
dxd my multiversal journey

reborn in dxd after getting my wished from the universal troll, maybe harem but no more than three girls if I do so.

Anthony_Chavez_6666 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

ch. 10 birthday party part 6

(AN: I know it's a long and seemingly pointless arc but it's for the readers to get a good idea of the characters personalities as if know and what they're like.)

Dismissing the blue haired glasya-labolas he continued to have a pleasant conversation with his new… friend? Ya she was a friend or at least he hoped so and wasn't getting played like the child he was. He was still knew to all this political manipulation and Maneuvering. He had no interest in politics in his last life.

Feeling a heated stare aimed at the back of my head I looked over my shoulder only to see 'legs?' I questioned myself before looking up to see the toned body of a girl around sixteen to eighteen years old. She may of been wearing a dress but she couldn't hide the clear and defined caff and arm mucles. 'By Gabriel's hairy ass that's hot.' I thought doing my best to keep my stare on her eyes wich seemed to be ablaze with a feral and angry glint.

"Were you not going to meet us phoenixes? We came all the way here including our ancestor only to be ignored?" She asked with a growl.

"C-calm down will ya there's still plenty of time le-" he started to speak only to be cut off

"No you've been talking to the sitri for three hours." She cut him off while pointing towards the window

"Huh oh the time did fly by." Maya commented as she to looked outside to see the sun already going down.

"Yes it did." He mumbled before turning back to the phoenix "I'm sorry for the wit but I was caught up in a enjoyable conversation. Now thank you for coming and it's a pleasure to meet you." I spoke as I smiled up at the girl

*snort* "it's Leona phoenix boy." She snorted and introduced herself

"Alvis gremory, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Leona phoenix." I nodded to her with a polite smile

"Drop the bullshit, your strong for your age. Maybe I'll have some competition for the strongest young devil in the future." She spoke while looking me up and down.

Scoffing I rolled my eyes "of course I'm strong I was born with everything I needed to become great. All I have to do now is squeeze all of that potential out."

"Hmm yes you'll do." She mumbled before smiling down a feral smile on her face, as she let out her demonic energy. It came out like a fire wave. It was uncontrolled and untamed running wild and free.

Letting out my own demonic power and a smile to match hers. Unlike her demonic power which could be equivalent to a raging sea my own was like a calm and peaceful lake. Completely in control I let it probe and attack her energy's weak spots while keeping a good and steady flow around me to protect me from her power. "My my it seems someone let their pet run wild for to long. I won't mind being the one to tame you." I taunted her.

"Ha! Like a little brat like you could handle me. I might just accidentally cook ya." She taunted back.

"Alright that's enough." I heard a feminine voice before I felt a slap to the back of my head.

Looking around I noticed that Leona seemed to of also been slapped the the rapidly healing red mark on her face was anything to go by. "The fuck woman!" I asked as I turned only to spot the phoenix ancestor.

"Oh you dare little brat? I beat the fuck outa ya daddy and I won't hesitate to beat the fuck outa ya." She mocked "what ya ganna go cry to your daddy now that he's the big bad Lucifer."

"No but I'll just grow strong enough to put you in your place." I denied

"Ohhhh, will ya now?" She questioned as I immediately came under the pressure equivalent to an ultimate class being.

"F-fuck you bitch." I ground out as I sank to my knees. But than I felt relief wash over me as millia the maid of ho was making stary eyes at the phoenix ancestor this whole time immediately snapped out of it and was now glaring at the old phoenix while her demonic power was gushing out in all her newly acquired glory as a ultimate class being.

"I must ask you to please take back your power ancestor."

"Ooh interesting the gremory's manage to find another ultimate class maid. Tell me are you another one of little zechs maids, I know he has a thing for domineering maids?" She asked

"I'm lord Alvis's personal maid." She denied

"Ah I see like father like son than, if you had silver hair than it would have been more obvious." The rhaela commented before taking a more analytical look at millia "tell me girl how old are you?"

"58 years old this year." Millia answered immediately

"Good you'll make three now I just need a fourth!" She announced as three talons made out of fire shout out and latched onto me, millia, and Leona. Rhaela looked around till she spotted Maya who was sneaking away. "Good enough! The rest of the brats here are pathetic." She laughed out as a fourth talon shot out and snatched the fleeing Maya. "Yo surzechs im taking these four! Say by to your son you'll see him in a decade maybe." She announced

Looking around I spotted my father who was giving me a look of pure pitty. "Good luck son you will be missed! Grow strong and come back a man just like me, ajuka, falbium, and serafall did."

"The fuck you mean!" I shouted back

"She's your teacher now just like she was mine." He announced

Widening my eyes I felt a rush of excitement and fear. 'This woman created four monsters and now she's ganna make me into one as well!' I thought as rhaela's wings emerged and she busted through the roof the four of us being dragged out behind her.


Anyone got any good fanfic recommendations.