
Dungeon Exorcists: Tower to Paradise

Magic is not abundant in this world. Most dungeon exorcists have to use magic weapons to give them an edge, the chances of getting a magic weapon through dungeon rewards is slimmer than a worm. This world was ordinary by (our modern society standards), but then that structure appeared and offset the lives of living things on earth, scared shit-less the government left it alone. Soon more structures appeared. Eventually they were everywhere, and the government finally decided to sent tropes into the structures. Out of 100 special operatives only 3 escaped tell the tale. Monsters they said, but no one believed them until reports of individuals with powers started to be made. When the first dungeon was cleared humanity gained a new hope. Newbie, Exorcist, Master, Arch Exorcist and Blessed Creation. There's only one blessed creation. It's a title given to the most powerful exorcist. Many have tried to become the most powerful exorcist to ever exist, they tried. Hope you enjoy the book.

KinPhenis · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Allies and the New Beginning


Come Yunsu hang in there, you can't die here.


We can't use our magic so we're screwed.

Shiegi with blood flowing from his face, and Yunsu on his back, hid behind a pillar. A monstrous shadow formed on the path behind them.


My leveling system is fully operational, so I have to fight.

Shiegi stepped into the open. The ground trembled as the demon drew closer.


Show me what your made of!

Shiegi unsheathed his sword and run towards the demon...

{Before the mission}


Please teach me how to fight like you!


It'll take too long, we have the mission very soon. Maybe if we have time, I'll teach you during the mission.


I guess that's fine. I thought I'd be some much more powerful since I've had my magic unsealed, and I am but without my magic I'm a liability.


Come to think of it I've never heard of time magic.


My magic allows me to do minor things, like heal myself and others and teleport myself back in time by five seconds.


That's some major potential you got. I haven't even begin to grasp what my magic is capable of.

Shiegi sipped on his can of Kirin Ichiban.


Aren't you a little scared?

Yunsu looked at the blank expression plastered on Shiegi's face.


I mean, once you enter the dungeon you can't leave, so if we encounter a super powerful boss, no when we encounter a super powerful boss we'll have no other choice but to fight.


I'm worried, but not for me.

Shiegi received a notification on his phone.


It's time to go.



They left the cafe and made their way to the meet up zone...

{At the meet up zone}

~The Announcer

First of all I would like to congratulate you all on passing the test. You all show promise. I'll give you this time to introduce yourselves.

The others glared at Yunsu and Shiegi.


It looks like we might be the odd ones in the group.


Great. (Then again trusting them would be my mistake.)

~The Announcer

I wish you all good luck...

The oversized doors to the ancient dungeon was as ominous as they day it appeared. It also had evolved now engraved with nine skulls representing those before who lost their lives. The double door caused a great tremor as it inched open. On the another side a huge brick room formed as if it had previously been a void waiting to become something.


(Sister, after this I'll be able to pay for the healthcare you need.)


(Goals: survive and conquer...)


So hungry, greedy fools with sharpened tools taste the best. Soon the feast will begin.

It gets up and break the huge chains that held it down for decades. It had only one mission to devour those who were greed for fame and fortune to the point of which they sort out its domain.