those who were evil commit evil acts. It took the souls of those it killed, storing them inside the sword, where they could engage in limited communication with whoever wielded it. These souls could be reincarnated by the means of a sacred ritual, under which they would serve their summoner, even if it is against their will.

Katana didn't know about the second ability and just used the sword normally. However, Naruto was enlightened by the sword. He thought about making weapons from his soul that would be further enhanced by eating other souls. As such, his equipment went through a change and became part of his soul. He knew that once the Earth was under his control, there would be millions of souls that would fall to his might.


Tatsu was an average Japanese girl, save for her proficiency in the martial arts. Two brothers, Maseo and Takeo Yamashiro, both proclaimed their love for her. While she liked both, she chose Maseo. This angered Takeo, who refused to attend the couple's wedding. By this time, he had joined the Yakuza and as a result, his family disowned him.

After the deaths of Tatsu's parents, she and Maseo started a family of their own, and she gave birth to twins, Yuki and Reiko. Meanwhile, Takeo rose in rank of the Yakuza, and one of his exotic tastes included ancient weapons. He was presented with a pair of matched swords by General Karnz, one of which Takeo favored due to its mystical properties, which would come to be known as the Soultaker Sword.

One night, Takeo took both swords to the Yamashiro residence to slay his brother with the sword. He quickly struck Maseo down, but Katana took Soultaker from him. In the course of the fight, Takeo accidentally started a fire, and Tatsu's family died.

With Soultaker in her possession, Tatsu began training as a samurai under a master called Tadashi. After much time, she graduated from his tutorship and left for America where she intended to use her talents to fight for justice as she didn't want to live in Japan where the past haunted her soul. She took the codename Katana after the sword that she wielded.


Black Alice also known as Lori Zechlin was a young magical leech: she could borrow the powers of other magic users. She was inexperienced and quick to anger, and in desperate search of herself and a place to belong. Batgirl gave her a place to belong and Black Alice contributed greatly with her ability, as she could take the powers of any mystical being.

Magic Usurpation was the ability to temporarily usurp the magical powers of any being, even ones as powerful as the Spectre, gaining all its skills and power and leaving it powerless in turn. The limit to the distance at which she can steal power of a target being is limitless. She has even shown the ability to steal the powers of two beings simultaneously. It made her one of the most dangerous beings on the planet. However, these powers didn't remain permanently and without them she was just above a normal human.

The more powerful magic she takes control of, be it from one or multiple sources, the shorter she can hold on to it, and she doesn't know exactly how long powers will stay before they go away. Power sufficiently beyond her comprehension can render her catatonic, such as when she attempted to absorb the powers of Satanus.

Naruto found the power really interesting and could feel that it was even a threat to him. Naruto could copy the abilities, but he wasn't taking it from the owners. Meaning, Black Alice had the ability to even use the borrowed powers on the level of those immortal beings. Though, she didn't have much control on those powers and Naruto had a way to cancel her powers.

He saw Black Alice as a powerful addition to his group and wished to recruit her, and allow her to grow properly. She was under the guidance of Doctor Fate to help her control the unstable powers, but heroes had problems going far into their powers. Unlike them, he wouldn't limit her abilities and allow her to go further than ever.


Black Alice used to be a normal girl but one day, overwhelmed by shame, Mrs. Zechlin committed suicide by overdosing and drowning herself in her pool. Lori discovered the body when she came home from school. Lori also discovered, later that same night, that she had a mystical ability: she could "borrow" the magical powers of other superheroes or super villains. She did not have the same control over the powers as their owners and had little control over when she could take them or how long she could use them. Despite this, Lori (taking the name Black Alice) formulated a plan to avenge her mother's death and punish the prescription drug traffickers whom she saw as above the law.

Lori's father, shattered and slipping into depression, becomes a recluse. He tried to pretend for Lori's sake that nothing was wrong. Her mother's death also distressed Lori, but she was aware of the change in her father and assigned herself the role of caregiver. Her grades began to slip, and she became alienated from her peers. Her primary social group, a Wiccan circle, expelled her because she was emitting "black energy" after her mother's death (in actuality, the circle's leader - Lori's best friend, Dawn - was jealous of Lori's real and growing powers). From then on, she tried to operate alone but was almost killed and was saved by the Birds of Prey.


