
Dreaming in MHA

Hi fellas !!!! Welcome to my world !!!!! This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm pretty excited !! I have a lot of ideas to make this story interesting so I hope you will like it !! Anyway, I don't like wasting a lot of time on formalities so let me present you my take on My Hero Academia in which our MC has the power to literally make dreams a reality !! Disclaimer : . There will be a lot of crossovers with other animes, games and fictions in general, but in a specific way. If you are not into it, I don't recommand you the story. . The picture isn't mine. . None of the characters in this story are mine except my own original characters.

Black_Nemesis · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

The price to be OP

'Sigh, you mortals always tend to think that you are smarter than the others, many of you have great ideas but how many of you are ready to face the consequences?'

God couldn't help but look at the little soul with a mix of pity and amusement, after all, it wasn't the first one to try to modify the rules, it's just that none of them were ready to go all the way.

"I see that you are quite smart little one. To be honest with you, you are not the first one to propose this idea. I had people wanting to create their devil fruits in the world of One Piece, some having their own special talent in the Kuroko's Basket world, and let's not talk about those wanting to be reincarnated into the Dragon Ball world with a new set of transformations."

God was right. The reincarnators might differ in their choice of the world in which they reincarnated and they might differ in the choice of powers they would have, but if there was something to find that was common to them all, it was inevitably their wish to be unique. Ironic isn't it? By all wanting to be unique, they all ended up being the same.

The little soul was happy that its conjecture was right and hastily continued.

"Haha, great! Now tell me what do I have to give you so tha- "

But before he could finish, God abruptly interrupted him.

"Unfortunately little one, it doesn't work like that."

The little soul stopped, it didn't quite understand the meaning of those words.

"What do you mean old man? I know that I currently have nothing that you may desire, but that doesn't mean that I won't have it later! I can spread your religion, do good deeds, I can... I can... I can... Okay, I admit that I don't have a lot of ideas now but you just have to tell me!"

The little soul was panicking a bit. He finally had the opportunity to live the life of his dreams, he couldn't go down without trying.

"*Chuckle*, I appreciate the effort little one, but as I said, it doesn't work like that."

This time, the little bundle of light was lost, the light coming from it even started to dim a lot. Don't get it wrong, the little soul was still hellbent on reincarnating in the world of his dreams, it's just that it would be way less epic than what he wished for. Indeed, he could still become extremely powerful, but he would not be as free as he wished to be. That's right, the most important thing to him was freedom. He wanted a quirk that would help him be free, a quirk that would help him make his dreams a reality.

Seeing the little soul get darker by the second, God couldn't help but explain the meaning of his words.

"Sigh, stop being so depressed little one. You can design your own quirk, but you said it yourself, everything has a price."


Not caring about the tremor going across the starry dimension, the soul started to see hope again.

"Really?! Quickly tell me!! I'm ready to give everything I have!!"

Seeing the little soul find its energy back, God couldn't help but smile, but his face soon turned somber.

"As I told you earlier, you are not the first one to try to design your power, but let me also tell you that none of them went all the way with it. What do you think is the reason for that?"

At this question, the little soul started to ponder carefully, but before it could answer, God answered the question himself.

"It's because they weren't ready to pay the price little one, they didn't dare to," said God, sending shivers into the metaphorical spine of the soul.

"T-They didn't dare to? What do you mean? What do we have to pay?" said the soul.

God didn't let him hang for long as he replied simply.

"It depends little one. Just like energy can't be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another, the opportunity of reincarnation isn't granted to you for nothing. Remember what I said to you earlier? You were given this opportunity because of your past life's good deeds, you can see the good karma that you accumulated as a form of currency."

The meaning of God's words suddenly dawned on the little soul.

"So that's what it is... I don't have enough karma..."

That's right, to dumb it down, the little soul was poor, he was like a beggar trying to buy a Bugatti with the little change he had with him.

"Glad to see that you understand little one. As you said, all the good karma that you accumulated until now is only enough for you to reincarnate with an already existing quirk. Honestly, I have to say that I'm impressed, for you being able to reincarnate with one of the major superpowers of the world is proof that you did a lot of good deeds. I am grateful for that."

