
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

Exkalego · Others
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Lucky Day

It really is a peaceful winter day today. Kiana decided to fetch Giljen on school with her motorcycle for a certain matter; it was to notified the principal about him and even made some excuses and alibis.

Kiana don't like potential matters that would hit her in the future, she is a responsible woman and thus solved it beforehand.

And as to why Giljen was currently wearing an eyeglasses, pair of white gloves, and facemask, Kiana suggested so, to which Giljen agreed, since she knew he doesn't like to stand up much and be the center of attention.

And as a 27 year-old woman, she simply cared about the person she sees as her only true family. The person who saved her and even gave her the reason to take a different route in life... And it all begun in a snowy night.

"Take care, I'll be going now."

"Drive, safely."

"I will..."

Kiana held Giljen's nape then pulled him. She gave a kiss on his forehead then leave. By the way, she always do this occasionally to him. He waved his hand as she parted then watched her back with a troubled look. Giljen was still bother by the greenish-white aura he saw from her auntie's body. He's been wondering about it ever since. Dorothy doesn't know much about it either, all she could state: [Master, a "seal" is blocking me.]. Because of that, he pointedly ordered Dorothy to keep an eye on auntie and studied about this "seal" she was talking about.

Kiana turned and went on stairs. Soon, he turned around and walked away.

Giljen looked around and as usual, nothing changed at all. The students behavior were all still the same, and for some reason, he now saw them as a bunch of brats, fooling around.


Giljen didn't care much about their gossip about him, though it was about him and clearly heard them with his super-hearing, he simply walk towards his destination without caring about their shallowness.


'--Just stabilize my senses to normal states, I don't like unnecessary noises. Just notified me if something's wrong.'

[As you wish, master. However, I could only do a small job about it.]

'--Please still do so.' He didn't question Dorothy for he understood utterly her utterly. (By the way, Giljen perceived Dorothy as female because of its voice.)

Giljen sat on his chair as natural as he does, it was just four days...four days, but he seems to be forgetting something. But what was it? O yeah! It was actually about him being dumped by his girlfriend and getting kicked out from the soccer club. That's all the gossips about him and other fabricated rumors.

Giljen took his favorite light novel, "My Second Class in Another World," out from his bag then read it peacefully as he could. For the longest time being trapped inside of the space-chamber for more thousand of years; slumbering inside of the cosmic egg of the Star Dragon for millions of years, he really misses to read these kind of stories.

"My Second Class in Another World," is a story about a male student being summoned from another world along with his classmates. This light novel was quite popular among otakus like him. Reading manga was also one of his hobbies, since he had a lot of spare time... And it's all thanks to being kicked out from the soccer club and dumped by his girlfriend.

[Master, someone is approaching us.]

'--Let him be. Just record all of his potential assaults with my phone if possible. Can you do it?' As if he could see the future, Giljen already know if who it is approaching him.

[Yes, master.]

'--Just don't make suspicious angle, okay?'

[As you wish, master.]

Then the phone inside of Giljen's pocket vanished for unexplainable reason.

"O, look who's here."

A male student approached Giljen. He was wearing the same black blazer school uniform as him. He had a smug looks and obviously had a rotten personality. He is Kouki Akamatsu.

"If isn't the dork who went missing for four days?" Kouki sneered. "And what's with those gloves? Are you perhaps having a skin disease?!" He said, intentionally to be heard.

The students present in the classroom began to gossip and looked at Giljen with doubt.

As to why Kouki was expressing such awful approach to Giljen was because of he likes Kaede too. The girl Giljen used to date.

Kaede, as stated by everyone, is indeed a beauty, which was the obvious reason of her popularity and the desire of any male students who would see her. She was once scouted by agency and recently decided to work as a part-time model. Giljen didn't love her because of those traits and quirks, he just simply valued her as a person that much that soon blinded him in the reasons of being in love. Nevertheless, it's all in the past now and had already overcome those phrases.

"Oi! I'm talking to you. Why are you ignoring me?" Kouki spoke, irritatedly.

Giljen just keep ignoring him and just stick his gaze on the light novel he was reading.

The students around them felt uncomfortable and awkward because they were all aware of what kind of an asshole he is.

Kouki is also known for being a violent delinquent. There was a lot of rumors about him being involved in a lot of fights outside the campus.


Kouki stamped his hand on Giljen's table then said: "Oi! I'm talking to you. Is reading that disgusting book more important to you? Huh?!"

[Master it's all set.]

