
DxD: The Reincarnated Gamer

So you believe in ghosts and other strange occurrences? That there are many different kinds of races, as well as beings such as angels, devils, and dragons? And that a good number of these entities live alongside humans and cohabit with them? In addition to that, one of these people in particular stood out; what was his name? Altair. This universe would become the arena for his rantings and his jokes if he had his way. Nothing should matter to someone like him, or at the very least, it shouldn't matter at all. _____ like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support you can join my patreo_n to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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97 Chs

Chapter 46

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When Altair heard this information, his eyes widened in shock since this system constraint was so cruel.

He let out a sigh of displeasure. "This is most definitely a nerf," they said.

In exchange for no longer being able to level up his statuses using system points, you will have access to the most powerful version of Longinus... This was a really cruel act, and Altair was unable to tolerate it in any way.

Altair realised that the True Longinus might not be very effective against highly powerful opponents, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he grew. At first, it could have made a little bit of sense for him to accept this restriction.

He recalls that when Cao Cao attacked Ophis, at that time he managed to produce a massive hole in Ophis' stomach, but Altair knew that the wound was almost non-existent; in fact, just a few seconds after Cao Cao's strike, the hole in Ophis' stomach had regenerated itself. He also remembers that when Cao Cao attacked Ophis, he managed to make a huge hole in Ophis' stomach.

Therefore, he did not want to give up the ability to put system points into his status. After all, his points had no boundaries, and he could develop stronger indefinitely. If he put a limiter there, it would be the same as amputating his legs. Therefore, he did not want to give up this ability.

Sighing, he remarked something along the lines of, "I can't believe I'm going to do this..." And without giving it another consideration, he went ahead and selected the 'No' option.

After putting the True Longinus away in his inventory, Altair started mulling about his options for moving forward. He was aware that despite the fact that he did not have the Longinus as his Sacred Gear, he was still able to utilise it. However, he was unable to employ Truth Idea because it was an ability that was entirely damaged and forbidden.

He was aware that if he were to successfully employ this skill, not even the two celestial dragons at the height of their power would be able to beat him, which is an indication of how powerful this banned skill was.

"Training and finishing this Quest as quickly as possible are the only things I can do right now," I said. To encourage and inspire himself, Altair had a conversation with himself.

Altair was aware that he will, at some point in the future, be forced to acknowledge True Longinus as Sacred Gear; but, he has decided that this time is not right for him to do so. Instead, he plans to improve his strength in order to alleviate some of the pain he will experience in the future. And despite the fact that he lacks the necessary strength, he is going to put the True Longinus away.

Keeping this in mind, Altair used the Kai Kai to teleport to the closest desert, as he did not wish for his training to cause any damage to the natural environment or attract any extra attention.



Jeanne, who was idly lounging on the couch at the time, inquired, "So... What did you think?"

She had recently showered and was now relaxing a little bit, particularly because she had just finished reading a story that was on the bookshelf that her master had.

She laughed to herself when she realised that the shelf in her master's chamber had just come to her attention after she had taken a closer look at the room.

"I'm not really sure... I am not yet finished with this. Artoria's response was hazy, giving the impression that she was not paying attention to Jeanne's remarks. In reality, however, she was not paying attention; at this very moment, all of her focus was on the book that she was holding in her hand.

Jeanne, who observed this, had a vein pumping on her forehead, but she soon calmed down because the book that Artoria was reading was a little bit different from the one that she had read in her master's room.

"Can you please tell me what the name of this book is? Jeanne was perplexed because it was unusual for her to see Artoria concentrate so intently on something other than her master, so she asked the question.

"Hm... The name is a little difficult to remember..."

"I believe it's called... Tales of Demons and Gods," the narrator says. Artoria responded with a tone of uncertainty when asked the name of the book, as he regarded the title to be somewhat lengthy and a little bit unusual.

"That is indeed a big title, the one I had read was called... Against the Gods," the character said. Jeanne remarked on this while she was considering which of her master's books she would read next from the shelves.