Black Canary was Dinah Laurel Lance, one of the world's foremost martial artists. She was the daughter of Dinah Drake, who used the moniker before her, and a frequent partner of Green Arrow, who over time became her boyfriend, and husband. Black Canary has been an important member of the Justice League of America and the Birds of Prey. Dinah possessed a metagene that gave her a potent sonic attack, able to damage and stun foes or objects, to the point of shattering metal. She possessed an incredible degree of control over her vocal cords. This enabled her to mimic sounds and generate any sound she desired, even developing several abilities. The Canary Cry had been able to reach 300 decibels, which was enough to make a person's ears start bleeding even if they're not the attack target.

Naruto saw Dinah as a way to convince the JL further, especially since Green Arrow was close to breaking. He had observed everyone and knew their personalities. Among the JL members, Diana, Green Arrow, Aquaman and some others were inclined towards his way of thinking. They had been fighting crime for decades and only saw the number of super villains increasing, not even the old villains were dead yet.


Dinah Laurel Lance was born into a family of crime fighters. Her father Larry Lance, was a police officer, while her mother (also named Dinah) was the original Black Canary.

Dinah chose to become a crime-fighter at the age of nineteen, despite her mother's wishes to the contrary. Following a rigorous training program under the watchful eye of the original Black Canary's close friend Ted Grant, also known as Wildcat, Dinah took up her mother's identity and adopted a costume as her own. Differentiating herself from her mother, Dinah was unique in the fact that she had the power to do a 'Canary Cry', a super powered shriek to use against her foes.

At one point, Dinah's 'Canary Cry' was the result of her being cursed by the criminal the Wizard during her childhood. However, due to mysterious changes in the timeline, these sonic powers were later said to have been a byproduct of Dinah possessing the metagene, making her a super-powered metahuman since birth.


Finally there was Powergirl, also known as Kara Zor El. She was an older Supergirl with a different personality and was close to Superman in strength. Though, the man of steel had lived under the yellow sun longer so his powers were much greater than most Kryptonian's.

Naruto found the Kryptonian's fascinating and extremely useful to his cause. Unlike other big forces, Naruto wasn't afraid of bringing them back. He never allowed his worries and fears to make him follow unfair decisions. If he was going to bring back innocent lives, why shouldn't he bring back Krypton? He already planned to bring them back and it was one of the reasons that Supergirl was extremely happy with him. He wasn't afraid of going against the primal forces, and looked forward the experience.


Kara was born on the planet Krypton, where she had a cousin named Kal-El and a friend named Val-Zod. When Krypton exploded, Kara was sent to Earth but when she arrived, her cousin had already grown up to become Superman. Kal and his wife Lois adopted her and eventually Kara became Supergirl, a member of the Wonders of the World and friends with fellow vigilante Robin (Helena Wayne).

When Supergirl arrived on Earth, Darkseid's invading forces had not yet publicly made their presence known. However, in order to protect her from the invaders and have a secret weapon in reserves, Kal-El kept Kara hidden on a Micronesian island, raising and training her there. As a further precaution, Kal forbade her from leaving the island, even if it was to help someone. However, teenage rebellion drove Kara to periodically sneak off the island when she knew her cousin would be too busy to notice. Using her super-speed, she was able to perform good deeds without anyone seeing that she was not Superman. It was during one such outing that she would meet her best friend, Helena, Earth 2's Robin.

After the war with Apokolips escalated, Kara began serving publicly as a Wonder of the World. Her efforts helped keep the war at a stalemate. When Batman discovered a way to end the war, Kara was kept out of the mission and ordered to guard the nuclear devices that the world's governments had decided to keep to the very last. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman were killed, but they managed to destroy Darkseid's towers, disabling the Parademons and saving the Earth. As Supergirl caught up with Robin, and without any time to grieve their lost mentors and family, their attention was caught by a Boom Tube portal with a lone figure appearing within it. The Earth's last two remaining heroes plunged into the portal.

Arriving in the current Universe, Kara took upon a new identity and became Karen Starr. She used her powers to collect precious minerals and became a billionaire that invested in tech with the best scientists, so that she could find a way back. During her stay on this Earth she was involved in a relationship with Michael Holt. Their relationship started when Michael invited her as Karen Starr to a fundraiser for Senator Gonzalez's presidential campaign. However, while they were dating, Karen was secretly stealing Michael's dimensional tunneling technology in hopes of using it to return home.