Indeed having the option of choosing OFA was no joking matter, but honestly, the soul didn't give a shit about it.

"Sooo... If I follow you correctly old man, I spend all my cash with the reincarnation thingy, so if I want to design my quirk, I need to give up something in return to compensate for my lack of karmic points... is that it?"

Seeing God nod at his question, the little soul's excitement started to rise again.

"Haha! Great, now tell me, old man, what exactly do I need to sacrifice?!"

Seeing the excitement of the little soul only caused God to chuckle.

"As I said little one, it depends. The more you want, the more you will have to pay."

God then went on to explain what the little soul could do. If the little soul wanted to get more "money", he would have to sacrifice something important to him. As you can guess, money or any kind of material properties had absolutely no meaning here. To get something from the world, he would have to give something closely related to him or even exclusif to him, something fundamental to his life or even its very existence. The things he could give were diverse and varied, going from lifespan, a part of his soul, some good fortune of his next life, you name it. The problem with that was that any of these options would have dire consequences.

"So that's why you said that the other reincarnators before me didn't dare to pay the price..."

That's right, every sacrifice would lead to consequences. Sacrificing a part of one soul would lead to becoming a retard, giving up lifespan was pretty self-explanatory and the other ones combined wouldn't even be enough to design the quirk he had in mind.

'This is messed up' thought the soul.

Even if it decided to nerf the quirk it had in mind while sacrificing everything it could without losing too much, it would only end up with something that couldn't even be called a quirk.

"Now you know little one, as you said, everything has a price. Your predecessors also couldn't bring themselves to sacrifice so much, in the end, they all ended up choosing an original power from the world they selected."

To this, the little soul could only stay silent, as if surrendering to his fate. Seeing this, God decided to give the soul a couple of minutes to come to terms with the impossibility of its dream.

'Well, it's not like he won't be able to have powers, some of the quirks are incredible, and he will soon get over it like the others.' thought God.

What he didn't know though, was that the little soul was furiously thinking about something it could sacrifice that wouldn't affect its next life.

'Come on, think! Think! What can I give up that is valuable but at the same time won't affect my life in MHA?! Aaaargh, think you dumbass!! The life that you dreamed of is just here, right in front of you! I refuse to miss it!'

The little soul knew this was probably a one-time opportunity, something that would never happen to it again! Could it allow itself to let it pass right by him?! No, it sure would regret it for the rest of its existence and he was right to feel like that because this was an opportunity that God only gave one time to each individual deserving of it.

And so he thought, continued to furiously think for the next minutes, minutes that seemed like an eternity to it, an eternity that lasted until the little soul finally found something.

"I GOT IT!!!!!!!!"

The sudden exclamation greatly surprised God, seeing the little soul shaking in the excitement in front of him, he couldn't help but be curious.

"Oh? So you finally decided on which quirk you would be reincarnated with? Don't worry, there are some really powerful ones, I'm sure you will do gre-"

But before he could finish its sentence, the soul screamed something that would affect its very existence for eternity.

"I give up my right to reincarnation!!!"





At the words mentioned by the little bundle of light that was now burning like a bonafide sun, the entire dimension started to scream in protest and cry for the foolishness of the little one.

Blasphemy towards life! Heresy against the natural order!

The words uttered by the soul completely caught God off guard for the second time in their discussion.




These were all the thoughts that crossed God's mind the moment he processed what this crazy little soul had just said. After calming the dimension with a wave of his hands, he immediately went to reprimand the foolish one.


But just as he was about to berate the little soul, his eyes which were more brilliant than a thousand suns, met the metaphorical eyes of this crazy being in front of him, that moment, he immediately knew that it was deadly serious.

"I wish to sacrifice my right to reincarnation." repeated the soul but this time with a steadier voice.

Knowing that it was serious, God decided to ask him the question burning his lips.



Why? It was impossible for this soul to not know what that would entail because this was a taboo that all souls knew instinctively. Now the question was, what does that mean? What does relinquishing one's right to reincarnation means? It was also God who answered.

"If you sacrifice that right, it will mean that any death you face would be your True death."


True Death, no reincarnation, the end of one's existence.

