
Dreaming in MHA

Hi fellas !!!! Welcome to my world !!!!! This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm pretty excited !! I have a lot of ideas to make this story interesting so I hope you will like it !! Anyway, I don't like wasting a lot of time on formalities so let me present you my take on My Hero Academia in which our MC has the power to literally make dreams a reality !! Disclaimer : . There will be a lot of crossovers with other animes, games and fictions in general, but in a specific way. If you are not into it, I don't recommand you the story. . The picture isn't mine. . None of the characters in this story are mine except my own original characters.

Black_Nemesis · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

A New Life!

MHA World, Japan, Aichi Prefecture.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dante finally opened his eyes to this new world.


After a bit of effort, Dante was finally able to open his eyes and take a look at where he was. The first thing that struck him was the size of all the things surrounding him, everything looked gigantic to him and he knew what that meant.

'Ah shit looks like I will indeed have to go through that damn baby phase... sigh'

The baby phase is one of the most dreadful phases of the life of the majority of reincarnators! Why you wonder? Ha! Try to live as a baby while having the mind of an adult and let's see if you will stay sane until the end! It's impossible for someone to like the baby phase unless you like to depend on others for basically everything, spend the majority of your days in a cradle, have your diet composed of only liquid food and let's not talk about your incapacity to control your bladder.

'Sigh, the situation may be shitty, but it's still within calculations, plus... I'm finally here, hahahaha!!!! I made it, I'm finally in the MHA world hahahaha!!!!'

Upon realizing that he was finally in the world of his dreams, Dante couldn't hold back the smile that he was repressing for who knows how long. If a staff member of the orphanage were to see his face right now, they would have seen a newborn baby make a face that would scare even the toughest hero out there.

'Huff! Huff! Huff!.. Come on Dante, relax, it's just the beginning, I need to stay calm and prepare for the future!'

After managing to calm down (took him a good 10 minutes), Dante was finally able to look properly at his situation

'Mm, looks like I was successfully reincarnated. According to the specifications that I gave to the old man, I should be inside an orphanage in Japan. Since I am from the same generation as the main cast, that means I have right about fifteen years before the start of the original plot'

Now that he was calm, Dante was able to calmly assess his situation and how long he had to prepare himself before the start of what would be an epic journey filled with action-packed battles and a whole lot of mass destruction... Yeah, not really hero-like, but who cares?

'If my memory doesn't fail me, people in this world have their quirk manifest at the age of 4, which means I have 4 years to train myself preemptively and get even more ahead of the other kids of my generation! Unfortunately, since I'm still a breast sucker, I can't do anything physical, I will need to work on something else, maybe thinking of ways to beat the most tricky enemies that I know of is a good start? Yeah sounds good to me, hehehehe!! Poor villains, I will make them wish they never took this path! Anyway, thanks to my quirk I have a lot of different ways to train my body to an acceptable level, so no need to rush on that part.'

Dante took the state of his body extremely seriously. If there was one thing that he learned from the dozens of cultivation novels that he read in the past, it was without a doubt the fact that the body was the foundation of everything.

'Hell, I am now in a world where any person that has a quirk can survive being blasted through multiple walls, heck, even that midget Mineta can take multiple hits that would reduce any normal person to a pulp!'

The physical superiority of people that have quirks is an undeniable fact in the MHA world. We don't have to think hard to find examples of it, just take Midoriya Izuku, the original protagonist of the series. In season 1, the green-haired boy seemed to have the hobby of breaking his arms left and right as if fighting with broken arms wasn't a problem. Seriously, this lunatic even broke an already broken arm while fighting a villain, that's pure madness!

'The plans that I have for my quirk will require me to have a strong and durable body'.

While he was designing his quirk with God, Dante already had some ideas on how he would use it to make himself stronger as fast as possible.

'Since I have decided to be a hero, fighting against villains is only a matter of time, I need to be ready!'

After carefully planning how he would tackle the next 15 years, Dante felt an immense wave of fatigue, his baby body finally couldn't take it anymore and he was forced to reluctantly go to sleep.

'Sigh, I... hate... the baby... phase...'


3 years later, Jiyu Gaku Orphanage.

It has now been 3 years since Dante arrived in this world. In the beginning, he found it difficult to adapt to this new life, discovering a culture through novels and anime isn't the same as being born and raised in the said culture. Since he never went to Japan in his past life, he had to start from scratch and learn the language and the culture like any other kid. Fortunately for Dante, having the mind of a young man in his twenties made it easier for him to learn everything that was taught to him. Learning how to walk at nine months and talking at one and a half years old made Dante the little genius of the orphanage, the only thing that bugged him a little was that his mind seemed to have regressed a bit with his age, a part of his mind was that of an adult, and another part was that of the child.

