
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

Exkalego · Others
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Space Chamber



The monster crushed Myuzen with its massive hand.

[The chosen one died.]

[Resurrecting the chosen one.]

[Quest: conquer this chamber by defeating all the monsters being generated.]

As the voice said, Myuzen was resurrected. "I'm alive?" He looked at his hands and checked up his body. It was as if nothing happened to him, but the nightmare of being crushed like a potato was left in his mind.

Myuzen looked at the monster with fear in his eyes as he took a few step back. "Ah!" He ran away from the monster for his life, but... The monster just leaped at such ridiculous push away from the surface then crushed Myuzen once again like a potato. *BAM

[The chosen one died.]

[Resurrecting the chosen one.]

[Quest: conquer this chamber by defeating all the monsters being generated.]

As the voice said, Myuzen was resurrected again. Remembering the nightmare of being crushed again, Myuzen couldn't help, but puked.

[Warning: the monster is about to attack you.]

It was already too late to evade the monster for it already leaped off from the surface to crushed him.


Again and again... Brutally and fatally.

[The chosen one died again.]

[You have failed the conquest.]

[Resurrecting the chosen one.]

[Quest: conquer this chamber by defeating all the monsters being generated.]

"Dammit! how am I supposed to kill this monster? This is simply bullshit!"

[The monsters being generated are all impossible to kill for they are nothing, but the records of the past being projected here for the awakening process of the chosen one.]

'The voice answered me?!'

"Who are you? Why me? Rather, am I perhaps in hell?!" Myuzen shouted for it was indeed terrifying being trapped therein to be crushed like a potato, repeatedly.

[I don't have a name for I am merely an artificial intelligence, yet devine, that follows the system and was programed to assist the chosen one.]

[And as the chosen one, you are given the quest to conquer this chamber, and by doing so you have to go through the awakening process to complete the quest.]

'What the fuck? This is technically hell!'

[The fact that you are here, means you are full of potential that far surpasses even above the average in the sake of the process of 'awakening'.]

[Once the process is done, you will be sent back to reality.]

"By fulfilling this impossible quest?"

"Are you kidding me?! How?! Just fucking how?!"

[You don't have to worry about dying during the process.]

[No matter how many times you died here, you will always come back to life for the system is already one with you and so I am.]

'Come back to life? What am I? Some sort of undying character in the video games?'

Myuzen's expression was filled with despair. He was not a fool to simply doubt the words of the voice, hence concluded to simply trust it words.

From the moment he got in the time chamber, his fate was already determined and have no choice but to go through the process of awakening.

The monster continue to trampled, crushed, and killed him. Just like the voice stated, he always come back to life no matter how many times he died in agony.

As time past, he had learnt to simply and just accepted his unworldly faith. Until...

[You have successfully awakened.]

'This is hell.' Myuzen enhanced his body with mana, then dashed towards the monster preparing a powerful punch.

'This is the only way to get out from this hell!'



Myuzen did punched the monster, leaving a cracked on its scales. *ROOOOAR! Myuzen leaped back away from the monster with a broken arm.

[You receive a critical damage.]

Threads of golden light emitted around Myuzen's broken arm. As if the time was being rewind, the blood from his clothes and his broken arm was back to its formal state. It was as if he hadn't received any damages from punching the monster at all.

'Dammit, if I wanted to get out of here, I need more power, or if I have just a weapon that can help me to get out from this hell.'

"How what is this?"

Threads of golden light emitted again around Myuzen. It appeared from his mana and reacted like his limbs. It also changes its shape account to what he wanted.

[Congratulations! You have awakened the magical spirit weapon of the heroic elf.]

'Heroic elf? So elves are real, huh? Thought they were all just fictional. It doesn't matter anymore, even "this" is also unbelievably real.'

Myuzen smirk as he had just awakened a new skill that could help him to fulfill his quest. He dashed towards the monster again with his body being enhanced with mana. He was carefully and calculatedly attack and evade the monster.

When the monster was about to crushed him, Myuzen waited patiently and evaded it afterwards with precise timing.

Myuzen conjured a special with his thread like glowing spirit weapon, then pierced it into the monster's massive scaled hand.


The monster roared in pain. It tried to lift its hand, but the spear changed its shape, restraining its hand. Then the monster decided to used its other hand and then smashed Myuzen.

Unfortunately, for the monster, Myuzen just evaded it just like what he just did to the other hand. Now the moster's massive scaled hands were both restraint, giving Myuzen to a further advantages.

Since the monster possesses a radiant energy within his body, it released a radiant energy blast from its mouth.

Myuzen already died with that blast, hence evaded it. His body had also taken an immunity on its radiation, thus no problem bothering.

Myuzen, the with the spear he conjured in his hands, dashed towards throat then pierced its soft spot.

"Aaaah! Just die already!"

The spear extended and utterly penetrated the monster's neck. When he noticed the monster was about to explode due to the disturbance of his attack, Myuzen quickly back off and conjured a barrier around him.

The monster did exploded with radiating energy and force that pushes all the matters away. Myuzen was sent fly crush against the starry wall of the time chamber, causing him to vomited blood and shattered his barrier.

"What the—"

He was about to doubt his barrier when suddenly, the voice interrupted him then begun to explain everything."

[The spirit weapon of the heroic elf become stronger the more you become stronger. The purer the mana it becomes, the stronger the spirit weapon of the heroic elf it becomes.]

[The spirit weapon of the heroic elf is not just a sacred weapon that could be wield by a mere hero. It is magical, devine, and also cosmic... And It solely serve one master for eternity since it attached to your soul and the very core of your existence.]

"I see."

Myuzen finally understood and just like that, three more monster appeared.

"Come on! Couldn't I rest, just a bit?"

[You are in midst of the process. Resting is not included on the system.]


Since, Myuzen knew he would always come back to life, he dashed towards the three monster then attacked them and evaded its attacks, calculatedly.