
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 475: You're Very Powerful


Mo Xiao on the side glanced at the somewhat stunned Zeng Yi upon hearing his words, then looked at his own sister and said worriedly, "Sister, isn't this too much? Lang-ge just recovered, and he might even have forgotten his fighting style. Isn't it too harsh for you to spar with him?"

Upon hearing this, Mo Xin couldn't help but glance at him and said, "Are you saying that I'm bullying him? Why don't you do it then?"


Mo Xiao couldn't help but be taken aback. Then he looked at the tall Zeng Yi and couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Although he was the heir of the dojo in name, his strength was only that of a Spirit Grandmaster at Level 20 or so. At the age of fifteen, this realm may be considered good among his peers in terms of talent, but compared to his sister, it was quite ordinary.

Moreover, he didn't have the ability to teach others! So, it would be better for this matter to be taught by his outstanding sister.

"Hehe, forget it. Sister, it's up to you." Mo Xiao gave a dry laugh and then looked at Zeng Yi with a somewhat pitying gaze.

His older sister's strength was extremely powerful, even though there was only a five-year age difference between them, their strength differed by several major realms.

At such a young age, she had already reached the level of a Spirit King. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been given the title of Sword Scion by the Sword God's Temple!

Although his goal was to surpass his sister and become a dojo master who could stand on his own, this idea was truly difficult to achieve.

Furthermore, he understood his sister's hot-headed temper and recklessness when it came to using her hands.

Could such a person really teach Mo Lang? Beating someone up was what she's good at! Mo Xiao muttered to himself as he watched the two of them standing with bamboo swords in hand.

"Prepare, let's begin."

"Uh, okay."

Zeng Yi, who was still in a daze, couldn't help but raise his head to look at Mo Xin, hurriedly responding before holding a bamboo sword in one hand.

Mo Xin tightly gripped the bamboo sword and looked at Zeng Yi who seemed a little flustered. She couldn't help but have some doubts. Was this person really a master in the art of the sword?

To be honest, losing memories and even losing one's way in their swordsmanship was quite absurd.


Mo Xin sighed inwardly, her gaze becoming sharp. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the dojo became serious.

"Lang, try attacking me."

"Is that okay?" Zeng Yi hesitated as he looked at Mo Xin who appeared serious.

Although Mo Xin, who was assuming a stance, seemed imposing, he always felt that she was full of openings. It seemed that he could defeat her with a casual strike.

Zeng Yi felt a bit scared, not because of the fight, but because of his instinctive fear of his own strength. It felt as though if he were to make a move, a demon would break free from its cage.

His intuition told him that he possessed such terrifying power within his body, so he dared not make a move.

"Then, how about you attack first?" Zeng Yi suggested, feeling a bit bashful.

Upon hearing this, Mo Xin was taken aback and looked at him questioningly. "Are you sure?"

Zeng Yi nodded, indicating that she could rest assured.

Mo Xin couldn't help but sigh. Even though it was like this, Zeng Yi's grip on the sword looked very casual, with openings all over his body, as if he had no defenses at all.

Was it due to excessive confidence, or was he really a novice in swordsmanship?

Mo Xin couldn't quite tell anymore. Previously, she thought that his instinctive execution of basic sword techniques was smooth, making him a formidable master of the sword. But at this moment, she couldn't help but doubt her judgment.

Oh well, let's give it a try. Maybe he'll surprise me.

Mo Xin muttered to herself in her heart and took a deep breath.


A forceful shout resounded in the dojo as Mo Xin tightly held the bamboo sword, her gaze locked onto her opponent. She stepped forward, swung her sword, and struck.

A direct cleave!

The attack was swift, and in the blink of an eye, Mo Xin appeared in front of Zeng Yi. She raised her bamboo sword high, then brought it down.

The bamboo sword without a cutting edge tore through the air and slashed towards Zeng Yi's forehead.

Zeng Yi just stood there dumbfounded, lifting his head to watch as the bamboo sword descended, without any reaction.

It seemed that he hadn't had a chance to dodge.

"Dodge quickly!"

Mo Xiao, who was watching on the side, saw this scene and shouted loudly in worry, but Zeng Yi didn't show any sign of wavering.

In the eyes of others, Zeng Yi seemed to have already lost. The gap between the two of them was visibly large.

However, in Zeng Yi's perspective, there was a different scene playing out.

Lifting his head, he watched as the bamboo sword descended, and in the next moment, it would strike his head. However, in this instant, no trace of panic could be seen in his eyes. Instead, he seemed calm, as calm as still water.

So slow!

For some reason, Zeng Yi felt that Mo Xin's movements were so slow, even though they appeared lightning-fast to others. In his eyes, everything was progressively slowing down.

He could clearly capture the trajectory of her movements, and even hear her breathing and heartbeat. In just an instant, he could perceive every flaw she had.

These attacks full of openings and the speed of these attacks made Zeng Yi have no desire to dodge. Even though the bamboo sword would strike his forehead in the next second, he felt confident that he could evade this attack and even subdue the attacker.


At the final moment, much to Mo Xiao's astonishment, the bamboo sword stopped half an inch away from Zeng Yi's forehead.

The wind pressure from the bamboo sword blew away Zeng Yi's long hair.

Mo Xiao relaxed his tense heart when he saw his sister promptly pull back.

Mo Xin looked at Zeng Yi, who stood motionless, and couldn't help but feel annoyed. She sheathed her bamboo sword and stared at him with her big eyes. "Lang, what are you doing? Why didn't you move at all? It was very dangerous, you know!"

Looking at Mo Xin, Zeng Yi scratched his cheek somewhat awkwardly and said, "Sorry, your movements were too fast. I didn't react in time."

As he spoke, Zeng Yi felt quite embarrassed.

Actually, he just felt that Mo Xin's strength was weak and her speed was slow, which gave him no desire to dodge. However, Zeng Yi also understood that he couldn't say such things directly.

Some face had to be saved for her.

"You're very powerful. I'm no match for you." Zeng Yi looked at Mo Xin with a serious expression as he said this against his heart.

"Haha, that's not true. I'm merely average." Mo Xin originally had a face full of annoyance, but after hearing this word of praise, her annoyed expression instantly disappeared, replaced by a triumphant look.

Although she knew she was outstanding, hearing someone say it so seriously, even she, who was straightforward, felt a bit embarrassed.

However, Zeng Yi truly couldn't see any hint of embarrassment on her proud face.

"Sister, I told you, you're a Spirit King at Level 53. How could Lang-ge possibly be your match when you spar right from the start?" Mo Xiao complained to his sister.

However, Mo Xin sternly glared at him and scolded, "What does me being a Spirit King have to do with anything? Did you see me using spirit power or my Martial Spirit? It's just a basic sword spar!"

"Uh, now that you mention it!" After hearing this, Mo Xiao felt that it made sense.

Glancing at her silly little brother, Mo Xin looked at Zeng Yi and said, "Lang, let's continue. This time, you attack me, and I'll be your sparring partner."

"Ah? No, no!" Zeng Yi shook his head when he heard that they were going to fight again.

"Let's start from the basics. It's just a spar, and I'm confused about what I should do. I don't have a clue." Zeng Yi suggested with some reluctance.

Seeing Zeng Yi's unwillingness, Mo Xin thought that she had scared him earlier, making him unwilling to spar with her. Helplessly, she could only agree.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have been so hasty. Starting from scratch was also a good method. Maybe it would help him recover his memories of practicing swordsmanship!



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