Speaking of the orphanage, the staff could only be praised and not the contrary, thanks to them Dante didn't regret his choice of being reincarnated as an orphan. Dante had a good relationship with the staff since he never caused trouble, and he didn't require much attention from the caregivers allowing them to give more attention to kids that needed more care. Being extremely cute with his silky black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes and his maturity that was above the other kids, Dante quickly became pretty popular in the orphanage. It was just unfortunate that he tended to giggle creepily out of nowhere, scaring the other kids, plus, he didn't like to mingle too much with the kids his age and often stayed alone.

'Now that I think of it, it's quite weird that nobody ever tried to adopt me. I mean, I don't want to brag or anything but I can say with confidence that I'm probably the cutest kid in town, hell, in the country! So why? Maybe it's God doing me a favor? Ah, what a nice guy! Anyway, it's not like it's a bad thing for me, quite the opposite! Thanks to this I can put all my focus on becoming stronger and preparing myself for what's gonna happen in twelve years!'

Indeed, Dante hadn't been idle during the past three years, quite the opposite. Since his arrival, he hadn't stopped thinking of new ways to use its quirk. You may wonder why he was doing such a thing since he was the one who created it and that's a legitimate question. To that, he would answer with simply this :

'I have way too much choice!'

That's right, Dante's quirk was extremely versatile, maybe even too versatile. Have you ever experienced that situation in your life where you need to make a choice but can't because there are way too many options for you to choose from? Sometimes even forgetting some of the options? Well, that was the situation he was in.

'During the past 3 years, I have thought of numerous ways to use my quirk, some ways to beat the tough guys that I will meet in the future! Hehehehehe, I can't wait for the USJ incident to happen!! I have a freaking big surprise for that big black gorilla hahahaha!!'

Just as our hero was dreaming of future events, a young voice brought him out of his reverie.

"Here you are making those weird faces again... people will be scared of you, Dante..."

Hearing the voice, Dante calmed down and turned to look at the person.

"Oh, Hayato! What are you doing here? I thought you were helping Sasaki onee-chan with the babies."

The little boy who just arrived was Yamada Hayato, a little boy the same age as Dante. With a brown skin complexion and curly black hair, he looks exactly like the miniature version of Ogun from Fire Force. Also an orphan since birth, he was one of the few kids with whom Dante spend some time, the two were even close enough to be called good friends. Little Hayato being more mature than the others, Dante found their interactions quite interesting so he was quite happy to have him around.

"Yes but Himari onee-chan came to help us so we ended it faster than we thought"

Again, Hayato way of speaking was quite mature, the truth was that the little boy had always found Dante to be cool so he was always trying to copy his way of doing things. Dante never realized it though.

"I see... So, do you need something from me? Am I needed somewhere?"

As if suddenly remembering why he went all over there in the first place, Hayato responded immediately.

"Ah! almost forgot! I came here to invite you to an important secret reunion!"

Seeing the sparkling eyes of the little boy, Dante couldn't help but chuckle.

'A secret reunion eh? Well he is still a 3-year-old kid after all, how cute

Even though he was amused, Dante couldn't say that he wasn't curious about this so-called reunion. It was a first for Hayato to do something like this so Dante decided to go along with the little game.

"A secret reunion? About what? Will it only be the two of us?"

Seeing that Dante was interested, Hayato's eyes also beamed with joy.

"Not a secret reunion! An IMPORTANT secret reunion! I have an important secret to tell you all! I have already informed Kioko and Ren, and they are waiting for us in our secret base! Quick come!"

Hayato being the free spirit that he was didn't wait for Dante's answer and started sprinting as fast as his three-year-old little legs allowed him to and he zoomed towards their "secret base" aka their bedroom.

Now having no other options, Dante could only smile wrily and follow his little friend toward their destination. We need to be precise that the two kids were quite fast for their age. Dante had started to train his body coordination as soon as he was able to walk, albeit at a slow pace. Hayato being a little fan of the former, happened to chance upon one of Dante's training sessions and started doing those exercises whenever he could in the hope of becoming as cool as his idol.


The orphanage being quite grand, the little duo took a whole five minutes to reach their destination. Upon their arrival, Dante noticed that there were two other kids already present in the room, a little boy and a little girl. The funny thing about them was the difference between their auras, the boy's aura felt very welcoming, warm, and bright, like a shining beacon of light. On the other end, well, the girl's aura looked gloomy and dark, not the type of vibe that a kid should have.

