
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 41

Moving to the fight between Green Queen and Olympian, Pamela was extremely excited about the battle. She was the strongest in the team and her power of nature had grown a lot to the point where she could cover the planet in green.

She was the happiest person in the world. Though, she still wanted more. She wanted to monopolize Naruto. He was the first person in her life to capture her heart to such a degree, where she was unable to untangle herself.

It was clear from his attitude that he wasn't charmed; on the other hand she was charmed beyond reason. She wanted him to focus on her. She wanted his love and undying devotion.

She didn't want to share with anyone else. But, it seemed to be a bigger challenge than she had ever imagined. She had always believed that any man she chose would submit with ease. Naruto didn't submit, and Pamela didn't want to leave him even when she was forced to share.

Other than training, Pamela had been thinking about ways to win his heart along with finishing up her tasks. Over the month, his attitude had become gentle towards her but she was still not satisfied. He still didn't love her.

What did she need to do? Pamela questioned and came to the conclusion of becoming the strongest, and the most useful. Naruto would love her if she was on his level of power and if she was irreplaceable to him.

It was a thought that most girls around Naruto came to as the young man had yet to fall in love. Naruto knew love and give feelings of adoration stronger than others, but he had never fallen in love and it was not his priority at the moment.

Getting back to the fight, Pamela wanted to impress her love with her new abilities. Her foe was extremely powerful with the blessings from the Golden Fleece. Olympian was super strong with the ability to fly and teleport. He could heal and he was immune to poison. He was immune to mental manipulation, though the Fleece itself led him towards madness.

All these abilities made him one of the strongest heroes on earth and he was growing in power to where he might get tasks from Olympus and get directly blessed from the immortals. Nonetheless, the worst thing about him was the invulnerability that came from the Golden Fleece.

Regardless of all the abilities, Green Queen was one of the worst opponents that anyone could fight against. Pamela directly covered the region around them with dense greenery that was full of her power, making even the smallest tree too durable for any human weapon to damage.

The terrain change made it hard for Olympian to navigate and locate his foe while Pam fought him from afar. She sat on a green throne made from giant flowers and fought Olympian casually. Her way of fighting showed her capability and her desire to impress.

'I wonder what my love is thinking.' Pamela wondered as she sat on her throne vary of Olympian's lightning ability. She hadn't forgotten that he had X-ray vision.

While Pamela was taking it lightly, Olympian was captured by vines and smashed into trees. He tried to hit Pamela with his lightning strikes but the large trees blocked all the attacks.

The trees acted like large limbs and smashed him with their fists. Only his healing ability and invulnerability was keeping him safe.

Olympian wasn't finished though, as he kept on looking for an opening. After experiencing the beating, Olympian finally moved at a breathtaking pace. His body was covered in lightning while the Golden Fleece was in front of him as a shield to block all attacks.

Pamela saw him coming and controlled the greenery to block his approach. The plants gathered and surged like a wave towards Olympian while he was shot from the back with wooden spears.

With all these moves, Pamela managed to restrain Olympian.

"I thought you would last longer, Olympian. You were quite disappointing." Pamela muttered as Olympian was restrained in the air while covered in vines and trees, only his head visible.

He glared at Pamela and struggled against the restraints. His friends needed him, Godiva needed him. Just then he heard her screams with his enhanced hearing and his eyes went red from rage. He felt pain in the heart from hearing those painful screams.

He struggled like a madman.

"It is futile." Pamela muttered as she increased the pressure and buried him in the green. However, Olympian pushed and pushed. He went beyond his limits and demanded power from the Golden Fleece over his limit.

Lightning Storm covered the region and start striking down with fury, destroying Pamela's battlefield. Olympian was freed from the chains and his eyes were completely gold. The Golden Fleece had granted his desire but the heavy influence of the previous heroes had left the body on berserk mode where Olympian was unable to separate himself from the other personalities.

However, this made him even stronger than ever and Pamela was put in a defensive state. Olympian kept on striking with lightning and even created spears of lightning that he threw towards Pam.

Green Queen blocked the attacks with trees while moving around as she wasn't strong enough to fight Olympian in close combat.

She tried to restrain him with wooden chains and vines, but he easily broke through them. She created wooden dragons to dog pile him, and he smashed through them.

She released wooden cannonballs at him along with thousands of wooden spears, but the lightning burned everything down.

He had become an unstoppable monster. But, Pamela didn't panic and created a giant behemoth with her powers to compete against him.

The giant made from the green fought against Olympian in close combat and kept the berserker occupied. Shadow Lord helped with the battle by restraining him and trying to sink him into a dark pool while, King Croc also came to support the battle by showing Olympian with water attacks from afar. The region was mostly water, so it was the best area for him.

Naruto had changed Neptune into a water planet where life was possible and he planned to relocate some species to the region. He planned to have all the planets utilized properly, so he intended to move Atlantis to Neptune soon while making Jupiter his new base.

Getting back to the fight, Olympian started to tire after being hit too many times and using too much energy. The interference from Shadow Lord and King Croc had made it easier for Pamela to win. The Giant Behemoth had fought like an expert fighter and Green Queen had created a gigantic beast at the back through which she charged nature energy.

The Nature bomb was what put Olympian down for the count as he was sent crashing into the endless ocean of Neptune.

The attack would have ended up killing him, but Naruto saved him before that happened and even healed his broken mind.

Even though the battle had been won, Green Queen felt annoyed that she had needed assistance and was almost defeated.

'I need to fix this disgrace.' Pamela thought as she moved towards Doctor Mist.