
DxD: The Reincarnated Gamer

So you believe in ghosts and other strange occurrences? That there are many different kinds of races, as well as beings such as angels, devils, and dragons? And that a good number of these entities live alongside humans and cohabit with them? In addition to that, one of these people in particular stood out; what was his name? Altair. This universe would become the arena for his rantings and his jokes if he had his way. Nothing should matter to someone like him, or at the very least, it shouldn't matter at all. _____ like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support you can join my patreo_n to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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97 Chs

chapter 47

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Somewhere in the vastness of space...

''So... did you make it?'' A entity that had the appearance of a skull posed the question.

That entity, which has the appearance of a skull, is in fact Hades. Hades is a God as well as one of the most powerful beings in this world.

''Soon my dear, soon...'' A man who appeared to be of average stature spoke softly to Hades while smiling and making it appear as though he was unafraid of the thing that was in front of him.

"Hmph... And what about that young man? Have you already sent someone to evaluate him?''" Hades snorted at the man's response but quickly let it go and moved on to another question that he was more interested in learning about at the moment.

"Yes, his name is Altair Lockheart, and it appears that the devils struck a deal with him." When the man spoke, however, there was no longer any trace of a smile on his face; just the reverse, only seriousness could be seen on his face.

"What do you know about the rumour, and is it true?" The questions continued coming from Hades; it was the first time he had shown such an interest in a human.

And he was not the only god to have such feelings about Altair; in fact, a number of other gods shared his interest in Altair. And while it could appear as though the chat between Altair and Sirzechs was not shared with anyone else, the reality is that it is impossible to keep a conversation of this nature a secret for an extended period of time, particularly when the Maou pays a visit to the residence of a human.

''Appearantly so, I didn't have the courage to get much closer to that flat, but I could sense the presence of two persons... If I had to comment, I would say that those two persons might easily challenge Sirzechs, who are supposed to be the strongest Maou since the genuine Lucifer.''

The individual stated in a solemn manner. And even he did not believe his own remarks at that particular time. When did people who could be equivalent to the Maou become prevalent throughout the world? The most unsettling aspect of it was the fact that these two individuals appeared to be serving the human.

You could see that Hades was deep in thought because he didn't ask any more questions for a while, but he eventually broke the quiet and continued the conversation shortly after.

It would appear that this individual is not at the apartment that he was renting... Tell them to go ahead and kill him without any hesitation.'' These were the words that Hades calmly said, as if the fate of Altair's life were in the palms of his own hands.

''Yes...'' The man indicated his assent by nodding his head and quickly retreated from the area they were in. He intended to call three generals of Hades along with a respectable force because he didn't want anything to go wrong during this relatively little "expedition."

When Hades saw that the guy had left, he made the decision to leave himself.

He mumbled something before leaving the location he was in, something along the lines of, "I need to get rid of the problems while they are still small..."

Altair had no idea that he was going to attract such a large amount of problems to himself, and even if his flat is protected by a barrier and by two girls who are exceptionally strong, this does not mean that he is safe.

As a matter of fact, if the people who were interested in him were unable to access his apartment, then they would simply wait nearby while observing his steps. This is how Hades was able to determine that Altair was not currently present in the apartment at this time.

Even if Altair had used the Kai Kai to travel to the desert, he would have still been able to leave traces. For instance, when utilising the Kai Kai, a small remnant of mana lingered in the air, making it possible for more powerful beings to assess where he had moved to next.

Since the Kai Kai is a level 01 ability at the moment, perhaps in the not-too-distant future this drawback will no longer exist. But Altair won't understand this until far later in the future.


It is nighttime at last. It is currently 7:00 o'clock in the evening.

Altair did not stop hitting and kicking when he was in the air.

The air in the desert had gone from being deafeningly hot to being brutally cold. Altair's body had some injuries, but they weren't anything critical for him at this time.

It was the blowback from his blows that caused him to sustain these wounds. As a consequence of this, his body ended stiff creaking each time he performed a RE Taekwondo technique. It was impossible for anyone to hold up under the excruciating anguish.

Even after consuming this miracle seed, he was still mentally weary, which was something that Senzu Beam was unable to fix. It is obvious that he would not be able to withstand it if he hadn't consumed Senzu Beam for a substantial portion of the day.

The craters that were once modest in size are now enormous, but he was confident that there was no need for him to be concerned because he knew that the desert would eventually naturally fill these craters.

[He gained a level in his ability]

- Renewed Taekwondo Lv. 30

As he let his body to slip onto the soft, chilly desert sand, he said, with a feeble smile on his face, "I did it." When it was cold, the sand in the desert appeared to him to be even more inviting.

[Quest complete]

[The host achieved a score of 7,000]

After seeing the reward that the system had provided, Altair's grin grew even wider since he saw that his efforts up to that point had not been in vain.

''Even if this terminated my body, it was still worth it,'' he thought as he consumed another Senzu Beam. ''It was still worth it,'' he said to himself.

After consuming the Senzu Beam, he came to the conclusion that this would be the very last time he would be handing out points.

''Status...'' He thought to himself as he continued to focus his attention on the display in front of him.

[Person to be referred to by this Name: Altair Lockheart]

[Humankind is the lineage]

[Stationed Here: The Rookie]

[Level: 04]

[HP: 1000/1000]

[MP: 2000/2000]

[STR: 140]

[VIT: 100]

[INT: 200]

[DEX: 200]

[LUK: 100]

[Points: 6900]

He remarked in a wistful manner, "It appears as though this will be the very last time that I hand out points..."

After deliberating for quite some time, Altair finally started to divide his points, leaving his standing as follows:

[Person to be referred to by this Name: Altair Lockheart]

[Humankind is the lineage]

[Stationed Here: The Rookie]

[Level: 04]

[HP: 8000/8000]

[MP: 6500/6500]

[STR: 540]

[VIT: 800]

[INT: 650]

[DEX: 550]

[LUK: 100]

[Points: 5000]

That will have to do for the time being... Altair remarked, indicating that he was content with his present circumstance while nodding.

However, the more he contemplated this, the more he got the feeling that he was overlooking something that was really significant.

''Shit! MY MANA! The more mana Altair possessed, the more difficult it was for him to maintain control over it, and he yelled in desperation as he realised his mistake.

However, not even he was aware that his mana would increase once he distributed points in his statuses, so he was caught off guard.

''That's not good.'' Altair grumbled to himself as he noticed that his mana was beginning to seep out of his body. Despite the fact that he was attempting to stop the leak by using mana control, his efforts were not particularly successful.

The mana that was pouring from Altair's body was the purest type of mana, and this helped to light up the entire desert. Altair's aura quickly turned into a gigantic blue pillar that shone magnificently in the sky.

The regular people who were located a considerable distance away from Altair's training area believed that some sort of spectacle was taking place and decided to watch it. On the other hand, the supernatural beings were already looking in the direction from which the pillar had originated, and they all stared intently at it with serious expressions on their faces.

''Damn!'' Altair started to feel the harm that his mana was doing to his body, but at this point all he could do was try to gently gain control of his mana.


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