
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

Exkalego · Others
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Something's wrong!

[Congratulations! You have successfully fulfilled your quest. As the reward, this time-chamber will belong to you from now on. And I acknowledge you as my sole master.]

"Finally! It's been forever!"

With all the monsters lying dead around inside the time chamber, Myuzen shouted in victory after his countless deaths and resurrections.

His spirit weapon also became stronger as he does. His mana were purer than before, giving him the ability to release a radiant energy like the monsters he had defeated does.

'I could finally get out from this place.'

He was really overjoyed, but there's something bothering him. The time from the actual world.

The system detected his worries and said:

[Do not worry, master. The time here flows way faster than the reality. To be precise, the time here is 30,000x faster than the actual world, since the time-chamber was part of me.]

'30,000x? That's only 21 seconds in the actual world and yet I've been here for a thousand years here!'

'Wait this is actually good, I could still return to my auntie. And...and to my home.'

Myuzen really misses his auntie and his daily life and the actual world. He also began to imagine himself eating and having a bonding with his auntie and a few of potential friends. Laughing and smiling together.

[As I had have mentioned, the system was designed and program to assist the chosen one.]

"Does my desires included there as well?"

[Yes, master.]

"Then sent me back home, this instant." Without holding back, Myuzen commanded the system to sent him home to the actual world. He was euphoric to get out from the place he considered hell.

[As you wish master.]

The system did obeyed Myuzen's command, however...

[Master, something's wrong!]


[Someone is dragging us; specially you.]

"What? Common! Just who?!"

[Warning! A very powerful one is dragging you.]

[Preparation to go to the time-chamber.]



'Why the fuck is this happening? After a millennia?! No fucking way!'

After dying in agony; having an immunity to the nightmare of the pain of death, all his hard work and efforts to fulfill the quest was trampled by the reason of being dragged by an unknown existence.

Myuzen, with his expression of almost going to fall into the madness, simply cannot accept this! 'This is unacceptable! Unfavorable! Why the fuck is this happening to me in the first place?'


[Warning! We are being pulled by all means. At this rate, going back is incredibly impossible.]

Feeling the mysterious force pulling him like a black whole in comparison to how it looks like sucking a star, Myuzen no longer cared about what the system was saying. 'I guess, I am being punished... But for what?' The celestial events occurred to him from one another was simply an unavoidable fate, and thus have no choice, but to accept it with a doubt.

It's indeed miracle that despite these ridiculous and unworldly events, his sanity never astray and was still holding on upon the little hope called 'memories.'

Is it really curse to be unable to forget? Or just in disguise on both side of the coin?

A golden light glimmering at Myuzen, when he opened his eyes and slowly adapted to its bright with help of the system, he saw a dragon...a very glamorous dragon glimmering in golden light like a star.

The dragon have white beautiful smooth opal-like scales on specific part, pearl-like skin; whiter than even milk, red bright hair, and a pair of red bright angelic wings with blade-like feathers.

"What is this?"

Myuzen asked instinctively, while couldn't take his eyes off from the angelic dragon. For some reason, he felt like its calling him and could felt its emotions.

[This is the one who was pulling you. This dragon is known as the star dragon and also one of the cosmic dragon in the universe, however, it was the only one having an actual physical formed.] The system explained, but its tone were a bit shocked. [It appears the star dragon have chose you. As expected of my master.]

"Chose me why? Huh! What is this feeling?"

In the midst of his confusion and curiosity, he suddenly felt the feeling of jealousy, leaking out from star dragon.

[Warning! You are being pulled by the heroic elf.]

"What?! Is my fate being a rope in this tug of war?"

[Master is full of potential as I stated before. However, even I, the divine magical artificial intelligence, did not expected this.]

"Is there really no way for me to go home or get out from this situation at least?" Myuzen asked in irritation.

[Getting out is impossible. Currently, you are inside of the realm egg of the star dragon.]

"You not kidding, right?"

Myuzen held his head with a troubled look. He really didn't know how to react to this situation he was currently in. Understanding what the system mean, he couldn't help but wondered: 'Am I going to be trapped in shit? Again?!'

'No fucking way... All I wanted is to go home. That's all. Is really mean of being a fucking chosen one?'

With all his hope slowly faded like a beam of light, Myuzen once again think his auntie. "I'm so sorry, aunt... I guess this is really my fate. Being alone forevermore."

Tears fell down from his eyes for the first time in hundreds of years of conquering the chamber. Myuzen couldn't blame the system for it's all he had and also the one helping him. However, there's one he's extremely mad at, and that was something even the system itself was aware of... 'Being the chosen one.'

Since the star dragon was said to be a powerful comic dragon, the heroic elf have no chance against the star dragon.

Myuzen felt someone is hugging him, but he doesn't care and didn't want to care anymore. It was a beautiful silver haired elf with silver spiritual form and voluptuous shape, covered by her silver clothes. Is this voluptuous silver elf perhaps the spirit weapon of the heroic elf or the heroic elf herself? Only the system knows.

Silence fell upon them for a very long moment as Myuzen's eyes were downcast and lifeless. The heroic elf could tell Myuzen had finally surrendered in life and was only waiting for a possible death.

Soon after, he felt extremely drowsy in the brace of the heroic elf. His eyelids became heavy, and with the thought of dying, he closed his eyes and slept for a very, very long time.




[Notification: the process of merging and synchronizing is success.]

[You are now in the process of hatching.]