'--Good... Today, someone is going to be expelled.'

As to why Giljen was willing to go that far was because Kouki often brought trouble along with his peers to his auntie's coffee shop because of jealousy. Kiana didn't tell Giljen about it, until they crossed the line.

Since then, he did a lot of research about him and his peers, and what he found out him quite hesitant, yet calculative. It was for not fear he felt, but rather worried about his auntie. It is also the reason why him being dumped by his girlfriend doesn't have a much of an impact to him. Thus, those feelings he felt faded after finding out his ex-girlfriend's unfaithfulness.

While pretending to read the light novel in his hands, Giljen opened his mouth and said in a very low voice that only him and Kouki could hear: "You're not worth my time, filthy bastard..."

"What the fuck did you say?!" Kouki asked.

Giljen lifted a little the light novel he was reading, enough to cover his mouth, secretly. "Is there any shits in your ears? How disgusting indeed." He really was provoking Kouki with his intentions of him getting getting kicked out from this school, lurks in his mind.

"You—!" Kouki clenches his fist.

"..." Giljen sighed and whispered: "That is why Kaede will never ever look at you." His voice and tone was just neutral, but still irritating.

"You bastard!" Kouki punched Giljen on his face then leaped upon and thrashed him.

Giljen, on the other hand, just cared about his eyeglasses by protecting it and evading Kouki's punch.

The students inside of the classroom began to panic. Their faces were filled with both fear and hesitation, but decided to not to interfere in the end with the fear of being involved with Kouki's violent treatment.

"W-what should we do?" The girl, who was visibly panicking, asked.

"Just let them be. He brought it to himself." The boy, who seems to be enjoying watching the sight of violence, said. He has sharp eyes and clean cut black hair. "That's right." The blonde haired guy beside him agreed. They both had a smug smile on their faces.

These two students also like Kaede just the others. They were also both jealous of Giljen for being able to date the school madona.

To the ignorance of everyone who attended in this school who fear Kouki, Kouki is not really much of a treat in Giljen's eyes. To be precise, he was always busy bending this bastard's attention away from the Dutchwhale (his auntie's new coffee shop), before even he got sent to space-chamber.

Now, Giljen thought he just got lucky, and for the first time in his life, he was grateful for being chosen to 'get' sent to the space-chamber despite of the hellish experiences therein... All of those gratefulness he felt are just for this day onwards.

With a precise strength and speed, Giljen catched and held Kouki's forearm, tightly, and moved little then grabbed his face then trampled him on the floor.

All the students present on the classroom were dumbfounded and quite startled.

'What the?! What just happened.' Kouki who just got trampled was extremely shocked and couldn't comprehend if what just Giljen did.

"Let's settle this outside from now on, pathetic loser." Giljen whispered, obviously provoking him further. He let go of Kouki and stood-up off guard, facing him while visibly looking down on him.

'Me? An underground fighter?!' Anger began to stirred up in Kouki's heart. He felt insulted on what Giljen just did to him. 'And what's with that look?'

Giljen pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses with middle finger.

"You bastard! Don't look down on me!"

Kouki stood and dashed towards Giljen then punched him.

[Master the teacher is coming and almost at the door of this classroom. And he seems to be accompanied by a woman.]

'--Good... Such lucky day.'

With his middle finger still pushing the bridge of his eyeglasses, Giljen let Kouki punched him... And just at that moment, two individuals arrived, a man, who's almost bald, and a very beautiful woman. They both saw the scene of a violent student punching someone.

"What is this commotion?" The man asked. He was wearing white long sleeves, black slacks, and pair of dark brown leather shoes.

"Oh my!" The woman, with long bluish-white hair that tied up with ponytail and wearing a rather formal clothes, beside the man was sent to supervise the school and for personal commission from her young lady. It was indeed Giljen's lucky day.

"Both of you, come to the principal's office!" The teacher shouted.

The woman hair color was quite familiar to Giljen... '--Dorothy...'

[Yes, master.]

He didn't even need to specify, Dorothy already knew if what his master wanted.

Kouki's phone vibrated in his pocket, as they went to the principal's office. When he opened the mailbox and saw the video, his eyes turned to Giljen.

Knowing the meaning of Kouki's glare, Giljen pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses with his middle finger.

"You bastard!"

Kouki had enough of Giljen provocation, thus, attacked him, irrationally.

Giljen let himself be assaulted, while protecting his eyeglasses.

Just like that, Kouki fell again on Giljen's web.