
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 43

Doctor Mist's words were agreeable with the other members. All of them had accepted their defeat after the one sided battle and seeing the way Naruto treated them afterwards. Getting healed by his energy was the best experience of their life and they wished to sleep under his protection forever. It gave them such a joy and made them feel awkward if it was done. They wanted to ask for it to continue but it felt wrong to ask such a thing.

Naruto smiled at his words and the feelings he received from everyone.

"I am happy that we could come to an understanding… I really don't want to force you into house arrest and waste your talents." Naruto said as he looked at the Global Guardians sitting on his left except for Doctor Mist who sat at the end of the table opposite of him.

Hearing his words and sentiments, the Guardians felt touched as the voice felt so genuine and warm. They really felt his care for them and it made it hard to think that he would do them wrong. Everything from the start continued to build a bond of trust in them and it was stronger than others as they felt connected on a spiritual realm.

Unlike the villains, Naruto was respectful to the heroes and wished to win them without resorting to any harmful action.

Heroes were usually headstrong so he had to think things carefully and plan ahead for them. He couldn't make mistakes in his actions or words. He couldn't allow himself to act with haste and annoyance when they denied him. The only thing he could do was to prove them wrong and keep them grounded while he followed along the path.

Naruto didn't expect everyone to follow along peacefully and maybe some of them would have to be imprisoned until the end of the conquest.

All of that was within his expectation, as not everyone would see things his way and especially because everyone had a bad impression of an imperial system.

Doctor Mist gave a nod of approval as he was satisfied with Naruto's way of dealing with them. He didn't act like they were nuisance and showed real respect for them even though they had been enemies just moments ago.

"How can we help you? Do you wish to have our assistance with negotiations with the other teams?" Doctor Mist asked and presented the few things they could help with.

"You all can help me with many things as the world will always need heroes to protect it till the end of time. Though, our only enemies will be from the outside. But, before that we need to clean up our home. I intend to talk to the others, and your presence will be a strong support to my side.

Sandstorm, you are connected to Black Adam. So, what is your opinion on our talks with him?" Naruto replied while showing them a grand future where humanity controlled the whole solar system and lived happily while the fights took off planet.

He showed grander versions of each of them. The visual and audio gave them an insane boost to their spirits.

Sandstorm was surprised to be pointed out and thought about it. Black Adam had been a hero in the past before being sealed away. He was a lot like Naruto except his way of dealing with people hadn't been so positive and he lacked patience.

After waking up in the new era he became a villain and now he was mostly neutral, living a peaceful life. He was too prideful to serve anyone.

Sandstorm really didn't want to see his savior get hurt but looking at Naruto's approach, it might never even come to that point.

"Mister Adam is too prideful to serve, though he would completely agree with your way. I believe you will need to defeat him in battle like our leader. It has to be complete victory with their never being a possibility for his triumph.

I share this opinion with the belief that Mister Emperor would not cause pointless harm to my savior." Sandstorm said in a calm tone as he looked at Naruto and gripped his hands tightly.

It was not a nice experience to discuss about the beatings of your friends.

"Thank you for your opinion, Sandstorm. You don't have to worry about Black Adam, as I will ensure his safety."

"Thank you, Emperor. I look forward to working under you and making this world a better place for the future generation." Sandstorm smiled at his words and nodded. He was really happy that his country was now free from its problems and the children were going to live a wonderful life.

Naruto had taken care of all the criminals and corrupt individuals while laying down the foundation to a better future. Most under developed nations had the issue of corruption which was different from the corruption done by developed nations. The strong corrupt officials took advantage of their own people and didn't even care about what happened to their country or their people. They only looked for their own advantage. They would reject even the most useful ideas if they weren't given a piece of the pie. However, most would never want to invest in such a project where they were forced to pay large sums to multiple corrupt officials. Then these leaders ended up in the pockets of leaders of developed nations who paid them large sums of money, which looked very big. But, it was only big for an individual and not for a country. These leaders in return sold rights to those nations and had their country exploited to an extreme degree where the sum that was given to them looked like pocket change. The system from developed nations kept these leaders of underdeveloped and some developing nations in their hands, and utilized them according to their goals. They protected these individuals and only got rid of them when these corrupt leaders became a nuisance.

To make matters worse, the lack of regulations and the corrupt system had also corrupted the people. Many of the employees in these countries would act lazy and useless if the owner wasn't watching over them. It made doing work in those countries a terrible headache especially with the corruption.

That was the difference between the corruption in a developed nation and an underdeveloped nation. Developed nations mostly exploited other nations while underdeveloped and developing nations exploited their own people, and internal damage.

Both sides weren't free, as there was just a degree of freedom and ease according to the country. The real power always remained with the system and the citizens could never change those core decisions. That was the honest truth of the current world since majority of the people would never support their countries disgusting acts done outside their borders. It showed clearly that the power was never in the hands of the people and the system only allowed things when it was convenient to it.

Naruto made the leadership better and gave them the ability and resources to improve the countries while also helping the citizens. Naruto removed the chaos agents from the developed nations and their private military forces.

With greenery available to fill the needs of the country, new schools and universities popped into existence while teachers became available for them. Naruto gave the educated and passionate individuals the required data of those fields to make the useful teachers.

He made factories for different tings available while giving ability to the citizens to run them. Naruto could make anything with his Elemental manipulation after knowing its makeup. He had already analyzed closely multitudes of inventions in the new world, so it was an easy job.