"It is the most important thing that you can sacrifice... Tell me little one, I know that you are smart, so tell me, what is the quirk that you want to create that pushes you to sacrifice all your possible next lives? What is this quirk that made you ready to gamble it all on this life?!"


God's question echoed in the entire dimension as if the dimension itself wanted to hear the soul's answer. Hearing God's question, the bundle of light started to shine even more, it started to shine like a million suns, as if it wanted to compete with God itself, and finally, the soul answered.

"I want the power to make all my dreams a reality!"


To which God responded,

"Explain yourself little one."


The little soul then went on for an entire hour and explained to God the quirk that he had designed. As he was listening to the soul, God was more and more shocked by the quirk it designed.

'Genius! This quirk is simply marvelous! With this, if he can survive long enough, he won't even need to reincarnate anymore, I understand why he is ready to gamble it all!'

A light of understanding started to shine in the eyes of God. He perceived the potential of this quirk and he finally understood why the little soul decided to sacrifice its right to reincarnation! Heck, looking at the quirk design, sacrificing such an important thing was probably the only way for it to have enough "money" to create this quirk.

"I have to say little one, I'm impressed, I sure have heard some crazy ideas before, some even more than yours, but rare are the ones as meticulously crafted as yours. With this quirk, you will have a ton of liberty, using it to have powers from other worlds isn't even a problem anymore. You probably can even infringe upon the rules of life and become with enough time a godlike being in your next life!"

Yes! Just as proclaimed by God, such as the potential of the quirk the soul had in mind.

"Yes. The power to realize dreams, with nothing but time and energy being the requirements to fulfill them. I know that this a gamble old man, but you know the saying, go big or go home hahaha!"

God knew that the soul had made up its mind and that he wouldn't change his decision no matter what.

"I understand little one. Since it is what you wish, it shall be granted to you."


"Now before you go young one, I have a question for you..."

"What is it, old man?"

"What do you wish to accomplish in this new world?


Yes, what exactly did the little soul want to accomplish in this world?

"Well that's simple old man, I want to live an epic life! I want to meet interesting people! I want to fight powerful people! I want to help others in realizing their dreams just like you did for me... Honestly, I'm scared... I never really fought anybody before and I'm probably gonna suffer a whole lot haha! But you see old man, that's what I desperately needed, there is nothing worse to me than life without adventure!"


As if sensing the sincerity in the soul's words, the incalculable number of stars in the starry dimension started to shine brightly.

Seeing this, God couldn't help but smile.

"I understand, adventure it is haha. Alright, now before you go, I will let you choose the appearance and in which condition you wish to be born, since you sacrificed such an important thing, you still have some room to change some minor details."

Hearing this, the soul pondered shortly before giving his answer.

"I wish to look like Gojo Satoru but with black hair and keep my eyes the same color as his hahaha! If I can choose my appearance then I certainly want to be freaking handsome hehe!"

The antics of the little soul made God laugh.

"*Chuckle*, all right little one, what about your background?"

"Just make me an orphan, I want to grow up in an orphanage full of kids filled with dreams!"

Hearing this made God snicker.

"You truly are cunning little one hahaha. All right, everything is set so off you g-. Oh, wait, we almost forgot the most important thing... What do you want your new name to be?"

The little soul was dumbfounded, how could he forget his name? By the way, how come he could not remember his name? Bah, that was not important, this was a new start for him. Realizing this, the little soul" smiled".

"I'm gonna be reborn in Japan right? Mm, let's go for Dante! Yeah, Dante Kuroda!"

End of the intro.

Alright people!!!

I know, I know, if you want to know what exactly the quirk is and how it works you will have to wait a bit hehehehe (I'm an asshole, so what?!)

Anyway, I'm using this "authour's thought" to tell you that I know that this a pretty long intro.

The reason I'm spending two chapters on it is because the powers of the MC are going to be borderline crazy (in a controlled manner though hehe) so I really wanted to spend some time explaining why. God isn't a character that is going to reappear in the story, I just think that if a character receives great power, there should be some consequences (you know, balencing and all that).

Anyway, hope you like it till here, the real fun starts now!!!

Black_Nemesiscreators' thoughts