
Dungeon Exorcists: Tower to Paradise

Magic is not abundant in this world. Most dungeon exorcists have to use magic weapons to give them an edge, the chances of getting a magic weapon through dungeon rewards is slimmer than a worm. This world was ordinary by (our modern society standards), but then that structure appeared and offset the lives of living things on earth, scared shit-less the government left it alone. Soon more structures appeared. Eventually they were everywhere, and the government finally decided to sent tropes into the structures. Out of 100 special operatives only 3 escaped tell the tale. Monsters they said, but no one believed them until reports of individuals with powers started to be made. When the first dungeon was cleared humanity gained a new hope. Newbie, Exorcist, Master, Arch Exorcist and Blessed Creation. There's only one blessed creation. It's a title given to the most powerful exorcist. Many have tried to become the most powerful exorcist to ever exist, they tried. Hope you enjoy the book.

KinPhenis · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Ethereal Eminence

A golden aura burned like a flame around dagger.


This my magic, huh. I know exactly how to test it!

Shiegi raised his dagger to the back of him as he rushed to the mantis king. The mantis king raised two of his swords and blocked his strike, while simultaneously slicing Shiegi's chest.



Shiegi flash-stepped back to Hanyma.


System added 100 point to durability. It has six arms so head on attacks is impossible, what is possible then... This may be crazy but here goes nothing.

Shiegi's wounds fully recovered as he bolted toward the mantis king, but when the mantis king slashed him, he disappeared, and appeared behind it, sliced five of it's arms off and swung his blade decapitating it. (Shiegi had created a afterimage of himself, instead he was in the back of the mantis king the whole time).


I should of pushed so hard. My body is on fire.

Shiegi's magic disappeared, and the burning sensation subsided, his heart rate was triple the normal speed.


He did it...

The night's stars became coated in a daylight sky.

~News Reporters

Today the roamers are officially true. The Exorcist's Union is forming a party of 10 Exorcist to finally attempt what those before them have failed to do. They are aiming to clear the boss room of the Ancient Dungeon. What a feat to attemp-

The assistant takes off the TV.

~Assistant Meyu

Sir you see what I mean, This is our chance to try things differently.

~Minister Woo-saka

What do you suppose we do?

~Assistant Meyu

How about a new more difficult test to weed all the liabilities out.

~Minister Woo-saka

I would like for you to consider that these people are humans not liabilities. In any case do what ever it takes to get the best of the best.

~Assistant Meyu

Yes Minister Woo-saka. (I already have someone in mind).


305, 306, 307. (The ocean dungeon is most likely going to be hell, so I have to train more than ever, and more importantly make my magic stronger).

Door bell rings*


Who could that be, especially at this times of night.

Shiegi opened the door and a single light illuminated his dark apartment.


What the hell how long have I been working out for.

~Assistant June

Good morning, I am interrupting something?


No, what do you want?

June blushed as her laid her eyes on Shiegi well defined chest, completed with a eight pack.


I was told to give you this. It's a join request.



June turned herself and darted away, with a her face red as if she had been slapped several times.


Dear Shiegi, you have been selected along with 200 others to participate for a spot in the new team of Exorcist that will be sent into the Ancient Dungeon... So they finally decided to form a new team. This is my chance to prove to dad that I achieve this goal. I will make you proud.

[New passive skill unlocked: Ethereal Factor].