In these nations, the industries were hard to start because of their corrupt system. These nations had leaders that were happy with just giving interviews and taking photos with powerful forces, signing pointless contracts that went nowhere. With the current leadership, they would have made it their priority but it would have still taken time and money.

Naruto helped these countries skip years of work with a wave of his hand and put them on a fast track to catch up with the developed nations. And, this wasn't even the end as Naruto intended to make an Empire. All the countries would just become different regions of a single Empire and all of them would have similar level of advancement. The only difference would be the difference in culture, languages, cuisine and specialty.

Naruto intended to make the ideal society where people could exercise their imagination and there was no need to work to survive. It would be a society that kept on improving and people worked on what they liked.

The small jobs would disappear as robots would take care of them, leaving only things that people wanted to do and would love to do.

The resources were unlimited for Naruto's Empire since they weren't limited to Earth and could easily get what they wanted from other planets and the boundless space.

Naruto's vision was grand and it had already pierced the heart of many through his interviews, cartoons and comics. Naruto had already shown them the vision and how it worked. Though, people were still skeptical about the reality of the dream. However, Naruto made valid points and many trusted that they would see the full picture once the conquest was finished.

The vision was beautiful and ideal. However, Naruto knew that the initial years would be difficult for him and the people. Many people would lose their purpose in life since life had just become like that in the current time.

And, not having to work while still making people want to advance society wasn't an easy task. Nevertheless, just because it might be difficult and the result was unknown didn't mean that Naruto would compromise and go with the same old system to keep it easy.

Naruto believed that the people would follow along with his vision especially because of the existential threats from the beyond and because of the various abilities that would be available to them. Just because society was freed from work, didn't mean everyone was equal.

Everyone would have the chance to apply for what they desired, but they would have to prove their capabilities. They would even have the chance to become super strong, if they proved their capabilities. Even in the new world, people would have ranks as some people would always stand at the top.

However, everyone would have the chance to rise to the level where they could directly stand beneath Naruto if they worked hard enough and developed their abilities. That was a risk that Naruto was willing to take and it would be a continuous encouragement for him to keep on growing in power to keep his invincibility.

"What about the Green Lanterns? Will they listen to my words, Ice Maiden, Crimson Fox?" Naruto turned to the girls that were connected to the Green Lanterns.

"I think he will listen to your words. Unlike earth heroes, Green Lanterns don't have those restrictions and kill most of their enemies. However, he has gone on a mission so I don't know when he will come back." Ice Maiden replied positively, though it was just an opinion. Regardless, it was useful since she was close to the target.

"My guy is not gonna be easy. He doesn't like to kill like the other heroes. But, maybe he might listen. I just can't give you any assurance about his choice. However, I will try to convince him. He also understands the problems of our world, so there shouldn't be an issue with letting a good leader take charge." Crimson Fox replied while thinking of Hal but couldn't give a conclusive answer because they weren't very close. She would have also not joined Naruto, but after the battle that had changed. Just like most people, she had aversion to the Imperial system which was something from the dark era.

"I see. We will just have to see how things play out. I will approach everyone peacefully and give them the choice."

Doctor Mist agreed with that since even he couldn't assure that the other teams might listen. All of them were headstrong and fixed in their ways. It was hard to trust someone with such a responsibility and risk the world.

Even he felt the resistance to such a thought and only trusted Naruto after experiencing a battle with him, and seeing his nature in combat. In serious and dynamic situations, most people wouldn't be able to control their responses and show their true self.

"That would be for the best. It is an unfortunate task, but I am willing to partake in it."

"I appreciate your offer. However, take a rest for the day and visit the places that have been transformed. You will be happy with the results."

"We will follow that suggestion and we shall also inform the World of our allegiance. I believe it will help in our endeavors." Doctor Mist thought it was a nice idea to visit those places and even thought about ways to help their new cause.

"A good idea, my advisor…Don't look so surprised my friends, you obviously will have positions in my court. I deeply respect your knowledge and wisdom, Doctor Mist. So, I have offered you a seat as one my advisors.

I offer the same to Konan. She has experience from the war zone and has served under a powerful dictator, so she will help me avoid acting in the same manner." Before letting them leave, Naruto decided to further connect them to his goal.

The offer shocked everyone and some of them weren't happy at hearing the offer given to Konan. The girls were unhappy that they were ignored and Konan got to become closer to Naruto when she was always around him.

Pamela wanted to voice her distaste but held herself as she didn't wish to cause disrespect to Emperor. But, she and the other girls sent gazes at Konan and promising to study up on useful topics to earn the place. They had never even thought about getting divided by such positions and now they remembered that they were going to form an eternal Empire.

"I shall gladly take the honorable charge, my lord." Doctor Mist was satisfied with the position and was further inclined towards him.

It was the same for Konan, who was deeply honored by the offer that she let out some tears. She had never even thought of remaining at a top position in the new era, but she was given the chance again to clear away her shame.

After the offer had been accepted, Naruto gave the heroes an upgrade according to the good they had done. The power up was heavier than what he had given the villains at the start.

The heroes weren't the only ones as the team went through another power up after proving themselves in combat.

Once that was finished, Naruto sent everyone back to their places. Victor was sent to his wife where he would have his reunion while Naruto went with Konan as she wanted to talk to him about the Rinnegan.

However, Naruto wasn't done for the day. His clones were visiting few places before anyone had the time to react.

One of his clones went to meet with the Science Squad, a team consisting of the Powerpuff girls and some other characters.

The other clone went to meet up with Laura and the Young Justice.

The other clone went to Atlantis and the final clone went to Themyscira, Island of the Amazonians.

It was an eventful day.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment