
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 53

Getting to the main fight, Naruto and Hercules arrived on a large planet that was twice the size of Earth and ten times as dense. It was a barren planet where it rained diamonds.

"I don't think there was a point in choosing a planet for the fight. Unless we got the same taste, and you like the feeling of crushing people against celestial bodies." Hercules commented with amusement as he felt the diamonds crash against his skin. He was an extremely chill guy and didn't take things seriously anymore. He was an Immortal from the Olympian Pantheon, but unlike the others he preferred living a normal life on earth.

"It doesn't matter where we start, all of them will disappear when we fight." Naruto replied as he stood beside his foe like they were friends admiring the view.

"True and I gotta say, I like the way you think."

"Then why don't you accept my offer, Hercules. You know that words aren't enough for what you have done in the past."

"I don't really like talking about my past, but I give you a pass. I regret what I did and I apologized for my actions. You know things were terrible in those times, so my upbringing wasn't really upright. You can guess by the deeds of victims, none of them were innocent either. Nonetheless, I was actually punished and I fought for good for thousands of years.

I don't bring it up because it is my payback, but I think I have repaid my debt. I kept the Amazons safe during Darkseid's invasion. I kept Atlantis and the Amazons safe from the Giant Born. Fighting the giant born took me more than a thousand years in another dimension, where I almost went insane. I actually have no problem working with you, since it looks entertaining and purposeful. However, you have to fight me and prove your superiority or you have to serve me instead." Hercules looked at the sky as bad memories passed through his mind. Things he regretted and things that were tragic throughout his past.

Naruto didn't deny his words as he also saw through Hercules mind and decided to let him off. The target had suffered enough and had repaid his due. Hercules had gone far enough to even continue his guardianship of the Amazons even when it wasn't his duty.

He just hadn't shared such details with the Amazons, or tried to get them to forgive him. He was weird in that way, as he continued to blame himself for all his past deeds. Even now he blamed himself for his family's death, though it had been Hera's fault.

Naruto realized that there was something wrong with his head, and it wasn't natural. Someone had fixed his mind so that he would never go against Olympus. It wouldn't make sense that someone like Hercules wouldn't get revenge against Hera without such a thing. Naruto couldn't see a single thought about vengeance and he had never even tried.

Naruto understood further how terrible the Olympians were and how vicious Hera could be. He would ensure that the King and Queen of Olympus got their due once the world was settled. He would make them submit and tie them down to his soul to further strengthen his powers.

"You aren't going to back down after losing, are you?"

"I swear on Olympus that I will serve you, if you can defeat me. Is that good enough?" Hercules didn't hesitate to take an oath to show his seriousness. It was an oath that couldn't be violated as he would be punished by the Immortal of Justice, and maybe Vengeance. He knew that people had trouble trusting him because of the past. Most of the time he wouldn't care about what others thought, but he didn't want to mess things in the current situation.

He had good gut feeling about Naruto and knew about all his deeds. It would be interesting working with him, even if it was under him. Even if he won, Hercules intended to work with Naruto.

"I appreciate the honesty and your eagerness… Let us have a good spar and may the best fighter win." Naruto walked away from him and turned around.

Hercules smiled at the casualness from his foe. It was a new experience and his passion for a good fight was ignited even further.

"I am not going hold back… Here I come!" Hercules declared with a hearty laugh as he flew towards Naruto.

Both warriors were in their armor but without their weapons.

Naruto reacted with a knee strike to his head while Hercules blocked it with his hand and went for a headbutt.

Just as Naruto was about to get hit, Hercules was pushed down by a golden hand that came from Naruto's shoulder and caught his face.

Following that, Naruto gave him a left kick but Hercules turned to a cloud and dispersed before his arms extended to strike Naruto.

Naruto caught one of the arms and pulled while a golden fist hit the cloud Hercules. It didn't pass through the cloud and hit Hercules, as Naruto copied the ability and cancelled it.

