
Dungeon Exorcists: Tower to Paradise

Magic is not abundant in this world. Most dungeon exorcists have to use magic weapons to give them an edge, the chances of getting a magic weapon through dungeon rewards is slimmer than a worm. This world was ordinary by (our modern society standards), but then that structure appeared and offset the lives of living things on earth, scared shit-less the government left it alone. Soon more structures appeared. Eventually they were everywhere, and the government finally decided to sent tropes into the structures. Out of 100 special operatives only 3 escaped tell the tale. Monsters they said, but no one believed them until reports of individuals with powers started to be made. When the first dungeon was cleared humanity gained a new hope. Newbie, Exorcist, Master, Arch Exorcist and Blessed Creation. There's only one blessed creation. It's a title given to the most powerful exorcist. Many have tried to become the most powerful exorcist to ever exist, they tried. Hope you enjoy the book.

KinPhenis · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Fly Trap

A car pulls up to a building with hundreds of people packed in the entrance.

~The driver

Hey bro do you really plan on doing this? I mean you've changed since the last time we've talked but I'm not sure that you'll be picked, much less for surviving in that place.


I have to try, you know it's always been my dream to be able to afford a better lifestyle for us.

Yunsu got out and entered the crowd.


Hm, hm, I have five minutes till the selection test start.

Shiegi slid around the corner, getting back his footing he dashed to the front of the building. As he stopped in the back of the crowd his heart rate slowed.


(Twenty miles while hold my breath, completed).

The switching up on of a speaker could be heard.


Welcome everyone to the selection test. Many of you have come but only 20 of you will pass the test. Enter the hallway on the left, and remember to pray.


(Is that really necessary)?

Shiegi trailed behind the crowd through the hallway. The hallway lead down to a opening.


(The test is going to happen here)?

Shiegi eyes were fixed on the forest below the overhanging stage.


The forest you all see before you is actually a X-Class dungeon. Thanks to a handy item known as a dungeon spawner we were able to bring you the best experience of how the ancient dungeon may be. Good luck to all of you. One more thing. Once you enter the dungeon you can't leave. If you don't beat the boss in time the dungeon will become a rift.


(So dungeon spawners are real? That not the issue right now, the reason most people stay away from X-Class dungeons are because they have a timer while normal dungeons only become rifts when the boss eats or kills five people).

The crowd split into groups and scattered into the forest.


I guess I should try my best to clear this dungeon as quick as possible.


Everyone left so quickly.

Shiegi placed his finger tips on the ground, stretched his left leg out and blitzed into the forest. The thick dust cloud covered the path.

~Group A leader

Everyone attack its rear.

The the group swarmed the beetle soldier and killed it. As they sighed a few more beetle soldiers appeared from behind trees.


blinding blitz!

A light illuminated the area blinding all the beetle soldiers and the other exorcists for two seconds. When the light vanish the body parts of the beetles were scattered on the ground.

~Group A leader

What the hell was that...

Meanwhile Group B wonders further into the forest. A multiple gusts of wind passed through the forest, the group froze in their positions and gazed at the shadow-like manifestation of darkness in front of them. It's body cloaked in a thick foggy dark purple aura, it's scales inconsistently turned into different colors. Thankfully it had no vision. The group was about to turn back when a glowing mass under the monster's body captured their focus and as if the light had a voice it called them to come closer. The group without a care, came out from the bushes and approached the monster. Their eyes were blank as they did this. The monster's jaw slightly unclenched, it's whip like tail shot forward and impaled one of the men snapping the rest out of it's hypnosis. The monster chomped on its tail ripping the man off it. Panic ensued as the group desperately swung their sword onto the beast. Its roar exploded the eardrums of the men causing them to collapse. They were quickly devoured and the beast started its hurt through the forest.


Things might get crazy, but I'm curious Shiegi Iseki. Would you kill it before it kills you. 101 deceased 99 left.