
Dreaming in MHA

Hi fellas !!!! Welcome to my world !!!!! This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm pretty excited !! I have a lot of ideas to make this story interesting so I hope you will like it !! Anyway, I don't like wasting a lot of time on formalities so let me present you my take on My Hero Academia in which our MC has the power to literally make dreams a reality !! Disclaimer : . There will be a lot of crossovers with other animes, games and fictions in general, but in a specific way. If you are not into it, I don't recommand you the story. . The picture isn't mine. . None of the characters in this story are mine except my own original characters.

Black_Nemesis · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

A chance at a new life

Our story started in a boundless black-and-white expense in which time seemed to have no meaning. At the center of this dimension floated a little bundle of light, it is unknown for how long it stayed there but one could tell that it was getting smaller as time passed.

As time continued to pass, the source of light continued to get weaker and weaker until it was only the size of a fist, it was clear that whatever it was, it didn't have much time left. It was also at that moment that a deep and majestic voice resounded in the entire dimension.

"Time to wake up little one".


Those simple words made the entire place tremble, the black and white streaks of light that made the dimension suddenly split apart and revealed the form of a being defying all logic. It was massive, so massive that his eyes were the size of bonafide galaxies, so massive that this boundless dual-colored space cracked and then shattered upon his arrival and was then replaced by an infinite starry sky.

Upon hearing the words of this transcendent being, the little bundle of light reacted and started to shine brightly. The words of this being seemed to act like an unviolable order, a decree, and so the bundle of light (also called a soul), responded to it.

"Ugh...5 more minutes dad".

The voice coming from the soul was that of a man.

"Hoho... Dad ? Mm, I guess you could me that". The divine being was visibly amused by the little soul after all it was rare for any being to call him like that.

"I can let you sleep a bit more, but are you sure you want me to little one? Your soul will disappear you know ?"

The soul suddenly shuddered as if sensing an imminent crisis and finally woke up from its sleeping state.

"Mh?! What the?! Wait... what is happening?"

Seeing the soul in panic made the entity chuckle.

"Calm down little one, you have nothing to fear as long as I am here"

The words spoken by the entity conveyed a boundless feeling of warmth and security, instantly calming down the distressed little soul.

"T-thanks, where am I and who are y-" before it could finish its words, it finally saw to whom he was talking and as you can imagine, its reaction lacked all form of decorum.

"Yooooooooooo!!!!! What the hell?! Ah hell nah!!"

In front of it lay a colossus bigger than anything he had ever seen. 12 flaming pairs of wings that stretched for billions of kilometers, eyes brighter than a thousand suns, and finally an aura of majesty and purity beyond all... In brief, a being of absolute beauty.

"Hahaha, sorry little one, I forgot that I could be quite intimidating. Give me a moment".


The giant entity suddenly started to shrink dramatically. As if logic was irrelevant to this being, he went from the size of a universe to the size of multiple galaxies, then the size of the solar system, to finally the size of a regular human being.

"I guess this is enough. Are you more comfortable now little one?



"Mm? Are you okay little one? Mm, has his soul been damaged after all?

The soul was completely speechless by what it just witnessed after all a being the size of a freaking universe just appeared out of nowhere and then reduces its size dramatically as if it was normal.

"Sigh, sorry, I'm okay now. Which is weird by itself but hey, who am I to complain... So, care to explain to me what is happening ?" replied the soul in a defeated tone, the situation was so ridiculous that he simply gave up the idea of understanding what was happening.

"Don't worry little one, I know this situation can be unsettling for a mortal soul so here, take this and you shall understand everything"

Following this, the now human-sized entity brought one of his fingers up and from it came out a little spark of light that directly went into the little soul. After the soul absorbed the spark, it briefly trembled and soon let out a long and tired sigh.

"Sigh... so that's what happened. I died"

Yes, as probably most of you guessed, this soul was previously a living and breathing human being. Unfortunately for it, it met its end quite abruptly and without having the chance to live past 30 years. Seeing its sadness, the entity couldn't help but feel pity for him, after all, dying wasn't truly a pleasant thing. Fortunately, though, the entity had good news for the soul.

