
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 474: Eastern Continent, the Land of Swords!


In the early morning, groggy eyed Mo Xin pushed open the door and stepped out of her room. In the courtyard, a man tightly held a wooden stick and practiced swinging and chopping.

"Mo Xiao, why are you up so early today? You've started practicing early! Are you out of your mind?" Mo Xin, still half asleep, was surprised to see someone practicing in the courtyard.

She rubbed her eyes and took another look, only to realize that the person practicing swings was not her younger brother Mo Xiao, but the man who woke up yesterday.

How could it be him?

Realizing it was Zeng Yi, Mo Xin's drowsiness instantly disappeared, and she quickly walked over.

"What are you doing, Mo Lang?" she asked.

Hearing her voice, the man stopped his movements, put down the wooden stick, and turned to look at Mo Xin who was walking towards him.

"What's the matter, Mo Xin?" he asked, looking puzzled.

Mo Xin looked at him in astonishment and pointed to the one-meter long round wooden stick in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Mo Xin asked, clearly surprised.

Zeng Yi glanced at the wooden stick in his hand and scratched his head, also feeling perplexed.

"I don't know, but at this time, I feel like I should be doing this, so my body just started moving."

Hearing his words, Mo Xin couldn't help but feel excited. She stared at him with eyes shining, as if she was looking at a treasure.

"If that's the case, it means that this is a reflex of your body, an instinct!"


"Yes, instinct! Mo Lang, do you know what kind of training you just did?"

He shook his head.

"Weren't you training your swing with the wooden stick?"


Seeing his dumbfounded look, Mo Xin patted his broad shoulders and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"How could there be such a silly person! Hahaha, it seems like your amnesia has made you forget even some common knowledge."

Since he lost his memory and even forgot his own name, Mo Xin had to come up with a name for him, so she called him Mo Lang.

He was washed ashore by the waves of sea and saved by Mo Xiao, combined it with their surname, Mo, to create the name Mo Lang.

[Notes: làng means waves in Chinese.]

Mo Xin stopped laughing and her expression became serious. She looked at Zeng Yi and said, "The training you just did is called Basic Sword Form!"

"Basic Sword Form?" he repeated, curious.

Mo Xin nodded and continued, "Now, let me tell you some basic knowledge. Our place is called the Eastern Continent. Here, when everyone turns six years old, they undergo a spirit awakening and then start cultivating spirit power to become Spirit Masters!"

Zeng Yi looked even more confused. "Spirit awakening? Spirit Master? Am I a Spirit Master?"

"Yes, you are definitely a Spirit Master, and a strong one at that. Otherwise, you wouldn't have survived until now."

"Is there a difference between a Spirit Master and a strong Spirit Master?" he asked with confusion.

"Of course there is! Although everyone can become a Spirit Master, there is still a difference between them. The determining factor of a Spirit Master's strength is the level of spirit power. Every ten levels form a major realm, and the higher the level, the stronger the Spirit Master's power."

However, Zeng Yi sensed that something was not right. "Wait,Mo Xin, what does this have to do with Basic Sword Form?"

Mo Xin explained, "Of course, it's related, because everyone has a Martial Spirit! In Eastern Continent, most people have martial spirits that are swords or blades. So, Eastern Continent is a Land of Swords."

And Basic Sword Form is the basic training for cultivating the sword path. It can be said that almost everyone here has practiced Basic Sword Form.

But to be able to do it like you did, even if you've lost your memory and even forgot your own name, but to still remember Basic Sword Form and make it a reflex of your body, it's not something that can be remembered after hundreds or thousands of training sessions.

This shows that you have been practicing Basic Sword Form every day. Your accumulated training has made your body instinctively respond to Basic Sword Form!"

While speaking, Mo Xin suddenly reached out and placed her hands on Zeng Yi's shoulders, her eyes shining brightly as she excitedly exclaimed, "This means that you, too, are a master of the sword!"


"Definitely. I trust my instincts, so you should trust me too!"


Zeng Yi nodded in a somewhat understanding manner, though he was still a little perplexed.

"Mo Lang, wait for me in the training ground. I'll go get that guy, Mo Xiao."

Mo Xin patted Zeng Yi's shoulder with a smile on her face, then turned and ran towards Mo Xiao's room, kicking the door open.

"Mo Xiao, when are you going to sleep? Even Mo Lang wakes up earlier than you! Get up and make breakfast for me!"

After breakfast, the three of them arrived at the spacious training ground. They were all dressed in white martial arts uniforms. Mo Xin knelt in front, while Mo Xiao and the now-called Mo Lang, Zeng Yi, sat on both sides.

Mo Xin straightened her attire, wearing a serious expression as she announced, "Today is a great day for the Swift Wind Sword Dojo as it officially begins. First, let us warmly welcome our school's first disciple, Mo Lang!"

Clap, clap, clap~

After speaking, Mo Xin and Mo Xiao were beaming with happy smiles, their excited gazes fixed on Zeng Yi as they vigorously applauded.

However, Zeng Yi, sitting on the side, felt a little confused.

"Disciple? What does that mean?" he asked.

Mo Xin explained, "It means a student. Mo Lang, from now on, you will be our school's disciple, our first student! You're the eldest brother!"

Understanding, Zeng Yi nodded, still somewhat puzzled as he looked at Mo Xiao across from him and asked, "Isn't Mo Xiao also a disciple?"

"Hehe, I'm the Swift Wind Sword Dojo's inheritor, the next-generation head!" Mo Xiao proudly puffed out his chest.

"Heh heh, I haven't seen such a weak inheritor before!" retorted Mo Xin sarcastically, making Mo Xiao feel a little embarrassed.

"I'm still young, give me a few more years, and I will definitely reach the same realm as you, sister!" Mo Xiao scratched his head, speaking with a lack of confidence.

He knew very well that his sister had better talent for cultivation. Even among their peers in Eastern Continent, she was outstanding, having received the title of Sword Scion from the Sword God's Temple at a young age.

If it weren't for the fact that only males could inherit the Swift Wind Sword Dojo, he would have no chance.

"So, you have to work hard!" Mo Xin encouraged her brother before turning her gaze to Zeng Yi.

"Alright, now that the school has been officially opened, let's begin today's training!"

As she spoke, she stood up and walked towards the weapon rack on the side, picking up two bamboo swords.

"Mo Lang, based on my analysis, you are definitely a master of the sword. Therefore, the best way for you to regain your memories is through sword training!"

Mo Xin turned around and tossed Zeng Yi a bamboo sword.

"You can train with me in a mock battle first. It might help you recall some familiar memories."

Zeng Yi caught the bamboo sword and stared at it, feeling somewhat lost.


[[Notes: So ya, our MC will gain his memories around Chapter 490 and we will not be nerfing him. So, stay tuned!]]


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