
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

Exkalego · Others
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: A Dragonoid!

"Mr. Akamatsu, stop!"

The teacher stopped Kouki from thrashing Giljen. He even pulled him, but he's just too strong to him, causing his butt to crashed on the floor.

The woman with long bluish-white hair in pigtail that barely reaches her butt, walked towards them and pulled Kouki then threw him.

The teacher looked at her dumbfounded. His presence didn't even registered in the woman's pinkish eyes.

"Huh, what the?"

Kouki was quite startled as he looked at the beautiful woman who just pulled him like that. The woman just displayed a gentle smile, but for some reason, Kouki felt the chill from her smile. It was a smile that said: "Enough, you lesser."

Kouki instinctively trembled and he couldn't comprehend if why. 'Why am I trembling?' He was even having trouble to stood up.

Giljen extended his hand to him to which Kouki refuses.

"Ahem!" The woman coughed, which caught Kouki's attention.

Kouki looked at the woman, and he really couldn't understand if why he was trembling in fear.

Giljen also looked the woman, the same moment as Kouki. He already suspected that the bluish-white haired woman is not an ordinary. Indeed, he considered this day lucky because of her presence, but nevertheless, he didn't like the outcome of her interference.

Giljen's desire to kicked the one who's been causing to his aunt's coffee shop, out was overwhelming. He even let himself be beaten, though it really didn't hurt him, just for his hideous motive towards Kouki.

'This woman...'

[Master, be careful. That woman is not human, but a dragonoid, and a very special one.]

'--What?! A special dragonoid?!'

[Yes master.]

Giljen's mood changed when he learnt about a terrifying truth about the woman's true identity from Dorothy. He became more cautious and calculative. He thought: 'This might be a problem in the future. Did she already suspect about me being like her? I must stay alert!'

The woman looked at Giljen. 'This younglad...' Then her eyes turned to Kouki, who was already trembling.

Giljen could tell her cold gaze towards Kouki, because he, too, could felt it, but it's not directed to him. His eyes turned to the trembling Kouki, who was still looking at the woman with incomprehensible fear.

"Sensei, I never thought that there's an uncontrollable violent student here. How will the school solve and explain this?" The woman asked. Her tone gave chill to the teacher, though was calm.

"I'm sorry, we will discipline him, immediately." The teacher stood up and quickly bow his head, back and forth.

"No, I wanted him out of this school."

"Eh?" The teacher, Giljen, and especially Kouki, snapped from what the lady said.

"But, Ms. Elmiralyn, isn't that too much? He's just a teenager so—"

"Mr. Tachibana, who do you think I am?" The lady's tone became even more cold as she looked at the teacher, coldly. "Are you telling me to let him fool around while committing violence?"

"Do you even have any idea if what kind of a brat is this student?"

The teacher snapped, and for some reason, cold sweat keep coming out from his forehead. Kouki snapped as well, he was wearing the same expression as the teacher.

Giljen inwardly narrowed his eyes in suspicion: 'Her networking is quite terrifying.'

"Perhaps, you and this violent student here must be having a particular connection." The woman flashed a smile that sent chill down to the teacher's and Kouki's spine.

"N-no, it's not like that—"

"Silence... Let's settle this in the principal office. I don't want to waste my time here." The woman said in her cold tone.

The teacher tried to denied, hesitantly. However, the lady is not easy to be fooled. Before her visit, she did some research about the members of the faculty and particular students, specially Giljen.

She was aware that Giljen went missing for four days. Under the order of her young lady, she carried this commission to visit and supervise the school.


In the principal's office...

"But sir—"


"Enough, Mr. Tachibana! I have already decided." The middle-aged man, wearing a rather dark red suit, stamp his table. The table has a desk name plate with: Principal Haime Yamisaki.

"Isn't this a little cruel, he's—"

"Didn't you watch the video? And also Mr. Akamatsu just thrashed someone in the presence of Ms. Elmiralyn."

"Isn't this enough as an evidence?"

While Mr. Tachibana and Principal Haime were talking, Giljen inwardly felt satisfied. Kouki glared at Giljen and thought: 'I'll make you for this, you bastard! Just you wait.'

'This boy...' Elmiralyn glanced at the teenage boy, who was wearing a facemask and eyeglasses, with both suspicion and interest.

The video was indeed useful to further Kouki's punishment, and the fact he had just committed violence in the presence of an important person, proved more of his unworthiness to keep him in the school. What's more... The way Giljen handled it was indeed impressive, causing the principal to listen to every word came out from his mouth and even made Tachibana silent, everytime he protested.

