
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 44

Before leaving for his other meetings, Naruto fulfilled his promise with Victor. The duo arrived in Antarctica where Victor would usually have a secret base. In the supposedly uninhabited place, Victor found a small thriving town where people that could ignore temperature lived.

Victor found out that while he was away, Naruto had created such a thing and he had brought back Nora on the day they had met. To go even further, Naruto had put in good words for Victor and showed Nora the good things about him. Freeze wasn't always on the wrong side and there were times when he was heroic, so Naruto showed those events while leaving out the criminal activities.

Nora had wanted to see Victor but Naruto had convinced her that he would meet her later as it was a dangerous time. To avoid making the girl crazy, Naruto had provided her with an ideal place to live and even given enhanced her physique so there was no problem with the relationship.

Nora did feel conflicted and lonely without Victor, but she decided to wait for him and acted cheerfully for the town.

Hearing the details, Victor was very grateful as it would have been very damaging to hear the negative things from others. And, he felt really happy that his Nora was feeling happy.

He couldn't wait to get back to her and started running like a young man again. His heart was filled with warmth and desire to be with his beloved.

"Nora, Nora" Victor cried out as he saw his beautiful flower sitting under the tree of a park with some children. Just like always she took his breath away. She looked so beautiful and enchanting. She was a beauty with long silky blonde hair and blue eyes. She had an athletic figure that was hidden by her modest dress that made her look delicate.

She was adventurous girl that loved climbing icy mountains and skiing. She had been planning to work towards getting participation in the winter Olympics when her illness started to affect her body. She started to lose the fire and Victor could only freeze her in time.

She looked the same as she did 20 years ago. That was the difference between them, as he had lived 20 years in darkness while his beloved had just woken up from a long slumber.

Hearing his voice, Nora stood up immediately as she recognized her beloved's voice and smiled like the shining sun.

"Victor!" Nora cried out as she stood up and ran towards him, and both lovers embraced tightly. They didn't want to let go. It felt like an eternity since they had met. It felt so unreal that they were afraid of letting go.

"I missed you so much." Victor muttered with difficulty as he licked his dried up lips and tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't stop the tears as they represented his pain and joy.

"I missed you more. I had so many nightmares while asleep and when I woke up you weren't there. It was horrifying. I am just happy that you are finally here." Nora was also crying as she spoke fast. She was the one who spoke a lot while Victor was the type to speak less and do more.

Naruto smiled at the wonderful scene and disappeared, leaving the couple to talk and enjoy each other's company after a long time.


Shifting to Konan, Naruto walked with her in silence in their new base. It was within the endless ocean of Neptune, a giant beautiful Palace designed by the Carpenter. It was a marvelous wonder that took the breath away.

The duo walked in the gardens of the Underwater Palace where they could see the ocean above them filled with aquatic life from Earth and the gardens filled with beautiful flowers.

Looking at what Naruto had accomplished in such a short time, Konan felt her inadequacy highlighted. They had worked for so long but made wrong decisions by making excuses, justifying their extreme actions. On the other hand, Naruto had never once acted differently. It was clear that for his goal of being the proper Emperor of Mankind, Naruto was ready to put everything on the line. He didn't wait for the end of the objective to help the people, as he helped the regardless of the situation. It truly made her see the difference in their thoughts and priorities. Naruto cared for the innocent lives from core of his being while they were lost in their dark thoughts of vengeance.

"My Lord, I am deeply honored to work under you. I am beyond grateful at the respect I have been dealt. I am aware that I was always replaceable to your cause, but you gave me a new life. For that, I swear an oath of allegiance to you My Lord." Konan walked in silence and stopped when Naruto stopped near the fountain.

She took that as an indicator and spoke her mind. Konan had submitted to his will and accepted him as her Emperor. It was clear in her tone and emotions. It was a genuine oath.

It was all within expectations as he had spent time with Konan. Otherwise, there would have been a chance that Konan might have fallen deeper into the darkness. Human nature was unpredictable and sometimes, people just broke under the weight of the world.

"I accept your oath. However, you are not replaceable. Your powers are unique, your experience is unique, and your opinion is unique. Everyone has a role in this world, big or small. We just have to find it and embrace it. Your life has prepared you for the role and now you shall settle into it, and become what you should have always done.

You will be my advisor and an administrator of the new system that shall rule the universe. It is a grandiose role, but I know that you can and you will achieve my expectations. As such, never show your weakness and downplay yourself from this day forth. The darkness has fallen away and the light of hope shines bright, so act and adapt to your new role in life." Naruto spoke with a gentle tone as he placed his hand on Konan's shoulder. He was without his armor and wore his normal attire, which was extremely classy and high-class according to his tastes.

Hearing his words, Konan bit her lips as she went down to her knees. She had not expected such kind words. The world had been so unkind but the Emperor had always shown her kindness. He spoke such compassionate words and he acted as the guide from the darkness to light unlike the others.

She took his words to heart and embraced them. She hadn't realized that her attitude was still very similar to the old days and that was not right. Her new role needed her to change so that people would see a role model that they should follow.