Then, a grin came on Jeanne's face as she approached Artoria, and before Artoria could say or do anything, Jeanne attacked her. Jeanne's objective was to simply rip the book out of Artoria's hand so that she could read it, as her level of interest had reached its zenith. Artoria was unable to respond since Jeanne had attacked her before she could say or do anything.

Jeanne said as she threw herself on top of Artoria, "LET ME READ IT TOO!" Artoria did not respond.



To return to Altair...

It had been close to three hours since he had first begun his training to strengthen his RE Taekwondo skills. And he continued to work out in the middle of the desert with no breaks. Even if the searing sun made him exhausted, he had no intention of giving up.

The fight included simultaneous exchanges of punches and kicks...

As a result of the impact of his blows, there were a few small craters visible at the location. And as more time passed, these craters continued to get larger. Additionally, Altair did not overlook the necessity of expressing gratitude to the system for preventing him from contracting an illness that may have spread throughout his body.

''I'm becoming fatigued...'' He stated that with a yawn and a tired sigh as he threw himself upon the sand that was incredibly hot, but for him, the sand was extremely comfortable.

Even though he got stronger, so did the Taekwondo, so not much changed. At the moment, he could barely move his body, and the explanation was simple; the Renewed Taekwondo produces a lot of pressure on his body, and even though he got stronger, so did the Taekwondo.

In addition to that, he was in a harsh environment, which caused his body to wear down more quickly. But despite all of the pain, Altair was still of the opinion that it was worthwhile, particularly after he observed the notifications from the system.

[His skill level went raised].

- Renewed Taekwondo Lv. 20

Even he was surprised at how quickly he was able to advance his talent by five levels after only three hours of training. He didn't think it was possible. And even while it might not seem like much, reaching level five is a significant accomplishment all the same.

It is important to keep in mind that he had been practising his Mana Control for a whole week but had not even come close to reaching level 10; now, here he was increasing his level by five in just three hours.

When Altair realised how quickly he was progressing as a result of his training in this harsh desert environment, he came to the conclusion that his abilities could develop differently depending on the location and climate in which he finds himself. He came to this conclusion after realising how quickly he was developing as a result of his training.

In spite of the fact that he is content with the fact that he has advanced five levels in three hours, he is aware of the fact that he has to advance an additional ten levels. For this reason, he has decided to make a substantial investment in the system store.

"System, could you please purchase me a Senzu Beam?" While maintaining his position on the sands of the desert, Altair asked his question feebly.



[Item discovered]

- Senzu Beam (100 pts)

[Are you interested in purchasing this item?]

[Yes] [No]

Altair didn't waste any time and hit the 'Yes' button.

[He was given access to the item in his inventory]

After retrieving the green seed from his inventory, he activated the Eye of God in order to examine the seed in greater detail.

[When a Senzu Beam is ingested, the consumer's maximum potential for both energy and physical health is restored.]

''Perfect.'' As he put the seed in his mouth while smiling, he whispered something.

The powers of the seed swiftly cured Altair of his exhaustion, and he didn't even have to wait that long for it to take effect. He was aware that this seed was extraordinary, but he couldn't understand why it only cost 100 points in the system. After some thought, he came to the conclusion that the shop sold additional seeds that were even more potent than the one he had purchased.

When he took a closer look, he saw that there were seeds that, once consumed, would cause one to instantly become capable of lighting up the heavens. Since the seed cost one billion dollars, it stands to reason that its cost reflected the significance of the plant it would produce.

A number that Altair seriously doubted he would ever be able to achieve in his lifetime.

He was sorry he wasn't a Saiyajin because people of that race reaped the benefits of the Senzu Beam to a far greater extent.

Now that he had reached his previous level of fitness, he was able to keep up his Spartan training. In fact, he was more motivated than ever before because he had seen that his body had lost weight, which indicated that his training was effective.


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