"Ren! Kioko! I have brought Dante, we can start now!"

Tanaka Ren and Musashi Kioko were the name of the bright boy and the gloomy girl. In the past, when Dante saw Ren for the first time, he couldn't help but think at that time that,

'This kid... He is the miniature version of Laxus from Fairy Tail, except he has bright Maya blue hair and deep cobalt blue eyes! It's still a bit early to say it, but I'm ready to bet my quirk that he will grow up to look just like him!'

His reaction when he saw Kioko was a bit different though.

'The hell is wrong with this kid? Since when do kids have such a gloomy aura? Her long black hair, those black eyes... and what about those bangs?! Oi, who styled this girl like that?! She is bound to scare all the other kids if she stays like this!'

With time though, Dante came to accept Kioko's weird vibe and even quite liked it, he even find her cute in her way. He also discovered that even though they were so different, both Ren and Kioko were good friends. Friends, something that Ren didn't lack but was non-existent on Kioko's side.

"Oooh, hello Dante! How are you today?"

Just like Dante and Hayato, Ren was more mature than the others. Combined with the aura of security that shouldn't be coming from such a little kid, Ren was quite a dependable person even though he was only three years old.

"Urgh... I hate the sun..."

Kioko on the other hand was more unique. One of her special traits was her deep hatred for sunlight, she was a girl that rather stays in a dark room for hours instead of going outside and smelling flowers.

"Hehehe, don't worry, the news I have will definitely make you happy!" said Hayato, practically beaming.

Unfortunately for Hayato, his beaming smile only managed to piss little Kioko even more.

"I'm leaving."

Seeing that Kioko was really about to live, Hayato didn't dare to keep them waiting anymore and finally explained the reason for this little reunion.

"While I was trying to sneak into the kitchen to get some snacks, I heard the adults say that in five months, someone will come to register those that will awaken their quirk, and they will also pick some of us who have promising quirks and train them to become heroes! In five months, we will all turn four! That means if we are lucky, we can become heroes!!"

At the end of his speech, Hayato was barely able to control his breathing and you couldn't blame him, after all, be it, Dante, Kioko, or Ren, they all knew that Hayato dreamed of becoming a hero.

"WHAT?! Is that true Hayato?!

Hayato wasn't the only one dreaming to be a hero, far from it it was probably Ren that wanted to be a hero the most, after all, he was a die-hard fan of All Might, on the other end it was Kioko and Dante who didn't have a strong reaction to this big news. To be fair, saying that they didn't show much of a reaction was a lie, while Kioko was truly indifferent to it, Dante on the other end had a frown on his face.

'The Hero Public Safety Commission!'

That was the first name that came to him the moment he heard Hayato. Why you may wonder? For that, we need to explain what this organization was. The HPSC was a law enforcement agency responsible for managing the interactions between heroes and society as a whole and for investigating the most dangerous cases of criminality. To dumb it down, they were an organization recurrent in the anime and manga in charge of tracking and taking down villains while at the same time regulating certain aspects of the hero community.

'If I remember correctly, they like to find talented kids and train them from a young to transform them into powerful weapons against evil organizations, the hero Hawks is a perfect example of that.'

While the way he presented them may portray them as a kind of semi-evil organization, the truth was that it was just a governmental agency trying to find good seedlings, nothing wrong with that. It's just that Dante didn't want to become the good little soldier of anybody.

And so while Hayato and Ren were happily discussing their possible futures as heroes and Kioko continued to just stay there, Dante was thinking in a completely different direction.

'Yup, no thanks, I ain't trying to become the second coming of Hawks, hell nah! According to what I know they aren't the type to force others into joining them so I should be safe on that part. But even then, if they were to discover how my quirk works, I can't be sure that they won't make an exception, and even if they don't force me, I will probably be put under surveillance and that I refuse.'

Dante wasn't scared of his power being known, what he was scared of was his quirk getting into the radar of AFO before he was strong enough to defend himself. You may be wondering what is the link between the HPSC and AFO, well, let's just say that if there was one thing that AFO was good at, it was without a doubt its ability to have spies everywhere! Hell, Dante could wake up one day and discover that his bed was a Nomu and he wouldn't even be surprised.

'Anyway, there is no use in panicking, I bet they won't even be able to understand what my quirk is and they will probably ask me some questions. At that time I will only have to lie a bit and it should be good.'

Now that he had a plan, Dante left the bedroom and resumed his training which consisted of doing coordination exercises and stamina-building activities. His quirk awakening was close, he had to be ready!

The MC's quirk will finally be reveiled in the next chapter so stay tuned!

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