"That's right. But don't be a sad little one, dying isn't the end, you can see it as a new beginning, a new chapter of your existence" replied the entity.


The words from the entity (we will call him God), again made the entire starry sky tremble.

"Mm, I know. I'm not sad, it's just that... Aaah, whatever! So, what's next old man?!" said the soul, getting over his death surprisingly fast.

"*Chuckle*, I see that you are the resilient type, that's good. Fortunately for you, I have good news, you earned yourself, thanks to your past life's good deeds, the chance to reincarnate in a world of your choice" explained God with a smile on his face.

As if waiting for this, the soul went completely bunkers and started laughing like a maniac.

"Ha, I knew it!! It's just like in those novels!! Hahahahahaha, yoshaaaaa!!!!!!"

Seeing this also put a smile on God's divine visage.

"*Chuckle*, Yes, just like in those novels that you liked so much. You may choose between any world you wish, it can be from a manga, movie, series, book, you name it. But before choosing, I advise you to carefully think about it, after all, it won't be fiction anymore, it will become your reality, if you die, it will be over and you will be sent back to the cycle of reincarnation"

Hearing this, the soul couldn't help but chuckle. If someone were to ask it what it thought of his past life, it would probably answer that it was good but that it lacked something at the same time. It had money, and a loving family, but the one thing it never felt was a profound excitement, a stimulus so grand that it made its very bones shake in anticipation. It, like many others, has always dreamed of reincarnating into another world and living epic adventures, that kind of romance was just universal.

"Hahaha, don't worry old man, I know the importance of my choice, but the thing is, my choice is already made hahaha"

God was curious. It wasn't the first time that he gave this opportunity to someone, after all, people with merits weren't that rare in the multiverse he created, it's just that he always took pleasure in seeing the excitement of his little creation when they were allowed to experience something new.

"Oh? I see, you were bored with your past life weren't you?"

"Well, yeah, no offense but having superpowers is the dream of all men haha"

As the soul said, having powers is the dream of numerous people, it wasn't an exception. After all, who hasn't dreamed of being able to fly, teleport, spitfire, bend the earth, make meteors crash down from space, see-through wom-*cough**cough*, you all get it. In brief, one would need to be deranged to miss such an opportunity.

"No offense taken young one, so tell me, in what world do you wish to be reincarnated?"

Without missing a bit, the soul responded almost instinctively,

"My Hero Academia!"

God was again amused by this, it looked like the soul had been dreaming of such a situation happening to it.

"*Chuckle*, no problem. Now as you may know, just like in those novels, I will let you choose a quirk of your choice so that you can defend yourself and live the life you wish to live"

The soul was again unable to repress its excitement upon hearing this. There it was, the thing that made it the most exciting, a quirk!! What are quirks? For those who don't know, a quirk is a superpower unique to each individual in the world of My Hero Academia (MHA). The difference between having a quirk and not having one is like the difference between heaven and hell.

"For real?! Mwahahaha, damn geezer, I like you more and more hahaha!!"

The soul was on the verge of losing it, the situation was just a dream becoming reality, it could already see the endless doors opening to it, he could already taste the epic life he was about to live, the jaw-dropping battles, the friends he would make and many more.

"Well, I'm glad you like it. Now come, here are the lists of the quirks that I can give you to start your new life. And don't hesitate, you can even pick One for All if it's what you wish"

After receiving the list of quirks from God, the soul couldn't wait any longer and furiously started to check the list. As the seconds passed, the soul started to shudder more and more.

'Oh my god, I'm about to go bunkers!'

On the list of quirks given by God, the soul could read the name of multiple legendary quirks that would give any MHA fan an orgasm were they given the chance: One for All, All for One, Rewind, Decay, New Order, Overhaul, Hellflame and many more. Hell, he could even see quirks that never appeared in the series,

'This is crazy, there are so many quirks never mentioned in the manga!'

