
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

Exkalego · Others
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Chapter 9: A Visitor

The sun had finally set and the dark of the night arrived. Giljen head home first because Kiana said so. He set aside the arrival of Elmiralyn at back of his mind first. What really bothered him the most was the current state of his aunt.

Giljen did his daily chores to shook himself a little away from those thoughts. Then after preparing their meal... *Ding-dong~

He heard their doorbell rang.

'A visitor? I don't remember aunt mentioned about someone's visiting tonight...'

Giljen walk towards the front door, and when he took a peek on the peephole... "Shit!" He saw a beautiful bluish-white haired woman outside.

'What does this woman's business here?!'

Giljen sighed, wore his white gloves, eyeglasses, and hid his eyes with silver irises before open the door. He decided to do so to postponed any potential trouble.

The moment he hesitantly opened the door, Elmiralyn bowed her head a little with her right hand on the chest.

"Greetings, Lord Giljen, I came here under the direct commission of our young lady." Elmiralyn politely stated.

"Who? Young lady? What does she need from me? And first, who are you people? And what business do you have here?" Giljen asked, spontaneously. He was inwardly panicking and confused. 'Now that I think about it. Are those men perhaps—...'

"Oh?" Elmiralyn reacted a little, then bowed her head a little once again and said: "My apologies, Lord Giljen, I am Elmiralyn a direct descendant of the Clan of Vladcruz."

'Vladcruz? I think, I've heard it from the past...' Giljen wondered then suddenly a teenage girl with a long bluish-white hair splashed in his mind. 'I see... Now I fucking understand.'

'In the past, I gave my food to a fucking dragonoid. Was fate always this playful?' He wondered.

"Come in."

"Huh?" Hearing Giljen's words, Elmiralyn glanced a glimpse of Giljen, then went back to posture.

"My apologies for displaying such attitude towards you. That was a rude part on me." Giljen apologized, bowing his head a little with his right on his chest.

"No-no, I utterly understand." Elmiralyn, awkwardly spoke, almost completely lose her elegant attitude.

"I see... Then please come in and feel yourself at home." Giljen said while polite pointing his hand inside of his home.


[Yes, master?]

'--How's my auntie? Is she coming home now?'

[No, master, she's currently auditing the profit of the Dutchwhale for today.]

'--I see. Just keep an eye on her. Notify me immediately if something odd happened.]

[As you wish, master.]

'--Thank you.'

[No problem, master, the grace is all yours.]

'--Yeah, yeah, yeah, enough with your flattering. I'm already feeling awkward here.'

[..... Master, is indeed innocent.]

'That's kinda hurt, but I admit.]


"Here, help yourself with a coffee, madam."

Giljen putted a cup of the coffee upon the table before Elmiralyn. Then sat on the couch to where he could face her, properly for a conversation.

"Oh, thank you." Elmiralyn took a sip a coffee then suddenly... "Oh my!"

"Is there anything wrong. Does the taste of the coffee doesn't satisfied you?" Giljen asked and was about to stood up.

"No, no, no, it's not like that! This coffee...is just so good." Elmiralyn stated.

"I see..." Giljen went back to his posture.

"Is this also one of the product of the Dutchwhale." Elmiralyn asked.

"No it's not. That coffee could only be serve here." Giljen said as he remembered inventing it for fun, together with Kiana and the late old man, who aided them.

Elmiralyn tell the meaning of the bitter smile on Giljen's face behind bangs and eyeglasses. "Oh, I see... I'm sorry." She understood that bitter smile of his. It was a smile of longing and sadness.

"No it's okay. I'm actually quite glad you like it."

You see, the bitterness of that coffee keep us away from the thoughts we didn't to be bothered, while its sweetness comforted us and bended our attention...away those thoughts, temporarily." Giljen explained, without realizing the face he was currently showing.

"Oh, I see. It's a shame I could only drank it here." Elmiralyn said, with a bitter smile, clearly like the taste of the coffee. To be precise, it was a coffee she didn't taste before. Normally, she only drank tea and rarely drank a coffee.

Giljen giggled and said: "No worries, I'll ask my aunt to make it special for you."

"Really?!" Elmiralyn, euphorically asked.

Giljen was taken a back a little. 'I never thought that dragonoids like coffee coffee that much.' He thought.

"By the way, I've been bothering myself to asked you this, but... Have we met before?" Giljen asked, confused as if he was trying to figured out.

"Oh! You finally remember me." Elmiralyn replied as she flashed a smile.

"No, not completely. You see, I was focused on her at that time."

"Fufu~ Perhaps being enchanted by her charm."

"No, not really." Giljen honestly denied.

"Huh?! Do you find our divinely glamorous young lady not charming?" Elmiralyn asked as her expression darkened.

"Oi! Oi! It's not like that. I admit she's incomparably glamorous. However..."

"However what?" Elmiralyn interfered and asked. Her tone was cold.

"By the time we've met, I was already into someone else. So I don't see her the way you guys thought." Giljen explained, utterly cleared the clouds.

"I see... You really are quite interesting." Elmiralyn said. "It's really quite ashamed that those incompetents whom you cherish, betrayed."

Giljen snapped a little and said calmly: "You know, your networking keep bothering me ever since we had our first encounter."

"Oho~ Is that so?" Elmiralyn flashed a teasing smile that made Giljen felt even more awkward.

'Dammit, this woman is indeed terrifying!' Giljen thought.

[Master, quick! Your aunt.]

'--What's wrong?'

[The sealed has been broken, and...she is currently being attacked by the group of the shadow monsters.]


[Quick, master!]

Elmiralyn was taken aback when suddenly, Giljen shouted out of the blue. "Umh... Lord Giljen are you—" She was about to asked him if he's okay, when suddenly... (*Ring~) Her phone rang. She then answered the call. "Hello? What is it?"

"Milady, we are being attacked. And-and Lady Kiana she's— she's not human."

"What?!" Elmiralyn snapped, and suddenly... "Huh! Where is he?" Giljen was no longer in her presence. Her eyes glowed neon pink and became draconic. She looked at her surroundings and tried to seek his presence, but he was indeed no longer there.

'Is it teleportation, then? Impossible! Why couldn't I felt any magical energy being left here?'

'Even the dragonoids who possess the power of the Time Dragon itself, such as young lady herself, couldn't do this."

'This is simply bullshit!'

Elmiralyn's feelings was overwhelming in confusion. She even began to question herself, who's been alive for more than a millennia.

'As expected... I guess, this finally answered my suspicions.'

'Young lady, I fear the human you've been longing for is not what we all thought.'

'And even his aunt, huh?'

Elmiralyn, who had a serious expression vanished in the pink light.