
Dungeon Exorcists: Tower to Paradise

Magic is not abundant in this world. Most dungeon exorcists have to use magic weapons to give them an edge, the chances of getting a magic weapon through dungeon rewards is slimmer than a worm. This world was ordinary by (our modern society standards), but then that structure appeared and offset the lives of living things on earth, scared shit-less the government left it alone. Soon more structures appeared. Eventually they were everywhere, and the government finally decided to sent tropes into the structures. Out of 100 special operatives only 3 escaped tell the tale. Monsters they said, but no one believed them until reports of individuals with powers started to be made. When the first dungeon was cleared humanity gained a new hope. Newbie, Exorcist, Master, Arch Exorcist and Blessed Creation. There's only one blessed creation. It's a title given to the most powerful exorcist. Many have tried to become the most powerful exorcist to ever exist, they tried. Hope you enjoy the book.

KinPhenis · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The chosen or unlucky

Shiegi speeds through the forest killing monsters in his way, he is stopped in his tracks as he comes across a long path of blood.


What the hell.

Shiegi hairs stood straight. He jumped forward, and a huge dust cloud formed behind him. A black projectile shot into Shiegi's arm. Shiegi ripped the black cone projectile out of his arm. A huge invisible weight dropped on Shiegi's body. The dust cleared to reveal a monster with a blood covered mouth.


What is this? This feeling. I am this things prey.

[New quest: Defeat One Eyed Wasp Queen, Reward: 5000 exp]

The seemingly sightless Queen Wasp head opened, revealing a eye.


(Shit. It's blood-lust got two times more intense.)

The tip of it's tail was a stringer. Transparent wings sprouted from its back.


(I'll have to end this quick before it gets anymore limbs.) Ethereal magic: Body Armor.

Shiegi body was cloaked in the same golden aura as before. He blitzed at the monster in one second and swung his sword down on it's head. The sword cracked into two pieces.


Oh Shit.

In half a second the Wasp Queen whipped Shiegi with it's tail which propelled through every tree as he almost face planted on the next side of the forest.


It's shell may be bulky, but that doesn't mean I can't beat it. There's only one way to kill it...


These things are persistent. Time magic: Timeless Piece.

Yunsu body heals slowly from the damage it's sustained. runs at the beetles, but a feel grabs him. He stops just in time to see and avoid being killed by a sharp gust of wind that wipe out the beetles.


Huh? What could have caused this?

Yunsu looks in the direction the attack came from. The cold eyes of the queen pierced his soul as she approached him.


Ethereal Magic: Golden Wrath!!

Shiegi blitzed to the queen and launched the queen into the air with an uppercut. The queen wings became invisible as they flapped at rapid speeds.


Thank you, um.


It's Shiegi.


This is the worst way to meet someone. Please allow me to help you?


I can do it myself.


Well at least allow me to act as a healer.


Fine, but work quick.


Time magic: Eternal Protection.

Shiegi felt a warmth like a coat around his body.


Thank you.

The queen opened it mouth blasted acid. Shiegi jumped, easily evading the attack. He shot towards the queen. As he drew his sword its aura was blazing.


(I'm new, rebirth.) I have no limits, not now... Not ever!

The queen descended towards Shiegi. Shiegi dodged it attempt to eat him, and pressed his sword into the queen's eye. His sword refused to be ripped from the queen's head.


I refuse to die now! You damn beast!

The two inched closer and closer to the ground. Shiegi gripped tightened, and with a powerful battle-cry he decapitated the queen. They slammed into the ground with a great deal of debris scattering everywhere.


What a magnificent magic power. He supersedes any dungeon exorcist alive in this era. Sadly one ten remained at the end of it all. I almost feel sorry for them, but they signed up for this test, knowing the possible dangers...


Awaken soon. Awaken, soon my greatest creation.