
Dragonoids: League of Myths

This is the story of "what if the side character is the main character." Giljen is an unfortunate human, who went missing for four days... And within those four days, a lot of unbelievable turns occurred in the place he got trapped in. The only way to got out therein was to fulfill the quest. In his return, the myths that supposed be in only myths will set forth with assistance. This is the story of a side character, who is the main character at the same time.

Exkalego · Others
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Home

In the midst of darkness...a perfectly round cosmic egg could be found, resting as it should be. The cosmic clouds was revolving around the egg, looking like a small version of the spiral galaxy.

The cosmic egg was about to be hatch. Slowly, cracks around the egg are from. The cracking cosmic shell was still covering the golden light, emitting inside, but soon slowly shattered as the cosmic clouds went inside through the cracks.

[Good morning, master.]

[It's been millions of years since the last you heard me.]

A figure of an existence, seemingly a human got out from the cosmic egg. And as he got out, the cosmic shell vanished in existence. Also, the cosmic clouds were all no more for it had been all absorbed by a man, who got out from the egg.

"I see. So it's been so long, huh?"

The man's voice sounds like a teenage boy. His tone were a bit confused as if he was still trying to coop up and adapt to the current time.

[Here at least, master.]


[Yes, master. While you were slumber, all of your memories had been analyzed by me. I was also projected inside of the cosmic egg.]

[Thus, I thought, changing the time around the cosmic egg would at least pleased you.]

"Then how long have I been gone on gaia?"

Gaia is the name of the planet were all humans resided along with modern civilization... And seems the man also originated there.

[Almost four days, master.]

"Only four days?"

The man couldn't believe in what he had just heard from the voice of the woman and was still having doubt.

"..." The man just sighed. Since it's just few days, the memories he was still having refreshes. And along those people in his memories, there's one important person to him, his auntie Kiana.

Auntie Kiana was the woman whom he met when he was still in middle school. It was a snowy night back then and...and an old man help them. The man remembered that the old-man whom help them had a deep connection to his auntie, for his auntie was an abandoned lady of a wealthy family.

The man remembered them full well. How he forget the person whom help him; treated him kindly as if they were blood related.

With tears streaming down on his face, the man said in his euphoric tone: "Can I go home now?"

[Yes, master. However...]

"However what?" The man asked, his tone was a bit heavy.

[I do not have the power to do that.]

"What?! Am I supposed to be stock here, forevermore?"

[No master.]

"Then how?" He was really trying to stay calm.

[Although you are currently a newborn dragonoid, you still inherited all the traits of the Star Dragon and also the divine magical power of the heroic elf.]

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say, "heroic elf" and-and a dragonoid?" The man asked in confusion and shocked.

[Yes, master. The spirit of heroic elf decided to become one with you, and thus not only serving you as your divine and magical shadow, but also blood.]

[As for the Star Dragon, it merged with your soul along the heroic elf. The heroic elf protected your soul from ripping apart since the you cannot handle the full power of the Star Dragon.]

[I also did my part on protecting your memories, and did a lot of adjustment to stabilize your stats, and thus, you could only used a suitable amount of the power of the the Star Dragon. You could also use the power and knowledge of the heroic elf to use magic.]

"I see...so how would I be able to go home?"


[Master is indeed straightforward.]


For some reason, the man noticed the AI or the system just begun to learn to express 'feelings.' He could felt it because they are one.

[To used the power of the Star Dragon, you need the power of the heroic elf as a support and stabilization.]

"I see, so these weird foreign memories came from the heroic elf, huh? Now I understand if why the heroic elf tried pulled me away from that cosmic dragon."

"It was trying to save me."

[As expected of my master, you are correct.]

"I only have one question. Why did the Star Dragon chose me? Tell me it's what mentioned millions of years ago."

[I actually do not know. I only know you are full of potential as a chosen one.]

"Wow being chosen is tough, huh?"

[No comment...]


The man let out a deep sigh then finally decided. "Okay let's go home."


Meanwhile on gaia; somewhere in the 21st yard of the capital of the country of Hinhinima.

"Sir, have you seen this boy?"

A woman, holding the posters of a missing person, kept on asking the people around in the hopes she could find him. But all the people she asked gave the same answer.

The woman wears a thick olive green hoodie jacket, black jeans and buckled boots. She had a pair of blue round eyes and black hair that only reaches her nape with emo-like bangs hanging around her forehead.

The picture of the posters she was holding was the image of Giljen. It's been almost four days since he went missing and also been having lack of sleep for searching for the missing Giljen.

"Giljen where the heck are you?!" Kiana shouted, worriedly. She got a troubled look like she going to fall into the madness. Dark circles around the corner of her eyes could also be seen.

"No, not you, too."

She was really extremely worried when Giljen didn't go home. At first she thought he's going home late, but she didn't received any text messages from him. Giljen was not the type of a teenager that doesn't update his guardian. He was a responsible boy.

"Please, where are you?!"

Kiana's knees fell down without caring her surroundings. Her mind was filled with only Giljen, fearing she would lose him too.

"No, please...not you, too."

Heavy tears fell from her eyes. She felt like staying there like a helpless plant, begging for even just a small ray of sunlight.

"I can't lose you, too."

She was sobbing in despair, remembering their last meal together, along their last conversation about Kaede and the soccer club. Her known strong personality was overshadowed by her pathetic state.

Suddenly, an unusual phenomenon occurred for a less than second. The surroundings just glitched!

"Huh! What...what just happened?"

Kiana stood up and wiped her tears in confusion. She thought she was just hallucinating, but it felt real.

It was only for less than a second, but she felt it. Soon, a green holographic window appeared before her.

"What is she doing?"

The people around began to avoid her as she attempted to touch the holographic window. It seems she's the only one who could see the window.

"What is this? Am I having hallucination now?"

The holographic window had only a symbolic circle with rune-like characters around of it. When she noticed the gazes of the people around her, Kiana decided to ignore the holographic window. Like how a kid believed and perceived he/she was being followed by the moon, the holographic window followed Kiana. Not a single change of angle could be seen on the holographic window. The only changes was the location.

Without her knowing, Kiana's body was already emitting latent mana the moment the holographic window appeared. She doesn't really cared about it and all she care was to find Giljen.


On her way home, Kiana suddenly felt a heavy pressure from nowhere. The wind blow also became odd and silent... The suddenly the sky, as if a storm a is visiting, was filled with dark clouds.

'That's weird... According to the forecast there will be no rain today.'

Kiana looked at her phone to check the forecast, but no news about any changes of the weather.

Soon after, a small storm-eye-like appeared in the sky. It was impossible to for a normal human eye to be seen, but on Kiana's case was different. She could clearly see it, as if her eyesight could zoom. She could also felt a very terrifying pressure from there, which it made her shivered.

"What's that?"

Kiana was unable to move, in was as if she was being petrified in fear.



[You have successfully opened a portal to the place you desire.]

A red haired figure went out from the portal that appeared in the sky. The figured looked like a teenage boy with a pair of glowing red angelic-dragon wings, similar to the red bright wings of the Star Dragon. His pearl-like skin was even whiter than the milk. His draconic golden eyes was glowing neon gold. And each of his fingers of his hands were all having a draconic golden rose nails.

Soon, after he got out, the portal closed, automatically. The red-haired figure sniff the wind and said in the gentle voice: "I'm finally home."