The fist sent Hercules crashing through mountains and the force behind it dispersed land and everything nearby while the planet shook from the impact.

Naruto appeared behind Hercules and gave him an axe kick from above but Hercules almost caught the leg, but Naruto vanished again while a hand pulled Hercules from below that threw him against the planet before a large fist came from above.

Hercules countered it with his fist, and the impact caused a massive explosive shock wave that destroyed everything in the vicinity.

"That was a fun starter. Let's change gear, shall we?" Hercules was satisfied with the appetizer and decided to use more of his powers.

He was the Immortal that represented Strength, meaning he was extremely powerful. His father Zeus was a galactic level being at the minimum and most of the other Olympians were not weaker than solar system level.

Hercules was one of the youngest and the weakest of the Immortals, but he was physically Solar System level. That was multitudes greater than Star level. He could turn every JL member into a past memory with a single serious punch.

With that fact in mind, Naruto was avoiding direct hits. His knee had almost been ripped off when Hercules pushed it down.

It was an extremely dangerous battle, but Naruto didn't mind. He actually loved it. He loved challenges and the recent easy battles had been a total bore. It was good that people submitted without a fight, but he also wanted to have a good spar once in a while.

Naruto didn't reply to his words and moved at full speed. Hercules was like a statue as the speed force had been utilized. Along with the speed force, Naruto utilized the phasing ability from MM.

Flying around Hercules at insane speed, Naruto showered him with golden fist strikes that passed through the invincible armor and hit the insides.

Naruto hit millions of times before he pulled back and time returned to normal, as Hercules found himself feeling the impact from all directions. His body was pushed from one side to another while his innards seemed to have almost exploded by the insane force.

Hercules threw up golden blood as he looked at Naruto standing above him. It hurt. It hurt a lot after a long time.

"That made me feel like a mortal again. But, this is going to be a long fight with my immortality. Unless, you have some Immortal Slayer." Hercules chuckled as he brushed aside the blood and stood up. His body was extremely durable and could handle the planet destroying punches.

He was surprised by the Speed Force and the phasing ability. He had seen it used by the JL members but this was combined usage, making it effective against him.

"You can avoid the pointless pain, Hercules. I think we already have a winner, or do you have something more?" Naruto replied in a confident tone.

"I know that your touch is toxic, Emperor. But, my pain threshold is extreme. I have endured a lot in my long life. And, I am just getting started." Hercules replied as his body was covered by golden lightning, giving him another defense and even boosted his reaction.

Naruto gave a nod and Hercules found himself drowning in a pool of darkness. The whole planet was devoured into the pool called the Entire World's evil, as the evil of the universe was represented by the pool.

It had been further enhanced through his studies and newly gathered knowledge, and abilities. It was enough to destroy anyone's soul and make them a soulless husk. It was enough to turn anyone insane and shatter their psyche.

However, Hercules destroyed the whole thing with his fist. He punched really hard and the force was represented outward, causing the whole dark pool to explode.

His golden blood gave him enhanced mental defense against such attacks and he had been driven made countless times, so he had experience.

Just as he was free from that prison, Hercules found another attack waiting for him. Naruto threw multiple giant Rasenshuriken at him that collided with his force barrier, followed by a bijuu beam that pushed Hercules into the nearby sun.

That wasn't all, as Naruto unleashed multiple bijuu beams from different all directions that caused Hercules to be trapped in the sun.

All the attacks barely managed to break the force barrier and only made it hard to move for Hercules. The heat was also terrible but he could endure it.

Just as he thought it was over, Naruto caused the sun to explode through molecular manipulation and focused it on Hercules.

The giant star exploding was not within expectations and it shattered the barrier, while giving Hercules some damage. His armor was fine but his bones had been fractured and his hair was gone, his skin had been burnt.

Nonetheless, it was healed very quickly.