It was indeed cruel on his part, but Giljen was not done yet. Kouki causes a lot of trouble to them... And thus, he must whip him with his own medicine!

As they got out from the principal's office...

"You'll pay for this." Kouki muttered.

"Sure..." Giljen replied and added with his voice that could sent chills to anyone: "I'm always prepared to play with you."

Kouki's snapped and visibly trembled.

'What was that... Killing intent?' Elmiralyn also snapped, and with widened eyes, she looked at Giljen who had a dark expression on his face as he walked closer to Kouki.

Giljen grabbed Kouki's shoulder then pulled him a little. He closes the distance of his mouth between Kouki's ear and whispered: "This time, I will be the joker and you will be my the subject of my shallowness."

At that moment, Kouki felt the fear in his heart he had never felt before. Hearing Giljen's voice, he felt like he was being pulled down by his own shadows in the abyss of the ocean.

Giljen let go of Kouki and pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses with his middle finger that salute to Kouki. He then turned around and walked away without looking back.

Elmiralyn who was just near to them the whole time, was silent and amused at the scene. The way Giljen behave just made her trembled and breathed, heavily. And as she watches his back, her eyes glowed. 'He's not an ordinary one. That killing intent; that coldness... It was as if he had experienced countless war.'

Kouki didn't didn't noticed her presence, for he, too, was focused on Giljen's back with the fear sprouted in his heart.


'Dammit! Did I overdid it?' Giljen was upset; each of his step were heavy. Kaede saw him, and when she was about to approach him, he just passed her. Her presence didn't even registered in his eyes for he was bothered by the arrival of the blueish-white haired woman, who turns out to be a dragonoid.

*SLIDE— (Door)

When he went inside of the classroom, all of his classmates and their teacher looked at him.

Giljen didn't mind them, he just sat on his chair. "~~~!" He didn't even pay attention to the class until, a chalk flew towards him and instinctively catch it.

"Huh! What's this!" Giljen looked at his hand and saw the chalk that flew towards him. The moment he looked at the object he catches... "Mr. Kazumi!" The teacher shouted.

The teacher had a long black hair, wore a casual clothes that covered her slender yet voluptuous body, and had a bitter look on her beautiful face. To be honest, she was quite surprised and inwardly impressed when Giljen catches the chalk.

Giljen went back to his senses and saw his grumpy teacher then instinctively stood-up. By the way, this teacher is Ashina Izusaki, their math teacher. Known for being both beautiful and strict.

"Do you know if how many times I've been calling your name?" Ashina asked.

The two male student, who enjoy the sight of Giljen being beaten, snickered along with their fellows who felt the same way as them.


"Silence!" Yushina shouted, as she spanked the table a few times.

"Apologize, sensei... I was just drowning in my thoughts." Giljen apologized.

"If you're that sorry, then solve this." The teacher spoke, pointing at the board.

"..." Giljen sighed then walked towards the door. With at ease, he solved the equation on the board, and even use some tricks that made the equation look easy.

Then, just like that, he went back to his chair. This time, his eyes were on the board, but his mind was absent.

After he solved the equation on the board like it was nothing, the teacher looked at him with doubt. 'Is he always this smart?'

Even their class rep, who took serious of her studies looked at him with the same doubt as their math teacher. This class rep is Mika Izusaki. She have long black hair tied in single braids, her looks resembling Ashina, and has slender body instead.

Giljen forget his reason as to why he was holding himself his academics capabilities. It was to equal himself to Kaede. However, those feelings had gradually faded before he even got sent to the space-chamber.

The class concluded with Giljen, being drowned in his troubling thoughts about Elmiralyn. Each time he was called, all was answered, correctly. The only subject that made him lose face was about histories.

All the male students that like Kaede, have a broad smile on their faces, everytime he got scolded by their teacher. However, Giljen simply didn't care about them and that. His mind was not even on the class.

Not to mention, there's would another delima he would be facing in the future. First, about his aunt's current state; second, about the arrival of a fellow dragonoids. What's even worst was, it's a special one.


"Not now... This is not right timing of approaching him."

Elmiralyn, who was looking at Giljen through the window of the backseat of the car, said.

Giljen just came out from the school, and he had a straight face as if something's bothering him. This was also the reason as to why Elmiralyn decided to not approach him yet.

"Let's go..."

Then the black luxurious car left with her inside.