Naruto found the team gathered at the base as he had informed them of his visit. He had sent gifts and a letter, informing them of the time of his visit. It had been an amusing experience for the women and it also showed them that he knew them completely since the gifts were aligned to their personalities. Walking out of a portal, Naruto entered the meeting room of the team and was greeted by Powergirl.

"I am honored, but it would be better if we took some time to know each other." Naruto muttered as Powergirl stood extremely close.

Rolling her eyes, she stepped back. She had thought it might have been an enemy attack, but it was just their guest. She wouldn't have been present for the meeting, but the gift sent to her demanded her presence.

"I hope you are not here to flirt, as that would be extremely disappointing." Batgirl said as she stood up and looked him up. They were meeting the most wanted man on the planet, and she couldn't help but want to see his utopia.

She was already killing people as a cop, so she didn't have much of an issue with his kills. Especially since Emperor was not just a vigilante, but a ruler. He killed people while giving the proof of the misdeeds, so none could question him.

"That would be a wonderful idea, but I prefer to focus on work at the moment. And, thank you for your cooperation. I am happy to meet you all." Naruto smiled as he removed his armor and greeted them before taking a seat in the middle, so all of them surrounded him.

The girls were aware of his character and understood that he was calm and confident. It was also a fact that he didn't backstab people or use traps. It meant that they didn't have to worry about an attack, when he came to talk.

"So, why are we here?" Catwoman asked as all the girls were seated and ready to rumble if anything looked shifty.

"Isn't that obvious? I am here to ask for your answer and convince you to my cause. I thought you would come to me, but I guess I overestimated my charms." Naruto looked at her and chuckled lightly. His appearance and manners really shone as he sat their confidently. The girls almost found themselves charmed.

"I was observing the scenery before making my decision, and I don't see him."

"Yes, where is he?" Batgirl also continued on that line.

"Jason Todd is relaxing with his new friends. Do you want to talk to him?" Naruto offered and the girls saw a screen appear where they could see Jason on the beach with the other members of the team. They were having some victory barbecue, with extra sauce and taste of victory.

"That could just be an illusion." Gypsy countered as she found no reason to believe what she was seeing. Even if the person was extremely handsome, she wasn't going to make it easy.

The others girls looked at him, agreeing with those words. With experience in the hero field, most people became jaded and it was hard to convince them.

"Do you want me to bring him here?"

"How about you bring him here and let Black Alice borrow your powers?" Batgirl offered

"Now, now, that would be extremely disrespectful. Girls, you shouldn't treat me so lightly and act in such a manner. We are all civilized people here, so I expect some courtesy. And, Lori wouldn't be able to copy my powers. It requires knowledge and experience. Plus, I can take back my powers… Yes, I know everything about you and I can use all of your abilities. I am confident that most of you are willing to follow me, so let us talk." Naruto's tone hardened for a moment before becoming normal, and the girls understood not to push him too far. He wasn't their servant that he would just follow their desires.

Hearing his declaration, the girls were alarmed. Emperor was already strong enough, but he even had the ability to copy abilities. It was extremely alarming.

"Sorry about that, but how do we know it is the truth?" Catwoman asked after apologizing, it was scary questioning someone so powerful but she had gotten used to it.

Naruto just shook his head and connected all of them to his soul, to assure them and make it easy for them to communicate.

"That is the real Jason Todd, and I helped him overcome his hate. I intend to do the same for your lover, Catwoman. I believe it would help if you girls joined me, since it is just a matter of time. I know that all of you want to continue fighting for good, so in my Empire you will be legal personnel and not some illegal vigilantes. Unlike the current world, you can trust me and you can question me. I am the Emperor, but the Emperor has advisors and doesn't just make decisions on a whim. I hope you can get the picture now." Naruto didn't want to waste his time arguing and used his persuasion abilities. He showed them what he was doing in detail and what they wanted to see.

Saving Jason was already a big sign for them, and the fact that all the other heroes joined him also helped his point.

"Are you sure you can help him? No one has succeeded till date." Batgirl was convinced by the other things but the point about Batman was just crazy. She would love to see her mentor smile and live happily, but she couldn't even imagine the man without his serious persona. Batman was the real thing and Bruce was just the persona, it was what he believed. He found joy in crime fighting, though it was drowning him darkness. The teammates and children under him helped Batman stand up and continue fighting. He lightened up and found something to live for, but even that didn't last for long. The fear and pain was still inside, and it was eating him up. There was so much distrust and paranoia inside his soul that he could end up snapping in the wrong manner. It was never good to hold everything inside, and Batman kept everything hidden within his heart.

