
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 42

While Pam was fighting Olympian, Killer Frost and Mister Freeze were occupied with Rising Sun. The man was extremely powerful with his solar abilities but they managed to keep him grounded with their ice powers.

Mister Freeze had gone from a human level fighter to a stage where he could fight superhumans and his equipment had gone through immense upgrade to even affect creatures like the new Pamela.

He never really had the interest to achieve such power. But, after coming in contact with Naruto that had changed and he was happy to grow for his beloved Nora. Victor had become soft like his past and had been using his free time to help people in the city.

He was looking forward to meet his beloved and he was also feeling nervous about their reunion. Getting closer to that date had made him giddy and Naruto had made happy with his magical words, after the battle you will reunite.

With those words on his mind, Mister Freeze had his spirit ablaze beyond anyone else on the field.

On the other hand was Killer Frost, she fought calmly and looked at the assignment as her duty. She agreed with Naruto's plans and was happy to follow through with them. She didn't follow him blindly unlike some of the others and questioned his decisions.

It was a beautiful cooperation as her Lord didn't mind answering and made her feel important. Snow was also similar to Pamela in her love for Naruto, but she didn't have that much confidence. Frost just continued on her path and just wished to stay by his side. It would be ideal if he chose her and she was willing to wait for that day.

However, she was scared of facing the question of what she would do if he didn't chose her in the end. What would happen if he denied her companionship? That was a nightmarish thing for any of them after tasting the sweet nectar of Naruto's close companionship and adoration.

To deny such a possibility, Frost was willing to dream further and adapt to her beloved. Even though she looked cold, her heart was filled with warmth for her new friends and her love.

Getting back to the battle, Killer Frost made the battlefield extremely cold to counteract Rising Sun's powers and limiting his solar absorption.

The enemy could fly so Frost was skating around him by freezing the air while Mister Freeze was fighting from the ground and giving support with his sub zero cannons, as he was not capable of direct combat with such a figure.

Rising Sun avoided the ice beams with ease but he could feel the area become colder. It was making him weaker and making it difficult to recover the energy lost. Nonetheless, he didn't believe the duo could defeat him.

"Miss Frost please desist in this futile battle, you will get hurt." Rising Sun spoke to avoid hurting Frost as he didn't think that she was a villain. He also disliked harming females. It was quite a distasteful experience.

"Thanks for the kind words, but this battle shall continue until we win. Rising Sun surrender and follow my Lord, it is better for you." Killer Frost replied in turn as she tried to freeze the area around Rising Sun.

"I shall deny that proposal." Sun replied as he released a solar wave, burning the region and turning the heat up.

Controlling the energy inside of him, Sun released heat beams towards Freeze and Frost. Frost dropped the ice bridge while covering Freeze in layers of ice barriers to protect him.

She also released ice beams at Sun from all direction while causing a stronger ice storm to weaken him. Sun avoided the attacks while counteracting some beams.

Seeing that Killer Frost was protecting Freeze, he decided to take her out first. However that turned out to be a wrong decision as Freeze understood that the man was above them in battle power. Freeze planted bombs on land and informed Frost.

Frost was fighting in the sky with Sun and losing ground as the heat surpassed the freezing powers. Fully charging an attack, Frost released a massive beam that pushed Sun down and the explosion took place.

The sudden explosion disturbed Sun and the huge amount of cold energy also reduced his powers as he fell into the water.

Sun tried to move out of the water fast but King Croc, Shadow Lord and Earth King sealed his fate. Earth King controlled the earth to trap him while the shadows and the water also tried to drown him.

Freeze and Killer Frost focused their attacks on the water to keep on freezing him, making Rising Sun use up his energy reserves and lose consciousness.

With that, Doctor Mist was the only opponent left and he was the strongest being on the battlefield beside Naruto.


The battle with Doctor Mist was intense and exhausting. His magic was able to counteract everything that the team threw at him and the best they could do was stopping him from helping his team.

The team wasn't the only one tired from the battle since Doctor Mist hadn't expected it to be so fast paced and destructive. His team had been taken out even when they had the advantage through team work from the other side. Usually, villains weren't good team mates and they would take the battle slowly. This time, it was his team that was defeated through teamwork while he was distracted. Mist didn't blame the guardians that left even though the battle might have been won if the four individuals stayed to fight.

Mist blocked the lightning strikes, the uncountable explosions and the burning flames while teleporting to other targets. The Royal Knights had gathered and it would become extremely difficult for him to fight them. Mist attacked the weaker members while blocking attacks with his magic shields. It did consume energy to directly block those attacks but he was able to take out the easy targets.

Red Hood, Man Bat, King Croc, Shadow Lord, Mister Freeze, White Rabbit, Toyman, Firefly and Earth King were taken out of the battle, leaving the battle to Konan, Phoenix, Livewire, Killer Frost and Green Queen.

Phoenix was Volcana's new name to reflect her spirit as reborn and free bird. Her powers were also beyond a volcano's so she took up the name of the mythical bird of flames. She had never imagined arriving at the current point but she was obsessed with her Lord. Naruto had painted a beautiful dream and Phoenix wanted to experience it forever. He was her everything in the cruel world that had abandoned her.