She needed to follow Naruto's way of doing things, where he avoided even the smallest problems and acted with the best manners.

"I shall comply with your wish, My Lord....My Lord, I have shown disrespect by testing your patience and I am thankful for your magnanimity. Please, allow me to present the Rinnegan. I believe it shall help in your future endeavors." Konan didn't stand up and present the Rinnegan eyes stored inside a glass vial filled with some liquid for preservation.

She was completely in the role and take Naruto as the Emperor. She wasn't the only one and not the last one, as the Empire started to shape and people followed the new norm.

"There is no problem in such actions, Konan. You were not aware of my capabilities and such a questioning nature is what I desire from my advisors. So, don't forsake it for blind loyalty as I will not appreciate such an act." Naruto replied as he took the vial and made Konan stand.

"I understand." Konan nodded and kept that in mind as she didn't wish to lose her new place. She observed Naruto and saw his new eyes for the first time. He had the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, the red and black eyes that gave the Uchiha clan an enormous power.

She was obviously surprised as Naruto wasn't an Uchiha. The eyes awakened inside Naruto because of Kurama's change towards being the Ten Tails.

Naruto and Kurama's eyes were the same, giving them a synergic affect and improving their powers. With the right eye, Naruto could learn anything and with the left eye he could use anything.

The Sharingan eyes evolved and unlocked powers according to the person, meaning they were extremely unique. The powers Naruto unlocked were according to his desire and belief. As the Emperor of Mankind, he should know everything and he should know how to use it.

The normal Sharingan could only copy martial arts and ninjutsu techniques by learning the signs and chakra flow. But, they could never copy special skills and skills limited by genetics. However, this new power gave him the ability to copy anything in the Universe and Naruto had observed many people from the shadows to get their abilities.

The eyes had also made his chakra higher quality, improved his chakra reserves and given him a stronger control. The Rinnegan would further improve on those abilities and give additional powers.

"Nonetheless, thank you for this gift. I shall make great use of it and it shall help in my conquest. Though, I don't intend to put these into my sockets. They might have a negative impact on my mind and allow Madara to control me. However, I will extract the DNA and unlock my own Rinnegan." Naruto stored away the vial and informed Konan of his actions. She deserved to know and there was no risk.

Konan was not expecting such a step and was made to think again about her history after hearing such a theory.

'Could Nagato have been influenced by the eyes?'

"I am happy to hear such gratitude."

"I hope you will always be happy and never loss your way. I will light your path and never let you get lost. However, I maybe far way sometimes so call for me when you need my presence. You are important to me." Naruto smiled as he took her in his embrace and gave her a kiss. This was the first time, Naruto had extended his hand in such a way for her and she didn't resist.

Over the month, Konan had also felt desire to experience his adoration. She heard a lot and spending time with Naruto had allowed her to see him in a better light. She was attracted to him, though she was scared of saying it unlike the others. She had no romantic experience and Yahiko, her first love, had been killed before they got any closer.

"What does this mean, My Lord?" Konan was filled with joy, but she was also confused. She wanted to know what their relation was.

"It means that you are mine. Does that displease you?" Naruto answered as he had made the move to ensure that Konan never fell and lived happily. With him, everyone would be happy. That was his belief.

Konan couldn't tell how much Naruto loved her and the other girls. His expression and words were too sweet and enchanting. But, she wanted to know what that meant.

"I love you, My Lord. Do you love me?" Unlike the others, Konan wasn't afraid of asking the question and hearing the answer,

Naruto smiled as he pinched her cheek and hugged her close, "I love you more than anyone will ever love you. But, you mean the true love between husband and wife. Then, the answer is no. I have never loved anyone in such a manner as my priorities disallow such luxury. Nonetheless, you have my assurance that you are nothing less than my lover and wife. Yes, I intend to have children with you."

Naruto could have easily tricked Konan with his words and mannerism, but he disliked such lies. He didn't wish to own someone that wasn't satisfied with the arrangement. Naruto thought it was normal for him to have multiple women. It was normal for him to marry for alliances and other political reasons. It was normal for him to marry with multiple women to produce strong children to continue his bloodline, especially because he was the last of his clan.

Hearing his words, Konan wasn't really surprised. She also came from the same world and it was normal there for the leaders to have multiple wives.

She just wanted to know his feelings and how far he intended to go with her. His answer made her smile brightly, as she really hadn't expected to go so far. She was excited by the thought of having children with him.

"I am overjoyed by your words and feelings, My Lord. I shall never disappoint you in this life." Konan hugged him tightly as she was filled with happiness from the soul for the first time in her life. The light had finally gotten rid of all the darkness within her heart.

"I am happy by just seeing your beautiful expression. Konan, you never have to act distant with me. This relationship is not a secret, understood." Naruto picked her up and walked towards the flower field, where he laid her down and sat down with her to talk some more. It was the first time where they talked without any boundary between them.


A.N. Hope you enjoyed and comment