"Told you, I am a tenacious beast." Hercules spoke with a smile. He was extremely impressed by Naruto even if it was annoying to be suppressed throughout the battle.

Following those words, Hercules released a shockwave of his force. Hitting Naruto was hard so he decided to release shockwaves one after another. These waves shattered everything in their path, and all the planets were turned to nothing because of that move.

Naruto avoided everything by phasing through the waves and travelled to another solar system with full speed before bull rushing towards Hercules.

Naruto's speed increased immensely and he phased through Hercules, causing his atomic structure to explode from the immense force. Naruto also utilized his atomic destruction for the job.

Coming to a stop, Naruto saw Hercules take form again.

"Damn, I hate the speed force." Hercules muttered as he had experienced high levels of pain and it was hard to find a way to counter such abilities.

Hercules decided to focus on defense to find an opportunity. His body was covered his force field representing his full power.

Naruto had expected the result and decided to wear down his foe with different attacks. It was helpful that he could predict everything that Hercules would do, and avoid it easily.

Unleashing ethereal chains, Naruto tried to imprison his opponent's soul. The chains phased through the force field and hit the soul.

However, even the soul was extremely powerful and it blew away the chains.

Naruto didn't stop and created his Doom Spear, Elemental Spear that was made by all elements. It had been compressed to a small size and was moving it insane speeds, powered by the speed force.

"Hercules, why don't you accept your loss? This might hurt a lot." Naruto held the spear menacingly and gave his foe the chance to back down.

Hercules looked at Naruto and felt really annoyed. It was such a disrespectful thing. He hadn't felt so disrespected for a long time.

"Friend, you got a way with words." Hercules muttered in an angry tone.

"Your choice." Naruto continued with his assault and the spear was lodged into Hercules body, spinning at extreme speeds and expanding.

Time returned to normal and Hercules found the spear spinning inside of his body, releasing powerful energy and fighting his force field.

Just like he had been warned, it was extremely painful to feel the attack on the molecular stage. It felt like it was going to go on forever, but Hercules managed to puncture his body and destroy the spear.

He wanted to ask Naruto to fight directly, but that would be childish. Battles were never fair, so he couldn't ask for such a handicap.

Before Hercules could find a way to win, Naruto unleashed his strongest attack. He had been gathering light beams from countless stars throughout the fight that spanned across thirty minutes of Naruto trying to destroy Hercules with different attacks.

The light beams had been mixed with other elements and changed accordingly. Naruto managed to create the black balls of doom used by the Sage of Six paths, Truth Seeking Balls. Truth-Seeking Balls encompass the power of all basic natures. By combining the various natures inside the orbs, it was possible to produce a variety of effects. They were capable of instantly turning anything they touch to nothing beyond Atomic destruction, even the soul. If imbued with a certain Yin–Yang Release jutsu, the orbs could nullify any energy they touch and thus become impervious to it; this includes negating the regenerative qualities making it possible to permanently damage and kill immortals. However, the orbs are incapable of nullifying Senjutsu and Higher type of energy like Omega force used by Darkseid or energy used by the Olympians etc. The power depended on the users understanding and could be further enhanced to counter all times of energy.

The beams had turned dark, which was why Hercules hadn't seen the billions of dark beams gathered around the battlefield. The beams phased through the barrier and targeted the molecules of his foe. This was Naruto's strongest attack, using up majority of his energy. He had nothing stronger than the Storm of Chaos.

The attack was beyond star level and being targeted directly with the erasure effect along with energy cancellation. In addition to hurting the enemy, it also drained the opponent's life-force and powers. With such a move, Hercules found defeat.

He was blasted to nothingness and had difficulty getting back together. His healing ability was heavily restricted so Naruto caught him inside a cage made of the black balls.

"The battle is over, and it was fun while it lasted." Naruto muttered as he had avoided some dangerous attacks during the battle. Hercules had even tried self destruction on Naruto and he only survived because of precognition.