He redefined her soul and gave her a real life where she could enjoy and grow to new heights. Unlike the others, Phoenix didn't mind sharing him with others because it was Naruto that owned them. They could never own his heart. She was satisfied to just experience life with him, as he burned bright and spread warmth to everyone like the yellow sun.

Battles had never been something she enjoyed but seeing that Naruto liked them, Phoenix embraces the joy of battle to share in his entertainment. She had wanted to defeat Mist but the battle showed that he was extremely powerful and alone she would have lost.

Even with the help of Konan and Livewire it was extremely dangerous. It was a good thing that the others joined.

Livewire agreed with that sentiment, though she felt frustrated at being denied victory. Her hotheadedness hadn't been removed but now it was managed so she didn't make foolish decisions.

Unlike the other girls, Livewire fully embraced the battle and was also in tune with Naruto on some points like other girls. Pamela's love for plants matched Naruto's. Phoenix's love for fashion matched Naruto's. Killer Frost desire for knowledge matched Naruto's and Konan matched him with her desire to bring peace to the world.

However, none of that was equal to Naruto's level. Livewire matched with his desire for fun and games along with battle. She believed they were definitely made for each other.

Naruto had stolen her heart with his dominating personality and with his fun side. She was amazed to learn that the serious figure even knew how to make jokes and play pranks.

She was further taken when he encouraged her to enjoy battles unlike the other annoying people. He brought life to her barren existence and gave her a direction. Livewire got the love she wanted and the game she desired. Now she wanted to become Lightning Queen that owned the Emperor's heart and brightened the days of the universe with laughter.

Getting back to the battle, it was going poorly even after the others joined up. Doctor Mist stopped taking a defensive stance and started attacking them with full force. Phoenix and Killer Frost were the first ones to fall to his magical blasts as he summoned powers from the dark dimensions.

The Eldritch blasts sent them crashing into the water and made them unable to rise up. Mist was extremely serious as he didn't intend to lose. Konan only survived the attack because of her ability to become paper, so she avoided most of the attack. Livewire also survived for the reason as she turned into lightning while Green Queen blocked the attack with her wood warrior and attacked back with a Nature blast.

However, it didn't connect and Mist teleported closer to Pam before releasing another attack that took her out of battle. Seeing the ease of their defeat, Konan started gathering a strong of paper to stop him while Livewire started to charge up.

Mist was impressed by their move and cancelled Konan's attack by overpowering her control of the paper or her attack would have caused millions of explosions, taking up a lot of energy to block.

Livewire had charged up into a large ball of lightning that was extremely potent and hot. Mist dealt with Konan and was almost hit by her when she blasted towards him at blinding speed. Mist teleported and Livewire almost crashed into the broken Island. She redirected and zigzagged towards him but crashed into a magical shield and found herself trapped within. Mist blasted her with dark energy endlessly until Livewire lost consciousness.

The battle had pushed him further than what he expected and he hadn't fought like it in a long time.

Clap clap

"That was a wonderful show, my friends. However, I believe it is time to end. What do you say, Doctor Mist? Do you submit?" Naruto asked as all the heroes and Royal Knights were gathered in the sky around him, protected and healed.

Only Mist remained outside, fierce and defiant.

He looked at the figure above and felt the desire to step down. The battle had been challenging already without the real foes interference.

"If I surrendered every time a strong enemy appeared, I wouldn't be here. I will fight till the last breath, so do your worst." Doctor Mist replied as he summoned all his powers, creating massive magical circles while summoning endless energy from the unknown.

Naruto smiled as he slowly flew towards and made it all look casual as he walked through everything like it was wind.

Mist attacked him with his most powerful moves but they didn't even touch Naruto as they disappeared before coming into contact. The barriers shattered like glass with his mere presence.

"Resistance is futile, my friend. The Emperor is invincible." Naruto muttered in a playful tone as he captured Mist within his large hand. The head was captured but Mist still resisted, however nothing worked as Naruto counteracted everything on the molecular level. He erased everything with his atomic destruction.

Even Doctor Mist saw his body starting to vanish slowly as his molecular structure scattered and he realized that it was futile. He could have never battled this overpowering foe.

With his loss of spirit, his body returned to normal and Naruto let him go.

"Take a seat, Mist. It is time we discuss your team's role in the new world." Naruto spoke in a inviting tone that demanded attention and obedience while land formed under his feet.

Along with the land, flowers formed and a long table formed with chairs for everyone. Everyone found themselves on the chairs and Mist was the last one to take a seat.

"I submit to your rule, Emperor. Thank you for going easy on us and I apologize for my rude behavior. We all felt that you were right, but I wished to confirm thoroughly. This battle has shown me that you care for all of us and don't think of as just pawns…Once again, thank you for your work." Doctor Mist said what was on his mind before taking a seat. He had already made his decision when Naruto asked again and that decision had been reinforced over the course of the battle.

He had seen the most selfish of people work together and take care of each other. There was just ample proof that the Emperor was the right person to lead humanity unlike him. He had failed to even change people close to him while the Emperor changed people so easily.

He was a person with an overpowering personality and character. He was worthy of being his leader, especially with his immense power.

Mist had never imagined that the Emperor was that powerful. It was just a matter of when for the Emperor to conquer the rest of the heroes. He really followed through with what he had declared and no lie had been uttered. He was the true will of Humanity and with the help of someone like Gaea; it would become a reality soon.


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