"There is nothing impossible for this Emperor and healing the broken minds is one of my specialties. I have experience of thousands of lives that allow me such confidence. Look around you, and you will not find a single failure. Once I start working on Batman, he will fall without a doubt. Look at yourselves, have I not solved most of your problems. You were stressed and frustrated with life, now look at you. Now you only have a single worry, this Emperor." Naruto responded while summoning some drinks for everyone, according to their desires.

Just like always, none had the words to deny his statements. It was a fact that the world was at peace since Naruto started working and the heroes found themselves relaxed. The worries of the past were mostly gone and society was changing for the better. The only worry was Naruto now, as he had too much influence, ambition and power.

"What do you need from us to help Batman?" Catwoman asked with hope budding inside her heart. She had confidence in his skills and wanted to see her love smile again.

"I just need your support. Batman just needs to know that you are with me. We will talk to him together and I will heal his broken mind. We will help him overcome his fears."

"Do we have a place as heroes in your world?" Batgirl asked something that had been on her mind. Naruto's world was perfect so what need did he have for human figures like them.

"The answer is very obvious and can be found within my interviews. I intend to transform all of humanity to a new stage in everything. That means all of humanity would have their genetics modified to give them higher stats. I want my people to be the best, not even second best. Even though it would be a world where people would have almost everything, there will always be a need for an army to keep that peace. Amongst the normal populace many people would choose to serve in my army and those people would have a higher blessing. But, I would need people even above them... You are those people and In intend to give you immense power according to your courage and ambition. Even someone like Batman would have the power to physically contend with Superman once I give him my blessing. That is the simple truth." Naruto showed them pieces of his interviews and answered the question in simple terms, so there was nothing vague in between.

"Are you not afraid of the world entering anarchy with such powers?" Huntress questioned as that image was ideal, but plans had a tendency to go wrong.

"Such powers will always be child play in my eyes, and I intend to install a system to manage everything. Plus, I will have your kind of people to manage them. I was thinking of letting Batman and some other little friends watch over them. And, it would be hypocritical of me to stop this transformation. Humanity can't be at the top with just few people, we would just be exceptions."

"Don't you have too much confidence in our abilities? Or, is it confidence in your own abilities?" Black Canary added

"Both, I have confidence that I can lead all of you to a better place."

"What about us? What about the aliens? What are you going to do to them?" Power Girl asked as Naruto had never mentioned much about them.

"I don't discriminate against anyone. Everyone will be part of the Empire, equally. I just didn't talk much about other species because most of my audience was human. I have already talked to the resident aliens and I accept them as my people. You are my people and I am willing to put my all to help you."

"You didn't say life?" Power Girl caught his words and asked for clarification.

"The Emperor can't die for someone. That is irresponsible to the people and would cause more deaths in return for one life. I will always keep the Empire above a single person's life. It is an obvious answer."

"I know, but I just wanted confirmation." Power Girl said as she looked at him. She wanted to see if he was willing to lie to make himself more appealing. But, he gave the right answer with a confident look. It would have been a lie to say that he would put his life on the line for people. And, of it was the truth then it would be a show of his incompetence and naive thinking.

"Will you allow people to challenge you to a duel?" Lady Shiva asked the only thing that mattered.

"I don't fear anyone, and I love to fight. So, I will welcome all challenges and I will definitely fight you. I acknowledge your skills and I wish to fight you. I want to see what you can do with super powers. Though, you need to stop disregarding morals for your passions." Naruto gave a happy smile with his eyes shining bright to show his passion for fights. But, he didn't forget to reprimand Lady Shiva for acting evil for her desires.

"I am willing to serve and even take punishment, if you can satisfy my desire." With her words finished, Lady Shiva found herself in grassland standing against Naruto. Her mind had been summoned to a mental realm where none were aware of it happening.

In this realm, Naruto fulfilled her desire and allowed her to challenge him. It was a battle of skill, so he didn't utilize his powers and his stats were reduced to her level. Lady Shiva had fought since a young age and mastered multiple arts. Fighting her at the same level was one of the hardest things. However, Naruto was similar and trained beyond her capabilities. Neither Lady Shiva nor other heroes had even fought as many times that Naruto had.

Naruto's pure combat skills were exceptional and natural because of the millions of battles he had fought. In just a single day, Naruto would have fought at least one thousand battles. He fought against all kinds of opponents and even his own clones that utilized various tactics. So, there was no advantage that Sandra held over him. Just like her, he could read body language and respond. He followed her along and blocked everything, before putting her in a hold after breaking her joints. It was a very short battle but required a lot of skill and experience. She was impressive in that fact that she could even stand against him and not fall after a single combo. Not even Hercules avoided his first attack.

With the simple battle, Naruto managed to impress his skills on her and won her loyalty. Returning back to the normal world, she gave her answer.

"I will serve and I will learn." Sandra muttered as she looked at him while the girls were confused for a moment before they understood what happened. In the single moment that Shiva had asked about a duel, Naruto had fulfilled her request and won.

Naruto commanded her to come to him and she complied by walking towards him, and sitting on his lap.

"This will hurt, but after that you will have the power to fight against Aquaman physically. We aren't very different in our passion towards the arts, and even one my master has such obsession with it. I believe you would like to spar with him." Naruto muttered as he held her face.

"I shall look forward to meeting your teachers." Lady Shiva didn't even show a single worry about the punishment and allowed the kiss. She didn't mind having Naruto's child and would even love to have his child, to make him the ultimate warrior.

Looking at the drama going on, the girls were definitely surprised because it was Sandra. Seeing her actually respond and show some emotions was a memorable event.

Finishing up with her, Naruto had managed to win the interest of most of them. It was especially true for Black Alice who didn't have such experience and found Emperor to be an awesome personality.

Talking with the team, Naruto had a separate talk with Powergirl and Huntress since they didn't seem to want to share their origins with others.

It was possible for Raven and Dr. Fate to return them back home, but they didn't approach either of them. The reason was simple, as they didn't want anyone to know about their world. The information could spread from any of them and unwanted entities could target their world, which was already mostly doomed.

"When would you like for us to go to your world?" Naruto questioned as they sat above the clouds, watching the beautiful scenery below.

Just like they had expected, Emperor knew about their origins and their desire. But, did they want Emperor to visit their world.

Thinking about it, the answer was very simple. They wanted him to visit unlike the other heroes, because the Emperor wouldn't leave once he visited.

"Do you intend to conquer the Multiverse?" Powergirl asked calmly, she was curious where his ambitions ended.

"Yes, I intend to rule everything. I don't like the idea of people suffering somewhere that I can reach. You can say that I am kind of a perfectionist."

"I see. We will leave the date of our departure to you, since you are so good at planning. However, don't expect the same from us. We aren't going to offer ourselves to you." Powergirl replied as she turned to him. She did find him attractive, physically and mentally. However, she didn't know him.

Naruto chuckled at her words and walked closer to her, "I didn't expect such a thing from anyone of you. You are free to choose and I won't interfere with that choice. Nonetheless, you all can relax now as I will ensure that your world achieves an era of peace... I am not afraid of Darkseid and he is one my targets once I am done with earth."

Looking into her eyes, Naruto could see the same features possessed by Kara. Both girls were extremely attractive, though their personalities differed. Powergirl was cautious and calculative while also being playful. Kara was straightforward and hotheaded, and extremely kind even though she said otherwise.

Coming closer, "Though, I wouldn't mind courting you." Naruto muttered those words while Powergirl seemed to have been in a trance, expecting a kiss.

Seeing his playful expression and wink, Powergirl understood how he had played with Sandra. He was an enemy of all women. His skills in seduction were just too high. His voice, his eyes, his looks, his mannerism, all of it caught the eyes.

Finishing up playing with Huntress and Powergirl, Naruto also finished the talk with the rest of the girls and managed to convince them to follow his cause. Vixen followed along after hearing and seeing the state of Africa after Naruto's interference. Black Alice followed along because she was charmed and because her family life had been cleared because of Naruto's help, her father was in tiptop shape. Black Canary was convinced because of the Bat family part and because Naruto brought up Green Arrow, her husband. Green Arrow was falling apart and she had seen his state worsening, but it had gotten better after Naruto appeared. The man had been talking about killing the criminals, though he had been trying to play it off as a joke. She agreed to follow Naruto, because her husband would also follow him and finally fight the way he wanted to bring about real change.

With that he disappeared while the other clones talked with Young Justice and Titans. Even though he was tired, Naruto intended to have a talk with Batman and Superman before moving on to the next day's plan.