
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 52

Leaving aside the girls, the one that went through the biggest changes was Valkus. The Centurion had taken a different form, losing his bulky frame to become slim type with good looks. His name had also been changed to Danny Phantom in his civilian form, and Spirit King was his title.

During the month he had been training under Naruto, Danny had been humbled with knowledge and power. He understood the grand design of the universe and saw what he was, a frog in a well. His powers were great, but nothing to brag about in the big leagues. Getting such a breakdown gave him shattering blow to his confidence, but his lord didn't like broken puppets. Danny was built up and shown the way towards the beyond. His confidence was rebuilt and Naruto had helped him gather new souls for that purpose.

It wasn't just his power and confidence. Danny had his character changed through the interactions with the team. In his past, Danny couldn't trust anyone. He was always looking over his shoulder and over thinking the objectives of people around him. Everyone just seemed to use each other and never cared to help others succeed.

However, he now had people that he understood completely and trusted. The souls had touched and bonds had been made. He had come under a leader that wished the best for him, wanted him to reach a grand position in the universe.

Such generosity won his heart and Danny knew he could never repay such a favor, as his lord continued to shower him with gifts for every good deed.

In a single month, Danny felt extreme loyalty for Naruto. It was a bond that he had never dreamed of, and he knew that everything could be sacrificed for his lord. Not everyone in the team had such deep loyalty for Naruto, since opinions differed and hearts didn't think the same. Regardless, everyone on the team was loyal to a varying degree.

Getting back to the battlefield, Spirit King arrived on a planet where it rained glass. The temperature was over 1000 degree Celsius and the wind was moving at a speed of 7000 km/ h so the glass was coming from the sides.

His opponent, Jason, was untouched by the dangerous environment because of his weather control abilities. However, he had been unable to find a way back and didn't know where to go.

"Hey, where is Master Hercules?" Jason asked in an impatient tone. Jason didn't have much experience in the field and was hotheaded.

"He is with my Lord, so you can wait until the battle is finished." Spirit King answered calmly as he floated above the mountain where Jason was standing. He wished that his lord didn't have such difficult conditions, but he was adjusting to the not killing method for the time being. It was bearable since it wasn't permanent and personal safety was still a priority so they didn't have to hold back from maiming their foes.

Jason was sure that his master would win, but he wanted to watch the grand battle.

"Why don't we go and watch the battle since standing here would be pointless, unless you want to waste my time with a battle." Jason muttered as he took flight and pointed his spear at Danny after spinning it with flamboyant style.

"You can't leave this place until the end of the battle. And, you need to stop spouting nonsense. You aren't worth my time, kid." Danny replied with a disdainful smirk as he used his spirit pressure to make Jason take a knee.

The unexpected move almost caused Jason to crash into the mountain but he managed to stabilize his flight and flew to Danny's height.

"Is that the best you got?" Jason challenged as he focused on Spirit King. He understood that the foe wasn't weak and required his attention.

His master had told him to even finish a fly with full force, so he would never hold back. Though, it did cause awkward and dangerous situations. Like the time when he struck a mosquito with a lightning bolt, erasing their mansion. He was forced to make it from scratch as punishment. It did make him reconsider those words, and decided to just apply it on real opponents.

"That was just a warning and this is the appetizer." Spirit King replied with a smile, imitating Naruto, and appeared behind Jason. His palm hit Jason and a spirit beam was released from it that blasted through the mountain range. However, it passed through Jason without harming him.

Jason took on a gaseous form the moment he felt the change in the air and used his defensive strategy. Letting the attack pass through him, Jason retaliated with a lightning strike that almost struck Danny.

Spirit King teleported above Jason and created a spirit cage to trap him, leaving not a single space for him to escape with his gaseous form. Following that, Danny created an ethereal spear and threw it with full force.

The spear flew through the air and entered a portal that allowed it to arrive behind Jason. However, Jason blocked it with his lightning storm that he had created inside the cage and further increased the intensity to break the cage.

Looking at the kid reacting properly to his attacks, Danny understood that his foe wasn't some fodder. Adjusting his mindset, he became serious.

"I don't like playing around with my enemies, so let us end this battle." Spirit King declared confidently and Jason saw the atmosphere became extremely cold and dark. Clouds gathered in the sky and he saw a giant palm come from above.

It covered the whole sky and Jason was unable to move out of its range. The only thing he could do was unleash his power against the hand to survive.

Releasing the charged lighting storm, Jason tried to survive. However, it was futile. The large palm was unstoppable and was made with huge amounts of spirit energy.

It was a move called the Palm of the Immortal King. It was invincible. The pressure it produced paralyzed the foe and their energy. It pulled their souls. It pushed the target into despair and made them panic.

Just like a bug getting crushed, Jason was smashed into the ground. The planet shook from the impact and almost split in half, while there was a huge crater on ground zero. Jason had been defeated, his bones were crushed, his body was almost frozen completely and going through necrosis from the darkness aspect.

It was an ultimate move for Danny so it contained all of his abilities and even used up a lot of energy. Satisfied with the results, Spirit King cancelled the affects and healed some of Jason's injuries so that he wouldn't die.