
dxd my multiversal journey

reborn in dxd after getting my wished from the universal troll, maybe harem but no more than three girls if I do so.

Anthony_Chavez_6666 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

ch. 11 training

Being dragged around high up above the clouds by an insane woman was not how I thought my birthday would go but i should've known with my luck. Looking around I saw both millia and Leona looking like they'd explode with excitement as they stared start eyed at rhaela. While Maya was trying and failing to use some water magic to douse the fire talon holding her. 'Well if you can't fight it accept it.' I thought as I calld over. "Yo Maya where were we with that talk on magic?"

"Huh! Now's not really the time!" She shouted back frustrated.

"Eh just give up! She's stronger than your niece!" I shouted back

"Humph fine! So as I was saying before all this happened, I what's your take on the human magic system?" She asked

"The human magic system works off calculations and is a more stable magic system. Unlike or devil magic system which is based off something as fickle as imagination the human magic system is more solid and stable." I replied while going through the knowledge I picked up while in the mansion's library.

Hearing my answer Maya smiled "my thoughts exactly, which is why I've been working on combining the two. To get the stable and solid form from the human magic system and the power and Adaptability of the devil magic system."

"That's genius! Is there anyway I can help?" I asked back. "Maybe we can find a way to add in the Norse rune magic, Norse runes are good for holding and combining things together."

"Yes that could work, also by adding in the Norse runes to act as a sort of glue it could work. I also want to try and use the Shinto's onmyoji magic system, the talisman system is great at fusing magics together." She added

And like that the flight into butt fuck nowhere underworld went by faster. Talking magic with Maya made the trip go by a lot faster. Along with the amazing view and I'm not just talking about the seemingly endless forest. No im also talking about the maid infront of me who decided to go commando during the birthday party.

After a few hours the seemingly endless first turned into a molten wasteland. If one was to imagine hell than this wasteland would be what they pictured. Nothing but fire, scorched earth, and lava pools. "Welcome to your new home kids!" Rhaela shouted as she descended. "This will be your home and training arena for the next twentyish years so get used to it."

"Damm this place is a wasteland." Maya grumbled as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. "And it's so Damm hot."

"Ya this place used to just be another part of the forest but after me and Uriel kept fighting here during the Great War throwing around our fire attacks for well centuries the place is now forever going to be this hellscape. It also doesn't help that I keep inviting Tia over for spars." Rhaela explained before finally releasing us from her fiery clutches. "Alright first introduce yourselves so I can get to beating the shit outa ya."

"You mean train us?" Maya asked

"No that comes after." Rhaela denied

"I'm Leona phoenix third in line!" Shouted Leona as she puffed her chest out in pride.

"I'm millia, lord Alvis's maid." Millia bowed respectfully

"Alvis gremory, gremory clan heir as of now." I introduced myself

"Maya sitri, I just want to learn about magic." Maya spoke

"Ah good well you all know who I am so…" she trailed off as she punted Leona off into the distance before twisting and punching millia as well.

Widening my eyes I let my power of destruction out only for rhaela to completely ignore it and grab me by the neck before hurling me away. Crashing into a tree I groaned out. "Sadistic bitch!" I heard Maya's shout as she crashed into a nearby boulder.

"WEAK! I'll beat the wimp outa ya all! Hahhahahaha!" Rhaelas terrifying laughter echoed across the wasteland,

"I'm in super hell." I muttered.

"No… WE all are." Maya corrected

*scene change*

"Alright this cave will be your sleeping spot from now on so make it your own." Rhaela commented as she dropped me and the others off at a nearby cave.

The cave was thirty feet long and had a small pool at the bottom. Except instead of water it was a golden liquid, "what's that?" I asked as I limped over.

"Phoenix tears?" Leona half answered and half questioned.

"Ya I ran into a problem when training the new satans. They healed way to slowly so I created this small pool. Also those army just my tears." Rhaela laughed out.

"Did you mix it with other healing herbs and elixirs?" Maya questioned as she let herself fall into the pool not even concerned with her tattered dress.

"In a way." Rhaela answered vaguely

"Oh just spit it out ya sadist." I cut in as I to plopped into the pool immediately feeling a lot better as my bruises and cuts healed,

"Alvis be nice to the ancestor." Millia chided as she joined me.

"Ah simple since I'm the first phoenix I'm a little different than my decendents. You see where as my decendents can only make phoenix tears I can turn any fluid in my body into a healing liquid. My blood, sweat, tears, piss, all of it." She announced with pride

Freezing I looked down "am I bathing in your piss!" I shouted out in disgust

Rolling her eyes she snorted "don't worry brat, your father already destroyed my last pool because of that. I'd rather not waste my week producing enough sweat and blood to make another pool." At that I breathed out a sigh of relief along with Maya and millia.

Leona on the other hand "so cool! So you can just spit on someone and heal them?" She asked

"That's both nasty and actually useful." Maya mumbled

"Ya during a fight that would be a lot faster than having to feed them a bottle of tears or spend a few minutes on a healing spell." I agreed

"Yes, I used that method the most, especially on the ice brat. It was fun watching her try and clean herself up after I'd spit in her face or make her drink it." Rhaela laughed

"I feel bad for your niece." I whispered

"Ya now I know why she always starts shaking and crying whenever the phoenix ancestor or phoenix tears are brought up or near her." Maya whispered back,