
DxD: The Reincarnated Gamer

So you believe in ghosts and other strange occurrences? That there are many different kinds of races, as well as beings such as angels, devils, and dragons? And that a good number of these entities live alongside humans and cohabit with them? In addition to that, one of these people in particular stood out; what was his name? Altair. This universe would become the arena for his rantings and his jokes if he had his way. Nothing should matter to someone like him, or at the very least, it shouldn't matter at all. _____ like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support you can join my patreo_n to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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97 Chs

Chapter 45

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"Altair... don't forget what I taught you, always stay in the light," said the voice from the past. The nun said while wearing a grin on her face.

And as soon as she finished saying this, the audience set fire to her body, and as she slowly began to burn until she took her last breath, she did not scream, cry, or ask for mercy.

Even in front of this scenario, he made a concerted effort to put on a happy face. As a result of his hard work, he was successful in putting on a smile, but the tears that flowed down his face were unable to conceal the pain he was feeling.

That day... was the day Altair took his first life. He killed someone else.



After getting off the couch, Altair looked around and saw that he was the only one in the room. After taking a closer look, he saw that all of his staff were sound asleep, so he made the executive decision to step outside and get some fresh air.

After leaving the house, he turned the key in the lock and began wandering through the streets of the neighbourhood.

It was impossible to determine Altair's mood because he went around with a stone-like look, and his aura became steadily stronger as he recalled more experiences from his previous existence.

"Why am I remembering this now?" he mumbled under his breath.



He knew he couldn't change the past, so he couldn't keep blaming himself forever, but of course, he had no intention of forgetting what occurred in his previous life. Altair went for a stroll for a few minutes, and finally, he was able to relax a little bit. He knew he couldn't change the past, so he couldn't keep blaming himself forever.

The location that he found himself in was a woodland that was located a little distance away from the city of Kuoh. He had come here without even realising it, and once he realised it, he made the decision to engage in some form of training because he believed it would be beneficial to him.

"I guess I can take some of my frustrations out on Riser in the future," the speaker said. "It seems appropriate." He reflected on that while already picturing the picture in his head in which Riser was being severely beaten by him.

[Quest Alert!]

"This has come at a good time," thought Altair, perking up a bit as he forgot his previous thoughts. "This has come at a good time."

[Wukong's Way of the Sun]

- To fulfil this requirement, you must bring the level of Renewed Taekwondo up to level 30.

- You will receive 7,000 points for your efforts.

- Time: one full day

When Altair viewed this Quest that the system had issued, his eyes widened. This Quest was very good, but the prerequisites and the amount of time he had to finish it were its only two shortcomings.

Even though he was aware that it would be impossible to double his skill level in just one day, he was nevertheless interested in giving it a shot, especially after seeing that completing this Quest would earn him 7,000 experience points.

"It can't hurt to try," as the saying goes. He remarked on it as he gave a shrug. If he could get stronger, he wouldn't grumble about it, and even if he didn't finish the quest, he could still get stronger, so there wouldn't be any use in avoiding trying to accomplish that goal.

But before that... It was important for him to observe something.

"System, display to me what I have available."



- True Longinus

- The Phoenix's Tears

Altair nodded in agreement and then made the decision to remove the spear from his inventory.

"I still find it hard to believe that I won that spear due to sheer luck alone." He remarked on it with an uninterested chuckle.

However, he was also concerned about what would take place in the future because, after all, Cao Cao was the true bearer of the Longinus and not he.

Altair was aware that there was no way to alter that, so he decided to just leave it as it was. Besides, even if he had the ability to return his True Longinus, he still wouldn't because it is the most potent piece of Sacred Gear in his possession.

''Let's see...'' While he was using the 'Eye of God,' he whispered to himself.

[True Longinus: Also known as the Sacred Spear of the Setting Sun, the Spear of Destiny, and the Spear of St. Longinus, it is the first and most powerful Longinus, and it is the same spear that the first bearer, St. Longinus, used to stab Jesus Christ. It is believed that St. Longinus was the first bearer of the True Longinus. It has the ability to wipe out all life on earth].


- Sizing Modification: The bearer has the ability to have the size adjusted to his or her liking. At will, it can grow wider or thinner, taller or shorter, and any combination of these. (Maximum length: 384.403 km)

- Weight Change: At your command, the spear can become lighter or heavier, and the regular one for the bearer is hefty by the standards of others. All you need to do is set it on the ground to generate cracks in it that resonate through a large hole to its surface. Making something lighter results in a significant boost in its overall speed. (There is no record of the maximum weight)

- Levitation: Possesses the ability to float off the ground at a specified height.

The wielder of the spear has the ability to conjure it, sending it hurtling through the air at an astounding rate of speed, destroying anything in its path.

Cloning: A bearer of True Longinus has the ability to make several copies of themselves, in addition to keeping their own copy. The spear of the clone, on the other hand, is not nearly as effective as the spear of the original.

- Increased Durability: The spear's True Longinus form is so tough that it can withstand any blow that is dealt to it.

- Teleportation: If you give the command, the person carrying the True Longinus will be transferred back to their original place.

- Holy sword: This is a sword that is composed of a potent holy force and has the ability to effortlessly vaporise a High-Devil.

Holy Barrier is a passive ability that has the potential to protect the bearer from attacks that could result in death.

- Holy Storm has the ability to generate enormous torrents of pure light, which are capable of quickly vaporising devils and other dark things and causing large explosions.


- Locked

The [Factor That Throws Off the Balance]

- Blocked

Allen's eyes enlarged to the point that anyone who saw them at this moment wouldn't be astonished if they ended up jumping out of their heads. The regular True Longinus does not have access to even half of these skills... He is just too overpowered!

"That's good, but it's a shame that Subspecies and Balance Breaker are blocked." "That's a good thing." Altair heaved a sigh, although he was well aware that there was now nothing he could do about the situation.


"Hm?" Altair shouted in utter bewilderment.


[Would the host like to change True Longinus into his Sacred Gear?] [Yes]

[Yes] [No]

"As if I would be insane enough to turn that down," she said. Altair offered his observation while wearing a grin on his face.

However, just as he was about to select "Yes," an idea occurred to him, and he chose to inquire about it through the system.

"System, will this cause any adverse effects?" "Will there be any adverse effects?"

Altair was well aware that nothing of this calibre could be obtained for no cost, especially from a system as unreliable as the one he was using. Naturally, if the system informed him that there were no issues, he would readily agree to get a new piece of Sacred Gear, particularly if the Sacred Gear in question was True Longinus.


"Shit, it's just as I imagined it," Altair thought with a sense of relief. It is to his good fortune that he did not immediately embrace the new Sacred Gear.

[Should you choose to accept True Longinus as a new Sacred Gear, your statuses will have a limit, and you will no longer be able to distribute points in your statuses.]


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