The more he read, the more solemn he was, he now realized for real that this was a legitimate world and not the closed world of the manga.

"Looks like you realized it little one. It's not the little world that you read about in your past life, it is the real deal. It is bigger, there are more dangers than you can imagine and you could die at any moment. My advice to you is to choose your future quirk carefully, it will greatly affect your life, it is no joking matter."

Hearing this made the soul even more solemn, it sure was excited but it wasn't stupid either. Even now it still hadn't forgotten all the heroes that died at the hands of Shigaraki Tomura in season 6 of the anime or even the number of civilians that died during the Kamino incident in season 3. It knew that MHA was a world in which it could die at any moment if it was weak and that was without mentioning the influence that its presence would have on the original plot because if there was one thing it learned from all the fanfics it read up until now, it's that the plot is always fucked up no matter what are the plans of the main protagonist.

'He is right, I indeed know the story, but nothing guarantees that I won't encounter a never-before-seen enemy with a seen quirk. Hell, All for One may be just a little fish in the grand scheme of things... Haaa, this makes my choice of quirks even more crucial, if I indeed go in there, I will rather be one hell of an op bastard than die to some random vilain'

Seeing the soul taking his quirk choice so seriously made God smile, he better than anybody knew the danger awaiting the little soul. Although the chances of meeting someone more dangerous than All for One were low, the arrival of the soul into the MHA world was bound to induce some changes. The majority of them might be minor but it was a certainty that some of them would be major, even the complete fuck up of the story was a possibility.


God gave the little soul an entire hour to decide which quirk he would choose. Knowing the importance of quirks in the MHA world, he wanted the little soul to think carefully about how the chosen quirk would affect his next life. After one hour, God decided that the soul had had enough time and that they should proceed to the next step, it wasn't good for a soul to stay outside the circle of reincarnation for too long after all.

"All right, it is time little one, tell me, which quirk did you choose?"

The truth was that God was quite curious about the choice the little soul would make. Heck, eternal life of knowing everything is more boring than anybody could imagine, that's why watching the adventures of the little reincarnators became one of his favorite hobbies. How would they change the world they were dropped in? How would they live their life? Who would they meet? All of these were questions that made these beings extremely interesting to God.

"Mm? Ah! Sorry, looks like I took too much time"

"Choosing a quirk is an extremely important decision, it's good that you take it so seriously. Now tell me little one, which quirk did you choose? Is it New Order? One for All? Or maybe All for One?" asked God excitedly, which made the soul speechless.

'What's wrong with this old man? Why does he look more excited than I am? Am I the one getting reincarnated or is he?'

"Aren't you God? The guy supposed to know everything? You know, omniscient, omnipotent omnipresent and all that?" it joked.

God could only chuckle at that, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't excited, after all, which parent wouldn't be excited at the idea of his children going on a new adventure?

"I could, but where is the fun in that? Now enough suspense, tell me your choice"

Afraid that God would grow impatient and decide to take back his second chance at life, the soul decided to finally spill the beans and his answer was pretty much unexpected.

"Oh, that? Well, of course, I choose none of them!"

God was caught off guard.

"Mm? What are you saying little one?"

God for the first time in a while was truly confused. Could it be that the little one wanted to go in there quirkless? Maybe his soul was truly damaged after all...

"You heard me correctly old man, I don't want any of those quirks!"

'Yep, definitely damaged' thought God.

After checking and confirming that the soul wasn't damaged, God decided to dig deeper into the answer, after all going into the MHA quirkless was pretty much a death sentence.

"Well, it's pretty simple actually, let me explain..."

The soul then went on to a lengthy explanation of how taking a quirk from this list was a bad choice. First of all, it wanted a powerful quirk, that was a necessity. If it would have to fight crazy dudes like All for One (AFO), Shigaraki Tomura, or any other nutjobs coming out of a random psychiatric hospital, it would need to be as strong or even stronger than All Might. The problem with that is that the most powerful quirks weren't freebies, every one of them would come with a load of risks.