However with those words, Hercules was confused. The battle had yet to start and Naruto said such words. Just then he was blasted to nothing by the black beams and trapped inside the black ball.

"What the heck just happened?" Hercules asked as the battle ended instantly. He couldn't believe it ended like that.

"I can see the future, Hercules. I fought you and won. Let me show you." Naruto replied with a smile as he showed the battle. He was extremely happy at succeeding with his new ability that built upon his precognition from Sage mode and his eyes.

It was called the Alpha Force. It an ultimate force which, in battle, instantaneously replayed the elapsed battle, although Naruto's attacks are over in just an instant, you can't grasp how many attacks he actually unleashed, and in reality, you can only see the final blow that brought down the opponent.

With this ability, Naruto could literally see through the battle and replay it. Allowing him the ability to finish the opponent easily while knowing what works or what doesn't.

However, it wasn't perfect yet and didn't allow him one shot victory if he never had the ability to do so. It also didn't work with too many opponents on the battlefield and was energy heavy.

Finishing up with the fight and understanding his loss, Hercules was deeply impressed. Fighting was fun, but easy victories had a deep impact on the opponent. It was one of the reasons why he used Alpha force against Hercules.

The guy wasn't bad now, but there was always pride. Most couldn't endure taking orders from someone inferior or equal to them for a long time. The easy victory showed the difference in their abilities and made Hercules believe that there was a massive gap between them.

He wouldn't even dare go against Naruto as an enemy.

With all the battles completed, Naruto gained new abilities and new servants. Hercules and Jason decided to work for him as promised, and they were happy about it. The guys loved action and knew that Naruto's path was filled with it. They could finally live the old days of conquest and glory again.

The Amazons received the punishment and were marked by Naruto without any interference. He didn't forgive them since their misdeeds were recent and none of them felt guilty about the murder and the child murder.

After the punishment, Naruto sat down with Donna and Hippolyta to talk it out. They were inside the gardens of the Queen's Palace, a place where men were not allowed. Naruto owned the place and the rules were gone.

His team was also sitting there along with the new additions, Hercules and Jason. Seeing Hercules submit to Naruto was a big blow to their minds, and made them understand the immensity of the Emperor.

Naruto allowed the Amazons to have a talk with Hercules without their hatred and bias coming in the way. He allowed them a communication of souls.

They finally saw the other side of the story, what happened after they left men's world. They understood that their survival had a lot to do with Hercules, or they would have been killed long ago.

It was difficult to believe such a thing, but they saw how selfless Hercules could act. They saw him sacrifice his life for them and get trapped in another dimension until someone freed him.

Hippolyta also saw the pain she caused Jason. Her hatred for men had made her blind, but Naruto forced her to see without bias and she felt guilt. She heard her little boy desire for her acceptance. She heard his nightmares when he was young. She saw him crying for her presence and love.

She saw the darkness that was boiling inside his heart because of her hatred. Jason deeply hated the Amazons and sometimes that hate extended to all females. He was extremely impatient and judgmental around females.

Other than that, Naruto made them understand that they had been useless throughout their long existence. He made them understand that with his path, as they could finally do their jobs and represent justice. He made them understand that the Immortals had given him the authority. Their masters could not deny Gaea. With all that on the table after the defeat, Hippolyta gave in to Naruto's words and submitted to the Empire.

Donna saw the whole process and decided to help Naruto. She was convinced of his sincerity as he didn't treat the defeated like slaves and helped them find a way to their goals. He was extremely kind and farsighted.

He helped everyone to forgo their hatred and encouraged friendship. He managed to convince her people to change and even helped her out of depression.

He showed them a beautiful dream where the innocent people could live in peace and harmony, so Donna was willing to give him a chance. She didn't want anyone to die like her family or suffer like her. She didn't know whether everything would go as told, but her presence could help make sure that the path wasn't crooked.


A.N Hope you enjoyed