One for All (OFA) was a no-go.

'Hell, I don't want All for One hot on my ass, yup, no thanks, I will let that privilege to Midoriya!'

All for One was an even bigger no-go.

'This quirk sure is op but it's a one-way highway towards villainhood. I would have to steal quirks from other people and I'm not sure that the government would be comfortable with the idea of another AFO. I could focus on only stealing the quirks of criminals, but I'm sure I would be under the constant surveillance of the government... Yup, no thanks!'

New Order was a good option, but still with too many limitations in the soul's opinion,

'Plus Star and Stripe lost against Shigaraki, I ain't gonna do the same, hell nah, I will wipe the floor with this bastard ass'

Be it, Rewind, Overhaul, Explosion, Dark Shadow, etc, the explanations could go on and on and on for the multiple quirks present on the list. At the end of the day, those quirks weren't enough, they weren't op enough for the soul taste and above all, they weren't versatile enough.

'I do not want a simple quirk like super strength or super speed, no! I want a quirk that will completely change the already existing knowledge of quirks, I want a quirk that will give me a lot of options, a quirk that will allow me to adapt to any type of situation, a quirk that will install fear into the villains and hope into the heroes!'

Yes, the soul ambitions were big. The soul had read a lot of fanfics during his life and the ones he liked the most weren't the ones where the mc had simple overwhelming power, no, what it liked the most were the novels in which the mc had extremely versatile powers, and even then, the powers in those novels still weren't versatile enough for him, he wanted freedom.

Unknown to God, during the one hour that was given to it, the soul didn't look that much into the quirks that were proposed to it, no. What it did was something borderline crazy, something that would have great consequences for him and the MHA world.

"Since you fancy none of these quirks, does that mean that you wish to reincarnate quirkless? And before you try, let me tell you right now that you can't have powers from another world. Each world has its own set of rules, introducing the powers from another world into another may lead to an imbalance of the very fabric of reality and ultimately to the destruction of the said world" said God solemnly.

Creating a world was not something as easy as God just snapping his fingers and then voila, no. Creating a world was something that demanded careful planning, extreme precision, and most of all, balance. The said balance was something extremely fragile, the most minute change could have extremely dire consequences on the entire thing, God wasn't about to play with the lives of an infinite number of lives just because a little rencarnator wanted to be op, and fortunately, the soul understood that.

"Haha, don't worry old man, that's not what I want"

God was again perplexed.

"What is it then little one? If you do not want a quirk nor do you want the powers from another world then what do you have in mind?"

To that, the little round bundle of light made the equivalent of taking a deep breath and finally voiced his idea.

"I want you to let me create and design my own quirk!"


The starry expense above the duo started to shake and for the first time, it wasn't from the actions of God but from the words of the little soul.

"I see... That's a dangerous thought little one." replied God with an extremely deep voice for the first time, sending shivers into the metaphorical spine of the soul.

"Let me be clear with you young one, this is not a novel. I know that in a lot of the novels that you read in the past, the hero would meet my equivalent, he would be given three choices and then go on with his new life. Unfortunately for you, this only happens in novels and again, this is not one of them. Wishes have consequences."

The tone used by God was one of finality, he seemed to be extremely serious about this topic and it was obvious to the soul that this was no joking matter. Even so, if it had a face right about then, we would have been able to see a wide smile forming on his lips at the anticipation of its next words.

"You see old man, before dying, I made a fortune for myself as a businessman at an extremely young age. I have signed multiple deals with some of the most successful institutions, may they be private companies or even entire countries. And you see old man, if I were to be asked what was the most impactful lesson that I learned during my days as an entrepreneur, then I can say with confidence that it is this simple one: Everything, and I say everything, has a price! So tell me, old man, what is yours?"

First time writing a chapter, I'm sure that there are some mistakes in there, and maybe the style may come out as awkward since I'm still trying to figure out how to write. Anyway, don't hesitate to give me your feedbadcks

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